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Cancer, AIDs amd flu cured |
2002 and three medical professors at the world's leading Moffitt cancer centre hospital, published the use of a single application of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the foreign pressurise cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.
This instantly made all cancer an infection medication defective and potentially fatal medicine. Every registered Dr., Drug company and nurse verified the Moffitt Paper.
That 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound clear all cancers and infections: the drug company is have fought every day since to stop the adoption this life saving medicine. Even though he they have personally confirmed the 100 per cent cancer and infection cure.
The action of the 8 W ultrasound applied externally for 1 minute, cause the pressurise cancer cells to boil and rupture. Causing minimal damage to regular body cells adjacent an exploding cancer cell.
This induces a full immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type throughout the body. When I red the Moffitt Paper has intrigued is also are referred to curing viral infections.
The inflated viral or bacterial structure experiences biological molecular nuclear fusion. Name devised by the late professor Bernard Argent/an emeritus professor in to metallurgy. I categorised he into physical and biological molecular nuclear fusion.
As it is virtually everywhere! Every seat of your heart turn some other water molecules in the circulating fired, into a miniscule volume of helium and oxygen gases. As your heart does biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+dP/dT→He+O+E+X-ray
So your heart and arteries give out the radiation in time with your pulse. I have learnt about the radiation emission from a beating hearts and 1980s, but it was antil my PH D work into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University 2000 that it makes sense.
We are familiar the idea are applying ultrasound to detect cancers. Actually developed as an idea in the 1880. There is no biochemical source of X rays, just as there is no chemical source of X rays. Years santis just use this useful science without understanding it,
2 H₂O+US→He+O+E+X-ray here U.S. = 5 W 40 kHz today.
The cancer cell acquires a macroscopic bubbles of helium and oxygen. There being no chemical source of helium! Still no scientist really interested.
Biology is familiar with using Geiger counters, as nature is four of the measure the X rays. As he does nuclear fusion. But physicist do not understand molecular nuclear fusion.
2001 and see my PH D work at Sheffield, and suggested the use a high power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth. My PH D suddenly got ended without explanation or old.
I had Covi from idea to the national institute of health, who forwarded to the Moffitt cancer centre. Who got their seed capital to find the cure to all cancers.
Their paper document to the use of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound to clear prostate cancer. Applying the ultrasound to the top surface of a man's penis, and all down to hit the prostate gland.
Every registered Dr. On earth had to acquire the 8 W three MHZ unit, and verify medicines first total cancer cure. It was subsequently found that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound. I applied externally cured all 200 types of human cancer.
The Moffitt three MHZ unit costing $10,000. The 8 W one MHZ unit purchased over the Internet from China for under five UK pounds. There is four by doctors to clear all cancers on earth.

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And crucially it will clear all inflated cell types. They cancers by definition need an inflated cell structure to induce single cell, the viral type cell replication.
The drug company is key to have a big fuss to try and all stroked the adoption as this new medicine. As a instantly made a biochemical cancer treatments defective an intentionally fatal within two years medicine.
No Dr. Allowed to prescribe biochemical cancer treatments since 2002. Without being struck off their first biochemical prescription since the Moffitt Paper. It talk until 2020 for doctors so part on rich and record that all global cancers have ceased forming.
Presumably as the world was he using HIUS to cure all viruses, and precancerous cells require some viral rma, for uncontrolled cell replication - became full cancer.
2024 medics part on record that all UK cancers have ceased. The drug companies have rushed around deleting those papers, as if in some magic way that starts biochemical treatments from being defective intentionally fatal cancer medicine.
But the Moffitt Paper amazingly enough also dealt with the cure of viruses. 2010 I had my trusty 8 W one MHZ unit with me, I had used to clear a breast lung and colon cancers. A 100 per cent cancer cure rate. Without Dr. or drugs in sight.
2010 I validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest of my friends of family members, so to clear 30 different viral and bacterial infections. So sweetly free by doctors to clear all infections.
Yet again the drug companies fought to stop this life saving medicine being known about and used. But every nursing office have the 8 W three MHZ unit. Which can be used to clear all infections.
