Wednesday 16 October 2024

Sheffield helped cure HIV/AIDs


The most pernicious viral infection in history.  They killed five million individuals between 1986 and 2012.

Do my PH D work into nuclear fusion 2000-, I is suggested an immune drip of interleukin two and four to cure all infections which do not provoke a natural immune action.  Dr. Z declared he is not a medic and did not understand.

He proposed that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water, which explain to the emission of X rays from cancer ultrasound scans.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The important fact here is that foreign cell types, like cancers all viral and bacterial infections, the cellar or foreign inflated cell nature to induce infected cell replication.  Regular body cells bud off DNA he monitored stem cells.

Which foreign cell types so all is locked out off.  Been for some overinflated cell nature to get infected structure replication.  Cancer and viruses divide using the single cell helicase, initialise by some viral RNA.  Which transforms precancerous cluster is into for all cancers.

Pathogens are for ever sharing RNA/DNA genetic information.

Which is why all cancers share the viral RNA for single cell type division.  They share six enzymes with other infective diseases, the base genome, to make a foreign cell type full cancer.

My ideas went from the national institute of health to the Moffitt cancer hospital chain.  Who published a warming application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, as a total cure to all cancers and viruses.  They spent eight years trying to get other medics to adopt this life saving science.

Then took early retirement in disgust!  The 1 minute total cure a all cancers.  Which can be produce a home using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit - passing today and $1.00.  The Moffitt wanted $10,000 for ER three MHZ unit.

The Moffitt Paper 2002 amazingly enough cavern the cure of all viruses.  2010 I confirmed that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections for my friends.

It will cure all viral and bacterial infections.  Hence I wrote up the idea 2008 about HIV/AIDs.  Medical work had procedures for is a defective AIDs treatment, which kill the patient within a decade.  $45,000 a year.

And for have so the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest should clear HIV.  Non am I gay friends had AIDs faithfully.  Even though I live in a port city.  The world centres for AIDs.

My PH D supervisor had a double first from Columbia University, in New York.  I dro ever to see them 2015.  And told her about threats confirmation of my AIDs cure.

A cause the inflated cells common to all cancers and viruses to boil and rupture.  The B cells of the immune system then secreted in actioned the active human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type from the body.

Medics confirmed from 2002 this cured all 200 types of human cancer.  Tragically medics were addicted to the finance is from biochemical cancer treatments.  With so even though they became defective an intentionally fatal medicine,.is still prescribe them until 2020.

This is fatal medical malpractice.  Striking off every involved Dr., Nurse and drug company.  For ever totally remove from legal medical activity.  And the drug company is structural all other biochemical drug patents they once possessed.

Then worthless they could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.  They come in the most bankrupt and uneconomic company is in economic history.

Astra Zeneca got 90 even the income from the no defective biochemical cancer treatments.  There no prohibited from the manufacture and sale.  AZ argued we are 'Astra Zeneca'!  And has sufficient income to above criticism of her defective and fatal medicine.

I have been blocking about the cancer cures since 2010.  And funny 2020 doctors part on rich and record all cancers have stopped forming around the world: as if in some magic way this allow them to continue medicating existing cancer patients, to an expensive agonising an needless death.

Every Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since 2002 struck off.  There signing the Hippocratic oath demanded that they are validated and then used HIUS to cure all cancers and viruses.

80% of Dr. and drug company income came from cancer drugs.  So the doctors and drug company is full choir prepared to continue utilising the knowingly defective biochemical cancer treatments.

Smiling as they knowingly have prescribed the drugs which resulted in a two year, agonising expensive death for cancer patients.  Just not allowed!

My a paper on HIV so at on the Internet for four years.  Then I heard from Brett in New York.  Remember Columbia University is in New York.  And I had taken the ideas of the no professor Z, and the confirmation work at the Moffitt cancer hospital chain, to professor 8 W 1 MHz will clear AIDs.

2024 they will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Including all strains of Covid - the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.  Tragically killing 3.5 per cent of infected people.  Totally needless deaths.

So killing at below pandemic levels since 1934.  And now we're of the total one session cure to all viral infections.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

For actual five days to get the unit from China.  Family should buy a an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, and be ready to cure all viral and bacterial infections.  Curing viruses stops the development of cancers - which arise after a lengthy viral infection.

Who is 2002 all 200 types or cancer totally cured.  It is a good job I was preferred to work on medicine.  That is for the Foster stations or Dr. Z.  And as it were going chemo kinds therapy, into the container for curing HIV 2000.

It was an interesting five days waiting for Brett's ultrasound unit to arrive.  He was convinced he was are harmless medically licensed home beauty device.  He used it.  And as his next GP appointment was fully discharged as no HIV⁻.

Burning C ideas from Dr Z, I cured the most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection in history.  Just ½ minute of HIUS cured HIV.  The idea spread around the world in just two weeks.

And AIDs, much to the consternation of drug company is and doctors totally cured: there the doctors continue prescribing the knowingly defective and useless AIDs treatments and till 2018.  Which previously had led two an AIDs patient death within the decade.

But now HIV totally eradicated from the world.  Without any great biochemical and fans!  The drug company is resulted to predict seeing the emergence of HIV₂.  Not for him to grasp that HIUS cured all viruses.  Their specific genome irrelevant!

They are divided using the single cell viral helicase.  So all cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Which is the New England Medical journal has noted, the cures all viral infections.

So 2024 and medicine is celebrating the regular 3/5 outbreaks of hooping cough.  Caused by a bacterial infection.  Which require an inflated foreign cell nature to induce genome replication.  By the over helpful B cells of the immune system.  And bacterial infections in parasitic on the own immune system.

The soul coughing stopping as and bacterial infections stops causing body cell damage.  By which time the body may carry a fatal bacterial cell payload.  And the individual die.

But now the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest curing all viral and bacterial infections.  As exploding cells types causes the local body to secrete interleukin two and four.  Back to my idea from 2000!

The exploding foreign cell types causes a full immune action, to clear the distinct cancer all viral and bacterial cells from the body.  A drug less cancer cure.

Biochemical cancer treatments have been defective an intentionally fatal medicine since the Moffitt Paper 2002.  The prescribing Dr. and involved drug company struck off their respective medical registers without legal challenge.

The drug companies have waived cash and the lawyers, and successfully averted the implementation of the best medicine in history.

Brett proved the AIDs cure 2012.  Despite not having any medical experience.  His GP was compelled to discharge him from all AIDs medicine as he became HIV⁻.  Doctors are not allowed to medicate the well.

So AIDs vanish from the planet.  Due in part to the ideas from Dr. Z, he got a double first from Columbia University in New York (sic).  Where I have been is three times while working on the AIDs cure.

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