Tuesday 15 October 2024

Curing Lyme disease

Lymes a;; cured

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of an infected tick. It's the most common tick-borne infection in the United States and is curable if treated early: 

Last year there were 300,000 cases of lyme disease in the U.S..  Apparently a consequence of some defective biochemical more research in the U.S..  Releasing infected ticks!

Like any bacterial infection, the bacterial infected cells have a foreign inflated cell nature.  Just lie there viral altered structures causing AIDs.  Which vanished from the world as my American contact in New York, I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side use chest.

The standard medical cure which will cure all viral and bacterial infections.  So patients with lyme disease can be cured by the standard ½ minute of this High Intensity Ultrasound, either side the chest.  Where the bacterial cells are very exposed.

The immune system or cause or bacterial infected cells to boil and rupture.  As experience biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Medics dislike HIUS, as the patients were owned by physics.  Makes five centuries ago!  Use an 8 W one MHZ unit will totally clear all infective diseases, including Lyme disease.

Sunday 13 October 2024

vaccinations defective medicine

Dr.s accepted vaccinations defective 1990s

The strongest medical validation on the planet, is 100 patient double blind trial in the world scenic and hospital chain, supervised by multiple medical professors.

2002 the world renown Moffitt cancer centre chain, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear cancers and viruses - supervised by three medical professors.

A peer review medical trial there is a way he below that standard of medical validation.  Every registered Dr. On earth is required to personally validate the such new medical science as it is published in the medical press.

So the three medical professors must have had a high hopes 2002, there all cancers were being cured.  The should have been.  But there's too much money tied up in the no defective biochemical treatments.

Which kill the cancer patients at great expense in two agonising years.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz externally was medically proved 2002 to clear all 200 cancers out there.  And 2024 will cure all cancers that ever exist!  Which require a foreign over inflated cell nature to induce infected cell replication- to be cancer.

So the HIUS works by causing inflated cell types to boil and rupture.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody, to clear the exploding cell type from the body.  As HIUS makes the inflated cells explode.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So all cancers there so every existed or potentially ever will exist require the same foreign inflated cell nature to divide and grow.  So 2024 the drug company is are publicising that 112 Americans had developed cancer is last year.  No they didn't!

1 minute of the ultrasound from the 8 W three MHZ unit, all bought to validate the cancer cure detailed in the Moffitt Paper 2002, will cure all inflated cell types have ever or will ever exist.

Cells not inflated are not cancer.  All viral and bacterial infected cells share the same overinflated cell nature.  To get infected structure replication.  Viruses look after their own cell division, which is why cancers and for her or the viral type RNA do single cell type division.

I have practically 2010 and that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest clears all 30 viral and bacterial infections my friends had.  The drug companies are desperate for a continuous round a vaccinations.  And have been since at least 1895!

There was always a problem!  Even licensed vaccinations kill one individual in 200.  And may be more fatal than the disease.

The link was first suggested in the early 1990s and came to public notice largely as a result of the 1998 Lancet MMR autism fraud, characterised as "perhaps the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years".

It 2019 Astra Zeneca defied medical kaw, and launched a vaccination to the seasonal flu.  Covid19.  Medicine has specifically prohibited too fast changing viral lines like care of it flu and the common cold since 1934.

As it was realized the medical intervention or be obsolete and counter productive Annie by three drug licensing.  The care of it vaccination obsolete an increasing the flu severity and death rate within six months.

Astra Zeneca Air was still making and selling the defective vaccination until three months ago.  Even though he was never medically licensed - never a legal human drug.

From January 2021 financially motivated corrupt medics had issued C and the legal medicine.  Giving out by one per billion vaccinations globally.  Causing 17 million patient deaths intentionally around the world.

The most psychopathic medical intervention in history, any Dr. Giving a care vaccination struck off at their own hand without legal argument.

