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diabetes and cancers cured |
Ever since then I have in publishing Internet documents detailing how I used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the bottom right of my diabetic friends chest, and cleared his type two diabetes.
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Every Dr. MX a solemn pledge to be a aware off, and validate and then use best new medical science. Or strike themselves off the doctors' medical register themselves! They loose Health Insurance, and all medical practice is then criminal.
But 2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers: the ultrasound I used is the right specification!
Cancer is should have been such an easy cure! The condition they see a two year agonising death and a Bio chemistry. No biochemical research into cancer has been legal since 2002. As medicine prohibits research into treatments for already cured conditions.
So cancer research is raising charitable donations, to make payroll. He can not fond registered doctors to research biochemistry and cancer: as all 200 cancers are cured!
1 minute of HIUS externally cures all human cancers.
minute to the bottom right of the chest clears type one diabetes - personally confirmed 2016. So since 2013 no registered Dr. In the UK should have prescribed metformin.
Prescribing metformin causes a diabetic decline to death within a decade! Such as substandard medicine. And the doctors all had the validated HIUS device - Susan allowed to validate the cancer cure.
Yeah suppose the registered medics are still prescribing the defective and criminal cancer drugs. Leading to the avoidable deaths of 1.4 million people around the world every year. But all cancers are totally cured in 1 minute without medication!
So all diabetes is cured by 1 minute or less of HIUS - as every registered Dr. Has personally confirmed. Or they were struck off for their own hands. No metformin prescription legal.
Which explains why the drug company has salts or metformin patent! Nobody should be prescribing metformin today. They can buying the ultrasound device over the Internet for under five UK pounds, and clear all diabetes for under 1 minute.
Also clearing all 200 types of human cancers. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Including Covid flu and the common cold.
Medicine prohibits giving a vaccination for a cured condition. As a vaccination deliberately kills one in 200 healthy an innocent people.
Since 2021 3.5 billion people have received a Covid19 vaccination where were automatically in the year of Covid20: the Covid number increases every year on the 1st of October.
To reflect the four genetic changes in the previous year to the influence or viral family. So the Covid19 vaccination cured not one person! And the vaccination itself was never licensed for human use before it was obsolete.
Any Dr. Giving the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination required to strike themselves off and cease medical practice! Losing Health Insurance they have no choice. Although prescriptions are now are invalid and illegal.
No registered pharmacist should ever have filled the drug orders. And no nurse hot give the vaccination. Or more than the struck off! Along with the biochemical drug company. Like Astra Zeneca.
Who was struck off 2002 for its continued manufacture and sale of cancer drugs using chemo and radio therapy: then defective and criminal medicine! The Hippocratic N oath dictates they lose all other biochemical drug patents.
They cease to have any share price. And are bankrupt! Doctors can just one Covid vaccination tour sir struck off totally.
All doctors giving an metformin or insane prescriptions since 2013 and 2016, also struck off. No legal argument! Not doctors anymore.
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