Saturday, 30 April 2022

Wetting the Sahra

make deserts bloom

In the days of the Roman empire Saudi Arabia said Rome.  The Sahra deserts was a grain facet of the Roman empire.  It and every defied in the little ice age, due to man's makes management of the area!

Now Saudi Arabia has been wrecked due to or oil extraction!  Or oil prices recently have crashed.  As people have realized that are steam plasma is a far better Energy System.  Or oil or gas burning only releases 45 kW/m of burners.

1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²= 2.4 MW/m our carbon zero heat.

The plasma breaks the water molecules apart into positive ions and free electrons.

2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ this is physics!  High school physics.  Which are started as an 18 year old.

So we get a chaotic missed of atomic nuclei and electrons.  And just occasionally the hydrogen ions and electrons collide.  They do not annihilate.  Positrons and electrons would do.  They bond to form the composite particle of a neutron.

A hydrogen ion is a proton bonded to one or more neutrons - usually one/

3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰+X-ray

Every physicist student electric has just started paying attention!  This is a non nuclear source of neutrons.  They all plasma had it does not utilised or produce any radioactive isotopes.

An main energy release comes as a hydrogen ion bonds with to neutrons.  To form tritium.  Return undergoes nuclear fission almost instantly.

4 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+x-ray) About 2.4 MW/m results 

Tritium has a half-life of 12.5 years against β-decay.  But that is without a higher levels of X ray radiation buzzing around.

Here the half-life of tritium is measured in hundredths of a second.

Me while the oxygen positive ions, bond with four neutrons, to end up as four a hydrogen ions and free electrons.

5 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻ professor Z would give me grief, if my equations did not balance.

So then we get 4.  So much of the nuclear fission of hydrogen ions and electrons into heat light and X rays.  Totally carbon zero heat!  We've had twice the dynamism of lightning.  That does molecular nuclear fusion.

6 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+E²+L+X-ray E²=2.5 MW from of 1.5 x 2cm pressurise steam plasma.  Set up by heavy rain or snow also do molecular nuclear fusion.

So there is a lightening strike every 3 minutes throughout the year somewhere around the earth.  Which is nature doing molecular nuclear fusion in earth's atmosphere.  Involving no toxic radioactive materials.  Converting regular water into helium and oxygen ions, plus we've heavy rain or snow we get no visible light, but we do get X-ray radiation.

So continuously all around the earth throughout the year, nature is doing nuclear fusion in the air.  The idea was suggested to me by professor Z, who lost all interest in researching the subject where nuclear power purchased the chair of engineering for him.

His uncle helped devise cold fusion at Columbia University.  Where the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam, does molecular nuclear fusion!  6.  It seems so obvious really - then pointed out to you.

So in an enclosed cylinder we do 4.  And her or the matter into heat light and X rays.  Totally carbon zero heat.  Without any radioactive waste!

Present uranium nuclear power insist on using uranium fission rods, to drive a steam cycle.  Which does molecular nuclear fusion!  How to get out more heat than E=mc² - as the molecular nuclear fusion are doing is 80 times as dynamic as uranium nuclear fission.

And by firing up a plasma, we ask eight the need to have any fossil fuel burn on any hyper toxic nuclear fission from uranium.

Uranium nuclear power is so toxic, every nuclear power plant know requires 100 billion of annual insurance, for 100 MW are generated power.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.

So every nuclear power plant in the world is running criminally under insured.  And the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every operating nuclear power plant.  And not be distracted by holding annual conference is into carbon dioxide!

Plants on land and sea converts extra carbon dioxide into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes during the day.  Capping carbon dioxide levels in the temperate air at a Prix industrial two parts per million.

Above the arctic ice In winter there is no photosynthesis.  So we have 4 PPM carbon dioxide in the air, attempt to -50° C.  Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas!  These levels reflect the photosynthesis going on locally.

It does not make it to the stratosphere.  Where our weather is made.  Where the controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.  Solar weather has been warming since 1995: hence nuclear power started promoting the meaningless manmade climate change!  Cover for natural global cooling.

The natural climate will stop warming again next year!  So all the academics all dust off their papers into manmade global warming.  Ignoring the 28 year period of global cooling we have all lived through.

A plasma power plant requires no impossible insurance cover.  And they can be utilised by the garage scientist.

A 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into 1.2 MW of carbon zero mains electricity.  We synchronise our AC with the mains voltage frequency and phase.  So we can sell our excess current to the grid.

Every house requiring under 8 kW of electrical current.  So we get a check from the national grid for six million UK pounds.  For all our lovely carbon zero current.

To drive a car or can utilised a 25cm steam plasma are four atmospheres.  Which will release a constant 600 kW of carbon zero heat.

We drive a thermoelectric generator, and get out 75 kW of DC Power.  So free use an infinite range electric car.  That never needs any back to charging: man made CH the Ford Motor company and BMW, who utilised the 1930s technology of the thermoelectric generator, to free use a carbon zero power.

At 100 MW power station we utilised just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  We calculated this number, as though he set up the system 2008, they could not measure any water usage.  It is a very very tiny.

I car utilises 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year to be on the road constantly!  Your vertically never measure it in a 1000 lifetimes.

So totally carbon zero power generation and car locomotion.  Utilising no fossil fuel burn and definitely no hyper toxic and uninsurable uranium nuclear power.

The late professor Argent got me back to Sheffield doing a PH D work, despite suffering 30% brain damage in a car accident.  As I a pointed out the insurance problem with uranium nuclear power, in my Systems Engineering essay 1983.

Three years before Chernobyl!  After which the required insurance rose to be 40 billion.  90% of the safety recommendations were never implemented.  Like a backup water cooling system.

