Thursday, 31 October 2024

Turning Saudi Arabia carbon 0

Still life on Mars

Since the cretaceous the trace level of carbon dioxide left in the afternoon air, has been controlled exclusively by photosynthesis on land and aea.  The extra carbon dioxide being converted into the carbohydrates of plant and the animal biomass.

The growing global population today, the rover 8.2 billion people alive, these are we are very seriously need to produce more plants and animals to eat.

1 mCO₂+(m+t)H₂O+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So during daylight hours plant's I using the pressurise flow and of regular water around the plant photo blast, to do molecular nuclear fusion.  Turning regular water into a trace of helium and oxygen gases, with massive energy and faint blue light and even X rays.

Plants used infrared light from natural sunlight, at 80nm.  So two or hyper tonics farming in a greenhouse, we only need infrared fluorescents, there so the electromagnetic spectrum years immaterial.

Growing green plants emit a faint blue light.  Which is why in the daytime plants look so radiant - they are you meeting A faint blue light along with the X rays.

Physics and biology department senior nurses must overcome their distaste for other scientific disciplines, and it talk to each other.  Animals do their own form of biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Centres around oxidising the carbohydrates of plant biomass - Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ.

2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+(m+n/2)O₂+ turbulence of digestion→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+L+X-ray)

I think the emitted light we get from digestion is red yellow: but this is from memory in my late teens.  And may be wrong.  They certainly can measure the xray production using a standard Geiger counter.

Which will measure the X rays as are all through a field of growing green crops in daylight hours.  Making biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.

And photosynthesis every day the carbon dioxide level.  In the Jurassic there was done to four parts per million.  I was 85% more life on earth.  And it was all the extra plant growth sea levels were 60 metres lower.  With you could walk from England to France!  Though obviously there was no passport controls back then.

The Jurassic and three natural ice ages.  The mineral record teaches is one lasted 1000 years.  The longest ice age on mineral record.  The carbon dioxide chapter eight PPM.

Today every arctic winter above the arctic and Antarctic, the carbon dioxide levels double from the temperate two PPM, to or not to winter four PPM.  As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.  Really that is are tied up a body of cold, that we would rather flow back naturally towards the equator.  Not a problem!

We immerse a limestone are still a helix in the seas, and run a little steam plasma Power System to generate free electricity.

4 H₂0+PL→2(E²+L_X-ray)

My American contact confirmed that a 30x1.5cm non pressurised steam plasma will generate a carbon 01 megawatt of heat, we drive a little commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator.  And cover 30 affairs and our carbon zero heat into electrical power.

For convenience we rectify into mains AC current, the transmission losses of all over AC power,

We drive little pumps, that pressurise the gas as he is collected lower temperature heat from the seas.  It gets down to -273° C.  Cooling the seawater by 2° C.

And he hits the 3° C that is a maximum density of water under pressure.  So flows back and power as to the equator.  Taking all that lovely for that cold with it.

At the equator we pressurise the gas, and feed the heat into a little aluminium helix.  Where we start dumping 200 GW of cold to the air.  The equitable air will call from 50° C, died so much more equitable 20° C.

And power is supplied by a little steam helix.  That uses such a fantastically miniscule volume of regular water, to free use frankly half the massive excess of electrical power.

So we have 100 heat pumps in a line.  Away from shipping channels.  That each is giving us at 200 GW of cold.  So we get 20,000 terror Watts.  10³⁰W.  Where in the heart Lowndes that a minute of the cold blast is very very welcome.

It will chill the air down which forms a cooling mist over the land masses.  With MS Kohl essays into rain drops and irrigate so what are they are deserts.  We plant C had maps impregnated grass seed, and plant life takes off.

Doing 1.  Sucking Ian the carbon dioxide - the gas of life and turn into plant biomass, ready to sing humans and animals, in the days of the massively farming human population.

Saudi Arabia to those carbon neutral, as all that new plant growth sucks in carbon dioxide from the air.  For it carbon dioxide is going to be in short supply!

Today every day in the sunlight carbon dioxide is taken in down to two PPM.  Half the Jurassic limit: the only Jurassic had 1000 year ice age!  The carbon dioxide at eight PPM.

