Sunday 6 October 2024

No climate change

S*** science for the brain dead

Professor Argent mention into me 2015 that plants talk in carbon dioxide to grow!  He was a professor at Sheffield University metallurgy department.  But he had talked to biology and was very upset that I engaged with biology.

Before photosynthesis evolved the early earth had assumed there atmospheres to Mars day.  98% carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide levels at the start of the Cretaceous period were likely around 350–500 Parts Per Million (ppm) by volume. However, during the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum (CTM), which began during the Cenomanian/Turonian transition, carbon dioxide levels rose to over 1,000 ppm. 

So of 500 PPM carbon dioxide but the cretaceous experienced an ice age!  There no photosynthesis got busy.  A time of the Jurassic temperate carbon dioxide was four PPM in the afternoon.

The polar ice Had twice the carbon dioxide level, eight PPM.  Every year today in the polar carbon dioxide level is four PPM.  As he off experience is the lowest natural temperatures.  -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.

What happened is are photosynthesis tired of the carbon dioxide as the carbohydrates of life.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+TU→(Cₙ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)

So far and son light sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide to the present limit of just two PPM.  And emit a faint blue light, heat and even X rays.  So photosynthesis it does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Turning regular water molecules into helium and oxygen gases, massive heat with visible light and X rays.  Making biology the global experts on nuclear fusion.

So all around the temperate earth land and sea, photosynthesis pisces every day until the afternoon carbon dioxide or four so two PPM.  Which is basic high school biology!  Plants eat carbon dioxide.

Excrete NG the surplus oxygen as he bill carbohydrates, emitting a faint blue light and even X rays.

People invoking manmade climate change being linked to increase of carbon dioxide in the global air, are serious scientific idiots!  For last 11.2 thousand years, to drive photosynthesis has capped carbon dioxide at just two PPM.

Burning the fossil fuels at an additional 0.0002% carbon dioxide to the local air.  Which plant's greedily gobble up and convert into carbohydrates within 5 minutes.

Above the polar ice There is no photosynthesis during the winter.  So carbon dioxide doubles to about huge four PPM.  Back to the warm Jurassic levels!  When there was 85% more life on earth, and seals were 60 metres lower.

Then spring and summer comes, and we have a massive first of arctic life, they use in carbon dioxide to the temperate two PPM.  All the time the ice being lapped by the warm sea currents.

As the ice melts it makes sense to be arctic C water at -20° C in winter, to give us a water at 3° C.  Water expands as it freezes!  So the maximum density water is at 3° C, and flows back to the equator carrying the arctic cold with it.

Carbon dioxide a static trace gas, greedily gobble up five plant's to build the carbohydrates of life.  Who ever concocted manmade global warming was a serious biological idiot: step forward professors of physics.

Technically we are still in an ice age, as we think there is no cell polar ice cap in the usual one interglacial periods.  But between 1967 and 1995 we had a one interglacial periods with a south pole.

I started telling my PH D supervisor this 2000, and 2000 my new abruptly ended my PH D work with no award, suggested there should be studying the cure to cancer I Cambridge University.

I gave my dues to the national institute of health and they have forwarded it to the Moffitt cancer centre.  They published the idea that one application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, would totally clear foreign inflated cell structures - like all 200 types or cancer.

Medics were so unhappy there all cancers totally curable.  So the embarked on a global programme drip easily test people everywhere for cancers.  2024 and was becoming a logically impossible to maintain they cancers still existed.

From 2002 every registered Dr. Bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, 1 minute of external High Intensity UltraSound clearing all cancers.

It this way for all cancers have some and being cured by three medical professors at the Moffitt, the drug company is are severe test scheme to cancer screening: desperately looking for some cancers which hadn't been cured.

Medics desperately prescribed the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments, until 2020.  When doctors fought on rich and record that all cancers have stopped forming globally around the world.

Drug company is voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath, so was legally required to buy a HIUS unit and confirm the Moffitt work.  I use an 8 W one MHZ unit 2010 and to confirm the work.

So since 2002 drug company is have been constrained from manufacture and sale of the defective intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.  But try each time the drug companies to do anything!

They do what they want, even if the results in the inevitable death of her patient's.  They will water which is firms on earth, and so do not take instructions even from the doctors'.

1986 so are Ukrainian nuclear experienced the Chernobyl incident.  Per clear soup prove that uranium nuclear fission was the technology of hades.  That could not be done safely in by the Russians, the leading nuclear power on earth.

The Japanese also inclined not to take instruction.  Hence we have the Fukushima incident 2010.  Since when the Germans and Japanese, the most technically adept engineers on earth, have ttotally Arenas uranium nuclear power on their territories.

Yet the world still lets the French and EDF hell build uranium nuclear power plants around the planet.  The French being at user eating surrender monkeys, and without doubt the worst engineers on the planet.

Building the most intentionally fatal engineering plants ever.  Fukushima sprayed radioactive dust across to Asian.  Which is going to result in the region of 400 million innocent people dying as a result of the radioactive release.

Building a uranium nuclear power plant uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to freeze the cement for their reinforced concrete.  Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  And the only totally avoidable!

Session of all the required annual insurance for a uranium nuclear power plant has been set at 40 billion.  There being no commercial source of insurance above one billion.  Since Fukushima the required insurance was set at 100 billion.

Nuclear power plants carry an insurance cover only a 50 million.  0.05% of are legally required insurance cover.  And remember building a new nuclear plant mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions!

The more I became aware that lightening give off heat, light and X rays, as he did physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+O₂+TU→He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray

Every 1.5km lightening strike he's had 2 cm wide partial steam plasma.  In the equation above TU= turbulence of the precipitation particles falling to earth.

Geography has noted that every lightening strike produces five tonnes of helium ions.  An energy release of 2.5x10³⁰W.  More 80 he and all mankind's nuclear bombs put together has released.  Hence the production of visible light, or X rays and ozone ions.

Brett fired me up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  Firing up the plasma using the high voltage electronics borrow from the old fluorescent light.

He got the most dynamic, non radioactive or toxic Energy System

3 H₂O+P+O₂+PL→He+O₃+L+X-ray getting off 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

Utilising and producing no hyper toxic radioactive materials.  Just of regular light water!  He acemi the best way to turn that heat into electricity.  The answer was to produce a 1500 UK pound thermoelectric.

Which were given a constant 65 kW of three phase AC electricity.  A monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds.  For life!  Carbon zero a massively.

Involving no coal, oil or gas burn.  So no toppling the biological life support system.  Just that lovely annual income of over 180,000 UK pounds.

Only severely mentally ill idiots to pass check for one second that the static trace of carbon dioxide, fixed at just two PPM around the temperate earth for the last 11.2 thousand years could affect anything.

But still a nuclear power will pay out money for any TV programme that invokes manmade climate change.  Though all physics academics on the planet are deeply embarrassed that FX trace level of carbon dioxide, might affect anything.

If this proves that TV presenters are not scientists.  I am also a what the heck they are paid to say.  No matter how are biologically nonsensical. 

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