Saturday 5 March 2022

physics cures climate change

plasma burns matter into heat,lihjt and X-rays

Let us not forget the nuclear power who professors of physics to fabricate manmade global warming: to state the carbon dioxide would inevitably warm the weather!

By plants around the earth eat carbon dioxide, for breakfast lunch and dinner!  The energy of free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth to just two parts per million.

Above the arctic winters, the ice covers the seas, as so covers the land.  And carbon dioxide rises to 4 PPM every year!  Air temperature -50° C.

Above Europe in the little ice age of the 18th century European carbon dioxide rose to the Jurassic 4 PPM.  Air attempt to -20° C.  And a snow covered Europe!

And photosynthesis drives life on land and in the oceans.  Find it June until he just two PPM carbon dioxide in the air, in the afternoon during the spring through to the autumn.  Carbon dioxide levels may rise in a natural ice age!

So all the carbon emissions are mankind, resulting extra or biological life on earth.  As he vent a plant biomass increases!

By constantly around radiant sun's Corona, we can see hydrogen fission going on in the Corona.

1 H⁺+e⁻+TU→n⁰

The plasma first dissociated hydrogen gas into positive hydrogen nuclei and free electrons.  Which circulate in the Corona in a turbulent fashion.

2 H₂+PL→2(H⁺+e⁻)

So of physics is a definite, that when the atomic nuclei of hydrogen, ions we have an electoral, we get a the strings of neutrons.

3 p⁺.ʸn⁰+e⁻→(y+1)n⁰

A hydrogen nucleus is a proton bonded to one or more neutrons.  Usually one.  The proton and electron combine to form yet another neutron!  So we have a string of two or more neutrons.

Physics teaches is that neutrons are the unwinder of matter.  To neutrons bond roof regular hydrogen, to form tritium.  Which fisherman's almost instantly into heat light and X rays.  All this is published physics!

4 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→E²+L+X-ray E²=10ⁱ⁸W of carbon neutral heat.

On earth we do not centre of hydrogen gas around!  But we do have water - and fall to the ground in rain or snow storms.

5 H₂O+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²

This is why storms feel electric!  The turbulence convert summer the water molecules in the snow or rain, into positive ions and free electrons.  The positive charge collects above the clouds layer.

The negative charge discourage the ground by the falling electrons.  At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening down strike!  When all the turbulence within the had 2 cm wide, 1.5km long steam plasma produces 5 tonnes of helium gas - and associated is an.

6 2H⁺+P+TU→He²⁺+2E² which suggests that lightening should liberate warm 0.2 MW of carbon neutral power/m.

If we enclose a steam plasma within a gas cylinder we get the usual combination of hydrogen ions electrons.  Forming neutrons!  And these neutrons bond with the helium and oxygen ions, to cause repeated nuclear fission and till we are left with just four hydrogen ions.  Which then undergo 6.

So a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.  From regular water!  No radioactive elements required or produced!  The radioactivity is contained within the plasma.  Which you see the creation of heat light and X rays.

7 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) 2E²= 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.  All from published physical science!  A plasma burns matter into heat light and X rays.  No hyper toxic radioactive waste.

So we use our 50x1cm steam plasma to run a steam cycle, which generates 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains electricity.  So of physics has published the cure to climate change!  We have totally carbon neutral heat generation system.

That uses the physics little as your fluorescent light to illuminate your kitchen, using very little mains electricity.  Where ever go off a sodium plasma!  We release heat light and X rays.  The pressure (P) drops.  And the fluorescent light stops working!

So our steam plasma is a massive carbon neutral heat.  Which we can readily convert into carbon neutral electricity.

It is a little bit ironic.  As professors of physics fabricated manmade climate change - as I the climate started cooling 1995.  It will next warm 2023 - all the planets in the inner solar system or cooling.

Don't every neutral solar emission cycles.  Which will next increas in 2023.  So the climate will stop warming again.  Would that be another 1976?  I'm not into predicting the weather.

The week and certainly ceased burning all fossil fuels, or allowing companies to do hyper toxic uranium nuclear fission, to generate heat and power.

Uranium nuclear power is so toxic, every 100 MW nuclear power plant, knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  Since Fukushima in 2010 - reinforce the toxic nature of nuclear fission from uranium.

Which cause Chernobyl in 1986!  Year mankind did not learn.

So for six physics is a steam plasma is a massive clean and nontoxic carbon neutral heat and power.

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