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HIV=history 2012 |
2001 and I suggested the use of High Power UltraSound might restrict cancer growth. I sent the idea to Dr. MatZinger at the NI H, who forwarded to the idea to the Moffitt cancer hospital chain.
2002 the Moffitt published the use of 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, externally to where it hurt to clear all cancers plus the inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections. HIUS medically proved to clear all cancers 2002.
Since then the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments, has been intentionally defective and fatal medicine. Striking off every involved Dr., And involved nurses and pharmacists without legal argument.
Also striking off the drug company. Usually Astra Zeneca. Finally after 10 years of blogging about this biochemical cancer treatments vanished from the medical arena.
Biochemistry has superseded radio in the 1980s. Just as radio therapy had superseded excess therapis in the 1950s: there are around the world suppose the registered doctors are still applying the massively defective X rays therapy.
And 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, totally clearing all cancers at one session. Any Dr. Who has prescribed cancer drugs since 2002 struck off without argument.
The Moffitt Paper 2002 also covers the clearance of viruses. Practically are I confirmed that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound I applied each side of the chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

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Which turned to transmits through the lungs. Infections that transmits physically, 11 minute of HIUS externally to the affected organ.
Now HIV seems to have evolved from eating bush meat, Kant a major infe Simian Infectious Virus. I was talking to a couple on honeymoon from Cambridge University. Who told me that HIV acquired the habit are making three human chemokins as he diverge from SIV.
This implies the well so he human interaction. Modifying the genome of SIV. The plasma acquire a one chemokin, as an infected person, soon to bush meat, is still the almost expected.
But two acquire three human chemokins smacks are genetic manipulation in the laboratory. One chemokins are fortunate but not impossible. Three chemokins totally impossible.
It would appear that AIDs was designed as biological warfare in some medical laboratory. And then inexplicably escaped summer in Africa.
My New York contact 2012 was HIV⁺. And forties own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet.
I do not know who was more excited and anxious. Myself or Brett. The device was delivered from China at 45 UK pounds. Used ½ minute each side of the chest it clears his AIDs. Though most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection cured in 1 minute.
The ultrasound device is no cost below five UK pounds. An involves no Dr. or or nurse interaction. Certainly no drug application.
Medicine still wanted to prescribe the defective the intentionally fatal a decade AIDs treatments until 2018. Even after it became apparent that HIV had vanished, medics still want you to prescribe lower dose AIDs treatments as a preventative measure.
Even though the treatments or not medically licensed so stop the transmission of AIDs. Just as slow down the viral growth, sea died predictably from AIDs in 10 years.
But as ozone HIV on the planet, there prescriptions were unethical, medically unlicensed and spurious. Striking off the Dr. and drug company without legal argument. The doctors Hippocratic oath prevents such defective medicine.
Dictating the involved doctors and nurses struck off and for ever remove from legal medicine. Likewise the involved biochemical drug company. There again Astra Zeneca!
Funny 2020 registered doctors part on written record, all cancers have stopped forming around the world. And the drug companies went into overdrive, trying to maintain the cancers were still a current disease.
And can be treated with radiotherapy. No they couldn't! Radio therapy killing the cancer patient in 2 to 4 years at massive expense. A truly horrible death!
And since 2002 the only legal cancer medicine, have been the external application of HIUS - totally clearing all cancers in 1 minute. Global newspapers should carry the total cancer cure.
Though it would appear that newspaper or magazine or bought off by the drug company advertising budgets. And 80% of Dr. and drug company income came from cancers 2000.
Just 1 minute of HIUS at the Oslo base of a man's penis, and will put down to heat the prostate gland was medically proven to clear prostate cancer or by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain 2002.
Since radio therapy became defective medicine compared to biochemistry, is serving globally prohibited medicine. Any Dr. Prescribing just one course of radiotherapy since, are struck off without legal argument.
In 2002 biochemical cancer treatments themselves became defective an intentionally fatal medicine. Killing the cancer patient in two to 10 years. Massively expensive an agonising deaths.
Every registered Dr. On earth had the 8 W three MHZ unit since they verified the Moffitt Paper 2002. 1 minute of this ultrasound externally, clearing all cancers so ever or will ever exist.
½ minute each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections: included obviously chest infections. This will stop the formation of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.
The first three conditions being 100 per cent of the profits of doctors and drug companies. The rest or medicine losing money.
And today and we can clear all viral and bacterial infections without drug quays. Just 1 minute of HIUS to the chest. Feeble can cure their own diseases at home using the 8 W one MHZ unit, purchased over the Internet. No Dr. or nurse interaction required.
So utterly no drug use. Now as defective hours late injections for syphilis: which he was awarded the noble prize! Before the development of antibiotics was curative medicine.
It is difficult to see how lead injections could have any benefit at all!
Professor Z is only incredulous. I'd talk his idea of flying e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for 1 minute to the chest to totally clear all viral infections including AIDs.
Last time I saw him he he spluttered into his tea, 'I am not a medic! And science education is financially dependent on the money universities receive from drug companies'
Dr. Z for two or three see me to a medical Ph.D. at Cambridge. Cambridge realise it curing cancers was financial suicide for medical education.
So Sheffield University help cure AIDs. For which they awarded no Ph.D.. Not even published it on their website.
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