Thursday, 31 March 2022

News must be legal honest and true

Nwss MUST b true

Or the licence or four the newspapers to publish is revoked.  As is the TV channels licence to operate her new service.

By International Medical naming convention, the Covid flu is given a new number designation every October 1.  So Covid19 only existed as an influence or viral strain from the 1st of October 2019, on till the 31st of September, 2020.

So Covid flu and the common cold change too quickly for a vaccination ever to be legal.  The drug licensing process takes two years, so the Covid vaccination obsolete under halfway through drug testing.

So the Covid 19 vaccination was never a legal human drug.  Totally ineffective against the next year's Covid20 - Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid 19 vaccination.

Registered doctors are prohibited from giving obsolete an unlicensed medications.  As an obsolete vaccination would intentionally kill one person in 200.  Medically executed for the profits of the doctors and drug companies.  No possible as he could affect Covid19.

As that flu strain no longer existed in the universe!  3.5 billion Covid 19 vaccinations given, when we were already in the year of Covid20, or no Covid 21.  It is an automatic renaming convention, Covid 22 will come into being 1st of October, 2022.

So the Covid 19 vaccination programme has intentionally killed 17 million innocent and healthy individuals: the medically accepted death rate for any vaccination is one person in 200.

An obsolete vaccination no ****ing use.  And automatically illegal medical intervention.  Striking off the Dr., Nurse, pharmacist and drug company.

So the pharmacist totally removed from drove dispensing!  They are illegal medics.  In contravention of their nightingale pledge - just like the assisting nurses.

Who have also are totally removed them cells from medical activity the first time they helped with the obsolete Covid19 vaccination.

Around the world today we are having the annual outbreak of influenza - have a so every year!  Not a pandemic.  The regular seasonal flu.  Which is no Covid21 - no possibility that the obsolete Covid19 vaccination could have any medical value.

Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, affecting 77,000 people.  They used the medically published High Intensity UltraSound.  The one session total cure to the inflated cell nature common to all cancers.

Viral and bacterial infections also share the same non native inflated cell structure.  So all infections are cleared by application of HIUS.  It is first year undergraduate physics!

The ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion, in the foreign inflated cell types.  I devised the process 2001 at Sheffield University, who abruptly ended my PH D work with no award.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections that ever exist.  It cleared AIDs for a personal contact in New York 2012.

We published the idea freely on the Internet, and HIV vanished!  No noble prize ever awarded.  Thanks must be given here to professor Z at Sheffield University place thoughts on molecular nuclear fusion: the name devised by the late Professor Bernard Argent.

So 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts was medically confirmed 2002 to clear all 200 types or cancer out there.  Making the prescription of cancer drugs in chemo or radio therapy, criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the involved Dr. and drug company.

Each cancer patient death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  Each involved Dr. Receiving a 25 year term in high security prison.  As most prolific mass murderers in history.

Covid Star to causing the regular human influence or in 1934.  And it was realized there was a new version every winter - so a new Covid number was declared every 1st of October.

Since then medicine has prohibited any research or application of the Covid vaccination - automatically obsolete under halfway through drug testing.  Yet the drug company is are still trying to sell the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination, that was obsolete when Covid19 it cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.

So every patient vaccinated to death once the usual legal find 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The Dr. receiving a 25 year term in prison.  The drug company is also struck off!  Losing all other biochemical drug patents.

Mind you Astra Zeneca was struck off for its drug manufacture from 2002, but it is never left this affect its murderers business.  All the its drug patents were then void!

The law firm is defending the void its drug patents, guilty of legal malpractice.  The law firms also struck off from all law and the first defended the void biochemical drug patents.

Or there are winning court actions now up for retrial at the law society's own expense.  And more off and totally removed from all medical practice.  In the same whether drug company is were also are struck off their medical register.  And although drug patents invalidated and worthless.

There drugs now a illegal medicines!  Not just the Covid19 vaccination.  The most horrendous the murderous medicine in history.  Killing 17 million healthy an innocent individuals around the world, in just six months!

1/4 fatalities from World War II.  The doctors who prescribed cancer drugs since 2002 struck off.  Or there medical practice criminal!  They must return or all medical fees back to when they were struck off.

With an additional 10 million for each patient medicated to death for any reason: as there prescriptions then illegal and invalid.  There medical practice criminal.

But newspapers are still publishing fictitious covering about Covid19 - the influenza strain that cease to exist over two years ago.  We are now or in the year of Covid21.  That will become Covid 22 October first 2022.

It as a consequence to the Hippocratic oath, doctors and drug company is voluntarily sign.  Which prohibits all research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.

Burning doctors and drug company is to best medicine.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  As it cleared AIDs 2012.

So newspapers and TV are restrained from publicising medical fiction, as if it was true and Covid19 ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020.  By internationally agreed standard medical naming convention.

And the Covid vaccination has been medically prohibited since 1934.  Astra Zeneca only started an interesting Covid flu, as all cancers are cured 2002.  Though Astra Zeneca are still wish to make and sell the defective and criminal cancer drugs.

Which are outside legal medical prescription from 2002.  Every cancer patient death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  Since 2002 200,000,000 cancer patients around the world have been medicated to death by their psychopathic murderous doctors.

Dispensing the illegal and criminal medicines produced by the criminal drug companies.  That is a total legal fine of 2000 trillion!  World economy is are only worth 138 trillion.

So Astra Zeneca air is non contested legal fine is in excess of the worth of the planet.  For being the most murderous organisation in history.  Far surpassing the NAZI death chambers of the Second World War.