Who owns an earthquake caused Fukushima in Japan.  The required insurance there and became 100 billion.

So I suffered from the curse of Casandra - to see into the future of but never to be believed.  Professor Argent died 2015.  Frustrated by other academics would not take in C a C and a daughter photosynthesis eating carbon dioxide.

He had a different Greek curse.

Parrhesia - Wikipedia › wiki › Parrhesia

In rhetoric, parrhesia is a figure of speech described as "speak[ing] candidly or ... ask[ing] forgiveness for so speaking". This Ancient Greek word has ...

τα φυτά τρώνε διοξείδιο του άνθρακα

To where the Sahara we use high school physics.  We erect solar panels snorkelling water out of the Red sea.  As we apply just 1m of vacuum the water loses all salts, heavy metals and contaminants.

It is 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water.  So you spread of pure water missed at the ages of the Sahra Desert.  And we cite the thin grass maps impregnated with grass seed.

The grass sprouts, sucking carbon dioxide as the air.  But already the plants in the sea there free carbon dioxide to the temperate limit of two PPM.

We forest over what is now at desert.  And also plant a tree seedlings in soil boils.  They sure we regularly fertilise the growing grass lands.

Thus ensuring Saudi Arabia all the carbon negative.  Sucking in more carbon dioxide from the air, than burning oil releases around the world!  Which after all is all we can ask for.

For what was once the major oil supplier in the world, to the carbon negative.  Week in use the same idea Mexico, to turn the Mexican Desert back into lash arable areas.

Exit key are now produces more oil than surgery Arabia.  And again turning the deserts into lash Savannah will make Mexico go carbon negative.

But really manmade global warming climate change, were only ever biologically stupid science fiction from the paid phones to nuclear power.  But nuclear power bills its plants using loads and loads of concrete.

Releasing the two years the power plant construction, the Covent carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant, over 25 years.  After 25 years the nuclear plant is decommissioned.

And I reiterate, now or nuclear power is privatized, it's plant is responsible for its own hundred billion of annual insurance cover.  There is no insurance available above one billion!

So all nuclear power in the world is operating criminally under insured.  And so massively hyper toxic!

Plasma power will cost under 0.5 P per kilowatt hour.  Hyper toxic nuclear power cast over two P per kilowatt hour.  So a plasma power is fantastically inexpensive and totally safe.

And the garage santis can set up a plasma power plant, in his back garden, and free use a carbon zero electricity for 60 houses.  They get an annual income of three million UK pounds for all these excess carbon zero current.

And it is 1950s technology!  We borrow the electronics from old fluorescent light, to start the plasma off.  Which self sustains at just four atmospheres.

Friday, 29 April 2022

Death of the vaccination

I got my weekly e-mail from Salford health people, energy need to get a Covid 19 poster.  Covid19 was the regular human influenza virus from the 1st of October, 2019 and till the 31st of September, 2020.

It would have taken six months to produce a Covid 19 vaccination - which are dangerous medicines!  Vaccine to be intentionally kill one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals.  So they are reserved for the worst infections - not the regular flu!

Covid has been the regular human flu since 1934, wuth Covid34 - the number just denotes the year of that winter.  All Covid kills 3.5% of infected people.  Vaccinations kill 0.5% of all the people vaccinated!

And as Covid19 no longer circulates the world from the 31st of September 2020, the vaccination is infinitely more fatal than a nonexistent virus.  And medics are not allowed to Kiev a treatment which is more fatal than the infection!

And Covid19 no longer exists!  So no the hell people are promoting a Covid immune booster.  Which is medical rubbish!  But they have stopped trying to polish the defective vaccination.

And GP's ever giving a Covid vaccination was struck off the same day.  And prosecuted for the most prolific mass murdering bastards in history.  No Covid vaccination could ever be licensed, before being obsolete.

So now they are promoting an immune system booster.  Interesting and totally unlicensed!

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  It cured AIDs 2012.  From December 2019 Chinese medics applied this High Intensity UltraSound to Corona virus.  Unless 44,000 cases on earth would cured!

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Hence the Moffitt cancer centre published 2002, this single application of HIUS as a total viral the cancer cure.  1 minute externally to any cancer it clears all 200 types of human cancer.  1 minute to the lungs clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any Dr. or drugs interaction.

Corona it would appear to have been a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 - which escaped from the Wuhan biochemical laboratory in China.  Never anywhere else in the world!

No relationship with her next year's Covid19.  Which is just the usual flu for 2019.  Covid he's had a new version every year since 1934.

So the Covid immune system booster.  Totally unlicensed and impossible!  So HIUS cures all infections at home.  Using an Internet ultrasound massage device, costing under five UK pounds!  There so the bus fare to and from the doctors' surgery.  No drug use involved.  Antibiotic tolerance is irrelevant!

And he will cure every cancer and bacterial infections that ever exist.  In the same whether all cancers was suddenly cures 2002: there doctors to they are still prescribing the defective and criminal cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy.

Medically executing their patients for amusement and profit!  All cancer drugs are criminal and have been for 20 years.

We are now or in the year of Covid21 - which has a of the Osborne has found out his cost, ignores the partially fatal Covid19 vaccination.  Osi has a call case against the vaccinating Dr.: Deliberately injecting the far too fatal medicine, when the Covid19 vaccine has never been extinct for three years.

But was he is Dr. Has the validated HIUS unit - to clear all types of human cancer in 1 minute.  ½ minute to the chest of Covid patients will cure all patients of the viral infection.  They will fill fluy for 2 hours, but then be totally better.

The 1 minute total cure to all bacterial infections.  ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest clears the viral structure causing type two diabetes.

