Sunday, 15 December 2024

Keir Starmer to be recalled?

Mr unpopukar

Keir Starmer was the lack luster Labour leader, here the drug company is suddenly decided to back.  As the drug companies always think a left wing political party will be more helpful to the drug industry.

So the drug industry publicise labour as he ran to the UK general election.  Nothing specific to an individual.  Which are the seat fell and size political scrutiny.  They are very stringent measures to stop people promoting an individual candidate for their own reasons.

So Keir was elected to from minute the prescription of biochemical drug patents: the main income stream of drug company is and doctors.

But doctors to prescribe drugs, politicians do is provide the money for sale prescribed.  This is for the UK which has a public Health Service.  Around the world by that medicine has seen the outback crash of biochemical cancer treatments.

The problem was that 2002 the world's leading Moffitt cancer hospital chain, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear prostate cancer and viruses.

They utilised 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound to the lower torso of a man, angled down to hit the prostate gland.

Prostate cancer being the leading male specific cancer out there in the late 20th century.  Hence the drug company is were desperate to get doctors back prescribing there fatal an defective biochemical cancer treatments.

But 2002 and cancer Bio chemistry became defective an intentionally fatal medicine within two years.  No Dr. It should have prescribed biochemical cancer drugs since they had to validate the Moffitt Paper 2002.

Every registered Dr. Confirming that 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound clear prostate cancer.  2002 and a every registered Dr. Burn the he would also clear every other human cancer.

1 minute of external HIUS.  They also found that ½ minute of the same 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, will clear the foreign inflated cell types common to all cancers and bacteria.

The Moffitt wanting $10,000 for the ultrasound unit.  I used to work in metallurgical ultrasound, so 2010 I established is an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit totally cleared breast, lung and colon cancer: it would clear all cancers - they were just so cancers my friends had.

2008 I wrote up the idea of ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Brett in New York was HIV⁺, and bought and used his own ultrasound massage device.

So HIUS cured the most pernicious viral infection in history, with no Dr. Intervention or drug prescription.  I use the idea November 2019, to clear my own seasonal flu.

Which medicine suddenly started referring to buy some medical name of Covid19.  The flu is given a new Covid number every 1st of October.  The last two digits of that year's upcoming winter.

Any vaccination for an infection would take two years to licence.  But six months to develop even today.  So obsolete and counter productive only six months into the legally required two year drug testing regime.

So no care of it vaccination ever legal human medicine!  Any Dr. Giving injections of the obsolete and counter productive Covid19 and over vaccination, and require the same day to strike the cells off the doctors' medical register for life.

Without valid Health Insurance, their medical practice then illegal!  All there prescriptions invalid and not legal.  No registered pharmacist should ever have filled a drug order, as the Dr. had prescribed the obsolete an unlicensed care of it vaccination.

½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest, clear the foreign inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.  The foreign cell types must have an inflated nature, to induce viral type single cell replication.

So cancers divide in a viral fashion!  But do not do cell damage to regular body cells - the wake up call to the own immune system.  So the cancer staff the person to death!  As they grow up massive inappropriate cancer structures.

2010 I validated that ½ minute of my 8 W ultrasound either side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections, my friends had developed.  It works for 30 different infections!  And of course Brett's AIDs.

So it cured all types or cancer that existed 2000.  And will cure any cancer that developed in the future.  But lengthy viral infections lead to the development of cancers.

And a every registered Dr. Totally aware 2010 there ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest cures all viral and bacterial infections.  Curing bacterial infections stops the development of heart disease.

Curing viral infections stops the want of cancers.  Which Dr. MatZinger from the NI H I told me 2004.  So HIUS was a one session total infection cure.  Which involves no drug prescription/

Doctors carried on prescribing the intentionally defective and potentially fatal biochemical infection cures, as it made them so much money.

They are also continued prescribing biochemical cancer treatments as a personally validated the Moffitt Paper 2002.  When HIUS became the only legal or write cancer cure.  Bio chemistry defective an intentionally fatal within two years.

Doctors recorded 2020 they cancers had stopped forming globally.  Presumably as October reluctantly using HIUS to cured infections.  Of people for their own 8 W ultrasound unit, they cure the viral and bacterial infections at home in 1 minute.

Totally stopping the formation of cancers!  Which are removed 80% of the economic income of drug companies an doctors.  Which made continue medical practice an economic - their health practice counts spectacularly bankrupt!

When Tony Blair was labour prime minister he replaced the chancellor's office, with the UK he supreme court: copy American idea for the highest court in the land.

He also introduce the idea of recalling an unpopular prime minister.  And the first time at which is Asian has been for to the chest is with the new labour prime minister, Keir Starmer.

Who has made himself a very unpopular in six months.  Introducing the biggest tax rises in UK history.  Which is specifically precluded by his election pledges. 'no tax rises under Labour'.

It was followed elected keir starmer that every member governing history has increased taxes.  And Rachel Reeves has specifically precluded increasing National Insurance contributions.

Which she also shapelessly increased.  Labour wanted to stop investors buying up farms, to get at the tax break!  So labour decided to introduce VAT on all farm sales.

Making family and economically unsustainable activity for working farmers.  No wonder the petition in the house of commons, got in excess of her 1000 volts to recall the labour administration.  And force a new general election.

Last time they came to the petitioner's 2,500 votes.  Keir starmer approving why civil servants do not make politicians.  Politicians and civil servants operate intention.

Making Keir Starmer the UK prime minister is like putting them as men in charge of the asylum.  I rather doubt there is anything at Keir can do to stop him being recalld on January 5th.  Surely the most disastrous and short lived government in UK history.

The labour party are lining up Yvette Cooper to be the new Labour leader.

Yvette Cooper


Who had previously contacted on Twister.  And he the political parties well for ever bar civil servants from being party leaders.

1 comment:

Jonathan Thomason M.Eng said...

They just meant UK parliament recalled ear;y due to Labour;s mishandling of NHS. Nothing changed.