So Covid21, like all viral and bacterial infections, totally cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.  Like with the ultrasound from an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  Costing under five UK pounds over the Internet.

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage EB

Popular item 16 viewed per day

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Wednesday, 30 March 2022

carbon neutral Home Power System

plants EAT CO2

My American friend has now confirmed that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma will liberate 1 MW of heat.  He did not detail on the plasma pressure.  Criminally he is the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the plasma in a steam from a paint stripper or boiling pan.

Totally carbon neutral heat!  The high June ions and electrons bond to form neutrons.  Which in a confined glass cylinder burns the matter into just heat light and X rays.

1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

I calculated that a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  So presumably his pressure was & 2 atmospheres!

It may he does not matter.  This is a carbon neutral heat so efficient to generate the electricity for 60 houses.  Also provide them with free space heating!

From two little water ever to measure in a lifetime.  I thought of this idea it through my work at Sheffield University 2001.  There PH D was suddenly ended, as I started working on molecular nuclear fusion.

Were returned hydrogen and oxygen ions into heat light and X rays 1!  A steam plasma is a very convenient way he to make and self sustaining energy generation system.

This is a sort of development which needs publicising in telling the world!

vaccinations kill

One in 200 people!  Healthy an innocent people sacrifice for financial reward to the Dr. and drug company.  Only take two years to medically approve.

Fast changing viral lines like the common cold and Covid flu have new versions are more frequently than that!  The Covid19 vaccination was never given drug licensing before obsolete 1 October, 2020.

So any medic who is given any Covid vaccination in history, struck off!  No legal argument.  There vaccination no ****ing use by policy fatal!  The doctors to give them are not saving lives, their murdering their own patients for money!

We are on the year of Covid21 - Covid19 has been extinct for over two years.  So any medic who is ever given a Covid vaccination - struck off!

This dangerous and prolific mass murderers in history.  And a every six months the I want to give another buzz too fatal vaccination to Covid19 - why?  That viral strain is not exist in the universe for over two years.

And so because they can!  No in the smiling as they kill their own patients.  That is so inconsistent with a
healer!  The drug company is are one tree signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

So pledged never to make and sell obsolete an unlicensed medication.  Which the Covid vaccination always was!  There is no legal grey area.

The doctors Hippocratic is specific!  No vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold ever legal.  Registered doctors are not even allowed to research the vaccination!  Let alone give it.  The assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off. 

And there is no medical argument!  The accepted medical death rate for any authorized vaccination is 0.5%.  But the viral lines to Covid flu and the common cold, if all quicker and drug licensing can keep pace with!

So the Covid19 vaccination was only halfway three drug licensing when obsolete: for which reason no registered Dr. Has ever been allowed to work on a Covid vaccination, since Covid34 star to causing influenza in 1934.

Covid 19 only existed between 1 October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  So no Covid vaccination ever legal!  And now we're on the year of Covid21 - even last year India and Bahrain found that the Covid20 virus is totally unaffected by the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

If you have survived a Covid vaccination, you'll it return of your medical fees!  Along with punitive damages of 20,000 UK pounds for each Covid vaccination.

Tragically the one in 200 who had died as the smiling Dr. Vaccinate or them to death, is not here to get their money!  The money goes to their next of kin.

The doctors Hippocratic oath demanded they should have returned or medical fees and struck themselves off, the Thoughs Covid vaccination they gave.  All subsequent medical prescriptions are invalid and illegal.

Choir possibly the pharmacist or dispensed the drug order for the unethical and illegal Covid19 vaccination, so they knew from firsthand experience that the individual was struck off are no longer a Dr.!

Knowingly dispensing illegal medications struck off the pharmacist.  The assisting nurse also struck off!  Along with the assisting nurses and the drug company.

The Covid19 vaccination is is without any doubt the most fatal medicine in history!  The Astra Zeneca comebacks every six months, to repeat the illegal and unethical but fatal vaccination process.

By Astra Zeneca has continued with the illegal manufacture of cancer drugs after they became criminal and defective medicine 2002.  And no Dr. Is allowed to prescribe defective medication!

Just you remind your GP of this.  The drug company is have financially compromised the National Medical regulators, I will go on dispensing a illegal and defective medications, until we are all dead!

Any drug company manufacturing cancer drugs after 2002 struck off without argument.  Or the other drug prescriptions then void and worthless!  They can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll.  They are bankrupt!

Power that pays

Plasma powr PAYS

In the U.S. my friend has fired up a steam plasma.  He found that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma at liberate a constant 1 MW of heat.  He did not record the pressure and X ray meetings.

The steam plasma does the carbon neutral heat generation.

1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

No 1 MW of heat is massive heat generation!  It will drive a little steam turbine, to freeze 500 kW of carbon neutral electricity.  Synchronise with the mains phase and voltage.

How much is a steam turbine cost?

Generators installed in 2019 by prime mover

Capacity-weighted average cost per kilowatt of installed namepate capacity ($/kW) capacity weighted-average cost ($/kW)

steam turbine 2,868

So we are looking at $1,100 for free electricity for life.  In the UK the national grid pays 3000 UK pounds per kilowatt year.  So were looking at an annual income of 150,000.  Tax free!

And we produce no carbon emissions!  As we burn no fuels.  We utilised just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  We start off by a 5 cc in a spring loaded reservoir, and to top up the plasma using a hypodermic over a metal drip tray.

The water boils off into steam!  And the plasma self sustains above four atmospheres: this final answer my American friend did not use of pressure sensor!  Does not really matter.