Type one diabetes requires the full minute.  There is totally cured!  ½ minute to the top left to the chest and the back of each kidney, totally clears raised blood pressure and divide coronary heart disease.

As medically published by doctors 2012.  Since when there prescription of heart medication has been defective and criminal medical malpractice.

And all Covid flu strains are cured!  An where cured 2002, with a publication other Moffitt cancer centre paper.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally cleared the SARs viral outbreak from Asia 2003.  Cause particularly by Covid3.

So all Covid medication is defective and criminal medicine.  Each prescribing Dr. Struck off instantly!  Along with the involved drug company, nurses and pharmacists.

Any nurse who has helped with the delivery or cancer drugs since 2002, has violated their nightingale pledge.  And the struck off the first day she helped deliver defective medicine.

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Biggest news story ever

AIDs cured 2012

In 2000 professor Z suggested that High Intensity UltraSound settled nuclear fusion in liquid water.  I wrote this idea of a that the restriction of cancer growth rates.  2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published HIUS as a single session total cure for all 200 types of human cancer.

Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers

1 minute of external 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all types of human and animal cancer.  So since 2002 no research into biochemical treatments for cancer has been legal.  And no prescription of cancer treatments since the Moffitt Paper has been legal either.

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage EB

Last one 6 sold

Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  There doctors have continued medicating an estimated 200,000,000 global so that citizens to an needless death.

There is a total legal fine of 2000 trillion!  Massively in excess of the worth of the planet.  And medical schools are heavily dependent on biochemical research into cancer and other diseases.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Included the common cold and Covid flu!  This idea was used 2003 to eradicate the SARs viral outbreak in Asia: caused by Covid3.

Medicine still does not comprehend where there disease vanished.  It was cured!

I wrote the idea up about AIDs 2008.  And got on with other work.  As though I had gay friends, nor though I knew I had HIV AID.s

Then in 2012 I heard from a guy in New York, who was HIV⁺.  He bought and used his own ultrasound massage device of the right specification.  And cured his AIDs.

The week viral condition which he killed five million people, including Freddie Mercury, was cured in 1 minute.  The world has spent 5 billion researching the condition.

That have led to the development of AIDs treatments.  And and 50 UK pounds a month, to had died within a decade!

HIUS clear the condition in 1 minute.  The suitable devices are available over the Internet for 45 UK pounds: now a five UK pounds.

So since 2012 no registered Dr. Was allowed to research on medicate AIDs.  An yet they did!

Sheffield University which is happening devise the idea of HIUS did not even give me the PH D I had earned.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, over the base of the rib cage over the liver, clears all types or hepatitis A...F.

½ minute of a vamost the chest clears type two diabetes.  The full minute clears type one diabetes!  And 1 minute externally to where it hurts clears all 200 types of human cancer.

There was such a big fuss made about AIDs, total silence on its cure!  And no noble prize for ever awarded.  Remember I did not even get the Ph.D.!

Clearing all hepatitis

the liver healed
In 2002 three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers plus from bacterial infections.

And it works for all age groups!  So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, on the base so your ribcage will clear hepatitis A...C.  It causes the inflated viral cells to boil and rupture.

The liver then makes and actions the specific human antibody, to clear the exploding cell type totally from the body.  This is the idea that cures all cancers!  Plus viruses like AIDs and all strains of Covid flu and the common cold.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The PR firms are employed for the drug companies, fell back on the usual 'to of a different'.  Not here!  This idea will clear all charter cancers and liver diseases.

A 1 minute total cure to hepatitis.  For all age groups!

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

All diabetes has been cured

diabetes cured totally

½ minute of high intensity ultrasound to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, clears the inflated viral structure causing type two diabetes.  In the same way that 1 minute externally to where it hurts, clears all cancers.

The drug industry has a big problem with this.  As the 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device will clear type two diabetes in ½ minute.  No Dr. or repeat prescription involved!

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage EB

Last one 6 sold

The drug industry is fuming!  It keeps the nursing press her diabetes treatments, and all the former diabetic must do not go back to the doctors!  As they no longer have diabetes.

1 minute to the bottom right of the chest clears type one diabetes totally.  Again no drugs or decayed long descent to death involved! 

Lightening is carbon zero energy

Carbon 0 heat
Heavy rain or snow storms, do molecular nuclear fusion: the idea prefer us to me by professor Z, but manouver late Professor Bernard Argent from Sheffield University.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray

So the turbulence on pressurised heavy precipitation, does nuclear fusion - even in the arctic air at -50° C.  And geography has put on record the emission of X rays an production of helium and free radical oxygen gases.

In a confined glass cylinder, it is a bit more complicated!

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and negative charge falls of electrons to the ground.  At 5000 volts we get the discharge to 100 amps we get the discharge electrons.

2 H₂O+P+PL→E²+L+X-ray where PL is a plasma.

This breaks the water molecules apart into positive ions and free electrons.  And we get every year, nation of hydrogen ions and free electrons, to form neutrons.  A non nuclear source of neutrons.


These are so important as a enrich the atomic nuclei, and cause repeated nuclear fission into hydrogen ions and free electrons.

4 ̾⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻

The presence of the neutrons makes the fish and chain exothermic - so they happen.  Usually atomic nuclei below iron take in energy as they undergo nuclear fusion.

Are big energy release can sue the nuclear fission of hydrogen and helium.

5 H⁺+2n⁰→E²+L+X-ray

This results in a lightning strike giving out light and X rays, and releasing 1.2 MW/m from a 1.5km lightening volts.

In an enclosed glass cylinder, the neutrons loss from a free lightening strike, bond with the atomic nuclei.  And we get twice the energy release of molecular nuclear fusion from a lightening bolt.