There vaccinations to Covid21...23 were divide and it never even entered testing.  We're on the year of Covid24.  Though it responds to the standard cancer cure it even cured AIDs 2012; which is why HIV suddenly vanished from the world without explanation!

Brett used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device bought over the Internet each side use chest.  And totally cleared his AIDs.

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The most exciting medical department in history.  Totally eliminating the week viral condition that he killed five million people around the planet.  Including Freddie Mercury.  He died November 1991.  Before the medical science of HIUS have been developed.

And 2010 I firstly validated that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Just as 1 minute of external HIUS cured all cancers and have ever or would ever exist.

Curing all viral infections in 1 minute stops the development of cancers - which are thrown off by a active viral infections.  They are a part virus.  Now we can cure all viruses in 1 minute there will be no new cancers.

As they can cure all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute using an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit bought for under five UK pounds, all the doctors are validated 8 W three MHZ unit, there is no need for vaccinations.

With their accompanying death of one or 200 healthy people.  HIUS will cure all infections on demand, even clearing care of it flu and the common cold.  In the same amazing way that AIDs was cured 2012.  Without any Bio chemistry there disease became extinct.

There will be no HIV₂, as all viruses are cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  I wrote to say that Astra Zeneca has backed away from a vaccination against shingles.

The virus it kills 50 UK people a year.  Vaccinated 2.5 million of age pensioners, will kills 20,000 of them.  A total fine bass of 200 billion.

The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and counterproductive when given from January 2021.  It did not save 1.4 million lives!  He was totally medically redundant and hellishly counterproductive when given.  As mentioned above the medically expected death rate globally was 17 million.

The total legal fine an eye watering 170 trillion.  In excess of the well from the planet.  Any Dr. Giving a Covid vaccination, always aware there is added date and medically inert.  But fatal medicine!

So the involved doctors, nurses and drug company is struck off without legal argument: the uncontestable result of them signing the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Nurses and drug company is and sign it voluntarily.  So a high up nurses can instruct the lower down nurses what is best medical practice they should apply a common to their nightingale pledge.

Not one life around the world stage by the massively lethal Covid19 vaccinations.  Every vaccinating Dr. Struck off just as surely as the MMR doctors were struck off in the 1990s.

Each death warranting a 25 year jail term in high security prison.  Which I rather think the persuasive doctors have talked their way around!  There are more persuasive even than lawyers.  As Charles Dickens is said 'the law is the ;aw'.

Each care of the vaccinating Dr. Struck off, a fine of 10 million for every patient vaccination death.  A jail term of 25 years in high security prison: and throw the keys away!  They jail term as all be in millennia anyway.

So Astra Zeneca Air wanted a vaccimnation for shingles.  Which kills 50 people a year, and the vaccination would kill 20,000 every year!  A legal fine of 200 billion.

I can't find the next viral infection Astra Zeneca U.S. he wanted to vaccinate against.  All viruses are cured within ½ minute of HIUS each side a patient's chest.

Which will clear all bacterial infections, and strongly suspect parasitic infections.  And talking to a medical school tonight about this very issue.

Drug company is making and selling the defective Covid vaccination struck off, primarily and most importantly Astra Zeneca.  Who knew better!  That vaccinations were intentionally fatal medicines.  More lethal than most infections.

Shingles vaccination so fatal

Not a cery fatal virus

 Astra Zeneca kicked the Shingles vaccination into touch

Every year in the UK 50 people died from the shingles virus.  This is massively pure and the accidental death rate.

Year Killed Serious injury

2019 1,752 25,945 (30,144)

2020 1,460 20,102 (22,069)

2021 1,558 23,363 (25,892)

2022 (provisional) 1,695 (28,101)

The drug industry fortu have a good idea to vaccinate against Singles.  Which my grandfather survived in the 1970s.  Registered vaccinations have a one in 200 patient death rate.  That is a number of people who die directly from the vaccination.

Astra Zeneca are wanted to vaccinate I fusio shingles.  Dispensing 2.5 million vaccinations every year.  Which would expect to kill least 20,000 UK residents!  A truly massive intentional medical killing spree.

