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Nuclear SO illegal |
My friend in America practically confirmed that a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma all is a massive carbon zero heat source. As the plasma did physical molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+(X-ray)) E²=1 megawatt of heat
He did not confirm that the plasma emitted a lower power harmless X rays. He did confirm the a 30 cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. That is so energetic! 80 times as dynamic as a flame of gas or oil. Which amazingly enough was proved in 19 eighty's to do physical molecular nuclear fusion.
2 CₘHₙ+pO₂+flame→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+L+X-ray)
A1 metre row of oil or gas burners releases just 45 kW of heat. All free using loads of carbon dioxide.
Which has no residency in the air! As photosynthesis on land and sea eats carbon dioxide during the day - the idea are the late emeritus Professor Bernard Argent.
As green plants'use infrared light to build carbohydrates. As they do biological molecular nuclear fusion: A process we erroneously call photosynthesis. It is really nature doing nuclear fusion in light.
3 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂)+r(He+O+Lb+E+X-ray)
Photosynthesis goes on in the plant photo blast. Which during the day under infrared light at 80nm, gives out X rays. As the plant produces helium and free radical oxygen gas. The oxygen bonding with oxygen molecules in the air to form ozone O₃
There being no biochemical source of helium. We have to be doing nuclear fusion as to build the carbohydrates of life.
The X rays to bond with other carbohydrates to enrich the carbon isotope. The basis behind the wildly inaccurate carbon dates.
4 ⁱ²C+2 X-ray→ⁱ⁴C which are very unreliable, as running water also releases X rays as it does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
5 H₂O+TU+O₂→He+O₃+X-ray
So river rapids or waterfalls over one metre high, constantly releasing helium and ozone gases with X rays. As to beat bogs! So artefacts buried in last 50 years, within living memory carbon date to 2000 years ago!
Nurse geography is full of nuclear fusion on earth. I really we need other data or evidence. Like date linked technology or of coin with a date stamp.
Academic still invoked carbon dates as if they are set in stone. Even though they are manifestly inaccurate. For any of the carbon date thousands of years wrong! Only civilisation that did not have interesting 19th or 20th century technology.
Building a uranium nuclear power plant, uses a fossil fuel burn on concrete to free use its cement. For its reinforced concrete structure. Releasing the two years our power plant construction the Covent carbon emissions from operating a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.
So nuclear power very much not carbon zero! Mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Which is not a problem, as within 5 minutes the next day, fans within a kilometre radius have metabolise the carbon dioxide into carbohydrates. Plant biomass.
Having no possible effect on the whirl climate.
The whirl climate has 28 year periods or warming and cooling. Just like all the planets in the inner cellar system. Incidentally cured as red sports is powered by physical molecular nuclear fusion.
6 2H+P+TU→E+Lr+X-ray
Jupiter's equatorial X-ray emissions over two solar cycles
Oxford Academic
https://academic.oup.com › mnras › article
by AD Wibisono · 2023 · Cited by 3 — Jupiter's disc is bright in X-rays as H2 molecules in the atmosphere are very effective at scattering solar X-rays. K-shell fluorescence from carbon atoms in ...
So Jupiter's red spot shines like a little sun.
It is us no surprise that lightening in its X rays and visible light plus heat, as it does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
Set up by heavy rain or snow storms around the world also doing physical molecular nuclear fusion. Even at -50° C above the north pole.
7 H₂O+P+TU+O₂→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+X-ray+O₂ the positive charge collects on the cloud tops. And the negative charge falls with electrons to the ground. Which is why heavy storms feel electric! They are.
Each 1.5 KM x2cm lightening volts is set up to discharge and 5000 volts 100 amps of electrical potential. Created by all the nuclear fusion the storm is doing.
Which produces five tonnes of helium ions of the base of a lightening strike: thanks to the geographers who ran papers on this subject. Giving us an energy release of 1.2 megawatts/m from a lightening strike. Entirely consistent though my contact 1 MW our carbon zero heat produce 530 CM steam plasma in a glass cylinder.
Carbon zero is really that simple! The home user can invest 1500 UK pounds into 65 kW thermoelectric generator. Entirely consistent with the energy release from a lightening strike. Which is a natural source or non nuclear X-rays.
The thermoelectic generator has an efficiency of 13%. Hence 65 kW of three phase mains linked AC current. An annual income from the power company of 180,000 UK pounds a year.
We can rent the generator for 125 pounds a month. Month for again income of 15,000 UK pounds. So pay off the generator month one.
In the UK every eight house needs the plasma power plant in an ice house or the cellar/attic. And guess that lovely 65 kW of carbon zero AC electricity.
The generator is sold with the electronics to turn the DC current into three phase mains linked AC electricity. The national grid links every eight house to the next AC current phase.
To shed using AC current so much more efficient and DC electricity - which use to cause a lot of fires.
So here we use a captive lightening strike in a glass centre: started at user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light. Once started the plasma self sustains while we hours just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water to the plasma every year.
So we produce a massive excess of carbon zero electricity. Getting us a check for 180,000 UK pounds every year. For all plant costing under 2000 pounds to set up and get working.
We have no boiler room, and no fossil fuel burn. More importantly every some other hyper toxic plutonium and strontium produced by uranium nuclear power.
Since Chernobyl in 1986 they are required annual insurance cover of 40 billion UK pounds. The rising to 100 billion per uranium nuclear power plant, after Chernobyl in 2010.
The nuclear regulator has the legal imperative to ensure nuclear plants carry sufficient insurance cover. But there is no available in defining commercial cover above one billion: and the nuclear operator has to buy external insurance cover. Only they haven't followed!
All surviving 441 nuclear plants all operating criminally under insured. Converting the dangerous enriched uranium, into the hyper toxic plutonium and strontium. Though RE at definition of corporate illegality.
And the academics are not allowed to get research funding from illegal corporations. And or nuclear power is horrendously under insured. And I is as illegal as it gets.
So no academic she had received nuclear power funding since 1986 - the year of Chernobyl. WHEN ALL NUCLEAR POWER lapsed into illegal operation. And I have never got the required insurance cover.
As it is not globally available.
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