Presumably in the U.S. the national grid will pay 3¢ per kilowatt hour.  Generating an annual income of 150,000 UK pounds a year.

You're Y the little steam turbine from Siemens, over a hire purchase!  And pay off the higher perches in the first 2 months.  When there national grid starts playing here 800 UK pounds a month.

All the currency conversion, you may even pay it off in the first month!  Annie get carbon neutral electricity for life.  The work he was done at Sheffield University 20 years ago!

My PH D got ended for no explained reason.  So I went off writing songs and singing on stage - as you do.

So was less to my American contacts to do the practical confirmation.  He was not as there are will use measurements as I would have liked.  But really who cares!

1 MW of heat from a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  Started up using the electronics from old fluorescent light.  And more money than he can spend in a lifetime!

Surely Sheffield University should V publishing this stuff!  It after all is life changing and saving technology.  Free non nuclear carbon zero heat and power.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Make free natural gas


In the day, plants EAT CO2

This is a non fossil fuel heat source!  Being formed by sucking carbon dioxide as the air, only released as you burn natural gas is high pressure!  We recycle the carbon dioxide from the air-we do not add to it.

Photosynthesis sucks carbon dioxide as the air, the in just the temperate limit of two parts per million carbon dioxide in the afternoon air.  Carbon emissions boost life on earth!  No possible effect on the climate.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)n-E+mO₂)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

So it buzzing the carbohydrates of life takes in energy!  And photosynthesis excrete in the oxygen animals need to breathe in!

Animal mitochondria in the body cells, oxidise the carbohydrates - and get out the residual nuclear fusion energy.  Photosynthesis secretes helium gas and its X rays, plus a faint blue light.  As it does molecular nuclear fusion.

In 1912 the French scientist Sabadier was awarded the noble prize.  For devising the hydroxy nation of carbon dioxide.

2 CO₂+3H₂+(Al)+T→CH₄+2H₂O+(Al) Al is aluminium - but can be any face centre cubic metal extruded into a here clec while.

At highly pressure oxygen displaces the hydrogen - which farmers to form water molecules.

3 CH₄+3O₂+P+spark→CO₂+2H₂O+E²+L...X-ray

One of the most vigorous reactions in chemistry!  But natural gas will only burn at omitted pressure.  It is won the wonders of chemistry, that at low or room pressure carbon dioxide well and burn to form methane - natural gas.

And this science is familiar to every chemical engineer on earth.  Who in the lunch hour can design a plant to take hydrogen from the electrolysis of water, and can burning the carbon dioxide to address the air in a Carnot refrigeration cycle.

We burn some of the methane, to drive a small gas turbine.  And generate free electricity.  Which drives the Carnot refrigeration unit.  Which chills carbon dioxide as the air at -20° C.  Or warmer if the air is pressurised!

The amount of energy required for the electrolysis of water is so are trivial.

We add the carbon dioxide to the hydrogen.  Heated using the steam after our gas turbine.  Still hot!  We only need 400° C.  The steam will be at six and and 20° C.

Alternatively we can run a steam plasma, as a heat source to drive the fire generation system.

4 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

My calculations indicate which you get a constant 2.4 MW of heat from a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres.  My American contact is only getting 1 MW!  He should driving raising the pressure to six atmospheres.

So we condense carbon dioxide as the air, and an burn it with hydrogen to form methane.  Which are then call and sell to the gas main.

Which is a carbon neutral fuel!  And all chemically engineering companies can build a little plant to produce methane gas, in a week!  We can exceed the gas demand for the UK in a week.

We now exports are natural gas to Europe, are long the gas main under the channel.  We no longer consume rationing gas via the Ukraine.  The Russian invasion of Ukraine is just criminal!

So the Ukraine can make methane.  It does not need to import natural gas from Russia.  He can produce its won in a little chemical plant.  And the gas is carbon neutral!

Produced by sucking carbon dioxide as the air!  Only release back into the air, as a methane is plant at higher pressure.

And every chemical engineer on the planet is fully conversant with the Sabatier process.  Which remember was awarded the noble prize in 2012.  Free carbon neutral natural gas!

If we bubble the methane up and aluminium honeycomb, the fuel oil field trip out!  And we can repeat the process to of a doubt the carbon number.  Covers 16 years is petrol!  So you make totally carbon neutral diesel and petrol oil.  For free!

5 16CH₄+P+(Al)→C₁₆H₃₄+7H₂

So we get out carbon neutral petrol.  Which is basically free!  It is formed by sucking carbon dioxide out of the air.  Only released when burnt at higher pressure.  So no possible weather effect!

As I mentioned above plans converts extra come dioxide into additional life on earth.  And more plants means inevitably more animals!  Burning the fossil fuels is gradually releasing the organic carbon are supported 85% more active biology in the Jurassic age, there we have today!

There is just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide around the temperate earth the afternoon air.  Of other poor ice In winter, there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the air, temperature -50° C.  Whoever made up man made global warming was for numbly stupid!

As was the whole world for believing them!  Carbon dioxide levels rise in a natural ice age, or in the arctic winter.  It rises with a four year time lag, as the snow is gradually reduce the motor photosynthesis going on around the earth.

Free heat and power

Brr - the world cooling

In a steam plasma we have positive atomic nuclei, and free electrons.  Moving in a chaotic fashion!  B a hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons.

1 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

So a non nuclear source of neutrons!  He every rain or snow does a little molecular nuclear fusion and.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E

So the positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the negative charge falls to the ground with the electrons.  At 5000 volts, 100 amps a partial steam plasma links up the charge arrears, and we get a lightening down strike!

