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Or the licence or four the newspapers to publish is revoked. As is the TV channels licence to operate her new service.
By International Medical naming convention, the Covid flu is given a new number designation every October 1. So Covid19 only existed as an influence or viral strain from the 1st of October 2019, on till the 31st of September, 2020.
So Covid flu and the common cold change too quickly for a vaccination ever to be legal. The drug licensing process takes two years, so the Covid vaccination obsolete under halfway through drug testing.
So the Covid 19 vaccination was never a legal human drug. Totally ineffective against the next year's Covid20 - Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid 19 vaccination.
Registered doctors are prohibited from giving obsolete an unlicensed medications. As an obsolete vaccination would intentionally kill one person in 200. Medically executed for the profits of the doctors and drug companies. No possible as he could affect Covid19.
As that flu strain no longer existed in the universe! 3.5 billion Covid 19 vaccinations given, when we were already in the year of Covid20, or no Covid 21. It is an automatic renaming convention, Covid 22 will come into being 1st of October, 2022.
So the Covid 19 vaccination programme has intentionally killed 17 million innocent and healthy individuals: the medically accepted death rate for any vaccination is one person in 200.
An obsolete vaccination no ****ing use. And automatically illegal medical intervention. Striking off the Dr., Nurse, pharmacist and drug company.
So the pharmacist totally removed from drove dispensing! They are illegal medics. In contravention of their nightingale pledge - just like the assisting nurses.
Who have also are totally removed them cells from medical activity the first time they helped with the obsolete Covid19 vaccination.
Around the world today we are having the annual outbreak of influenza - have a so every year! Not a pandemic. The regular seasonal flu. Which is no Covid21 - no possibility that the obsolete Covid19 vaccination could have any medical value.
Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, affecting 77,000 people. They used the medically published High Intensity UltraSound. The one session total cure to the inflated cell nature common to all cancers.
Viral and bacterial infections also share the same non native inflated cell structure. So all infections are cleared by application of HIUS. It is first year undergraduate physics!
The ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion, in the foreign inflated cell types. I devised the process 2001 at Sheffield University, who abruptly ended my PH D work with no award.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections that ever exist. It cleared AIDs for a personal contact in New York 2012.
We published the idea freely on the Internet, and HIV vanished! No noble prize ever awarded. Thanks must be given here to professor Z at Sheffield University place thoughts on molecular nuclear fusion: the name devised by the late Professor Bernard Argent.
So 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts was medically confirmed 2002 to clear all 200 types or cancer out there. Making the prescription of cancer drugs in chemo or radio therapy, criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the involved Dr. and drug company.
Each cancer patient death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. Each involved Dr. Receiving a 25 year term in high security prison. As most prolific mass murderers in history.
Covid Star to causing the regular human influence or in 1934. And it was realized there was a new version every winter - so a new Covid number was declared every 1st of October.
Since then medicine has prohibited any research or application of the Covid vaccination - automatically obsolete under halfway through drug testing. Yet the drug company is are still trying to sell the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination, that was obsolete when Covid19 it cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.
So every patient vaccinated to death once the usual legal find 10,000,000 UK pounds. The Dr. receiving a 25 year term in prison. The drug company is also struck off! Losing all other biochemical drug patents.
Mind you Astra Zeneca was struck off for its drug manufacture from 2002, but it is never left this affect its murderers business. All the its drug patents were then void!
The law firm is defending the void its drug patents, guilty of legal malpractice. The law firms also struck off from all law and the first defended the void biochemical drug patents.
Or there are winning court actions now up for retrial at the law society's own expense. And more off and totally removed from all medical practice. In the same whether drug company is were also are struck off their medical register. And although drug patents invalidated and worthless.
There drugs now a illegal medicines! Not just the Covid19 vaccination. The most horrendous the murderous medicine in history. Killing 17 million healthy an innocent individuals around the world, in just six months!
1/4 fatalities from World War II. The doctors who prescribed cancer drugs since 2002 struck off. Or there medical practice criminal! They must return or all medical fees back to when they were struck off.
With an additional 10 million for each patient medicated to death for any reason: as there prescriptions then illegal and invalid. There medical practice criminal.
But newspapers are still publishing fictitious covering about Covid19 - the influenza strain that cease to exist over two years ago. We are now or in the year of Covid21. That will become Covid 22 October first 2022.
It as a consequence to the Hippocratic oath, doctors and drug company is voluntarily sign. Which prohibits all research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.
Burning doctors and drug company is to best medicine. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. As it cleared AIDs 2012.
So newspapers and TV are restrained from publicising medical fiction, as if it was true and Covid19 ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020. By internationally agreed standard medical naming convention.
And the Covid vaccination has been medically prohibited since 1934. Astra Zeneca only started an interesting Covid flu, as all cancers are cured 2002. Though Astra Zeneca are still wish to make and sell the defective and criminal cancer drugs.
Which are outside legal medical prescription from 2002. Every cancer patient death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. Since 2002 200,000,000 cancer patients around the world have been medicated to death by their psychopathic murderous doctors.
Dispensing the illegal and criminal medicines produced by the criminal drug companies. That is a total legal fine of 2000 trillion! World economy is are only worth 138 trillion.
So Astra Zeneca air is non contested legal fine is in excess of the worth of the planet. For being the most murderous organisation in history. Far surpassing the NAZI death chambers of the Second World War.
So Covid21, like all viral and bacterial infections, totally cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest. Like with the ultrasound from an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device. Costing under five UK pounds over the Internet.