Around the arctic and Antarctic circle, we erect a grid are steam plasma is beneath aluminium flotation balloons.  And the water is turn into heat light and lower power X rays.  Just like natural sunlight.

But we are getting 1 MW from our 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  Which can be converted into ½ MW our carbon zero power: after we have generated our 35 kW of carbon zero electricity.

And now we can attain year plant growth 24/7 every day the year.  Making an offer for more productive than Texas.  And the irrigating the talents have transformed Saudi Arabia back into the lush green area air was in the days of the Roman empire.

When it use to feed Rome!  It only every defied due to man's makes management of the land.  Using high school physics we can suck fresh water on the seas.

Driver plants using a carbon zero plasma power.  Transported the water vapour to vent as high level in the deserts.  Where the water will four O strock for its irrigating the Lands.

We already have loads of natural free sunlight.  We transform Arabia back into the lush fertile area it use to be.  Sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide.

Manmade global warming was designed by physics, doing their best to ignore the carbon cycle of biology.  Carbon dioxide levels capped by natural plant growth on land and in the seas.

Down to the present limit of just two PPM.  1/4 all levels in the Jurassic ice ages lasting 1000 years.  1995 the climate turn into a natural fit of global cooling.

The climate of the inner solar system plants call a warm every 28 years.  Dictated exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.  Chernobyl happened in the Ukraine in 1986.  During a natural period of global warming.

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In 2023 the climate reverted to its natural warming phase.  So manmade climate change was nuclear cover for the 28 year period of global cooling since 1995.

The weather are mass four to save 28 year periods of warming and cooling.  With 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  As there is no natural photosynthesis!

Not until we send a space ship, to feature a green house, using irrigate to plant life to turn the natural carbon dioxide into oxygen.  But all life on Mars has a non league air of descended to the deep.

Where the turbulent flow of the Martian water, as though it does our molecular nuclear fusion.

5 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E+X-ray

As they are spoons the river of water circles the planet tries to stay still.  So appears to fire in an anti clockwise direction, which catalises 5.  Is so the ias life on Mars, but in the deep!

We needed to drill down over the Martian drivied sees.  There will discover their first ever non terrestrial life in the cellar system, many people think that life on earth was ceded by applied for Mars.

Before a series replied and got colder as the cell and became less radiant.  We be seriously need to cure and real into the Martian Sand.  We concern and a little Martian probes to do ground sonar.

That from the earth we can measure the X ray emission from the deep rivers on Mars.  There being no other possible source of Marsian X rays.

Discovery of X–rays from Mars with Chandra

Astronomy & Astrophysics › articles › pdf

by K Dennerl · 2002 · Cited by 127 — Modeling the X–ray appearance of Mars​​ It was expected that fluorescent scattering of solar X–rays in the atmosphere would be the dominant source of the X–ray ...

10 pages

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Trump or Harris: Who’s ahead in the polls?

Tracking the polls in every state and possible paths to electoral college victory for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

216 Kamala Harris democrat

219 Donald Trump republican

With Narrow victories in a handful of swing states are likely to determine whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris wins the US presidential election on November 5.

Why are the democrats looking so unhappy> do they know something we don't. 

Keir will raise taxes in the budget

Don't forget - it is not YOUR money

Don't say you weren't warned!  Every labour UK government in history has raised taxes.  Now we are experiencing the beast economic squeeze since he austerity after the Second World War.

Sir Keir Starmer has warned that Britain must face the "harsh light of reality" as he prepares voters for up to £35billion of additional taxes in the budget.

What he means is 'the wealthy and are going to to get taxed yet more!  To fund lower paid jobs - money going to union members.

Always middle class voters who voted labour, are about to get roasted alive.  And I rather doubt there are four when it C any financial benefit.

The UK prime minister all dressed up the pay rises as helping the low income families, in reality the money going to union members.  Always more palatable than just giving the money to union members.

Just as if he it a social benefit!  UK citizens were warned.  The speed of this naked tax rising has been breathtaking!  Tony Blair was more circumspect.  Keir just wants your money.  Wish to copy their French.  And take to the streets!  And that the raised in pension age.