Farmers can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit and the family member feels infection coming on, the usual ½ minute each side the chest will clear all infections.
I cleared my own seasonal flu 2019. It was November 2019 and by internationally agreed medical naming convention the flu was Covid19. The regular flu has a new Covid number every 1st of October.
The last two digits of the upcoming winter. A care of it vaccination would take six months to develop. Then into a two year legally required drug testing regime. Before it could become legal licensed medicine.
So any care of it vaccination obsolete and tragically counterproductive, within six months of starting drug testing. So never licensed.
Any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination struck off the same day. There medical registration revoked, there Health Insurance canceled. If your family GP giving any body he code vaccination struck off. No challenge the doctors Hippocratic oath.
This is 2024, and medics are gearing up for the winter. Reckoning that treaty and the common cold and Covid flu can be their big cash cow, no cancers are cured.
Yet medicine has no answer to viral infections. As demonstrated by a 25 years AIDs remained a great incurable viral infection that killed five million people around the world.
2008 I wrote an idea about using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to clear HIV. Non am I gay friends had AIDs. It was not until 2012 I heard from Brett in New York, who was HIV⁺.
He was his own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet.
½ minute each side use chest and a totally cured the most pernicious viral infection in history. We shared our work with the world over the Internet, and HIV vanished within two weeks.
Leaving the drug company is very angry! Selling the AIDs treatments it killed patients with an decade, was a 648 million dollar business. The HIUS device totally cured AIDs in 5 minutes irrespective of Dr. or drugs intervention.
Medicine never acknowledged the cure. No noble prize ever awarded. AIDs just totally vanished into the history books. The medics carried on prescribing the defective AIDs treatments until 2018.
The doctors who continued prescribing biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, along with the doctors prescribing AIDs treatments since 2012 struck off and stripped or medical wage and future pension.
And 25 years in high security prison for each cancer or AIDs patients so callously an needlessly medicated to death.
Now medicine is fully aware that by ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, clears all viral and bacterial infections: their Hippocratic oath requires no validate and use the new medical science.
They validated it, they carried on prescribing the knowingly defective and potentially fatal fungal antibiotics. The 8 W one MHZ unit lying unused in the nursing office. All psychopathic individuals deliberate medicated cancer and AIDs patients to predictable an needless death.
For their own personal financial gain! 80% of drug company and Dr. Income derived from cancers. You all cancers vanish from the earth 2020. The last few remaining cancer patients intentionally medicated to death, hence the UK he only became totally cancer free 2024.
No cancer drug prescriptions since 2002 legal. Striking off the Dr. and drug company without legal challenge. 2024 there Health Centres already have the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit at hand.
Since the Dr. personally used it to validate the total cancer an infection cure. The doctors still reaching for the or prescription powered to medicate infections people to death.
½ minute of 8 W ultrasound causes the inflated cells common to all viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture. In the same way that 1 minute of external HIUS cause primary cancer cells to boil and rupture.
Inducing the immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the exploding cell type totally from the body and brain. The 100 per cent cancer an infection cure.
The strain and type of infection is immaterial. They can be viral or bacterial. Nobody really cares. ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound totally clearing all infections as home or in your health centre.
So utterly no need to go to hospital. Are formation and their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, clearing all infections at home.
Hospitals are suddenly very empty fully staffed and heated buildings. HIUS curing all cancers. ½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys clears all heart disease. ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas clears type two diabetes, type one requires the full minute.
So hospitals are left with general medicine. There are people are curing all infections at home. So most General Medical or and medicine has never happen. Hostels are going to V3 NT useless processes.
Medics are salivating and thoughts off all the staff in the hospitals with nurses for their winter months when there are those of infections. But now all infections are cured at home.
Private medicine will go bankrupt very quickly. Even public medicine only stars warms to the patient demand. No patients, no NHS nurses required.
And the drug companies it's only have no drug orders. For the drugs no longer prescribed by their psychopathic individuals who used to be doctors. Who receives a 25 year jail term for each medicated cancer or infection death since 2002. The assisting nurses also struck off totally from legal medicine.
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