Friday 4 March 2022

carbon free Home Power and motoring

No petrol, diesel or battery charging motoring

Every 3 minutes around the world heavy rain or snow is busy doing nuclear fusion in the air.  Where the turbulence of the rain or snow particle, causes nuclear fusion of the hydrogen ions from two adjacent molecules

1 2H₂O+O₂+TU→He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

A study of X‐ray emissions from thunderstorms with emphasis ... › doi

22 Aug 2012 — X-ray emissions associated with leaders of natural cloud-to-ground lightning are examined. For 23 (8 first and 15 subsequent) strokes within ...

This is so interesting!  A non nuclear source of X rays and helium.  But lightening by its very nature is unpredictable!  I wrote my first paper on this subject 2001, and got my PH D work yanked from under my feet!  Academics are so did not want scientifically proved nuclear fusion.

But academic geographers have written papers on the X rays and helium from storms.  This is such a giveaway!

If we fire up a steam plasma within a glass cylinder, you have a contained a lightening strike.  He had the chaotic interaction of hydrogen ions and free electrons - as the plasma strips the water molecules into free atomic nuclei and valency electrons.

The first thing we get is the recombination of hydrogen ions and electrons.  At a rate rising exponential he with the gas pressure.

2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

This is a process which causes the steam plasma in lightening strikes, to space out so many neutrons!  Again and non nuclear source of neutrons.

Within the glass cylinder, to neutrals will combine with one of the hydrogen ions, to form tritium.  Which fisherman's almost instantly into heat light and X rays.

3 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→³H⁺→3(E²+L+X-ray)+e⁺ other processes may be going on.  So my calculations below offer just E²+L+X-ray.

The oxygen nuclear, stil her shell electrons!  So we do not use the find an electron getting through to the nucleus.  But the neutrons, are attracted by the mass of the protons.  And sale straight through the shell electrons.

3 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H+3e⁻

So the oxygen ends up as just four hydrogen ions.  Or we are converting the hydrogen ions into heat light and X rays with a positron.

A Bio my concern to calculations a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains electricity.  We are converted the DC into mains linked AC.

The carbon neutral power for 150 houses.  A 25 CM steam plasma will produce 600 kilowatts of heat.  A thermoelectric generator (A thorium salt) will convert into 75 kW of carbon neutral electricity.

The family hatchback only requires 8 kW of power.  So we have using a massive excess!  And at home we can drive 75 houses of carbon neutral electricity.

And he utilises just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year - if we utilised the power all day and night.  And we burn no petrol or diesel.  We have no fossil fuel burn.

The thermoelectric generator is basically a semiconductor device.  There converts heat directly into electricity.

In a car this quays an infinite range electric car.  Which never needs recharging: my thanks here go to a Ford motors and BMW for verifying the 1930s work on the thermoelectric generator, to be used to drive a car.

Turning a miniscule volume of regular water into massive carbon neutral heat.  This is a sort of engineering which Britain in use to be famous for!

And it is all published accepted science!  Which does not involve any fuel burn to drive a car.  And the thermoelectic device linked to a steam plasma, costs under 2000 UK pounds.  An IC engine and costs in excess of 3000!

And we produce fuelless motoring.  The for any carbon dioxide generation!  An we never need to refuel the car in its lifetime!  When the car is scrapped, it effectively has a full 4cc water reservoir.

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