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RIP all cancers 2002 |
Medicine totally prohibits registered doctors researching alternative treatments for cured conditions. In 2001 Dr. MatZinger propose that High Intensity UltraSound applied to the hardened cells in cancer tumours, showed restrict cancer growth rates.
2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally clearing all cancers at one session. I have firstly verified an 8 W one MHZ unit was as effective and costing under five UK pounds.
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So 2002 and every registered Dr. On earth had to acquire an HIUS unit and validate the total cancer cure. Research or prescription De cancer biochemistry became defective an intentionally fatal medicine.
Every Dr. and nurse apply cancer biochemical treatments with inevitably fatal results to the patient within two years, the struck off and for ever excluded from legal medicine.
The involved drug company also struck off, losing all other biochemical drug patents. The Hippocratic N demanded next day he best medicine use.
But it talk until 2020 for doctors around the world to cease prescribing the no defective and fatal biochemical treatments, and patients using their own home 8 W ultrasound device, to totally clear all cancers.
1 minute of ultrasound application to where it hurts. In my experience clearing breast, colon and lung cancers in 1 minute. Lung cancer is making up 80% other cancers out there 2000.
So void 2020 cancers globally extinct. The residual medicate he cancer patients all dead by 2024. All would have been cured with 1 minute of external HIUS.
Medicine making a 40% are developed world economic activity. In the UK Sir Keir Starmer won a landslide general election victory by proposing a return to the no defective and globally prohibited biochemical cancer treatments.
The government lawyers met the new labour prime minister, as he entered number 10 Downing Street. Determine why cancer biochemical treatments were now globally prohibited and illegal medicine. So he shut the hell up about the defective cancer biochemical treatments.
In the U.S. the specialist cancer hospitals have all shut down finally. Only to reopen as mental health units. 2010 I firstly validated that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of the head, cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. Even clearing depression and other mental health issues.
So mental health units shut down again. In the U.S. Joe Biden and Chamella Harris tossed an additional nine million dollars, into the research pop had to have and the cure to cancers.
But medics had already published a total cure to all cancers 2002. Firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth. Subsequent research or prescription of biochemical cancer treatments, striking off the researching Dr., the assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus involved biochemical drug company.
And globally no Dr. Allowed to research biochemical cancer treatments. So the U.S. president and VP acting illegally trying to financially induced registered doctors to research cured diseases.
The appropriate jail time and fine is a matter for the lawyers. They are certainly disqualifies Chamella Harris from standing for any political election in the U.S. since 2024, and their illegal financial inducement to get registered doctors to research alternative cures to already cured disease.
The government lawyers in the U.S. will happily ensure the VP, they are financially inducing registered doctors to research a cured so to diseases, is the most horrendously illegal act of any vice president in history.
Richard Nixon but being the democratic offices, was charged by the world to be illegal of use of their power. Try to financially induced suppose the registered doctors to violate their Hippocratic oath and study alternative cancer treatments, just so illegal!
The NI age and Moffitt found the total cancer cure 2002. Since when doctors and drug companies have leaned over backwards to try and a void using best medicine to cure cancers.
So the people have bought their own 8 W ultrasound unit, the cure their own cancers as home. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections - which share the same foreign inflated cell structure we're cancers.
The stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia and other diseases of age. 2020 and the world are is totally cancer free. And they can be no biochemical research into cancers.
As a research is medically prohibited, and there are no cancers in the wild to study. And the doctors are medically and legally prohibited from researching cured diseases.
Chamella Harris has us acted in the most illegal fashion for any U.S. politician. To scoring herself from the U.S. presidential election. She is tried to finance doctors to do illegal and unethical medical research. That was just not possible!
Cancer Research defective 2002.
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