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all cancers and diabetes cured at home |
In 2002 3 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of a single external application of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear all 200 types of human cancer. Note: it clears all inflated cell structures! So clearing all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
When we give a cancer patient an ultrasound scan, the cancers emit X rays! As they do biological molecular nuclear fusion: the idea I devised by professor Z at Sheffield University 2000: ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.
1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²+X-ray - there are those X rays! Of which there is no chemical source. Amazingly enough we are doing nuclear fusion at moderate pressure, and body temperature.
I sent the idea of using high powered ultrasound to restrict cancer growth to my medical friends, and they sent it to the Moffitt! Who found it was a one session total cure to cancers and viruses.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears all 200 cancers - I applied to where it hurts. Plus the liver and arm pits - not strictly necessary, the immune system will clear secondaries. But we have the cancer killer machine in our hand. One not use it!
The professor spent eight years trying to get other medics to adopt the life saving new technology. There retired in discust. Occasionally E mailing me! Thank you guys.
So in 2002 20 million people around the world had died from cancers and or medication. That year cancer drugs became defective medicine! Each cancer patient death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, I each Dr. Sentenced to 25 years in high security prison. The a assisting nurses and pharmacists, and involved drug company is all struck off.
So Astra Zeneca ceased to be a legal drug company 2002! All its other drug patents were are void and worthless. Yet global firms have defended the void patents! Which is legal malpractice. The law firms also struck off without argument.
To revert Astra Zeneca every drug company has continued with the illegal manufacture and sale of cancer drugs over last 20 years. So each and every drug company struck off without argument. All other biochemical drug patents void. There drugs outside legal medical prescription.
From 2010, I started using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, as my consumer HIUS unit.
I used it to clear lung, breast cancers: or there patients for under treatment of the Christie cancer hospital Manchester UK. So the Christie was aware of my work! And was legally required to stop prescribing cancer drugs - which were criminal medicine from 2002 any way.
Each prescribing Dr. or medical professor struck off! Ejected from medicine - having to repay all wages back to 2002. Receiving no pension.
2013 and I applied ½ minute of the ultrasound from a device above to the bottom right of my diabetic friends chest - though these pancreas: position from an Internet search!
I tried week 1 10 seconds, but the diabetes came back in three days. So I came ½ minute - his type two diabetes is totally cleared for ever. I've published my work on the Internet.
At which stage he every Dr. With an interest in diabetes had to buy and use the ultrasound device. And cease prescribing metformin!
My American friends told me there was a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting. The viral structure was slightly different! Imate the antisense to insulin, whereas type two interferes with the pancreatic feedback systems stimulating insulin secretion.
That it Imate technical! 2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage cleared type one diabetes. When I was sat in the Tatton in salford England, at 50 seconds I was getting alarmed! 58 seconds I saw the colour, back to his face.
After Imate he pushed the ultrasound device away! 'Well' he said. Now a totally cured at diabetes! So type one takes the full minute. Or only remits in three days.
So my friends had type two diabetes will probably also have remitted in three days. But the world is in such a rush! So ½ minute clears type two diabetes instantly. The full minute clears type one diabetes also are instantly.
Making metformin and insulin prescription defective medicines! And no registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe defective medication. Or they are require the same day to strike themselves off!
No lawyer needs to be involved! If they it law firm is involved, the appropriate legal fine is 10 million UK pounds for each diabetic patients to death since 2002. The involved Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term for each unnecessary patient death.
The law firm gets one million UK pounds for each striking off, for each patient avoidly killed! Yet doctors are very arrogant! They protest they are allowed to prescribe would ever medication may wish.
No they are not! They are constrained only to use best medicine. And HIUS cures all diabetes in 1 minute or under - stop as the patient reports warming. 5% of human deaths are the result of diabetes.
80% of dust use to be from cancer. That was 28,000,000 individuals a year. 2022 and still 1.6 million cancer patients are being illegally medicated to death: all cancer drugs became illegal 2002.