For the almost instantly by a lightening up strike!  As the steam plasma does the twice as dynamic plasma burn from regular steam.

3 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

This is why lightning killer of light and X rays!  Of which there is no chemical source.  But we are stripped the ice and snow into positive ions and free electrons.  So we get 1.

Which is why lightning also produces neutrons!  But neutrons are the unminder of matter!

4 H⁺+2n⁰→E²+L...Xray

Each lightening strike produces 5 tonnes of helium ions-as a turnover interaction of hydrogen ions forms helium.

5 2H⁺+PL+P→He²⁺+E

In a confined glass cylinder, the new chance bond with the air heavy atomic elements in the gas, and cause them to undergo nuclear fission into hydrogen ions and free electrons.  The high June ions and free electrons do 1.

I am getting the experiments done in the U.S..  A steam plasma at eight atmospheres does 5 MW of heat generation, as the high June ions do 4.  Rsh to are four atmospheres we get 2.5 MW of heat from a 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres.

My contact suggests we get just 1 MW.  This only the carbon neutral electricity for 16 houses.  I would tend to rerun the experiments at six in atmospheres pressure.  As a heat generation should clear up exponentially.

There realistic least 16 houses on carbon neutral electricity and heat, is just fine.  We pass the steam through a steam turbine and generate mains linked AC power.

We use it is still hot exit steam at 620° C, to drive an area central heating system and pump the hearts or central heating fluid around the local area.

So the steam plasma turns 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc into the carbon free electricity and heat for 60 houses.  Will really struggle to measure the volume of water.

The national grid will buy our excess electricity, and get an annual income of two million UK pounds for a year, for life.  At six atmospheres we should get our six million UK pounds.  Which is eight million dollars!

And BS ceased to consume mains electricity all burn fossil fuels.  We erect no carbon dioxide at by any remote power station, or in the home.  We are totally carbon neutral.

Every year above the arctic ice, carbon dioxide rises from the temperate level of two parts per million, to 4PPM.  Air temperature -50° C!  Then the spring comes and photosynthesis in the seas takes off, and we are back to the temperate average of 2 PPM.  We are totally safe and confirming that carbon dioxide does not warm the air.

In the little ice age of the 18th century, the air temperature or any Europe was -20° C and the carbon dioxide levels over the ice was 4 PPM.

So twice the carbon dioxide level in Europe, at -20° C!  So E burn from recent mineral records, manmade climate change is barking mad!  Just totally wrong.

Carbon dioxide levels rise for years into a natural glaciation - and them in record tells is for all of recorded history.

The feeble earning money from manmade climate change, are the academics medical them from manmade climate change!  On till the natural climate started cooling 1995 - by a predictable solar emission cycles.  All the planets in the inner solar system or cooling.

They will next stop warming next year!  Expect the a scientifically stupid academics to dust off their papers on manmade global warming.  They climate reacts to the predictable solar emission cycles.

Carbon dioxide rises four years after the earth's cells cooling!  There is a time delay and we can conclude with absolute certainty, the carbon dioxide is a climate follower.

Reacting to the wax and wane of natural plant life!  Which in turn reacts to predictable solar emission cycles.  And which have a 28 year short period of solution.

The climate started cooling 1995, it will next warm again naturally 2023.  Carbon dioxide levels trail the natural weather oscillations.  Thoughts of the late Professor Bernard Argent - an emeritus metallurgical professor.

Monday, 28 March 2022

Doctors' cured diabetes 2002

2002 all viral structures cured

That year three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, demonstrated that high intensity ultrasound would cure the inflated cell structures like the cells causing cancer!

These a viral altered cells, are required to pressurised in order to divide and replicate.  They are the left over viral fragments left behind from a person's infective past.

And 2010 and I had an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, that liberated the HIUS to clear cancers.  I used it said carelessly to clear lung breast and colon cancer.  The Christie cancer hospital for the discharge my breast cancer patient - when they found she had no press cancer,

I had applied 1 minute of HIUS ultrasound to the affected breast, three years before she is due to have surgery.  They gave her an ultrasound scan and found no cancer so discharged.

Ultrasound scan so interesting, because they cause the inflated cancer cells to emit X rays as they do biological molecular nuclear fusion.

My ultrasound massage device, cause the cancer cells to boil and rupture and the patient's immune system clears the cancer from the body and the next three days.

That diabetes is also caused by a viral fragment.  So type two diabetes is cleared by ½ minute of high us to the bottom right of the chest.  Type one requires the full minute.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²

I was reviewing my notes, and I cured 30 people of diabetes.  Five firstly of type two diabetes.  The rest over the Internet from America!  Which is why it suddenly American medics have launched an appeal control for type one diabetes.

As Americans are ceasing to use insulin.  Metformin has massive and documented side effects.  The HIUS is a medically licensed home beauty procedure.  That clears them scarring and damage!

The HIUS applied externally will clear all 200 types of human cancer: hence cancer rates have crashed drastically.  From 20 million 2002 - world population 4.4 billion.  To 1.6 million by 2022 - world population 8.4 billion.

HIUS cures all 200 types of human cancer.  The cancer victims dying and or medication, are being medically executed by the self seeking Dr. - are applying knowingly defective and fatal medicine.

So HIUS totally clears all diabetes.  Without any side effects!  The no on going drug use required.  Dr. Intervention totally illegal.

