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just 0.0002% CO2 in the air for 11,700 years |
on earth, in the present epoch to zoos two parts per million: the static trace level of carbon dioxide since before mankind evolved.
Controlled exclusively by photosynthesis on land and sea! Burning the fossil fuels releases additional carbon dioxide, which within 5 minutes is converted into additional plant and animal biomass.
Leaving the usual static torque two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air. In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less evolved. It left four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.
There was 85% more biological life on earth. Resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower - in the warm. There were three natural ice ages. And carbon dioxide rose from four PPM, to eight PPM! Four times the trace level of carbon dioxide - in the depths of an ice age.
LONDON: A large-scale volcanic event during the Jurassic Period may have caused the 'ice-age' that took place on Earth around 170 million years ago, a new study has found. Researchers have found evidence of a large and abrupt cooling of the Earth's temperature during the Jurassic Period, which lasted millions of years.14 Dec 2015
So four times the level of carbon dioxide, an ice age lasting millions of years. This is not a recent phenomenon. Every year in the arctic winter, above the ice there is no photosynthesis on land and seas.
The carbon dioxide levels double back to the Jurassic four PPM. Air temperature -50° C! The global climate for all the planets in the inner solar system, is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.
A share short term cycles of 28 years. So the natural climate has been cooling predictably since 1995. Assay as a climate of Mars - atmosphere 98% carbon dioxide. Cooling like all the planets in the inner solar system.
So the next year 2023 the global climate will start warming again. Global carbon dioxide around the temperate earth will still be limited by photosynthesis to just two PPM.
So the climatic warming is linked to predictable solar emission cycles. 28 year periods or warming cooling! There is some suggestion of cycles every 100,000 years.
So the climate will begin warming. And carbon dioxide levels have been fixed for all the present epoch. Which began 11,700 years ago
Officially, the current epoch is called the Holocene, which began 11,700 years ago after the last major ice age.7 Jun 2019
Anthropocene | National Geographic Society
Academics are testing desperately telling carbon dioxide with the climate. Even though the mineral records show is carbon dioxide levels double the natural ice ages. Like in the 18th century!
The natural carbon dioxide level lags glaciations by four years. So the ice age happens, and never next four years carbon dioxide reacts! It is some reduction in plant life.
Into carbon dioxide does affect the climate, its level would lead climatic changes. The carbon dioxide rises four years into an ice age.
Any scientist who argues in favour of man made climate change, has obviously you stop clears mental health medication. The mineral records is absolute science fact.
Carbon dioxide reacts to the natural weather changes. It never makes the weather!
Nuclear power concocted manmade global warming after Chernobyl. Conclusive proof that nuclear power was the technology of mankind should not tried to do! The annual required insurance for 100 MW power plant rose tp 40 billion.
But 90% of the safety recommendations whenever actioned! That was in 1986. So in 2010, Tokyo nuclear experience Fukushima. Nuclear power has such a catastrophic event every 25 years. Remember Windscale!
So every e.g. ef nuclear power plant around the world knees in fossil insurance cover of 100 billion: there is no insurance available above one billion. So every nuclear power plant in the world is running with criminally insufficient insurance.
And they have bought off academics! Not one will mention that nuclear power is criminally under insured. As science and education in particular is heavily dependent on the research planning they get from nuclear power.
There is no and no global reprocessing capability for nuclear waste - since Windscale shut down. It was known as Sellafield before its nuclear incident in the 1950s.
But every nuclear power plant is built using masses of concrete. Produced using a fossil fuel burn on limestone. To produce concrete. Using uranium nuclear fission rods as a heat source, would make dangerously radioactive concrete.
Which makes an active nuclear power building programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions: nuclear power is so very much not carbon zero! The plant's tended to move up by national governments, so charge to the requirement to have adequate insurance cover.
Every operating nuclear power plant today knees insurance cover of 100 billion. I must implement an immediate stop and never restart!
So next year the weather will stop warming. Carbon still static! Nuclear power still a massive carbon source. RSVP
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