And with it by the chemo and radio therapies! The Hippocratic N is meant to be overseen by the General Medical council's. In the UK the GMC. In the U.S. AMA - there is no legal argument.
Any Dr. Medicating cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia all struck off! Seen by the papers for heart disease and dementia clearance. Daughters protest that they are used to prescribing expensive medication!
They us on the promised to be aware of and adopt best medical practices. And in 2002 the only legal cancer medicine, was HIUS - clearing all cancers in 1 minute.
So if your GP has prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, they ceased to be doctors 20 years ago! They must repay all wages since then, and get no pension. Retirement is immaterial!
And the received 25 year jail term for each patient medicated to death for one of the diseases of age. All know totally cleared using ultrasound!
So doctors and drug company is lost 80% the income 2002. No company in corporate history has ever survived losing 80% other base income. Heart disease is cured with ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys 2012. Since then heart medication has been a criminal prescription!
That year my contact in New York used ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear AIDs. The one session cure to all viral and bacterial infections. So will cure the common cold and all strains of Covid flu.
Covid19 was the regular influenza from 2019. Ceasing to exist October 1, 2020. But the Covid19 vaccination programme only started January 2021. And that flu strain was extinct!
The Covid19 vaccination intentionally kills one in 200 healthy people vaccinated. Vaccinations are dangerous medical interventions! And the medically prohibited for extinct viral or bacterial infections.
Doctors pride themselves on their ethics! Just one Covid vaccination ever, and the Dr. struck off and excluded for ever from medical practice. They must return or wages back to and there first gave a potentially fatal Covid19 vaccination.
They a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds to the next of key and of every patient they intentionally vaccinated to death. The surviving vaccination patients, get 20,000 UK pounds for each defective Covid vaccination they survived!
The Covid19 vaccination is without a shadow of a doubt the most lethal medical intervention in history. Totally medically illegal! Striking off the Dr. and drug company yet again.
And crucially there is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath. One Covid vaccination and there excluded from medicine for ever. There prescriptions illegal and invalid. Their medical practice criminal.
How interesting the Astra Zeneca employs room full higher paid lawyers. He could not argue the Hippocratic oath! It is absolute medical law. So applying lawyers is a waste of medical money and time!
Astra Zeneca air ceased to illegal biochemical drug company 2002. All drug patents then void and worthless. Law firm is defending the void patents, committing legal malpractice. Struck off the legal register. Without any legal argument! The whole law firms removed from all for ever.
In 2018 the drug company is got massively alarmed, as all the doctors suddenly talk early retirement: as cancers were accepted to be cured.
So far the key at a pandemic! Corona virus was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. The regular flu from the previous year to Covid19 - so no direct relationship with Covid19.
Are automatically cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest. Chinese medics applied HIUS from December 2019. By February 2020 he Corona was extinct.
I use the idea November 2019 to clear my own flu - caused by Covid19. That freely published my work on the Internet. Which had to verified and then use by every registered Dr. on earth. Or they were struck off!
So all Covid strains cured! We are now on Covid21, until October 1, the honour Covid22 all over the world. Doctors protest they make no money from HIUS. Who cares!
It is best medicine to clear all viral and bacterial infections. Every year the common cold kills 50,000 people around the world. The seasonal flu, Covidx kills 50,000. Now all viruses are cured!
Just as my friend in New York used HIUS 2012 to cure AIDs. But medics are still prescribing AIDs treatments until 2018. I complained to European Court of human rights, who have legal supremacy to everybody!
And the prescription stopped overnight. Each of the prescribing doctors since 2002 struck off. Then no legal argument! They must return or wages since I first wrote out and the medical cancer drug prescription.
And the refund their medical fees to their unfortunate patients. With an additional 10 million UK pounds for every patient death. Since there prescriptions were invalid and there medical practice illegal.
So doctors have turned out to be the most psychopathic mass murdering bastards in history. All the time having the curative HIUS unit, unused in the nursing office! Validated to clear all the diseases of age. Not used for financial self interest reasons.
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