The drug company is are frantic - diabetes was 5% of the income, the of or cancer was totally cured 2002.  Though the drug company is are still trying to financially induced registered doctors to apply the defective and criminal cancer drugs.

Just one cancer drug prescriptions since 2002 and the Dr. and drug company are struck off.  Metformin or insulin prescriptions since I cured type two diabetes using HIUS 2013, has only been defective medicine.

So pill can buying the ultrasound unit over the Internet, and cured them cells as home, or both type one and type two diabetes.  HIUS is best and only legal and medicine!

clear diabetes, cancers etc

all cancers and diabetes cured at home

In 2002 3 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of a single external application of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear all 200 types of human cancer.  Note: it clears all inflated cell structures!  So clearing all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

When we give a cancer patient an ultrasound scan, the cancers emit X rays!  As they do biological molecular nuclear fusion: the idea I devised by professor Z at Sheffield University 2000: ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²+X-ray - there are those X rays!  Of which there is no chemical source.  Amazingly enough we are doing nuclear fusion at moderate pressure, and body temperature.

I sent the idea of using high powered ultrasound to restrict cancer growth to my medical friends, and they sent it to the Moffitt!  Who found it was a one session total cure to cancers and viruses.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears all 200 cancers - I applied to where it hurts.  Plus the liver and arm pits - not strictly necessary, the immune system will clear secondaries.  But we have the cancer killer machine in our hand.  One not use it!

The professor spent eight years trying to get other medics to adopt the life saving new technology.  There retired in discust.  Occasionally E mailing me!  Thank you guys.

So in 2002 20 million people around the world had died from cancers and or medication.  That year cancer drugs became defective medicine!  Each cancer patient death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, I each Dr. Sentenced to 25 years in high security prison.  The a assisting nurses and pharmacists, and involved drug company is all struck off.

So Astra Zeneca ceased to be a legal drug company 2002!  All its other drug patents were are void and worthless.  Yet global firms have defended the void patents!  Which is legal malpractice.  The law firms also struck off without argument.

To revert Astra Zeneca every drug company has continued with the illegal manufacture and sale of cancer drugs over last 20 years.  So each and every drug company struck off without argument.  All other biochemical drug patents void.  There drugs outside legal medical prescription.

From 2010, I started using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, as my consumer HIUS unit.

I used it to clear lung, breast cancers: or there patients for under treatment of the Christie cancer hospital Manchester UK.  So the Christie was aware of my work!  And was legally required to stop prescribing cancer drugs - which were criminal medicine from 2002 any way.

Each prescribing Dr. or medical professor struck off!  Ejected from medicine - having to repay all wages back to 2002.  Receiving no pension.

2013 and I applied ½ minute of the ultrasound from a device above to the bottom right of my diabetic friends chest - though these pancreas: position from an Internet search!

I tried week 1 10 seconds, but the diabetes came back in three days.  So I came ½ minute - his type two diabetes is totally cleared for ever.  I've published my work on the Internet.

At which stage he every Dr. With an interest in diabetes had to buy and use the ultrasound device.  And cease prescribing metformin!

My American friends told me there was a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.  The viral structure was slightly different!  Imate the antisense to insulin, whereas type two interferes with the pancreatic feedback systems stimulating insulin secretion.

That it Imate technical!  2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage cleared type one diabetes.  When I was sat in the Tatton in salford England, at 50 seconds I was getting alarmed!  58 seconds I saw the colour, back to his face.

After Imate he pushed the ultrasound device away!  'Well' he said.  Now a totally cured at diabetes!  So type one takes the full minute.  Or only remits in three days.

So my friends had type two diabetes will probably also have remitted in three days.  But the world is in such a rush!  So ½ minute clears type two diabetes instantly.  The full minute clears type one diabetes also are instantly.

Making metformin and insulin prescription defective medicines!  And no registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe defective medication.  Or they are require the same day to strike themselves off!

No lawyer needs to be involved!  If they it law firm is involved, the appropriate legal fine is 10 million UK pounds for each diabetic patients to death since 2002.  The involved Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term for each unnecessary patient death.

The law firm gets one million UK pounds for each striking off, for each patient avoidly killed!  Yet doctors are very arrogant!  They protest they are allowed to prescribe would ever medication may wish.

No they are not!  They are constrained only to use best medicine.  And HIUS cures all diabetes in 1 minute or under - stop as the patient reports warming.  5% of human deaths are the result of diabetes.

80% of dust use to be from cancer.  That was 28,000,000 individuals a year.  2022 and still 1.6 million cancer patients are being illegally medicated to death: all cancer drugs became illegal 2002.

And with it by the chemo and radio therapies!  The Hippocratic N is meant to be overseen by the General Medical council's.  In the UK the GMC.  In the U.S. AMA - there is no legal argument.

Any Dr. Medicating cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia all struck off!  Seen by the papers for heart disease and dementia clearance.  Daughters protest that they are used to prescribing expensive medication!

They us on the promised to be aware of and adopt best medical practices.  And in 2002 the only legal cancer medicine, was HIUS - clearing all cancers in 1 minute.

So if your GP has prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, they ceased to be doctors 20 years ago!  They must repay all wages since then, and get no pension.  Retirement is immaterial!

And the received 25 year jail term for each patient medicated to death for one of the diseases of age.  All know totally cleared using ultrasound!

So doctors and drug company is lost 80% the income 2002.  No company in corporate history has ever survived losing 80% other base income.  Heart disease is cured with ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys 2012.  Since then heart medication has been a criminal prescription!