6 (H₂O+P+PL) enclosed→2(E²+L+X-ray)

So we have got massive carbon neutral heat creation!  2.4 MW from a 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres.  Lightening is set over eight atmospheres, collapsing at three.

My American friend fired up a steam plasma, without any regard for the pressure!  Biology university department has shown no interest in giving the world carbon zero heat creation.

My friend firm that a 30x1,5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of heat.  With fire up the plasma using the electronics from old fluorescent light.  Without pressurising the system, I would anticipate we need 20 W of external current to maintain the plasma.

That feeding the megawatts of heat into the boiler room free steam turbine, will generate 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.  We convert into mains linked AC current.

So extracting 20 W to maintain the plasma is irrelevant!  Totally inconsequential.  What he is important, is so we have a carbon zero Energy System, using science devised an published in the 1950s.

Familiar to every scientist them no money from manmade climate change: which was the latest nuclear fiction as the world static cooling naturally 1995.  The manmade global warming was just wrong!  Manmade climate change was devised an idea 2005.  After a decade and thinking!

How to maintain the cash cow or that have been manmade global warming - causing nuclear power to fine of 10 billion world universities researching manmade climate effects.  Which were obviously rubbish!

Carbon dioxide levels have been capped at just two parts per million, in the present epoch.  Extra carbon emissions increased plant and animal life on earth.  Within 5 minutes the carbon dioxide is sucked out in the air - without any climate affect!

Our weather is made in the stratosphere, the carbon dioxide never gets has high.  It is a heavy gas - eaten by green plants on land and seas doing photosynthesis.

Manmade climate change was devised by physics.  Who are totally ignorant about biology and the carbon cycle.  Photosynthesis covering free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth to just two PPM.

Above the arctic ice In winter there is no photosynthesis.  Carbon dioxide rises to four PPM.  Air temperature -50° C.

And now we get to the Point I made him an undergraduate essay 1985.  Nuclear power is under insured.  That was even before Chernobyl.

After the Chernobyl incident of 1986, the required insurance rose to 40 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million - maybe raised to 250 million.  Still criminally insufficient.

For the most hyper toxic industry ever devised.  This toxic waste mentally four for 100,000 years.  And it sprays there radioactive waste over a continent somewhere around the world, every 25 years.

90% of the safety recommendations after Chernobyl, whenever actioned!  As nuclear power decided they were too dangerous to bother with.  One recommendation was a secondary cooling system.

Then in 2010 the Japanese tsunami took out a water cooling system for nuclear power in Tokeo.  And we got Fukushima.  Which will result in the early deaths of 20,000,000 people in Asia.  From increased rates of cancer and heart disease.

Total legal fine and 20 trillion.  And it applies all around the world!  The United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear plant without adequate insurance.

And every nuclear power plant on earth is criminally under insured.

But now we know about a plasma power plant.  That Prix uses and utilises no radioactive materials.  No impossible insurance required - as a plant can not run away.  We just drop the plasma pressure, and the plasma collapses.

And plasma power is by of carbon zero and free!  Utilising chest 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  To generate 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.  No fossil fuel burn.  We leave carbon dioxide to biology.

A burning oil and gas only releases 45 kW/m the of burners.  Our 0.5m steam plasma release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.

And very disappointed that the climate change brigade!  Their hands as the thousands of people around the world owning their living from the nuclear science fiction.

Not one has commented on the development of carbon zero plasma heat.  Totally carbon zero heat and power.  Without any fossil fuel burn - and no radioactive materials required all produced.

So the salvation of life on earth!  And the climate change brigade have said nothing.  So through my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, and found the salvation to life on earth.

Sheffield ended my PH D in a mad panic, as he realized I had found the answer to manmade global warming.  Which ended naturally in 1995.  Also predictable solar emission cycles, nothing to do with man or carbon dioxide.

carbon dioxide increases life

CO2 boosts life on Earth

After the Chernobyl incident in 1986, nuclear power desperately scratched over reason to exist!  They settled on carbon dioxide!  Ignoring the fact that they the lower power plants using loads and loads of concrete.

Produced by a fossil fuel burn on limestone!  Which draws off the carbon dioxide.  As wet concrete sets, it absorbes carbon dioxide from the air!

Academics have an agreement that they don't comment on science as to the area!  Physics most of the engine's.  But it does not know about the carbon cycle - the biological cycle that supports the vast majority of life on earth.

Around the temperate earth every day plants suck in carbon dioxide, to form plant biomass.  Excreting oxygen.  The animals breathe in the oxygen, and E plant biomass!

They do the fat burn in their stomach, and mitochondria, so breathe out carbon dioxide - and around ago air is again!

fossil fuels will form the mass extinctions of plant and animal life in prehistory.  The mass extinctions are prehistory formed fossilised the hydrocarbons of life.  The fossil fuels!

Which in the deep have the oxygen and squeezed out, leaving behind hydrocarbons.  As the geothermal river flows through these, it forms methane - natural gas.

So coal, or oil and gas will come from the fossilised life.  In the Jurassic there was 85% more life on earth: that photosynthesis was less evolved.

It left twice the terrestrial come dioxide levels around the earth, so carbon dioxide is capped at four parts per million.  Sea levels were 60 metres lower, there was 85% more active life on earth,

Model for to synthesis in more evolved, and is just two parts per 1,000,000 carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  Four PPM over the arctic ice - where there is no photosynthesis.

So of physics should never have tried to talk about carbon dioxide levels in the air.  As their knowledge ended with emission of carbon dioxide from an engine.

Biology it could have told them that the additional carbon dioxide is converted into additional plant and animal biomass within 5 minutes.  So extra carbon dioxide increases life on earth.