The fine for each death will be 10 million UK pounds, so the total fine bass 2000 billion, and it may well might not work!  The UK has 40 thousand practicing G P's.

So the shingles vaccination would wipe out maybe 15,000 UK G P's.  Though from legal medicine for ever.  Sharing in at total fine of 200 billion.  Life he her personal Health Insurance are just 100 million.

Who has Astra Zeneca suddenly decided A shingles vaccination was not a good idea.  The biggest recent deliberate medical homicide.  Fined 200 billion.  20,000 deaths!

Astra Zeneca away trying to think of our staff make and vaccinate for.  By one bowlers of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest for just ½ minute, was firstly validated to clear 30 different viral and bacterial infections.

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1 minute curing all 200 types of human cancer 2002.  So working for every infected disease out there.  Without any patient death.

Child heart disease sorted

All rixed

From 2013 Dr.s found that ½ minute of my High Intensity UltraSound to the top left to the chest the kidneys, totally cleared the inflated bacterial structure causing adults coronary heart disease.

It was seem reasonable that children have the same bacterial structure around the coronary arteries all kidneys.  So rather than just scan if our heart rhythm have a non masses, medics and should give young people application of HIUS to clear all heart rhythm problems.

A steam for a non intrusive way to clearing all heart problems.  It is so much better than a lifetime.  As 2013 and Anne had all coronary heart disease was eradicated from the earth.

HIUS is 8W 1MHz ultrasound from a massage device.

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Friday 11 October 2024

Free electricity for IT

Computer centres produce excess power

How do practically confirmed that a 15x1.5cm steam plasma rel two A commercially sourced ease a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  The plasma burns the water molecules into just heat light and X rays.

1 H₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year being converted into plasma kilowatts of carbon zero power.  And the X rays are no more powerful and from a boiling kettle minute kitchen today!  Not like a high at x-rays from nuclear power.

We pass it over a the heated cylinder, where he had alors two Ait takes up of heat.  Which  thermoelectic generator, which free use a cancer 65 kW of carbon zero mains electricity.  Linking the phase and voltage with the National Power grid.

Even the most electrically demanding confusing centre, is are going to get three or 30 kW of electrical power all day.  The are going to sell one 3rd alors power to National Power grid, and get 6000 UK pounds.  $8000 a year.  For all that lovely zero carbon electricity.

And this also works out in the 1930s!  The staff are steam plasma, get a lightening strike liberated a constant 1.2 megawatts of heat from a 1.5km x 2 cm steam plasma which Prix uses five tonnes of helium ions in 3 seconds.  2.5x10³⁰W of heat energy.  My American contact verified that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma liberated a constant 1 MW of heat.  So a 30 cm steam plasma it gives those are 500 kW of carbon zero heat.

Are thorium salt, the thermoelectic generator, gives us three phase mains voltage and phase linked AC current.  Just accept it is the correct voltage and synchronises the AC current.

Some the Data Centres move from being lights' electricity users, to being 60 houses carbon zero electricity producers.

And high us to eight Chatbot.  He was aware that I used to work in IT.  After my master's degree in to engineering specializing in electricity generation.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Best selling author

I was wondering what my current account had four players or 5000 pounds more in it every month the it should have had, and also getting hassle by an American book agent, a very publishing my book about cancer and old age.

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by Jonathan Thomason | 30 Jul 2018

Then he phoned me from America tonight.  And till me the Amazon E book uring cancer and HIV

 has entered the New York Times top 150 titles as a ebooks.

I wondered why is it any house or by an American book agent about the publishing a book on cancer and HIV.  Which I hold the total copyright on!  There is some stand to lose same block as my E book on curing cancers.  The different title mains I her and the exclusive copyright.

150 top seller in the U.S., From the UK!  Which implies I'm going to spend a lot of my time on a jet plane between the UK and America.  The killing a world important author was not on my life pocket list.