That year my contact in New York used ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear AIDs.  The one session cure to all viral and bacterial infections.  So will cure the common cold and all strains of Covid flu.

Covid19 was the regular influenza from 2019.  Ceasing to exist October 1, 2020.  But the Covid19 vaccination programme only started January 2021.  And that flu strain was extinct!

The Covid19 vaccination intentionally kills one in 200 healthy people vaccinated.  Vaccinations are dangerous medical interventions!  And the medically prohibited for extinct viral or bacterial infections.

Doctors pride themselves on their ethics!  Just one Covid vaccination ever, and the Dr. struck off and excluded for ever from medical practice.  They must return or wages back to and there first gave a potentially fatal Covid19 vaccination.

They a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds to the next of key and of every patient they intentionally vaccinated to death.  The surviving vaccination patients, get 20,000 UK pounds for each defective Covid vaccination they survived!

The Covid19 vaccination is without a shadow of a doubt the most lethal medical intervention in history.  Totally medically illegal!  Striking off the Dr. and drug company yet again.

And crucially there is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  One Covid vaccination and there excluded from medicine for ever.  There prescriptions illegal and invalid.  Their medical practice criminal.

How interesting the Astra Zeneca employs room full higher paid lawyers.  He could not argue the Hippocratic oath!  It is absolute medical law.  So applying lawyers is a waste of medical money and time!

Astra Zeneca air ceased to illegal biochemical drug company 2002.  All drug patents then void and worthless.  Law firm is defending the void patents, committing legal malpractice.  Struck off the legal register.  Without any legal argument!  The whole law firms removed from all for ever.

In 2018 the drug company is got massively alarmed, as all the doctors suddenly talk early retirement: as cancers were accepted to be cured.

So far the key at a pandemic!  Corona virus was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.  The regular flu from the previous year to Covid19 - so no direct relationship with Covid19.

Are automatically cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  Chinese medics applied HIUS from December 2019.  By February 2020 he Corona was extinct.

I use the idea November 2019 to clear my own flu - caused by Covid19.  That freely published my work on the Internet.  Which had to verified and then use by every registered Dr. on earth.  Or they were struck off!

So all Covid strains cured!  We are now on Covid21, until October 1, the honour Covid22 all over the world.  Doctors protest they make no money from HIUS.  Who cares!

It is best medicine to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Every year the common cold kills 50,000 people around the world.  The seasonal flu, Covidx kills 50,000.  Now all viruses are cured!

Just as my friend in New York used HIUS 2012 to cure AIDs.  But medics are still prescribing AIDs treatments until 2018.  I complained to European Court of human rights, who have legal supremacy to everybody!

And the prescription stopped overnight.  Each of the prescribing doctors since 2002 struck off.  Then no legal argument!  They must return or wages since I first wrote out and the medical cancer drug prescription.

And the refund their medical fees to their unfortunate patients.  With an additional 10 million UK pounds for every patient death.  Since there prescriptions were invalid and there medical practice illegal.

So doctors have turned out to be the most psychopathic mass murdering bastards in history.  All the time having the curative HIUS unit, unused in the nursing office!  Validated to clear all the diseases of age.  Not used for financial self interest reasons.

Alzheimer's cured

dementia done

2013 and I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side ahead of people with MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  Why the individual submission at my church health group I have no idea!

And never saw them again.  They all walked away free of pain, and clears of dementia.  I freely published my work on the Internet, which had to verified and then use by every registered Dr. on earth.

Yet there is no favours daemons daily cancer mother has Alzheimer's!  Which medics have tried to build up as a replacement for cancer, as all cancers were cured.

Cancer they are caused by a viral fragment - having a non native inflated cell structure to induce cell replication.  Regular body cells never divide and replicate.  Cancers are forced to divide in a viral, single cell fashion.

It transpires that the viral structures causing dementia, or show up in ultrasound scans!  As they emit X rays in response to 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound.  As the inflated viral modified cells, do biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

In response to 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, the viral structures boil and rupture.  Inducing a full immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body and brain.  The Moffitt cancer centre finded 2002, as a single 1 minute application of my HIUS clears all 200 cancers out there.

Yet 2022, and one's registered doctors are still prescribing cancer drugs in chemo or radio therapy.  The cancer drugs or became criminal medical malpractice 2002.

There prescription striking off the Dr. - then barred from all medical activity.  There prescriptions invalid and illegal.  Every patient death and or medication warranting the same 10 million UK pound fine.  Or the Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security jail, as are most prolific mass murdering bastards in history.

2022 and 1.6 million people are still being medicated to death every year by cancer drugs.  2002 20 million people died and or cancer drugs.  By that year three medical professors published a total cure of all body cancers.

2013 I use the same HIUS to clear all dementia.  The viral structures boil had and fragmented!  And the immune system clear that dangerous cell type totally from the brain.

Doctors are still waiting for a biochemical treatment!  But medicine strictly prohibits research into alternative cures to cured conditions.  And all dementia was cured 2013.

As verified by every registered Dr. On earth.  Surgery cancer mother is being treated by Dr. Intent on medicating her to death.

He has personally validated that HIUS clears all cancers and viruses: viral and bacterial infections are cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest.

So the Dr. has validated the 2013 paper that HIUS clears all dementia.  So any Dr. Medicating Alzheimer's or other dementia, is doing criminal medical malpractice!  Striking off the Dr. and involved drug company.

No hospital around the world can allow the ones registered Dr. To medicate dementia!  Which can be cleared at home using a five UK pound ultrasound massage device.  Purchased over the Internet - it will arrive within five days.  And clear all dementia in 1 minute.