The carbon dioxide levels are static globally!  At 2 PPM in the present epoch.  They are double that over the arctic ice in winter, at -50° C.  The carbon dioxide never makes it to the stratosphere - where our weather is made.

Any case or a static trace gas affects nothing!  Physics had no right to talk about carbon dioxide in the environment.  As he knew nothing!

Meteorology realized the carbon dioxide has absolutely nothing to do with the weather.  The gas never rises into the high air!  And again the static trace gas affects nothing.

That since Chernobyl nuclear power has invested 10 million UK pounds in higher education research: industry researching global warming!  Though they knew nothing about the weather, and also numbing about the carbon cycle.

The weather has 28 year periods or warming and cooling.  So the weather flash, only a decade later, the nuclear PR was changed seamlessly to manmade climate change: never bothering to tell the world that manmade global warming was always impossible fiction anyway!

The weather will stop cooling naturally next year.  Meteorology teaches us that!  So of physics never had any right to talk about the climate or the carbon cycle.

By nuclear power was investing serious money in its fictitious research!  I was alerted to this obvious error by a professor of engine materials: 'plans take in carbon dioxide to do photosynthesis'professor Argent told me.  He was so upset that other academics would not listen to him.

What he said was totally true them, but did not burn any research grants!  All the PH D's into manmade global warming where nuclear funded total rubbish!  And all the academic institutions involved should recind those bad degrees.

An employee is should cancel all the well paid jobs they erroneously gave out!  To water after suddenly turned out to be a load of money fisting idiots!

So around the temperate earth without the same carbon dioxide level before in 1880.  Two parts per million!

We why we get back to the subject of my in 1983 essay - which turned out to be the best essay are produced university.  The pointer that nuclear power lacked sufficient insurance cover.

This was before Chernobyl, when the required insurance rose to 40 billion.  90% of the safety recommendations after the scientific research into the accent, when never implemented.  As too expensive!

One the recommendations was to have a standby cooling system.  Which would have cut Ian with Fukushima as the earthquake took out the nuclear power cooling systems.

Causing the triple core meltdown.  After Fukushima the insurance cover was raised to and impossible 100 billion: there is no possible insurance above one billion!

As all that use I got in A*.  It turns out after the sacking year undergraduates, I have written a most important scientific essay ever.

So every nuclear plant has required that insurance cover since 2010.  The fine for missing insurance is the athletics some of the missing insurance.  Nuclear power has carried just 50 million per 100 MW power station.

So the missing insurance is far in excess of the worth of the planet!  And today the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant without required 100 billion of annual insurance cover.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.

So carbon dioxide is fixed by nature!  It limits life on earth.  Plans take Ian to grow and animals breathe in the oxygen gas excreted as waste, combine it with the carbohydrates to get at the residual energy.

So once again they breathe out carbon dioxide.  So man's huge carbon dioxide emissions are actually 0.0004% are the carbon dioxide breathed out by animals.  Including yourself!

So all the climate change pundits should stop breathing instantly.  And never restart!

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

free carbon zero energy

Massive carbon 0 heat for free - no nuclear power

A steam plasma breaks or water molecules apart into positive ions and free electrons.

1 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ PL=plasma

My American friend has validated that are steam plasma produces 4 MW of carbon free heat.

2 H₂O+PL→...→1 MW of heat we have low power light and X rays.

There is some work to be done on the plasma pressure and heat generation.  My car glaci shuns indicate that are four atmosphere plasma should release 2.4 MW of heat.

A commercially sourced steam turbine will freeze 500 kW of DC current, from the atmospheric pressure plasma.

This is a carbon zero electricity for 60 houses: we convert the DC into mains linked AC current.  Of the correct phase and voltage!  Don't really see what physics can add.

They can fill in the .. - we get the formation of neutrons, and the nuclear fission of atomic elements into hydrogen ions.  And then the big energy release.

3 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→E²+L+X-ray

As far as I can see chemical engineers can tie down a steep and plasma are producing massive carbon zero energy.  The physics is already published!  Or inconsequential.

I it would have expected now, that the climate change brigade would have announced they will wrong!  In actual fact climate change is caused by the sun - nothing to do with mankind!

Which is not been to make nuclear power very happy!  Though construction of a nuclear power plant releases in two years the carbon equivalent to the carbon dioxide emitted from a commercial fired power station in 25 years.

Making an active nuclear power building programme, mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  So nuclear power very much carbon not C.

But the world is already got steam plasma is operating and generating carbon zero power.  With any fossil fuel burn and no radioactive isotopes involved.

The enriched radioactive isotopes in the plasma, are below oxygen - so fission into light or atomic elements almost instantly.  And never leave the plant!

So carbon zero free power. 

plasma - free carbon zero heat and power

plasma - carbon 0 heat and power

Plasma is often called “the fourth state of matter,” along with solid, liquid and gas. Just as a liquid will boil, changing into a gas when energy is added, heating a gas will form a plasma – a soup of positively charged particles (ions) and negatively charged particles (electrons).

Every 3 minutes around the world there is a heavy rain or snow storm, that sets up for a lightening strike, by doing molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the crucial thing is that the chaotic interaction of rain or snow particles, is above one W of turbulence.  Suddenly we are converting a hydrogen ions from adjacent water molecules, into helium and oxygen gas.  With massive heat and X rays.

X-ray and Gamma-ray Emissions from Thunderstorms and ... › abs › abstract

by JR Dwyer · 2019 — Finally, lightning leaders emit bright bursts of x-rays as they propagate through clouds and near the ground. Since none of these energetic emissions can be ...

Missing: rain ‎| Must include: rain

So all also and we have a non nuclear source of helium and X rays: we use no radioactive isotopes.  And produce no radioactive waste.

