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cancers cured 2 decades ago! |
That year three medical professors published the use of High ntensity UltraSound, as a one session external application to clear all pressurise cell types.
This in clears all cancers and viruses - plus bacterial infections. 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz clears all 200 cancers out there - I apply the fall strength ultrasound to where it hurts.
You can buy a the unit over the Internet for under five UK pounds, and used as home will cure all cancers that ever exist! The type is immaterial.
So 2002 and the prescription of cancer drugs became defective and criminal medicine: and as a idea was medically published, it had to personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth - floor bought an 8 W three MHZ unit. And validated it cleared all cancers!
But it made them no money. Totally healing all cancers out there! Saving every cancer patient life. But doctors continue prescribing the no defective and criminal cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy. The medical law is very specific.
Doctors are obliged to know about and use best new medicine! Ceasing to apply the old and now defective medicine. So prescribing cancer drugs after 2002 was criminal medical malpractice.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company! And doctors are not allowed to be ignorant about medical advances. So every registered Dr. Bought and validated a HIUS unit. And the prescription or cancer drugs as an defective and criminal!
But it made so much money! So the former doctors to enter medical murder, premier turn a profit.
The drug company is are all bound by the same Hippocratic oath. They had to validate and then make new medicine. Ceasing the manufacture and sale of or walled her defective medical ideas.
So no drug company was allowed to make and sell cancer drugs after the Moffitt Paper 2002. The penalty is for the Dr. and drug company two years struck off! And removed totally from medicine.
The drug company is lose all other biochemical drug patents. And cease to be licence biochemical drug companies. Although drugs now a illegal prescriptions!
So Astra Zeneca was struck off 2002. Never an legal drug company ever again! Even today all these drugs are criminal prescriptions. And there is no excuse for making defective drugs.
They earn a room full higher paid lawyers! Who can say and not one word as the drug company contravenes the Hippocratic oath.
Two weeks ago air 1.6 million people were still being medicated to death for cancers: but since 2002 no cancer drug prescription was legal medicine! This figure rose to 1.4 million people being medicated to an needless an agonising death.
1 minute of HIUS to cancer from minute clears all cancers from the body. The immune system will clear the secondary cancer outbreaks automatically!
Every prescribing Dr. Has the personally validated HIUS unit unused in the nursing office. Just one prescription of cancer drugs since 2002 struck off the Dr. and drug company.
Each cancer patient death warrants a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, each involved Dr. It giving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.
The a assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus their respective drug company all struck off! Remove them cells instantly from legal medicine - 20 years ago!
So for last 20 years after Zeneca has had zero share price! It could not legally borrow from the banks to make payroll: the most bankrupt corporation in corporate history.
Ater so now all ER 200 drug company is also are continued with the illegal manufacture of cancer drugs. Removing them cells totally from legal medicine.
½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clears coronary heart disease. As the inflated bacterial structure left behind from full infections, is cleared away. And the coronary heart disease vanishes.
2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the lower right of the chest cleared type two diabetes. 2016 I confirmed the experience of my American diabetic contacts, that 1 minute totally cleared type one diabetes. Which otherwise only remitted in three days! How much of a rash are you in.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Again the pressurise cells are disrupted and cleared from the body.
This works for all strains of Covid flu. Covid19 was the Time Ltd. influence or version from 2019. Only exist in for a year from the 1st of October, 2019. The 1st of October, 2020 we were on Covid20.
Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - totally irresponsibly at the Covid19 vaccination: which is only halfway three drug testing when obsolete! And so never a legal human drug.
So just one Covid vaccination in history, and the Dr. and drug company both struck off and remove from legal medicine. We are now on the year of Covid21. Totally cleared by local application of HIUS.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²
All viral cells are blown away! And they're all power from an infection site in the lungs. As he infective bacteria! So HIUS clear cell wall in 1 minute.
The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed: no registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe the obsolete an unlicensed medication with fatal results. It is medical murder!
Vaccinations deliberately killing one patient in 200! But all viral and bacterial infections are cured with HIUS - no patient deaths.
One Covid vaccination and the Dr. struck off! Along with the involved drug company. Who happens to be Astra Zeneca again! Struck off 2002. Not a legal biochemistry company ever scenes.
Or there drugs outside patent protection and illegal prescriptions! The most bankrupt corporation in history.
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