Saturday 19 March 2022

Tank frying tonight

tanks are mobile cremators

It would appear that Putin has gone mad!  And the pretence of denazification, he has invaded a former Soviet Republic.  That was threatening nobody!

Tanks a great offensive weapons, and till they get to a city boundary.  They were always were more to militarised drone aircraft dropping bombs on them from above.

In the city defenders can get out from had ever had to 2.4 miles away.  And launch a saver anti tank round.  That will take out the tank!

Cooking the three Russians inside the tank: there is no need for Putin to cent more for crematorium.  The Russian army is already driving them!  One good anti tank around, and the way he is blocked for the following tanks, and take itself will explode!

As pressure waves hit the diesel fuel, which spontaneously combusts.  13 is using a hypersonic rockets to target hospitals and bomb shelters: in direct contravention to the Geneva convention.

Putin is the most serious war criminal in history!  The Russians most sought him out!  Before he kills all life on earth.

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