We stripped the water molecules into a chaotic missed of positive ions and free electrons.

2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

So we are pressurised chaotic mist.  And now we get the recombination of hydrogen ions and electrons - the electronics no longer all waiting smoothly in its orbit.

3 ̾H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

Don't worry about this physics - in our consent to a really simple physical equation.  And cleared the minor reactions, so far other santis around the world candy PH D's into this life critical science.

The neutrons bond with the other atomic nuclei.  Causing nuclear fusion!  And the extra neutron is burned into heat, making the process is exothermic - it gives out heat.

4 ⁱ⁶O⁺+3n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻+E+L+X-ray so we burn the master into heat light and X rays.  And there is helium ions and free electrons.  They are our main energy source!

5 ̾H⁺+2n⁰→E²+L+X-ray

So all this is very complicated!  I promise you then he came down to one simple physical equation.

6 H₂O+PL+P→E²+L+X-ray

So we decompose the matter into massive energy may have light and X rays.  All those neutrons have helped decompose the matter.

In a 30x1.5cm glass cylinder, my American friend verified we get 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

7 (H₂O+PL+P)→2(E²+L+X-ray) hence our steam plasma releases 1 MW our carbon zero heat.  And no radioactive waste!  The light and X rays are low power and of no consequence.  The priest no plutonium or strontium isotopes!  Clean and safe heat.

We use a steam plasma to drive a boiler rooms.  And get out mad hot steam 800° C8 atmospheres pressure.  Which drives a commercially sourced steam turbine, to generate 500 kW of carbon zero mains electricity: the turbine installed with the electronics two output mains frequency, voltage and phase AC current.

So a 30 cm steam plasma, will freeze massive carbon zero electricity.  Free power for 60 houses!  Utilising no fossil fuel burn.  Involving no radioactive materials.

So that is an annual check from the power company 4.5 million UK pounds.  They pay us for our excess current!  We draw no current from the national grid.

It turns out there free carbon zero energy is so simple!  We use firearms a captive lightening strike in a glass cylinder.  Using the electronics from old fluorescent light, had come for to the steam from a paint stripper.

Every house needs just 8 kW of mains electricity.  We are producing 500 kW for free!

Present uranium nuclear power utilises a steam cycle, which already does molecular nuclear fusion.  But they produce hyper toxic radioactive waste.  Necessitating insurance cover of 100 billion every year.

They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million!  The most toxic and uninsured industry ever.  They they are the plants using those of concrete.  Produced via a fossil fuel burn on limestone.

Making nuclear power the fourth largest source of man made carbon emissions on earth!  Animal respiration is 99.99996 per cent!  Mass carbon dioxide is inconsequential.  Just gradually increasing natural plant and animal life on earth.  No weather effect!

Carbon dioxide does not rise to the stratosphere - where predictable solar emission cycles make our weather.  Hence the natural climate has been cooling since 1995.  Hence the change in nuclear fiction to manmade climate change.

We are living in a time when the planets in the inner solar system are all cooling!  Including mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.

Photosynthesis Carbon dioxide at just two parts per million.  The static level around the temperate earth in this present epoch.  Before mankind even evolved!

Above the arctic ice In winter there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the air, air temperature -50° C.  Manmade global warming was biologically impossible science fiction, from the paid phones to nuclear power.

They form the bulk of private science research.  Pity the poor academics.  Study no carbon dioxide affects the weather, when carbon dioxide is a static trace gas!  All their papers such a total absolute academic rubbish.

Such paid pens should not be in education!  They are dangerous plant assists.  Corrupting science done around the world.

The solar emission cycles will coals the natural climate had to stop warming again from the 2023.  Expect always all the academic papers from 28 years ago, to be dusted off and published again.

Still biological rubbish!  Displaying a those people should never have been in education.  They are unqualified to organize a primary school milk round: if they still exist!

So garage scientists can set up the plasma power plant: getting the steam turbine over the Internet.

And getting that lovely annual check from the national grid for three million UK pounds.  For our free electricity and heat!  They use the exit steam to provide local area central heating.

And the of research a massive excess of carbon zero electricity.  Without any radioactive waste!  An it is not hard science!  All worked out in the 1950s. 

Monday, 25 April 2022

Man-made climate change is biological rubbish

Plants EAT up all that lovely CO2

Since photosynthesis evolved and into the cretaceous, they temperate level of carbon dioxide has been controlled sunlight by three sincee photosynthesis on land and in the seas.

Illiteracy out there was four parts per million.  Twice today's trace level!  There was 85% more life on land.  Except or three natural ice ages!  And carbon dioxide levels spiked at 8 PPM above the arctic ice.

In the little ice age of the 18th century Europe was under snow!  Am I was back to the usual four PPM carbon dioxide across Europe.  At -20° C!

Outside glaciation the present photosynthesis level is two PPM.  Emissions are absolute no affect on photosynthesis!

Carbon dioxide levels rise at night, when by plants take back in saw the oxygen, and do the slow fat burnt down all night and day by animals.

The carbon dioxide level in the afternoon sunlight is two PPM.  Throughout the modern E-poch - since before mankind evolved.

Above the arctic ice In winter we are back to the Jurassic of or four PPM.  An attempt to -50° C.

A belief in manmade climate change is inconsistent with a career in education.  It is biological rubbish!  The carbon dioxide levels track the wax and wane of photosynthesis.  Plants take in carbon dioxide during the day!  Excreting the oxygen, animals breathe in.

A static trace gas has no affect on anything!  And variable 2000 I was studying manmade global warming: which is also a logical rubbish!  The natural climate is controlled by a 20 year periods or warming and cooling.

So since 1995 all the planets in inner solar system have been cooling.  Even Mars with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.

