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Karmeka→jail now! |
And don't the democrats haet it! Life in the first UK to Dr. Matt singer from the NI age, for a seminal work on the danger model and cancer in 1994. 2000 and I was working with Dr. Z at Sheffield University, and we realise the ultrasound cancers immediate X rays only because of are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray in response e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound just the foreign cancer cells boil had and ruptured. Immediately adjacent regular body cells were are damaged by the exploding pressurise cancer cells.
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Cancer and viral cells have to have a pressurise cell nature to induce infected cell replication. The idea of molecular nuclear fusion it came from a professor at Columbia University, the uncle to Dr Z. Him for a virus that the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion.
We had discover that ultrasound scans of pressurise cancer cells, did nuclear fusion. And High nItensity UltraSound power and frequency levels (e.g. 8 W 1 MHz) the cancer cells immediately below the ultrasound boil had and ruptured.
So the total cancer cure was published 2002. Am personally verified by every registered Dr. Using an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit. For which the Moffitt wanted $10,000. The one MHZ unit costing under five UK pounds. As effective, a medically lice nsed for safe home unsupervised use.
1 minute clearing all 200 types of cancer out there. ½ minute each side the chest cleared the inflated cell structures common to all viral and bacterial infections as well as cancers.
So the inflated cell ruptured! And the immune system clear that dangerous foreign cell type from the body. Stopping the development of any future cancers,
The democratic party realise health was their big vote winner. A 100% total cancer cure using a five UK pound medically licensed ultrasound massage unit, destroyed theirvute base.
2020 doctors fought on written record that all cancers have stopped forming around the world. The last few medicated cancer patients, expected to be dead by 2022. by 2024 there were no cancer patients in the UK. There he probably none in the U.S. either.
Drug companies every fatally testing the global population for cancers since 2020. All the predictable negative result. The tests carried out by registered doctors who all validated the total cancer cure using 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, 2002.
All totally aware that all cancers have ceased. And such was legally a medically prevented from doing spurious cancer tests since 2002.
Void 2023 years even the drug companies have given up on the spurious and pointless cancer testing. So Joe Biden and Kamela Harris stepped in and almost nine million UK dollars, four registered doctors still to do the pointless negative cancer testing.
Financially inducing registered doctors to intentionally contravene the Hippocratic oath struck off the Dr. and drug company for the rest are history. And generated a custodial jail term for the U.S. President and VP.
All for positive tests that there were no cancers anymore. All cancers require the same pressurise cell nature to induce cell division. The single application of High Intensity UltraSound clearing all cancers. Without argument.
President Nixon broke into an plant the democratic headquarters. Which is chaired by the world community to the just illegal! It is far less serious than paying Hippocratic oath swearing doctors, to intentionally violate their professional medical oath.
To confirm that there were no cancers in the world. For the cancer hospitals which are shut down, no longer required: there he health and as mental health units. I firstly confirmed that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side ahead cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. Plus depression and other serious mental health problems.
So Kamela has refused U.S. taxpayer money, she does confirm that cancers ceased totally by 2020: it should have been 2002 - but self serving doctors and drug company is were obsessed with no defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.
Illegal prescriptions since 2002. Just one prescription striking off the Dr. and drug company for the rest are history. Financially inducing suppose the registered doctors, to act medically unethical unethically, ever have of confirming is a extinct disease still existed, is to is so criminal!
It is totally inconsistent with Kamela's presidential campaign. The cancer hospitals wall remained shut as oh no longer required. All the cancer doctors and nurses and drug companies also are struck off and sacked. So Kamela turns out to be the most criminal U.S. politician in history.
Garden of Americans in forgets the keys to the White House. She had not resurrect cancer. Due to the cellar or work of Dr. MatZinger those diseases gone for all time.
That has U.S. President she will promote the activities which are known to blues cancer. Failing to accept that all cancers are now a totally an utterly cured for all time.
I am English. Watching in bemusement, as a makers threaten to elect a criminal democrats as U.S. president. Cancer is dead. So he is Kamela's presidential hopes.
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