And every Dr. On earth has the validated HIUS unit, to clear all cancers and dementia.  Also clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Medicating our Alzheimer's is criminal medical malpractice.

Saturday, 26 March 2022

carbon totally limited


just 0.0002% CO2 in the air for 11,700 years

on earth, in the present epoch to zoos two parts per million: the static trace level of carbon dioxide since before mankind evolved.

Controlled exclusively by photosynthesis on land and sea!  Burning the fossil fuels releases additional carbon dioxide, which within 5 minutes is converted into additional plant and animal biomass.

Leaving the usual static torque two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less evolved.  It left four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

There was 85% more biological life on earth.  Resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower - in the warm.  There were three natural ice ages.  And carbon dioxide rose from four PPM, to eight PPM!  Four times the trace level of carbon dioxide - in the depths of an ice age.

LONDON: A large-scale volcanic event during the Jurassic Period may have caused the 'ice-age' that took place on Earth around 170 million years ago, a new study has found. Researchers have found evidence of a large and abrupt cooling of the Earth's temperature during the Jurassic Period, which lasted millions of years.14 Dec 2015

So four times the level of carbon dioxide, an ice age lasting millions of years.  This is not a recent phenomenon.  Every year in the arctic winter, above the ice there is no photosynthesis on land and seas.

The carbon dioxide levels double back to the Jurassic four PPM.  Air temperature -50° C!  The global climate for all the planets in the inner solar system, is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.

A share short term cycles of 28 years.  So the natural climate has been cooling predictably since 1995.  Assay as a climate of Mars - atmosphere 98% carbon dioxide.  Cooling like all the planets in the inner solar system.

So the next year 2023 the global climate will start warming again.  Global carbon dioxide around the temperate earth will still be limited by photosynthesis to just two PPM.

So the climatic warming is linked to predictable solar emission cycles.  28 year periods or warming cooling!  There is some suggestion of cycles every 100,000 years.

So the climate will begin warming.  And carbon dioxide levels have been fixed for all the present epoch.   Which began 11,700 years ago

Officially, the current epoch is called the Holocene, which began 11,700 years ago after the last major ice age.7 Jun 2019

Anthropocene | National Geographic Society

Academics are testing desperately telling carbon dioxide with the climate.  Even though the mineral records show is carbon dioxide levels double the natural ice ages.  Like in the 18th century!

The natural carbon dioxide level lags glaciations by four years.  So the ice age happens, and never next four years carbon dioxide reacts!  It is some reduction in plant life.

Into carbon dioxide does affect the climate, its level would lead climatic changes.  The carbon dioxide rises four years into an ice age.

Any scientist who argues in favour of man made climate change, has obviously you stop clears mental health medication.  The mineral records is absolute science fact.

Carbon dioxide reacts to the natural weather changes.  It never makes the weather!

Nuclear power concocted manmade global warming after Chernobyl.  Conclusive proof that nuclear power was the technology of mankind should not tried to do!  The annual required insurance for 100 MW power plant rose tp 40 billion.

But 90% of the safety recommendations whenever actioned!  That was in 1986.  So in 2010, Tokyo nuclear experience Fukushima.  Nuclear power has such a catastrophic event every 25 years.  Remember Windscale!

So every e.g. ef nuclear power plant around the world knees in fossil insurance cover of 100 billion: there is no insurance available above one billion.  So every nuclear power plant in the world is running with criminally insufficient insurance.

And they have bought off academics!  Not one will mention that nuclear power is criminally under insured.  As science and education in particular is heavily dependent on the research planning they get from nuclear power.

There is no and no global reprocessing capability for nuclear waste - since Windscale shut down.  It was known as Sellafield before its nuclear incident in the 1950s.

But every nuclear power plant is built using masses of concrete.  Produced using a fossil fuel burn on limestone.  To produce concrete.  Using uranium nuclear fission rods as a heat source, would make dangerously radioactive concrete.

Which makes an active nuclear power building programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions: nuclear power is so very much not carbon zero!  The plant's tended to move up by national governments, so charge to the requirement to have adequate insurance cover.

Every operating nuclear power plant today knees insurance cover of 100 billion.  I must implement an immediate stop and never restart!

So next year the weather will stop warming.  Carbon still static!  Nuclear power still a massive carbon source.  RSVP

Clear blindness

fix sight

I would accept that my sample group is tiny!  I cleared my own corneal scarring, flying I infections after my car accident.

I also cleared my mother and a friend of cataracts!  It would appear that site problems arise from corneal damage, or structures lay down by a busy bacterial all viruses.  Apply the ultrasound to closed eyes.

In cataracts the bacterial a used a protective fatty sheath, to protect itself from the immune system.  Which degrades the individuals' sight.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears the bacterial or viral structure.  It also clears any fatty sheath deposits!  So just one application will clear cataracts.

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage EB

Popular item 16 viewed per day

Last one 6 sold

For killing a scarring and I used 20 High Intensity UltraSound applications.  And not a hospital department or a specialist!  But the device I used is medically licensed for physiotherapist use, to clear limb damage!

An amazing enough will clear all cancers!  1 minute of the HIUS to where it hurts!  Will cause the viral or bacterial structure to boil and fragment.  And we get the immune system to clear that distinct cell type from the body.

It will also cause the clearance of scar tissue!  A month after the injury has healed - do not use HIUS and tell your healed.

2013 I found that ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest and the pancreas, clear the inflated viral structure causing type two diabetes.  2016 I confirmed my American diabetic contacts experience, that 1 minute was required for type one diabetes.