But UK citizens and the afraid to stick two fingers up, to the naked self serving labour prime minister.  Although the A revolution?  It should be remembered the UK it was a Republic before France or Germany: under Oliver Cromwell.

Key are starmer already has the lowest popularity rating, and any new UK prime minister.  He was to build on this triumph.  Measure it is a most loathed UK prime minister of all time.  Keir promise 'No tax rises'.  Just Labour lies.

13 hours ago — Sir Keir Starmer has warned that Britain must face the "harsh light of reality" as he prepares voters for up to £35billion of additional taxes ...

Monday, 28 October 2024

the world is headed for an almighty crash

Oh such a perfect world ...

2001 as a us to work on the cure to cancers.  As are working on devising nuclear fusion on earth.  My PH D supervisor at Sheffield University was Dr. Z, whose uncle had published work on cold fusion at Columbia University.

I had actually known this science in 1984.  Though rather too busy passing my degree.  Columbia hit upon electrical molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+e-+TU→He+O+E+X-ray

He in Asia and the electrolysis cell cause the emission of my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen, heat and X rays.  All caused by the turbulence, above 1 Whatt about the electrolysis cells.

Very interesting.  But it transpired not very useful.  And uranium nuclear power was very deeply against the development of clean and as it transpired three nuclear fusion.

They should have a pressurise the electrolysis cell!  This for were increased the energy as heat energy he we are getting off.

So I did not think of molecular nuclear fusion.  The name it divides five Professor Bernard Argent.  Who I really should have been doing a Ph D with!

I was working at the same time on cancers.  And learned that the pressurise foreign cell types, did single cell type viral division.  An inflated six enzymes for a foreign infectious disease.  A viral rump disease!

What I got busy writing songs and sing on stage - as you do, my ideas on using ultrasound to restrict cancer growth the plasma national institute of health, to the Moffitt cancer hospital chain.

I became aware that in ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, the pressurise foreign cell structures all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, give off X rays.  Of issues no biochemical source.

We were doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  It all seems so easy with 20 years' hindsight!

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O=E²+X-ray

You can imagine that this was getting in away on my engineering studies.  The Moffitt used 8 W three MHZ ultrasound externally, and family is caused some of the inflated cancer cells to boil and rupture.

For cheekily surface cells on the cancer tumour.  Where the tumour body was not able to engulf the signs of cell necrosis.  The clustering dendrites around the cancer cell no source cell damage, linked inevitably to the cancer cells.

They then secreted in actioned the specific human antibody to clear the distinct cancer cell type from the body.  We make the endogenous antibody to human cancers.  All 200 cancers which existed 2000, and any cancer which emerges in the future.

We are now produced the missing immune action to clear the cancer cells types from the body.  Eureka!  Not simple.  He crosses the different disciplines or medicine, engineering and physics.

The ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in the pressurise cancer cells.  And 8 W three MHZ body cells which are more placid, not even warned.

I use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, to verify the Moffitt work.  The Moffitt three MHZ unit they salford $10,000.  The one MHZ unit you can purchase from China over the Internet, for under two UK pounds.  The price keeps dropping!  My first unit 2010 cost me 45 UK pounds.

The price is falling off a cliff as people have realise how useful such devices are,

Apply for ½ minute each side the chest it will clear the inflated foreign cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.  Curing viruses stops the development of all viral rump that is cancer.

Medics are miserable.  2002 the Moffitt published the work on HIUS clearing cancers, and biochemical cancer treatments became defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

Outside legal medical prescription.  Which is why all the cancer doctors have taken early retirement.  Than actual fact all struck off.  Stripped or medical wage from 2002, entitled to no medical pension ever.

And there receive a 25 year jail term in high security prison, for each medicated cancer death they so callously produced: as a every registered Dr. On earth verified that HIUS totally cleared all cancers as have ever or will ever exist.

As all cancers half to have the same foreign inflated cell structure, common to all viral and bacterial infections.  Cure all infections, stop all cancers.  Also stopping heart disease, diabetes, dementia and other diseases of age like asthma.

Application of 8 W ultrasound each side of a person's head, also clears all MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  We cure all dementia without drugs.

