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Oh such a perfect world ... |
2001 as a us to work on the cure to cancers. As are working on devising nuclear fusion on earth. My PH D supervisor at Sheffield University was Dr. Z, whose uncle had published work on cold fusion at Columbia University.
I had actually known this science in 1984. Though rather too busy passing my degree. Columbia hit upon electrical molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+e-+TU→He+O+E+X-ray
He in Asia and the electrolysis cell cause the emission of my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen, heat and X rays. All caused by the turbulence, above 1 Whatt about the electrolysis cells.
Very interesting. But it transpired not very useful. And uranium nuclear power was very deeply against the development of clean and as it transpired three nuclear fusion.
They should have a pressurise the electrolysis cell! This for were increased the energy as heat energy he we are getting off.
So I did not think of molecular nuclear fusion. The name it divides five Professor Bernard Argent. Who I really should have been doing a Ph D with!
I was working at the same time on cancers. And learned that the pressurise foreign cell types, did single cell type viral division. An inflated six enzymes for a foreign infectious disease. A viral rump disease!
What I got busy writing songs and sing on stage - as you do, my ideas on using ultrasound to restrict cancer growth the plasma national institute of health, to the Moffitt cancer hospital chain.
I became aware that in ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, the pressurise foreign cell structures all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, give off X rays. Of issues no biochemical source.
We were doing biological molecular nuclear fusion. It all seems so easy with 20 years' hindsight!
2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O=E²+X-ray
You can imagine that this was getting in away on my engineering studies. The Moffitt used 8 W three MHZ ultrasound externally, and family is caused some of the inflated cancer cells to boil and rupture.
For cheekily surface cells on the cancer tumour. Where the tumour body was not able to engulf the signs of cell necrosis. The clustering dendrites around the cancer cell no source cell damage, linked inevitably to the cancer cells.
They then secreted in actioned the specific human antibody to clear the distinct cancer cell type from the body. We make the endogenous antibody to human cancers. All 200 cancers which existed 2000, and any cancer which emerges in the future.
We are now produced the missing immune action to clear the cancer cells types from the body. Eureka! Not simple. He crosses the different disciplines or medicine, engineering and physics.
The ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in the pressurise cancer cells. And 8 W three MHZ body cells which are more placid, not even warned.
I use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, to verify the Moffitt work. The Moffitt three MHZ unit they salford $10,000. The one MHZ unit you can purchase from China over the Internet, for under two UK pounds. The price keeps dropping! My first unit 2010 cost me 45 UK pounds.
The price is falling off a cliff as people have realise how useful such devices are,
Apply for ½ minute each side the chest it will clear the inflated foreign cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections. Curing viruses stops the development of all viral rump that is cancer.
Medics are miserable. 2002 the Moffitt published the work on HIUS clearing cancers, and biochemical cancer treatments became defective an intentionally fatal medicine.
Outside legal medical prescription. Which is why all the cancer doctors have taken early retirement. Than actual fact all struck off. Stripped or medical wage from 2002, entitled to no medical pension ever.
And there receive a 25 year jail term in high security prison, for each medicated cancer death they so callously produced: as a every registered Dr. On earth verified that HIUS totally cleared all cancers as have ever or will ever exist.
As all cancers half to have the same foreign inflated cell structure, common to all viral and bacterial infections. Cure all infections, stop all cancers. Also stopping heart disease, diabetes, dementia and other diseases of age like asthma.
Application of 8 W ultrasound each side of a person's head, also clears all MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. We cure all dementia without drugs.
The drug industry had declared that dementia was the new economic area for doctors and medicine. 2010 I used HIUS to clear MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. My American friend even cleared depression
And as a cure was freely published on the Internet for myself, personally validated and then use by every registered Dr. On earth. Globally prohibited from prescribing the no defective mental health medication.
In 2000 the world population stood as a massive 4.8 billion. Despite the two world wars in the 20th century! 2024 the global population is an 8.2 billion. This is a major problem!
At 10 billion the rich start to eat the four. We are in Logan's run territory. Or at the age of 30 you take a ride on the carousel, and are convert into soilent green. And I know and concatenating there is a science fiction novels from the 1950s.
So the new Medical Food and future use ground up and pharmacists people. Humanity turns canable again! Canab is them was common practice for our distant ancestors.
When you won a battle, you ate the dead! Luckily the no professor Z heart we find a solution.
Last time I saw him in 2015, as talking excitedly about a steam plasma. That turned regular water into heat light and X rays. You start off the plasma, and itself sustains for many years.
What the wato pressure and itself sustains for ever. As being more light and heat to Whatt today are the cold dark lands. You illuminate the north and south poles. He was Scotland or if you are desperate!
3 H₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray physical molecular nuclear fusion
A24 hour local sun. A 30x1.5cm steam plasma they've rates a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. We use them eliminate the cold dark and dark ;ands. Growing plants and animals.
Feeding and never population of 20 billion. Hopefully by then the world her message about contraception! Trial into to some world's would be possible weather spaceship driven by physical molecular nuclear fusion,
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