Saturday 19 March 2022

Nuclear is not carbon zero

nuclear 4th biggest carbon source

Uranium nuclear power is the 4th largest source of man made carbon emissions.  And TV adverts are constrained to be factual and true!  EDF is promoting itself as carbon zero power.

Weaned and solar power are the carbon!  Nuclear is a massive carbon source!  02 years a nuclear power plant construction, they make their concrete using a fossil fuel burn.

Emitting a 20 power plant construction, the Covent carbon dioxide from a commercially fired power station in 25 years.  After 25 years they demolished the nuclear plant!

So uranium nuclear power is very much not carbon zero and the TV adverts are illegal and must be taken off the television.

A steam plasma is carbon zero power.

1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+X-ray) totally carbon dioxide free!  80 times as dynamic as uranium nuclear fission.  Producing no hyper toxic radioactive waste - no plutonium or strontium.

Its production of radioactive waste requires every operating 100 MW uranium nuclear power plant to carry annual insurance cover of 100 billion, since Fukushima in 2010 and.  40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.

Were still there is no and no global reprocessing capabilities, to make radioactive nuclear fuel rods safe.  And there is no global storage capabilities free!  There I illegally using the storage areas around disused nuclear power plants: never licensed for nuclear roared storage.

But the most pressing horizon is the TV adverts!  As this is in direct contravention of the TV stations broadcasting licence.  To translate factually inaccurate of assistants, detailed the TV station is taken off air.  And there is no legal argument!

It was a precondition of a broadcasting licence.  Adverts must be true!

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