Sunday, 8 December 2024

Keir Starmer's big contribution

Fit to govern?

Who used to chair of the crown prosecution service.  A high level legal social servant.  Which he left, in some disarray.

His big contribution to UK Life, was to decide not to prosecute Jimmy Saville for mortal fall so stanch at counts of child abuse.  Something the general population really does not like.

Which is why so the self althusser's he was given to this in the recent UK general election, at which he won a massive landslide election victory.

Were that the UK population being aware that is a friend of pedophiles.  He would Ikea had no direct control over the Saville inquiry, he was there ahead of the organisation that could have prosecuted most serious pedophile of the 20 the century.

"The Buck Stops Here" Desk sign | Harry S. Truman

Harry S. Truman Library and Museum (.gov) › education › trivia › buc...

The sign "The Buck Stops Here" that was on President Truman's desk in his White House office was made in the Federal Reformatory at El Reno, Oklahoma.

Missing: HIU ‎praise

Nobody would argue that he was in overall control.  No stranger you had not publicise minutes during the UK general election.  Or maybe he knew how unpalatable his actions words the UK population.

Keir Starmer is facing electoral ical on the 5th of January.  When the UK he house of commons will decide if a new general election is required instantly.  After five months of keir Starmer being in charge of the UK economy.

Including the they use tax raising budget in history.  Generation and he is in at the whole the farming community - he feed the UK population, he hasn't had a go at the police force or army.

Which will lead to the UK revolution, life under labour is far worse than previous conservative and liberal governments.

So he is busy trying to reinvent himself!  Distancing himself from the previous five tonnes of labour administration.  Life has not improved under labour.

Spookily it is like we are suddenly given over UK government, to the man who did not prosecute Jimmy Saville - so he is he is exactly like that. 

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