The drug industry had declared that dementia was the new economic area for doctors and medicine.  2010 I used HIUS to clear MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  My American friend even cleared depression

And as a cure was freely published on the Internet for myself, personally validated and then use by every registered Dr. On earth.  Globally prohibited from prescribing the no defective mental health medication.

In 2000 the world population stood as a massive 4.8 billion.  Despite the two world wars in the 20th century!  2024 the global population is an 8.2 billion.  This is a major problem!

At 10 billion the rich start to eat the four.  We are in Logan's run territory.  Or at the age of 30 you take a ride on the carousel, and are convert into soilent green.  And I know and concatenating there is a science fiction novels from the 1950s.

So the new Medical Food and future use ground up and pharmacists people.  Humanity turns canable again!  Canab is them was common practice for our distant ancestors.

When you won a battle, you ate the dead!  Luckily the no professor Z heart we find a solution.

Last time I saw him in 2015, as talking excitedly about a steam plasma.  That turned regular water into heat light and X rays.  You start off the plasma, and itself sustains for many years.

What the wato pressure and itself sustains for ever.  As being more light and heat to Whatt today are the cold dark lands.  You illuminate the north and south poles.  He was Scotland or if you are desperate!

3 H₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray physical molecular nuclear fusion

A24 hour local sun.  A 30x1.5cm steam plasma they've rates a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  We use them eliminate the cold dark and dark ;ands.  Growing plants and animals.

Feeding and never population of 20 billion.  Hopefully by then the world her message about contraception!  Trial into to some world's would be possible weather spaceship driven by physical molecular nuclear fusion,

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Chancellor should slash NHS budget by £150 billion

UK health great - no NHS

Since the days of Tony Blair as UK prime minister, each successive UK prime minister has increased the NHS budget by 510 billion.  So today he the NHS budgets is an inflated 190 billion.

Yet 2002 the world's leading Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to cure prostate cancer and viruses.  Every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound device, and verified it was a 100% single session cancer cure.

1 minute of external 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound has been firstly validated to totally clear, breast, lung and colon cancers.  My grandfather died from colon cancer in the 1970s (sic - and yes I am)

So people can thirties the 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, from China for under five UK pounds.  Delivery time in five days.

Apply for ½ minute each side the chest totally clearing all viral and bacterial infections in a single session at home.  Making NHS general surgical wards be done and an empty.

Cancers use to VA 2 was sent up NHS activity and the economic income.  All those cancer doctors and nurses struck off the first day they have prescribed the no defective and fatal biochemical cancer drugs, as the Moffitt Paper 2002.

People curing all infections at home.  Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  The first three diseases making a 100 per cent of Health Service income is around the world.

Suddenly the NHS does not need 80% of its HIUS paid personal.  All the cancer doctors and nurses struck off anyway!  Totally excluded from global medicine on their first cancer drug prescription after the Moffitt Paper.

The cancer doctors in particular making of a high proportion of the energy as budgets.  No longer required or legal!  Rachel Reeves will take great pleasure in getting the General Medical council to sack them all.  Toes remove from legal medical activity around the planet for ever.

All the cancer wards and drugs totally superfluous to requirements.  The heart disease and diabetes hospitals faces an drugs no longer required.

If you exclude cancers, heart disease and diabetes from NHS activities, they lose 100 per cent of their profits.

The rest or medicine loses money.  2002 and Astra Zeneca lost 90% of its income.  2019 I've published the use of ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Including all strains of covet flu and the common cold.

Medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured disease.  As it will intentionally kill one person in 200.  345 billion Covid19 vaccinations given the illegal for no medical advantage, from January 2021.

Where we were in the year of Covid20.  Totally indifferent to the unlicensed an obsolete Covid19 vaccination.

Which was obsolete in counter productive within six months of entering a legally required two year drug licensing regime.  So the Covid19 vaccination never licensed useful you medicine.

Any GP giving a care of it vaccination since 1934, the year of Covid34 struck off without legal argument: the inevitable consequence of them warrant air early signing the Hippocratic oath.

So every MHS Dr. It giving any Covid vaccination struck off and totally excluded from legal medical activity for ever.  A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and a jail term of 25 years for every healthy patients who had died as a result of the useless Covid vaccination.

