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carbon 0 natural gas is free and easy to make |
When you burn or oil or gas you oxidise the carbon. But that takes in energy. The big energy release is from the nuclear fusion we are doing.
Some the hydrogen ions bond together to form helium heat and X rays! They also emit light - of which there is no chemical source! You everywhere he is familiar mode or oil or gas mains give out light. If they had a handy Geiger counter, they can measure the X rays.
The marriage of helium gas is a very very small! But detectable.
1 CH₄+3O₂+spark→CO₂+2H₂O+L+X-ray
Firms can fire up a steam plasma and get them there he required to run a steam turbine and. To generate electricity and.
2 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) we use the electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the steam plasma. My American friends actually do some confirmation work this week - after any backing into do so for a month.
He found that a 30x1cm regular steam plasma, when initiated using a high voltage electronics like from old fluorescent light, star sustained! They've rating a constant 1 MW of heat.
This will utilises 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. Totally carbon neutral heat generation. We drive a commercially sourced steam turbine and get at 500 kW of DC Power. We generate AC power a phase and voltage linked to the national grid. And sell our excess power to the national grid - getting an annual check 44 million UK pounds every year. The carbon neutral power for 150 houses!
Science totally accessible to the garage hobbyist. So or companis can happy generate 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity. They can become the major part of ions in the world! All totally carbon neutral.
As a working hours they do the electrolysis of water and form separate strains of hydrogen and oxygen gases: oxygen has highly commercial value. We use a car no heat pump to chill the oxygen to be liquid oxygen.
We then had a hydrogen to carbon dioxide which we have chilled out of the air - he condenses at -20° C. We need either, so gases two of over 380° C.
The simplest way he issues the gases as the cold or end of the car no heat pump. To recycle the waste heat!
Passed over her aluminium honeycomb, the 1912 noble prize describes her the gases will unburn, to form methane and water.
3 CO₂+3H₂+(Al)+TU-P→CH₄+2H₂O+(Al) The aluminium is a face centre cubic metal. Which capitalises hydrogen reactions. So the metal is not used up!
We get out methane and water. As described above we call the methane out, and side to the gas main! As carbon neutral natural gas: which are only releases the carbon dioxide when burnt at higher pressure, taken in to form methane at low pressure.
The aluminium catalyst is not strictly necessary! If it just improves our reaction rates! So engineering company is can set up in the lunch hour, to a basically unlimited amounts of methane - natural gas. Mass of the undercutting the inflated price of Russian gas. Which let us not forget as carbon dioxide to the global air!
Which actually increases plant growth around the world. The Jurassic and masterly fewer fossil fuels, twice the carbon dioxide level in the air, 85% more life on earth and sea levels 60 metres lower. And three natural ice ages, made carbon dioxide will have increased to eight parts per million.
Physicist made up man made global warming! The world has been cooling naturally since 1995 - controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles. The whirl climate will start cooling next year!
But the temperate average carbon dioxide around the world has been fixed at a static two parts for million during the present epoch: since before mankind evolved! Burning fossil fuels has increased active biological life on earth, it is not increase of carbon dioxide level in the temperate air.
In the arctic winter there is no photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide doubles to four PPM, air temperature -50° C. Whoever invented manmade global warming climate change is a serious biological idiot!
Carbon dioxide levels rise in the cold! They doubled in the little ice age of the 18th century. The industrial revolution has not seeing carbon dioxide levels increase.
They fell at the end of the little ice age! But no company is can fire up A steam plasma. And get a massive free heat!
My calculations indicate a steam plasma are four atmospheres, will release a constant 2.4 MW of heat: as my American friend confirmed with a 30 cm steam plasma, at one atmosphere!
So company is can use to freeze 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity. And use a minuscule fraction to freeze more natural gas and the world desires!
All the and users will fire up a 25x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres and get out a constant 1.2 MW of heat. And generate 600 kW of carbon neutral electrical power. The carbon neutral electricity for 80 houses.
And cease to burn any oil or gas! Using the exit steam as the three central heating heat! So who will burn natural gas? Company is can produce a Leavers' methane. Which nobody will wish to burn!
A steam plasma is carbon neutral free heat and electricity. With no radioactive processes involved! Present uranium nuclear power requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion per 100 MW power plant. They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million!
The most hyper toxic and an insurable industry ever. And a plasma is 80 times as dynamic, and totally nontoxic. Game over for a nuclear power.
The can easily trickle methane down a honeycomb at the me and catalyst, and petrol will drip out. Basically free E carbon neutral petrol.
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