Friday 4 March 2022

Animal hearts do nuclear fusion

biology does nuclear fusion - in YOU

As an animal heart beats, it gives out X ray radiation!  Animals do not breathe in any helium gas, but he did breathe out helium gas!  Included you.  You are sat there are busy doing nuclear fusion as you read this article.

1 H₂O+P+dP/dT→He+O+E²+X-ray

You can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter!  An e.g. take an air sample there you have breathed out, it contains helium gas: my thanks here to Sheffield University for the gas analysis.

And there is really no source of radioactive decay in the embody!  Certainly non in time with your pulse.  You are doing nuclear fusion!

They it turns out that biology are not physics, are the experts on nuclear fusion on earth.  Growing green plants in light also do molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+Luv+chlorophyll+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+Lb+X-ray

So green plants on land and sea, take in ultraviolet radiation, and use a biological capitalist or chlorophyll, in the pressurise plant photo blasts, to do nuclear fusion!  Freezing X rays and electrical charge.  And emitting a faint blue light.

And bacteria also do photosynthesis.  With a different capitalist,

Photosynthetic bacteria with iron oxide nanoparticles as ... › science › article › pii

by A Chaiyarat · 2022 — Photosynthetic bacteria with iron oxide nanoparticles as catalyst for cooking oil removal and valuable products recovery with heavy metal co-contamination.

My thanks here to my biology high school teacher at Bolton school.  He mentioned last 14, that bacteria it use to a different catalysed.  Totally right.  And fortunately he was not a good teacher!  And left the next year.

So again the are seeing biological organisms on earth doing nuclear fusion.  Using high frequency light, in place of fluid turbulence.  The importance of fluid turbulence on nuclear fusion from water, or suggested by professor Z, at Sheffield University.

The last time we talked here stop being interested in nuclear fusion: as a major funders where we had uranium nuclear power.  Who so do not want nuclear fusion on earth devising!

But nature already does it!  And there are so many PH D's waiting to be done.

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