The vaccinating G P's excluded from all Health Services around the world, the first time they gave the ineffective, unlicensed an even counter productive Covid vaccination.

The Covid20...23 vaccinations so only unlicensed and counterproductive, never legal human medicine.

The involved drug company, usually Astra Zeneca, the struck off the medical biochemical drug register.  The other biochemical patents then void and worthless.

Their share price then set to zero.  So they could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.  The 200 global drug company is the most bankrupt corporations in economic and world history.

Or there drugs stripped of patent protection 2020.  When they started making and selling the obsolete an unlicensed Covid vaccination.

The manufacture of the defective an intentionally fatal, and biochemical cancer drugs from 2002, has already struck them off and stripped them of biochemical drug patents.

Rendering them the most bankrupt corporations in global history.  Unable to pay wages legally from 2002.

So a biochemical cancer drugs or globally illegal since the publication of HIUS by world leading cancer hospital chain, the Moffitt in 2002.  Burning all biochemical cancer drugs defective an intentionally fatal medicine usually within two years.

Every medicated cancer drugs since 2002 striking off the involved doctors, nurses and drug companies.  Warranting the usual legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  Each Dr. Struck off, those to be 1/4 century are jail time in high security prison without parole or legal appeal.

So the NHS structure 100% of its profit making medical interventions, as the diseases of age I cured her with HIUS.  1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound clearing all 200 types or cancer.

Every cancer that is ever or will ever exist.  2013 doctors published a 30 patient double blind trial, on ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing heart disease.

The to clear coronary heart disease instantly!  And also clearing all heart rhythm problems the drug industry focus on 2023.  All totally physically cured using HIUS.

2010 I firstly confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, clearing type two diabetes totally an utterly in one session.  They cure the diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  Which they attributed to the defective cancer medicine prescribed by the Christie cancer hospital in Manchester England.

Who will face 2002 with the cure of all cancers.  So focused on heart disease and diabetes.  Cured 2013 and 2012.

Leaving the NHS win no profit making medicine.  Your own sex as he UK prime ministers have tour sir 10 billion into the NHS budgets.  As the water vented of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and General Medical patients.

Rachel Reeves and take great pleasure in reclaiming 150 billion from the overinflated NHS budgets.  The energy is now doing no useful medicine as all!  All the NHS money they ever inflated wages did it nothing useful.

To an economy like the UK 150 billion is a lot of money.  All totally wasted by giving it to the ineffective and pointless NHS.  In the U.S.  The wasted health budget is a much bigger.

The annual U.S. health budget, or National Health Expenditure (NHE), was $4.5 trillion in 2022, which is a 4.1% increase from the previous year. This is equivalent to $13,493 per person, and 17.3% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). 

And 2024 and the U.S. Treasury can reclaim all of that money.  Which does not actually do any useful medicine.  The democrats why the UK label pharmacy, low of giving money to Health Systems.  To employee nurses in particular.

Who had 2024 wander around the war was not actually doing any work.  So as the not applying any of the intentionally defective and fatal cancer, heart disease and diabetes drugs.

Dementia only forms after a long viral infection.  One application of HIUS an we cure all viral and bacterial infections.  Stopping all cancers.  2012 and Brett used the usual ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound, either side use chest to clear his HIV.

He have been HIV⁺.  For 1 minute of HIUS 2012, and was AIDs free.  Fully discharged as his next GP a appointment.  So the U.S.  The going gets 4.5 trillion back from its use is health sector.

As people are clearing all cancers and infective disease, using 8 W ultrasound as home.  No nurse or Dr. Intervention even legal.

Here in the UK and Rachel Reeves can reclaim 150 billion from the bloated NHS budget next week.  All drug based cancer, heart disease, diabetes and General Health is defective medicine.

And any UK Dr. knowingly utilising defective and fatal medicine, the struck off without legal appeal.  And the UK economy gets at pound 450 billion back from the NHS.  Happy days!

Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and general infections all cured.  And we get 150 billion back from the ineffective and frankly just plain illegal, NHS.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

AIDs cured 2012

HIV=history 2012

2001 and I suggested the use of High Power UltraSound might restrict cancer growth.  I sent the idea to Dr. MatZinger at the NI H, who forwarded to the idea to the Moffitt cancer hospital chain.

2002 the Moffitt published the use of 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, externally to where it hurt to clear all cancers plus the inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.  HIUS medically proved to clear all cancers 2002.

Since then the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments, has been intentionally defective and fatal medicine.  Striking off every involved Dr., And involved nurses and pharmacists without legal argument.

Also striking off the drug company.  Usually Astra Zeneca.  Finally after 10 years of blogging about this biochemical cancer treatments vanished from the medical arena.

Biochemistry has superseded radio in the 1980s.  Just as radio therapy had superseded excess therapis in the 1950s: there are around the world suppose the registered doctors are still applying the massively defective X rays therapy.

And 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, totally clearing all cancers at one session.  Any Dr. Who has prescribed cancer drugs since 2002 struck off without argument.

The Moffitt Paper 2002 also covers the clearance of viruses.  Practically are I confirmed that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound I applied each side of the chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

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3 in 1 EMS Ultrasonic Body Slimming Massager Lipo Fat Burner Infrared Ultrasound Cavitation Machine Weight Loss Tool

Which turned to transmits through the lungs.  Infections that transmits physically, 11 minute of HIUS externally to the affected organ.

Now HIV seems to have evolved from eating bush meat, Kant a major infe Simian Infectious Virus.  I was talking to a couple on honeymoon from Cambridge University.  Who told me that HIV acquired the habit are making three human chemokins as he diverge from SIV.

This implies the well so he human interaction.  Modifying the genome of SIV.  The plasma acquire a one chemokin, as an infected person, soon to bush meat, is still the almost expected.

But two acquire three human chemokins smacks are genetic manipulation in the laboratory.  One chemokins are fortunate but not impossible.  Three chemokins totally impossible.

It would appear that AIDs was designed as biological warfare in some medical laboratory.  And then inexplicably escaped summer in Africa.

My New York contact 2012 was HIV⁺.  And forties own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet.

I do not know who was more excited and anxious.  Myself or Brett.  The device was delivered from China at 45 UK pounds.  Used ½ minute each side of the chest it clears his AIDs.  Though most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection cured in 1 minute.

The ultrasound device is no cost below five UK pounds.  An involves no Dr. or or nurse interaction.  Certainly no drug application.

Medicine still wanted to prescribe the defective the intentionally fatal a decade AIDs treatments until 2018.  Even after it became apparent that HIV had vanished, medics still want you to prescribe lower dose AIDs treatments as a preventative measure.

Even though the treatments or not medically licensed so stop the transmission of AIDs.  Just as slow down the viral growth, sea died predictably from AIDs in 10 years.

But as ozone HIV on the planet, there prescriptions were unethical, medically unlicensed and spurious.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company without legal argument.  The doctors Hippocratic oath prevents such defective medicine.

Dictating the involved doctors and nurses struck off and for ever remove from legal medicine.  Likewise the involved biochemical drug company.  There again Astra Zeneca!

Funny 2020 registered doctors part on written record, all cancers have stopped forming around the world.  And the drug companies went into overdrive, trying to maintain the cancers were still a current disease.

And can be treated with radiotherapy.  No they couldn't!  Radio therapy killing the cancer patient in 2 to 4 years at massive expense.  A truly horrible death!

And since 2002 the only legal cancer medicine, have been the external application of HIUS - totally clearing all cancers in 1 minute.  Global newspapers should carry the total cancer cure.

Though it would appear that newspaper or magazine or bought off by the drug company advertising budgets.  And 80% of Dr. and drug company income came from cancers 2000.

Just 1 minute of HIUS at the Oslo base of a man's penis, and will put down to heat the prostate gland was medically proven to clear prostate cancer or by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain 2002.

Since radio therapy became defective medicine compared to biochemistry, is serving globally prohibited medicine.  Any Dr. Prescribing just one course of radiotherapy since, are struck off without legal argument.

In 2002 biochemical cancer treatments themselves became defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  Killing the cancer patient in two to 10 years.  Massively expensive an agonising deaths.

