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Still life on Mars |
Since the cretaceous the trace level of carbon dioxide left in the afternoon air, has been controlled exclusively by photosynthesis on land and aea. The extra carbon dioxide being converted into the carbohydrates of plant and the animal biomass.
The growing global population today, the rover 8.2 billion people alive, these are we are very seriously need to produce more plants and animals to eat.
1 mCO₂+(m+t)H₂O+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
So during daylight hours plant's I using the pressurise flow and of regular water around the plant photo blast, to do molecular nuclear fusion. Turning regular water into a trace of helium and oxygen gases, with massive energy and faint blue light and even X rays.
Plants used infrared light from natural sunlight, at 80nm. So two or hyper tonics farming in a greenhouse, we only need infrared fluorescents, there so the electromagnetic spectrum years immaterial.
Growing green plants emit a faint blue light. Which is why in the daytime plants look so radiant - they are you meeting A faint blue light along with the X rays.
Physics and biology department senior nurses must overcome their distaste for other scientific disciplines, and it talk to each other. Animals do their own form of biological molecular nuclear fusion. Centres around oxidising the carbohydrates of plant biomass - Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ.
2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+(m+n/2)O₂+ turbulence of digestion→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+L+X-ray)
I think the emitted light we get from digestion is red yellow: but this is from memory in my late teens. And may be wrong. They certainly can measure the xray production using a standard Geiger counter.
Which will measure the X rays as are all through a field of growing green crops in daylight hours. Making biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.
And photosynthesis every day the carbon dioxide level. In the Jurassic there was done to four parts per million. I was 85% more life on earth. And it was all the extra plant growth sea levels were 60 metres lower. With you could walk from England to France! Though obviously there was no passport controls back then.
The Jurassic and three natural ice ages. The mineral record teaches is one lasted 1000 years. The longest ice age on mineral record. The carbon dioxide chapter eight PPM.
Today every arctic winter above the arctic and Antarctic, the carbon dioxide levels double from the temperate two PPM, to or not to winter four PPM. As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.
Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack. Really that is are tied up a body of cold, that we would rather flow back naturally towards the equator. Not a problem!
We immerse a limestone are still a helix in the seas, and run a little steam plasma Power System to generate free electricity.
4 H₂0+PL→2(E²+L_X-ray)
My American contact confirmed that a 30x1.5cm non pressurised steam plasma will generate a carbon 01 megawatt of heat, we drive a little commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator. And cover 30 affairs and our carbon zero heat into electrical power.
For convenience we rectify into mains AC current, the transmission losses of all over AC power,
We drive little pumps, that pressurise the gas as he is collected lower temperature heat from the seas. It gets down to -273° C. Cooling the seawater by 2° C.
And he hits the 3° C that is a maximum density of water under pressure. So flows back and power as to the equator. Taking all that lovely for that cold with it.
At the equator we pressurise the gas, and feed the heat into a little aluminium helix. Where we start dumping 200 GW of cold to the air. The equitable air will call from 50° C, died so much more equitable 20° C.
And power is supplied by a little steam helix. That uses such a fantastically miniscule volume of regular water, to free use frankly half the massive excess of electrical power.
So we have 100 heat pumps in a line. Away from shipping channels. That each is giving us at 200 GW of cold. So we get 20,000 terror Watts. 10³⁰W. Where in the heart Lowndes that a minute of the cold blast is very very welcome.
It will chill the air down which forms a cooling mist over the land masses. With MS Kohl essays into rain drops and irrigate so what are they are deserts. We plant C had maps impregnated grass seed, and plant life takes off.
Doing 1. Sucking Ian the carbon dioxide - the gas of life and turn into plant biomass, ready to sing humans and animals, in the days of the massively farming human population.
Saudi Arabia to those carbon neutral, as all that new plant growth sucks in carbon dioxide from the air. For it carbon dioxide is going to be in short supply!
Today every day in the sunlight carbon dioxide is taken in down to two PPM. Half the Jurassic limit: the only Jurassic had 1000 year ice age! The carbon dioxide at eight PPM.
Around the arctic and Antarctic circle, we erect a grid are steam plasma is beneath aluminium flotation balloons. And the water is turn into heat light and lower power X rays. Just like natural sunlight.
But we are getting 1 MW from our 30x1.5cm steam plasma. Which can be converted into ½ MW our carbon zero power: after we have generated our 35 kW of carbon zero electricity.
And now we can attain year plant growth 24/7 every day the year. Making an offer for more productive than Texas. And the irrigating the talents have transformed Saudi Arabia back into the lush green area air was in the days of the Roman empire.
When it use to feed Rome! It only every defied due to man's makes management of the land. Using high school physics we can suck fresh water on the seas.
Driver plants using a carbon zero plasma power. Transported the water vapour to vent as high level in the deserts. Where the water will four O strock for its irrigating the Lands.
We already have loads of natural free sunlight. We transform Arabia back into the lush fertile area it use to be. Sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide.
Manmade global warming was designed by physics, doing their best to ignore the carbon cycle of biology. Carbon dioxide levels capped by natural plant growth on land and in the seas.
Down to the present limit of just two PPM. 1/4 all levels in the Jurassic ice ages lasting 1000 years. 1995 the climate turn into a natural fit of global cooling.
The climate of the inner solar system plants call a warm every 28 years. Dictated exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles. Chernobyl happened in the Ukraine in 1986. During a natural period of global warming.
In 2023 the climate reverted to its natural warming phase. So manmade climate change was nuclear cover for the 28 year period of global cooling since 1995.
The weather are mass four to save 28 year periods of warming and cooling. With 98% carbon dioxide in the air. As there is no natural photosynthesis!
Not until we send a space ship, to feature a green house, using irrigate to plant life to turn the natural carbon dioxide into oxygen. But all life on Mars has a non league air of descended to the deep.
Where the turbulent flow of the Martian water, as though it does our molecular nuclear fusion.
5 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E+X-ray
As they are spoons the river of water circles the planet tries to stay still. So appears to fire in an anti clockwise direction, which catalises 5. Is so the ias life on Mars, but in the deep!
We needed to drill down over the Martian drivied sees. There will discover their first ever non terrestrial life in the cellar system, many people think that life on earth was ceded by applied for Mars.
Before a series replied and got colder as the cell and became less radiant. We be seriously need to cure and real into the Martian Sand. We concern and a little Martian probes to do ground sonar.
That from the earth we can measure the X ray emission from the deep rivers on Mars. There being no other possible source of Marsian X rays.
Discovery of X–rays from Mars with Chandra
Astronomy & Astrophysics
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by K Dennerl · 2002 · Cited by 127 — Modeling the X–ray appearance of Mars It was expected that fluorescent scattering of solar X–rays in the atmosphere would be the dominant source of the X–ray ...
10 pages