It all happened almost by accident.  I found out my Lulu book as in ebook on Amazon, this system at interest for my paper back.  $6.00 a Copi, that will soon rank up to be a lifetime income.

My English teacher Ralf Britan would be so proud.  Bolton School will obviously take the praise.  I only started writing drama at Sheffield University, who has ever roles in carers centre in high school.

For summer school can find the evil burn and there's an.  'cure to cancers and HIV by Jonathan Thomason'.  He only took up writing the plasma this high school English teacher. 

BBC predicts impossible wind

Quite breezy

The highest wind speed ever recorded on Earth was 253 mph (408 km/h)1

. This record was set on April 10, 1996, during Tropical Cyclone Olivia on Barrow Island, Australia1

. This gust was part of a smaller-scale circulation within the cyclone's eyewall, known as a mesovortex2

Hurricanes like Hurricane Milton in the U.S.  Can make the weensy air of the breezy!  Somehow BBC app predicted that the winners in the south of England were going to reach 1200 miles per hour.

This is over five times the highest ever reported winds on earth.  And a he and was a us to intervene, and stop this rubbish being posted.

There are for ever suppose the science rubbish about the nuclear 'climate change'.  Which fell to take into account the capping effect of photosynthesis on land and sea.  Motoring free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth to just two parts per million.

And the the arctics in winter we have four PPM carbon dioxide naturally - as there is no active plant life there.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack,

The maximum air speed in a wind tunnel can range from less than 200 miles per hour 

So the tail end of water needed from a third of the planet away, wasn't have used wins fees six times the maximum winces ever occurring naturally.  For no reason!  Just somebody forgot to of a human checking the computer generated rubbish.

Is it any wonder that when the BBC he says he will rain, people a kettle of India and check!

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Biology wins over carbon dioxide

Plants gobble down CO2

Every day in the air and light, green plants on land and sea converts carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life, for the last 11.2 thousand years, leaving just two parts per million in the temperate afternoon air.

Above the arctic ice In winter the carbon dioxide level doubles to four parts per million.  As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth!  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.

Then the spring and summer return to the arctic, the carbon dioxide four so the temperate two PPM.  So carbon dioxide does not drive the weather.  The weather there dry as photosynthesis, which The carbon dioxide level of just two PPM around the temperate earth.

In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less efficient, and four PPM in the temperate air and.  The Jurassic and three natural ice ages.  One lasting 1000 years!  When the men record tells is there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

In the warm periods sea levels were 60 metres lower.  Nuclear power fabricated manmade global warming after the Chernobyl incident, to try and justify their continued existence.

He getting to factor in their own carbon dioxide emissions.  Building a uranium nuclear power plant uses a lot of cement for its reinforced concrete.  Produced using a fossil fuel burn on limestone.

Making uranium nuclear power mankind's fourth largest carbon emitter!  Nuclear power has invested 10 and pound sickie or every year since 1986, the year of Chernobyl and, into manmade global warming.

Which morphed into manmade climate change as the natural climate started cooling according to predictable solar emission cycles, 1995.  Back to natural global warming 2023.

When manmade climate change is dumped in favour of manmade climate warming.  So climate change contradicted global warming.  And manmade to contradicts climate change.

Just how gullible are you?  Or time nuclear power investing 10,000,000 pounds a year.  Try to buy a future.  Trouble is politician this and to the scientists.  The santis will make a bubble would prove climate change, and moved on to other research.

All being caused inevitably by the of screen climate change.  Never engaging with a static trace level of carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  Just two PPM in the temperate air.

Four PPM above the arctics in winter.  Lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Four PPM carbon dioxide, -80° C above the Antarctic ice sheet.  No wonder the santis who have got bored with the climate!

It is just paid science fiction on behalf of the nuclear power, the most toxic industry on earth.  Which today he requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion for every 100 MW nuclear power plant.