Every registered Dr. On earth had the 8 W three MHZ unit since they verified the Moffitt Paper 2002.  1 minute of this ultrasound externally, clearing all cancers so ever or will ever exist.

½ minute each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections: included obviously chest infections.  This will stop the formation of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

The first three conditions being 100 per cent of the profits of doctors and drug companies.  The rest or medicine losing money.

And today and we can clear all viral and bacterial infections without drug quays.  Just 1 minute of HIUS to the chest.  Feeble can cure their own diseases at home using the 8 W one MHZ unit, purchased over the Internet.  No Dr. or nurse interaction required.

So utterly no drug use.  Now as defective hours late injections for syphilis: which he was awarded the noble prize!  Before the development of antibiotics was curative medicine.

It is difficult to see how lead injections could have any benefit at all!

Professor Z is only incredulous.  I'd talk his idea of flying e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for 1 minute to the chest to totally clear all viral infections including AIDs.

Last time I saw him he he spluttered into his tea, 'I am not a medic!  And science education is financially dependent on the money universities receive from drug companies'

Dr. Z for two or three see me to a medical Ph.D. at Cambridge.  Cambridge realise it curing cancers was financial suicide for medical education.

So Sheffield University help cure AIDs.  For which they awarded no Ph.D..  Not even published it on their website. 

Friday, 25 October 2024

Keir starmer gets inherited money

Keir's dictionary has the page on corruption torn out

What do we know about Sir Keir Starmer's family fortune? › national › uk-today

5 Jul 2024 — Keir reportedly also owns seven acres of land in Surrey next to his childhood home, which he inherited in 1996. The Mail on Sunday reported in ...

It transpires that the labour leader is the biggest hypocrite in British political life.  He had type Boris Johnson for accepting free cures as prime minister.  He personally gets 100,000 of 'free gifts; a year.

The largest donations, MS she declared to the UK government lawyers.  The UK he deserves to know who is buying influence with the most corrupt UK prime minister ever,

Now he wants to tax inherited wealth.  From which you will of course be accepted!  The corruption keying knows better than to pay tax.

Monday, 21 October 2024

Heart disease cured

Hearts mended

2013 and 30 medics published the use of ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to the top left to the chest the kidneys to totally clear coronary heart disease.

This was the demise published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain, as a 1 minute total cure so the viral altered cells causing all cancers: I termed a viral rump.

Heart disease is caused by an inflated bacterial structure on the coronary arteries all around the kidneys.  A bacterial rump.  An inflated foreign bacterial structure, apparently not do cell damage!

So 2013 and coronary heart disease vanished from the planet.  As all cancers had and 2002.  As people bought and used their own 8 W 1 MHz device, purchased over the Internet for under five UK pounds, to clear rump structures.

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1 minute externally clearing all cancers from 2002.  Subsequent prescription of biochemical cancer treatments, was intentionally defective and fatal medicine.

Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  A fine of 10 million UK pounds, for every medicated cancer death since 2002.

2013 the same device was found to clear all heart disease.  Full coronary heart disease, heart a river near answer for raised blood pressure.  ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the top left to the chest and over the kidneys.

Medicine is not good about cures!  It the streets to the last disease before the cured disease.  But all heart disease was cured 2013.

So Chris Hoy can purchase an 8 W 1 MHz device, I applied for 1 minute to the Alpha cleared of his penis will clear prostate cancer totally.  As medically published 2012 by the Moffitt.  Validated and familiar to every registered Dr. On earth!

No prescription of prostate cancer drugs no legal or ethical.  As the disease is cured.

The British heart foundation frantically advertising for trial for donations, for fundraising events and biochemical heart research.  But medicine prohibits alternative treatments or cures for already cured diseases.

And all heart disease totally cured 2013.  And medically published.  So familiar two and validated by every registered Dr. On earth.  And nobody else allowed to do biochemical research into any condition.

Or heart disease totally cures.  The British Heart Foundation is serves no useful powerful as, there must be shut down by the charity commission.  The adverts taken off TV screens in UK by the advertising standards authority.

As biochemical heart research not legal all possible.