Sunday 6 October 2024

Are we already eating the dead?


We is Canibal?

The global population has risen to 8.2 billion.  Above the six billion, the number at which 'Logan's run' predated human start eating the aged - over 30!.  And the world are increasingly turning to cremations.  The backing idea to get rid of dead bodies.

What is to stop the funeral services running a naked applied over the dead bodies, To deflash them!  Canibals recorded that human flesh tasted like pork.  Pigs eat human an wanted meals.  So of course they taste the same!

And the grieving family are handed an earn weighted down with rocks.  A quick X rays scan of the funeral earns, will display the sharp line between rocks and human burnt tissue.

So your pulled pork may be Uncle Harry!  Which upsets me, as I really like my pork.  It may turn out that Idi Amin was there ahead of his time!  The half a crown is are a lot less squeamish ever eating human beat.

When you won a battle, you ate the dead!  And there is the Food Processing people scrutinise where they meet came from we'll all be turned into unconscious Canibals.

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