They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  So remember carbon dioxide globally limited by photosynthesis.  Basic high school biology.  No increase in carbon dioxide remotely possible.

NHS triage illegal

Triage Dr.s so struck off

2002 and the world renown Moffitt cancer centre published the use of a single application of High Intensity UltraSound to clear cancers and viruses at one session.  Through practical experiment I have found that 8 W, 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device is infective HIUS.  The suitable devices costing under five UK pounds over the Internet.

The receptionist at Ordsal health centre was unapologetic as soon as though all NHS Health Centres have become triage centres.  The NHS wanted to continue providing A National Health Service, using term percent of the 40,000 doctors they used to employ.

The major cause of the NHS was employing the doctors.  10% are the doctors would involve a handy back 60% of the annual income to the treasury.

The reason for the sudden decrease in Dr. numbers, is so they have become aware that High Intensity UltraSound is the only legal cancer medicine.  The biochemical cancer treatments all MHS doctors have happily prescribe since 2002, the defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

But on entry Medical Service doctors pledge in their Hippocratic oath to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register the first day they knowingly applied defective medicine.

And a every registered Dr. has continued with the defective biochemical cancer treatments since a personally had to verified HIUS 2002.  Doctors boast of their ethics!

They never expected it to interact with real life.  Prescribing the knowingly defective biochemical cancer treatments, provided patients with a two year inevitable decline to an agonising death.

Since 2002 this has resulted in the deaths of 47,000 cancer patients.  And the Dr. knew perfectly well there are biochemical cancer treatments would kill the cancer patients he Italy just two agonising and expensive years.

All the time having verified personally that HIUS cured all cancers and viruses 2002.  It also clears the inflated cell structure common to cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

It is a momentary PH D physics.  That I came across during my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000.  Into nuclear fusion.  The ultrasound vibrates water molecules together so hard, just like robbing sticks together, it generated heat.

As injection of the water molecules termed the water into helium and oxygen gases, plus massive heat and X rays.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Cancers actually forms after a lengthy medicated a viral infection.  Which causes a spinning off of viral fragments - all cancers containing six specific viral fragments.  And dividing in a viral fashion.

½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest cures all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.  Some the door on the formation of cancers, diabetes and dementia.

So 2002 and all 200 types of human cancer were found to be cured by 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  And the self serving drug companies have declare the 112 UK patients don't like cancers this year.  No they didn't!

All cancers totally curable from 2002.  My personal contact in New York who was HIV⁻ 2012, forties own 8 W ultrasound device.  And cured his own AIDs.  He was fully discharged by his Dr.- As he was HIV⁻.

I do not know who was more excited Brett or myself.  As we share this work with the world and AIDs vanished into the ether in two weeks.  Psychopathic former doctors still prescribed the the defective and pointless but fatal AIDs treatments untll 2018.

Even though always totally cured 2012.  Bio method the drug companies could not understand!  It really does not matter.  Everyone he was HIV⁺ for their own 8 W ultrasound device, ½ minute each side the chest → HIV⁻.

So prescribing AIDs treatments since 2012 was defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  The individuals concerned must return or all medical fees to the surviving patients, or their families.

Strike themselves off the doctors' medical register and consider all medical practice is now uninsured and criminal.  Good luck on telling a Dr. They are struck off!  Doctors are limited in knowledge, unlimited in arrogance.

Every Dr. On earth validated that HIUS cured all cancers 2000: and curing all viral infections stops the development of any future cancers.  Cancers stopped forming 2020.

In a panic the drug company is announced 112 Americans had developed cancers.  Just not possible!  Cancers had ceased to spread and evolve.  They had vanished into a non existence.

Absolutely no need anymore for cancer medicine.  Every cancer consultants and Dr. Struck off.  Along with the assisting nurses and pharmacists plus drug companies.  Cancer medicine died!

I regret that A move to a medical Ph.D. at Cambridge 2001, never came to be.  Dr Z at Sheffield 42 was releasing me from my nuclear fusion Ph.D., To do a medical Ph.D..

