Thursday 10 March 2022

We are now on Covid Pi

By agreed medical naming, Covid19 only existed between the 1st of October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  A vaccination would take two years to licence, but the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only halfway through drug testing.

So never a legal human drug: so any Dr. Who gave a Covid19 vaccination was applying defective apply to fatal medicine.  So he is required to strike themselves off and disk into medical practice for ever.

They have lost medical registration and Health Insurance!  There cease to be legal doctors.  Medicine has always prohibited work and the Covid vaccination, as he would automatically be obsolete when not fully tested.

This area so the drug company is produced a vaccination for sporting to been for Covidt19.  We'll never know!  It was never given drug approval.  Always an illegal drug!

So drug company is also prohibited from manufacture and sale of any Covid vaccination.  All through the year of Covid20 they were trying to vaccinate people against a nonexistent Covid19 - after that flu strain has ceased to exist globally.

So Covid Omicron was actually a variety of Covid20.  Indian Bahrain found the atmosphere Covid20 were totally unresponsive to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

Which let us remember was always illegal medicine!  So the drug company is seen to have started naming the my crew strains of Covid flu by Greek letters.  So the year of Covid 20 he ended.  Predictably and 31st of September, 2021.  We were then into the year of Covid21.  We're on micro strain Covid Pi - which obviously is totally unaffected by any Covid vaccination.

It responds to the medically published standard cure to cancers and viruses - published by 3 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.

So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Totally clearing Covid flu and the common cold.  And medicine prohibits a vaccination to already cured infection.

Covid vacc kills 17 million

And all Covid flu strains are cured!  Not using any drugs.  A vaccination deliberately kills one individual in 200.  The Covid19 vaccination was never licensed, so will have a higher death rate!

My finances of controlled by a law firm, who have inquired if I have had a Covid vaccination.  Hell No!  That is a murderous medication: so I have reporter them to the European courts on human rights.

All Covid vaccinations carry the same death rate, and the Covid19 flu strain was extinct two years ago.  Even Covid omicron no longer exists.  We're on Covid Pi.

2012 a contact in New York used ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side use chest to clear AIDs.  It clears all viruses!  Strain is totally irrelevant.  It causes the pressurised viral infected cell to boil and rupture.  The immune system then clears that dangerous cell type from the body.

My law firm is meant to looking after my financial safe guarding.  Annie has recommended that I should have a far too fatal and pointless vaccination.  Which is definately not my safeguarding!

So Covid Omicron does not exist in the universe: as every registered Dr. and nurse nose!  We're on Covid Pi - totally cleared by the standard medical science published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.

Which every drug company has verified!  Then chosen to ignore for their own financial gain.  The end defly Astra Zeneca is that the UK chief medical officer: advocating they Covid19 vaccination.  Far too fatal medicine in addressing a virus and was extinct two years ago air.

Advocating medical murder!

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