No continuing prescription of insane or metformin required or even legal!  Since this idea was published 2013, the prescription of metformin has been criminal medical malpractice.

UK argue there is found prescriptions after 2016 were equally as criminal.

½ minute to the top left to the chest over the coronary arteries, and at the back of the kidneys clears the inflated bacterial structure causing coronary heart disease.  Totally fixing the heart!

My stepfather had type two diabetes and colon cancer.  And will never accept the my little beauty device helped, though the Christie Hospital totally discharged him.

So all those I doctors in the world, pen try out this idea!  Which will do no harm.  And they can measure the improvement of the it forms a overtime.  I am not a consultant or eye hospital!

My spare tional years engineering and metallurgy.  So my academic contacts do not understand my medical work either.  Such a massive improvement possible to human life!  For almost no financial cost.

And doctors don't really make money out of blindness!  The patient just lose a shortened and compromise life. 

Make natural gas

free C0 heat and power

The French Sebatier was awarded the noble prize in 1912, for devising the case that bears his name.  The and burning of carbon dioxide and hydrogen to freeze methane - natural gas.

Sabatier reaction

1 CO₂+4H₂+(Al)→CH₄+2H₂O ∆H = −165.0 kJ/m

 at one atmosphere pressure

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paul Sabatier (1854-1941) winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1912 and discoverer of the reaction in 1897

The Sabatier reaction or Sabatier process produces methane and water from a reaction of hydrogen with carbon dioxide at elevated temperatures (optimally 300–400 °C) and pressures (perhaps 3 MPa [1]) in the presence of a nickel catalyst (or any FCC metal - like Al). It was discovered by the French chemists Paul Sabatier and Jean-Baptiste Senderens in 1897. Optionally, ruthenium on alumina (aluminium oxide) makes a more efficient catalyst. It is described by the following exothermic reaction.[2]

We are familiar with elevated pressure methane and oxygen burning, to produce carbon dioxide and steam.  Burn at low pressure the reaction reverses - as often happens in thermodynamics.

The point about exothermic reactions, is that they do happen!  Without any heat input.

Which means that small engineering firms can pass carbon dioxide and hydrogen down and tell immune helix, and get out methane and water.  The unreality gases we we circulate!

We call the gases down and remove the water!  We use a steam plasma as a carbon neutral source of heat and power.

2 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

A 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres will release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat, from just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  Totally replacing the need to burn eight oil or gas to produce heat!

A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into 1.2 MW of mains voltage and frequency AC current.

Totally carbon neutral non nuclear cost free power!  Why burn or oil or gas?

We do the electrolysis of regular water to produce hydrogen or oxygen gases.  The steam will still be at six and 80° C after the turbine and we use some the current to run a Carnot heat pump.  And condense carbon dioxide out of the air.

We next see carbon dioxide and hydrogen together, and he had using heat pumps fired by the exhaust steam.  At over 400° C, we pipe at low pressure down an alley immune helix.  And the carbon dioxide unburns!

As in equation one!  It goes free and 99 nuclear methane - natural gas.  Which are lonely burn in the presence of oxygen when pressurise and exposed to a spark!

So we sat the carbon dioxide out of the air.  And when burnt we only get back the same carbon dioxide!  But now we do a plasma burn or steam, 2, and get out massive carbon neutral heat!

So we are looking at 2.4 MW of heat from our 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres.  Replacing or desire to burn or oil and gas!

We produce carbon zero cost free heat.  With no radioactive processes involved!  No hyper toxic radioactive waste: uranium nuclear power produces plutonium - which requires annual insurance cover for 100 MW power plant of 100 billion a year.  Nuclear power Carries a criminally insufficient 50 million.

The most toxic and an insurable industry ever!  Building a nuclear plant releases in two years the growing carbon emissions from a conventional power plant in 25 years.  After 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished and rebuilt!  Though they could never legally operate - he could never get the required insurance cover.

Making an active nuclear power building programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions on earth: it is all that fossil fuel burn deep limestone forming concrete.

They don't use uranium fission rods - after all he wants radioactive concrete you nuclear power plant!  Nobody was radioactive concrete anywhere.

So nuclear power is 1/4 largest source of carbon emissions on earth.

By every day he during daylight hours photosynthesis on land and C around the temperate earth, converts carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.  Also releasing a faint blue light and X rays - it is actually K form of biological molecular nuclear fusion.

The emission of visible light and X rays, an production of helium is symptomatic of nuclear processes.

3 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+chlorophyll+TU+Luv→Cₘ(H₂O)n+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)

This is why carbon dates work!  Photosynthesis does molecular nuclear fusion.  The X rays bond with the carbon, to produce ⁱ³C - carbon 13.  The radioactive isotope of carbon!  That decay so 1/2 5000 years.  Telling us when that biological material was last plant matter.

And the family water also does molecular nuclear fusion.  Which relates cure the carbon dates!

4 H₂O+TU→He+O+X-ray

So the biological matter immersed in running water or under a waterfall.  All display carbon date of 5000 years ago.  When he was buried within living memory!  Hence are device with extensive carbon dates, were only manufacture the 20th century!

No scientist has ever explosive or why carbon dates work!  Photosynthesis is it a form of biological molecular nuclear fusion.  The non nuclear source of X rays!

80% of Russian GGP is from gas and oil exports.  But now a steam plasma is basically free E carbon neutral heat and power.  Fossil fuel prices are going to crash so heavily!  As is the value of the Russian currency.  The Rouble?