Medicine is a closed shop!  I liked the first medical degree.  Never going to happen!  And I shared the information with the world over the Internet.

It talk 18 long, expensive and fatal years.  Untll all cancers ceased to form 2020.  Psychopathic doctors still intent on medicating their patients to an agonising an needless death the biochemical treatments.

When they realized 2020 that the medical cash cow had died, they suddenly took early retirement.  Pretty damn stupid.  The retired doctors required to repay their medical wages back to 2002: when they have personally confirmed that HIUS cured all cancers.

Ineligible ever from medical pension.  They must return or pension payments inappropriately paid.  The Health Centres are faceless and like all doctors.  From the usual Dr. or workforce of 40,000, the only had 4000 left.

By just one prescription of biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, the individual struck off the doctors' medical register.  Including all 4000 doctors are trying to maintain the NHS through triage.

Where the shock and the small number doctors cover a huge area.  From my eight Medical Care there were three week delay.  You have to book the doctor's appointment at your local health centre, and if you still lives in three weeks you see a total stranger!

Who will have the usual form of trying to read the doctors' notes.  Which tend to be written in hydrographic text.  Not even comprehensible to the original Dr..

The triage Dr. drives in, for the are aware they were struck off as a registered Dr. 2002.  There prescriptions then illegal and invalid.  There medical practice an insured and criminal.

As well as totally speculative with the no pension back story.  Annie get to prescribe no drugs.  95% of Dr. Income vanishes.  They cannot even prescribe surgery - removing the residual 5% other income.

The patient will in all likelihood be dead.  When I heard about the triage idea that the strong temptation to tell the health centre patient, just to ring 999.  But no doubt the amersham is will go on strike!

And hospitals are faced with the same problem.  90% other doctors have taken early retirement - as in actuality struck off.  There prescriptions invalid there medical practice illegal.

Struck off doctors are actually prohibited from entering medical premises, and returning to do medical practice.  So 100% are NHS doctors struck off.

The triage doctors to an individual, all struck off and totally remove from legal medicine for ever.  Heads as the MHS expect to run a Health Service, with no doctors and nurses.

Not just a 90% shortage.  A total Dr. and nurse shortage for ever.  This means that nobody are life can anymore prescribe prescription medication.  The drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  So also struck off and toes remove from legal medicine for ever.

Backdated to 2002.  Each subsequent medicated patient death warranting a legal fine of 10 million.  Each involved Dr. Receiving a custodial 25 year jail term without parole.  No appeal!

So what then of triage.  Which aims to provide a National Health Service widows term percent of the doctors.  The water Lee all those doctors struck off facing millennial jail terms.

This is Keir Starmer's NHS.  And we all get to die!  Include the doctors, he can no longer writer prescriptions even for themselves.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Keir's NHS just the worst


Just put it out of its misery

Tony Blair spent 65 billion on the UK NHS.  Umder Keir Starmer as well have risen `190 billion a year.  Three times as much!

2002 and the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America used high intensity ultrasound to clear prostate cancer. Dr.s found 8 W one of three MHZ ultrasound, and totally cleared all 200 types of cancer.

In 2002 and cancer of biochemical treatments were intentionally defective and fatal medicine.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company without argument.

Each cancer drug prescribing Dr. Around the world struck off from medical practice totally 2002.  No legal argument!

Now the MHS is seen any Dr. Number crash.  As all those psychopathic individuals are struck off the doctors' medical register.  Each one deserving a 10 million UK pound fine, and 25 years in high security prison for each medicated cancer patient death.

Now the NHS once to induce the Triarge System.  Without any public concent.  So or Health Centres ring round the local area for the Dr. specializing in her patient's problems.

And the three weeks A Dr. You're never even met before, my see you.  If they have prescribed cancer drugs just ones since 2002 there prescriptions illegal and invalid.  There medical practice criminal and uninsured.