Nuclear power made up man made global warming after Chernobyl incident in 1986.  They forgot to factor in their own use of concrete!  Produced using a fossil fuel burn on limestone.

Making an active nuclear power plant building programme, mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions: releasing in two years of plant construction, the commander of carbon emissions from a commercial power plant in 25 years.

After 25 years a nuclear plant must be demolished and replaced.  The conventional power stations built using bricks, and carries right on.

This idea was repeatedly by the late Professor Bernard argent 2015 before he died.  Frustrate or the other academics would not take him on!

Ever have been voiced a belief in manmade global warming or climate change is inconsistent with a career in education.

A steam plasma is carbon zero power production.  A 30x1.5cm steam plasma releases a constant 1 MW of heat.  As it does a plasma burn!

1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

B had 1 MW of heat will generate 500 kW of mains linked AC using a commercially sourced steam turbine.

Needing no of 40 billion dollar power plant.  18,000 UK pounds plasma Power System.  In your garden shed!  That is the best carbon zero Energy System.  Utilising no fuel burn and no radioactive materials.

Uranium nuclear power knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  Or every nuclear power plant in the earth must shut down!  Enforced by the United Nations. 

Free heat and power

heat and power for free - non toxic

When you burn fossil fuels, you do oxidise the carbon into carbon dioxide.  That takes in energy!  You also them fire up a steam plasma, which tense all our steam molecules into helium and oxygen gases, with massive heat - the molecular nuclear fusion proposed by professor Z at Sheffield University 2001.

1 CₘHₙ+(m+n/2-r)O₂→(CO₂+n/2H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

What this means is that the oxidise the carbon - but then that takes in energy.  But some other water is converted into helium and oxygen gas, a faint blue light massive energy and X rays.

So burning fossil fuels does molecular nuclear fusion on earth today!  I would not have thought of that - without prompting from the professor.  Academics are obsessed by trying to prove climate change, to do real science!

But we can fill a cylinder the steam from a paint stripper, and fire up the plasma using the electronics from a all fluorescent light.  And can sell or supply of carbon zero heat.

2 H₂O+de/dT→2(E²+L+X-ray)

The free electrons and hydrogen nuclei within the plasma coalesce to form neutrons.

3 ̾H++e⁻+PL→2n⁰

So a proton and neutron have interacted to fall more neutrons.  And the high June patterns usually contained one neutron already.  So we end up with two neutrons!  Which break apart.

We enrich the oxygen positive ions, which undergo repeated nuclear fission and till we are left with four oxygen positive ions, and three free electrons.

And the regular hydrogen ions.  Bonded two other produce neutrons, to fission into massive carbon zero heat power and X rays.

4 H⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+X-ray) so twice the energy release of molecular nuclear fusion.  And we know that the 1.5km x 2cm partial steam plasma due is a lightening down strike, releases 1.2 MW/m.

Which tells us that our 50x1cm steam plasma cylinder at four atmospheres will release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  My American friend fired up his steam plasma.

And found that a 30x1cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of heat.  Presumably one atmosphere!  Requiring 20 W of external electrical power to maintain the plasma.

We drive the boiler room free steam turbine, and get her steam at 800° C8 atmospheres pressure.  Which would generate 500 kW of carbon zero mains electricity: we had to get DC current, the convert into mains linked AC electricity.

The power company will pay us three million UK pounds a year for that lovely carbon zero power.  Enough to drive 60 houses!  Totally carbon neutral.  The climate change brigade are speechless!  The carbon zero power is that simple and free.

So we give our aged parents a 30x1.5cm steam plasma fired up by the electronics from old fluorescent light, I was buying he Prix uses 1 MW of heat with no carbon dioxide!  For free.

We generate half 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.  And get an annual income of three million UK pounds from the national grid.

And for 60 houses from a carbon zero electricity.  We use the exit steam to drive an area central heating system for the same houses, who go off grid for heat and power.

Or they buy the electrical power at two P per kilowatt hour from the national grid.  So rather than energy being a massively expensive, it generates a huge income.

And BS ceased to burn fossil fuels at a remote power station.  And he deftly do no uranium nuclear power: which requires annual insurance cover of burning fossil 100 billion, for 100 MW electrical power station.

Nuclear power Carries just a criminally insufficient 50 million of insurance cover.  Just two little!  As illegal as it gets.

So we generate the power and heat for the local area, from the cellar, and her sick all the garden shed.  With no fossil fuel burn!  Totally carbon zero.

Present uranium nuclear power runs a steam cycle.  So it is already doing molecular nuclear fusion.  That generates the hyper toxic plutonium and strontium isotopes!  Which there is no global reprocessing capability is today.

Without adequate insurance the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every uranium nuclear power plant on earth.

On all the world goes over to clean safe and free plasma power.  Safe and carbon zero.  And of course cost free!

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Flu is Covid22 on the 1st of October, 2022

flu changes from Covid21 to Covid22 - be definition

It was Covid19, from the 1st of October, 2019 until the 31st of September, 2020.  But it takes six months to develop a vaccination, them in two years to fully licence the drug.

So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only 1/4 of the way three testing.  So it was never a licensed human drug.  Tragically killing one in 200 of those vaccinated!

Healthy an innocent individuals executed for naked profit and the drug company is and doctors.  It could never have saved one life - as only started giving the Covid19 vaccination January 2021, we were on the year of Covid20.

Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - irrespective of any Covid19 vaccination: the vaccination did not work on the next year's flu strain!  As expected by every registered Dr. On earth!

Who was medically and legally constrained from working on a Covid vaccination for that reason.  To have research had replied any Covid vaccination in history, was to be required to strike themselves off the same day.

