Friday, 27 December 2024

Free fresh water

The world was cooling naturally from 1995 until 2023.  Caused by decrease in a cellar emissions - eight totally natural cycle.  Into another 28 years of natural warming for all the planets in the inner solar system.

Above the why of gradually realized that high school biology he wins over the climate fiction.  Everybody was taught in high school biology, that plants grow every day in the sun, until we reach the minimum level for photosynthesis.  Just two parts per million carbon dioxide.

The static level for the last 11.2 thousand years.  In the Jurassic that more than it was four PPM.  A generally warm period of prehistory - as the sun was more radiant.  But the Jurassic had three natural ice ages.

One lasting a record breaking 1000 years.  And carbon dioxide double to eight parts per million.

In the little ice age in the 18th century, the fossil record tells is there a carbon dioxide level was at a Jurassic four PPM.  Auntil the ice age ended, and the temperate carbon dioxide level reverted to just two PPM.

The scientists were to clear a higher pressure desalination was the only way to turn sea water into fresh water, what rubbish!  My high school physics teacher had demonstrated that attaching a vacuum pump to flask of water at 30° C, will cause the water to boil.

By definition water will boil at one metre of vacuum.  Which is safe!  If you, springs a leak we get a hiss, and we reach for the fund to repair kit.  High pressure desalination, if you get the link somebody loses an arm or a leg.

We can fire up a 30x1.5 steam plasma, the tone produces an and fired 1 MW of heat.  Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.

We apply a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator.  Which gives us a 65 kW of carbon 03 phase mains electricity.  So we drive 50,000 little vacuum pumps.

And spread minister on the east side of deserts.  With which condenses into water droplets, and falls as rain at night.  We cite little minute grass maps impregnated with grass seed, and the grass grows like marred.  Taking in all that lovely carbon dioxide!

So all the extra plant life sucks in all that lovely carbon dioxide.  Which ironically enough will decrease the crop yields around the temperate earth!  Reducing the afternoon carbon dioxide level across a hot deserts to the temperate two parts per million carbon dioxide.

All the extra plant growth walsall for more farm animals.  Who turn the waste gas of plants, the oxygen, back into plant food - carbon dioxide.

What we have actually done is are applied high school physics.  Even see water will boil and a one metre of vacuum.  A vacuum is a very cheap to produce.

So turning the arid hot deserts back into lash rain forests: though obviously we need to plant seedlings in soil boils, and import animals.  To metabolise all the extra oxygen we are producing.

There is no expensive higher pressure desalination kit.  Just a little one metre of vacuum pump.  And self poll three and five being to transport the water vapour to above the deserts.  It is almost embarrassingly easy to sort out.

This and you can hear is all the climate change pundits, the future themselves!  Incidentally nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon dioxide or building power plants.

Uranium nuclear power utilises a fossil fuel burn on limestone to make all the cement for their reinforced concrete.  Making the mankind's fourth largest carbon emitter.

A little steam plasma takes the jobs of high voltage electricity to start off, and then utilises a fantastically miniscule amount of regular water, to produce a constant 1 MW of heat.

A little steam turbine will convert into ½ MW  of three phase mains AC current.  The carbon zero electrical power for 150 houses.

But as just described, plant's eat carbon dioxide does the present temperate limit of two parts per million.

Every arctic winter photosynthesis shuts down, as the snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas.  We get a four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  Who ever devised manmade global warming for a nuclear power, was a card carrying idiots!  Since photosynthesis evolved in the cretaceous, platinum also have been in a dynamic balance.

Resulting in a constant two PPM in the temperate air around the earth in the present epoch, for the last 11.2 thousand years.  The paid phones to nuclear power is so obviously did not do biology!

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