One the great talents of the NHS GP system, was that you built up A relationship by your family GP.  The Triarge System almost certainly guarantees you're never see the same for the struck off Dr. ever again.

Who are obviously cannot prescribe drugs, surgery or other medical interventions.  Though cleared three week wait almost certainly guarantee the patient is dead.

People in the UK voted four Keir Starmer from valley parade better Health System.  They do not buy a pair Health System costing 190 billion.  Where you're not see the same Dr. twice!  And have a three week delay before Dr. Can see you and prescribe no drugs or other medical interventions.

Basically a Triarge doctors are all probability struck off and totally prohibited from medical practice globally since 2002.  But while there share their 190 billion, for nothing.

With they certainly can not do any useful medicine.

Sunday 6 October 2024

No climate change

S*** science for the brain dead

Professor Argent mention into me 2015 that plants talk in carbon dioxide to grow!  He was a professor at Sheffield University metallurgy department.  But he had talked to biology and was very upset that I engaged with biology.

Before photosynthesis evolved the early earth had assumed there atmospheres to Mars day.  98% carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide levels at the start of the Cretaceous period were likely around 350–500 Parts Per Million (ppm) by volume. However, during the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum (CTM), which began during the Cenomanian/Turonian transition, carbon dioxide levels rose to over 1,000 ppm. 

So of 500 PPM carbon dioxide but the cretaceous experienced an ice age!  There no photosynthesis got busy.  A time of the Jurassic temperate carbon dioxide was four PPM in the afternoon.

The polar ice Had twice the carbon dioxide level, eight PPM.  Every year today in the polar carbon dioxide level is four PPM.  As he off experience is the lowest natural temperatures.  -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.

What happened is are photosynthesis tired of the carbon dioxide as the carbohydrates of life.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+TU→(Cβ‚™(H₂O)β‚™+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)

So far and son light sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide to the present limit of just two PPM.  And emit a faint blue light, heat and even X rays.  So photosynthesis it does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Turning regular water molecules into helium and oxygen gases, massive heat with visible light and X rays.  Making biology the global experts on nuclear fusion.

So all around the temperate earth land and sea, photosynthesis pisces every day until the afternoon carbon dioxide or four so two PPM.  Which is basic high school biology!  Plants eat carbon dioxide.

Excrete NG the surplus oxygen as he bill carbohydrates, emitting a faint blue light and even X rays.

People invoking manmade climate change being linked to increase of carbon dioxide in the global air, are serious scientific idiots!  For last 11.2 thousand years, to drive photosynthesis has capped carbon dioxide at just two PPM.

Burning the fossil fuels at an additional 0.0002% carbon dioxide to the local air.  Which plant's greedily gobble up and convert into carbohydrates within 5 minutes.

Above the polar ice There is no photosynthesis during the winter.  So carbon dioxide doubles to about huge four PPM.  Back to the warm Jurassic levels!  When there was 85% more life on earth, and seals were 60 metres lower.

Then spring and summer comes, and we have a massive first of arctic life, they use in carbon dioxide to the temperate two PPM.  All the time the ice being lapped by the warm sea currents.

As the ice melts it makes sense to be arctic C water at -20° C in winter, to give us a water at 3° C.  Water expands as it freezes!  So the maximum density water is at 3° C, and flows back to the equator carrying the arctic cold with it.

Carbon dioxide a static trace gas, greedily gobble up five plant's to build the carbohydrates of life.  Who ever concocted manmade global warming was a serious biological idiot: step forward professors of physics.

Technically we are still in an ice age, as we think there is no cell polar ice cap in the usual one interglacial periods.  But between 1967 and 1995 we had a one interglacial periods with a south pole.

I started telling my PH D supervisor this 2000, and 2000 my new abruptly ended my PH D work with no award, suggested there should be studying the cure to cancer I Cambridge University.

I gave my dues to the national institute of health and they have forwarded it to the Moffitt cancer centre.  They published the idea that one application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, would totally clear foreign inflated cell structures - like all 200 types or cancer.