If they continued in medical practice they were an insured and no longer registered doctors.  Every resulting death from the illegal medical prescriptions, in carrying a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds; and the psychopathic individual receives a 25 year jail term for each resulting patient death.

The accepted medical death rate for any licensed vaccination is 1 in 200.  But remember the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed.

3.5 billion Covid vaccinations given, 17 million healthy an innocent global inhabitants, psychopathically vaccinated to death!  And the doctors knew they were killing deliberately!  And carried on one with a smile on the face.

All through the year of Covid20 doctors have applied the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination, with a predictable fatal results!  45,000 UK residents vaccinated to death for no possible medical gain!

Am a motorway through the year of Covid21 - the Covid number increases every 1st of October.  So on the 1st of October, 2022, will be on Covid22.  An the Covid19 vaccination warming or three years obsolete!  Never any use to anybody!

So the 45,000 UK residents psychopathic polyen deliberately vaccinated to death.  17 million killed deliberately around the world.  1/4 fatalities from world war two, in six months!

The European Court of human rights has the legal imperative to strike off every Covid vaccinating Dr. and drug company.  The drug company is losing all other biochemical drug patents.  Ceasing to have a share price they are as bankrupt as it gets!

And remember those companies psychopathically manufactured and sold the drugs which then you would kill one in 200 people.  For no possible medical gain.

The most important newspaper headline ever!  Not carrier by one global newspaper or magazine in three years.

Medicine strictly prohibits any research or application of a Covid vaccination.  Why then do you suppose the registered medics break medical war and vaccinate people to an needless death.

The biggest deliberate medical murder in history.  To clear any flu strain it is only necessary to apply ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest.  This is an medical High Intensity UltraSound that clears all cancers.  As well as all viral and bacterial infections.

Such foreign cell types have no non native overinflated cell structure.  They boil and rupture on application of HIUS - which generates a full immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type throughout the body.

So climate change is solved

plasma = carbon0 heat

A week ago air my American contact fired up a 30 x1.5cm steam plasma atmospheric pressure off, using the electronics from old fluorescent light, and the steam plasma give off a constant 1 MW of heat.

Which we utilised just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year!  To free use of 1,000,000 W of carbon neutral heat per second.

1 H₂O+PL→E²+L E²= 1 MW

Every engineer on the planet is just sat upright!  A commercially sourced commercial steam turbine will convert this into 1.2 MW of mains electricity.  And turbine is sold with the electronics to synchronise CAC current with the walls fusion frequency, for phase of the national grid.

So that is an annual income of three million UK pounds!  For a carbon neutral power for 150 houses: we utilised the exit steam to rise space heating for the same houses.

So every one of the fiat utilises, goes off grid for electricity and gas.  It is basically nearly free electricity and heat.

And crucially we generate no hyper toxic radioactive waste.  No plutonium or strontium.

Uranium nuclear power they've rates just 150 kW of heat from a 1m x 2cm uranium nuclear fission tube.  Which generates the spectacular EE toxic plutonium and strontium.  For which there is no global reprocessing available.  Since Winscale down!  And crucially there is no global capacity to store used uranium nuclear fuel rods.

Nuclear power is illegally storing and in the short term storage areas around disused nuclear facilities: which is outside planning consent!

And a every operating uranium nuclear power plant requires 100 billion of insurance, for 100 MW of produce electricity.  There is no commercially available insurance above one billion!

So the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth.  Strangely they are hosting annual conference is on the PR science fiction or nuclear power - manmade climate change.

Which took over from manmade global warming, as the natural climate started cooling from 1995.  So has the kind of or the planet so all the inner solar system: caused by predictable 28 year periods of calling warming.  2023 and were back into natural global warming.

Having just experienced 28 years of climatic cooling.  Hence the change in nuclear power PR, to manmade climate change: with the understanding of the Stormont global warming, the cancer years the natural climate was cooling!  Totally on the natural climatic cycle.

So a plasma power plant can be filled by a garage scientist, an annual income of six million UK pounds, and supervise the carbon neutral electricity for 150 houses.  They can be stopped with a tap from electric hammer.

There is no nuclear core meltdown possible - as you do not have a nuclear core!  They can be no China syndrome.  As that would require the super heating caused by a runaway uranium nuclear power plant.  Which happens every 25 years around the earth!

So our plasma power plant uses 1950s technology, and is inherently safe.  Utilising and producing no hyper toxic radioactive substances.

The X rays are so low power, your boiling kettle is more dangerous!  As it does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

1 (1+r)H₂Ol+TU+T→H₂Og+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

So applying cancer the boil, the boiling water gives off water and X rays!  And uses helium and free radical oxygen - which forms ozone in the area immediately upon power plant.

A plasma is just a most useful engineering way he to do molecular nuclear fusion.  Producing totally carbon 0 energy.  So there is no source of carbon dioxide!

Where the carbon dioxide to biology and plant's.  Which is greet the oxygen animals need to breathe in.  Combine it with plant eaten biomass, get at energy and breathe out carbon dioxide.

The greatest scientific idea in history!  Professor Z has previously asthma not be credited with any work on this idea.  As he suggested nuclear fusion from the turbulent flow of water and steam.

He would prefer took all credit!  Though he would coals insurance I get more.  After all he didn't give me the PH DI earned!

I applied his ideas on ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion, to apply high intensity ultrasound to cancer cells.  This 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published as a one session total cure to all 200 cancers out there.

Again professor Z would ensure that nobody got a credit for this idea.  These are seeing global population has doubled since the year 2002.

And remember, I did all this work after suffering a 30% brain damage in a car accident.  You were for that would have been worthy of some credit!  But we are talking about money and academic careers here, so was never I do with what is left them of mr body and brain, is of no consequence!