Medics were so unhappy there all cancers totally curable.  So the embarked on a global programme drip easily test people everywhere for cancers.  2024 and was becoming a logically impossible to maintain they cancers still existed.

From 2002 every registered Dr. Bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, 1 minute of external High Intensity UltraSound clearing all cancers.

It this way for all cancers have some and being cured by three medical professors at the Moffitt, the drug company is are severe test scheme to cancer screening: desperately looking for some cancers which hadn't been cured.

Medics desperately prescribed the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments, until 2020.  When doctors fought on rich and record that all cancers have stopped forming globally around the world.

Drug company is voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath, so was legally required to buy a HIUS unit and confirm the Moffitt work.  I use an 8 W one MHZ unit 2010 and to confirm the work.

So since 2002 drug company is have been constrained from manufacture and sale of the defective intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.  But try each time the drug companies to do anything!

They do what they want, even if the results in the inevitable death of her patient's.  They will water which is firms on earth, and so do not take instructions even from the doctors'.

1986 so are Ukrainian nuclear experienced the Chernobyl incident.  Per clear soup prove that uranium nuclear fission was the technology of hades.  That could not be done safely in by the Russians, the leading nuclear power on earth.

The Japanese also inclined not to take instruction.  Hence we have the Fukushima incident 2010.  Since when the Germans and Japanese, the most technically adept engineers on earth, have ttotally Arenas uranium nuclear power on their territories.

Yet the world still lets the French and EDF hell build uranium nuclear power plants around the planet.  The French being at user eating surrender monkeys, and without doubt the worst engineers on the planet.

Building the most intentionally fatal engineering plants ever.  Fukushima sprayed radioactive dust across to Asian.  Which is going to result in the region of 400 million innocent people dying as a result of the radioactive release.

Building a uranium nuclear power plant uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to freeze the cement for their reinforced concrete.  Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  And the only totally avoidable!

Session of all the required annual insurance for a uranium nuclear power plant has been set at 40 billion.  There being no commercial source of insurance above one billion.  Since Fukushima the required insurance was set at 100 billion.

Nuclear power plants carry an insurance cover only a 50 million.  0.05% of are legally required insurance cover.  And remember building a new nuclear plant mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions!

The more I became aware that lightening give off heat, light and X rays, as he did physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+O₂+TU→He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray

Every 1.5km lightening strike he's had 2 cm wide partial steam plasma.  In the equation above TU= turbulence of the precipitation particles falling to earth.

Geography has noted that every lightening strike produces five tonnes of helium ions.  An energy release of 2.5x10³⁰W.  More 80 he and all mankind's nuclear bombs put together has released.  Hence the production of visible light, or X rays and ozone ions.

Brett fired me up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  Firing up the plasma using the high voltage electronics borrow from the old fluorescent light.

He got the most dynamic, non radioactive or toxic Energy System

3 H₂O+P+O₂+PL→He+O₃+L+X-ray getting off 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

Utilising and producing no hyper toxic radioactive materials.  Just of regular light water!  He acemi the best way to turn that heat into electricity.  The answer was to produce a 1500 UK pound thermoelectric.

Which were given a constant 65 kW of three phase AC electricity.  A monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds.  For life!  Carbon zero a massively.

Involving no coal, oil or gas burn.  So no toppling the biological life support system.  Just that lovely annual income of over 180,000 UK pounds.

Only severely mentally ill idiots to pass check for one second that the static trace of carbon dioxide, fixed at just two PPM around the temperate earth for the last 11.2 thousand years could affect anything.

But still a nuclear power will pay out money for any TV programme that invokes manmade climate change.  Though all physics academics on the planet are deeply embarrassed that FX trace level of carbon dioxide, might affect anything.

If this proves that TV presenters are not scientists.  I am also a what the heck they are paid to say.  No matter how are biologically nonsensical.