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Diabetes all cured |
So utterly no Dr. Who should be injecting insulin, without taking her patient's blood sugar reading. Using a mobile phone camera today!
Yet there are regular news items about medics indexing is say and into patient's, who sink into a hypoglycemia camer and die. That is the worst example of medical malpractice ever!
As I have previously stated in Italy and should be a restricted drug. There is no possible use for it today that is legal!
2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound, to cure all cancers and infections. 1 minute externally will clear all 200 types of human cancer. With no exceptions!
½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. There is no possible benefit for other infection medication including vaccinations, vaccinations intentionally kill one in 200 of patients vaccinated. HIUS kills nobody.
2013 I freely published my work on using ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest cleared type two diabetes. Plus the four my friend in church, then my mother and stepfather.
My American diabetic contacts reported type one diabetes took three days to remit: just how much of a rash are you in? 2016 I confirmed that 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest cleared even type one diabetes instantly.
Three months ago medics reported diabetes had vanished from the world! Yet today there are still medics injecting insulin with fatal results! Every registered Dr. Has pledged to be aware of, validated and use best new medicine.
Are totally cured diabetes 2013. An published the work freely on the Internet. They should have been no metformin prescriptions ever since. Astra Zeneca had bought Bristol Squires, in the have are producing a cancer vaccination.
But as all cancer cure 2002 using HIUS work on a cancer vaccination had to stop 20 when years ago. No cancer prescription would never be legal or ethical medicine! Bristol Squires sold the metformin patent, and left medicine.
So the third biggest killer of humanity was cured. The cure cancer 2002 was there medical biggest killer of humanity. Totally cured with no drugs. 2012 my contact in New York use the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest to clear he is he HIV⁺. Eight vanished from the world!
But corrupt medics are still illegally prescribing AIDs two months and till 2018. The medical charges are returned to their unfortunate patient. The Dr., Plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists, and the biochemical drug company struck off.
In this case Astra Zeneca led by their pathogenic are professor Fauci. Though Covid19 vaccination was never medically licensed for the virus existed. It had a detrimental effect on people with her next year's Covid20 - the seasonal flu for 2020.
They vaccinated 3.5 billion people around the world. So deliberately killed 17 million of them! The doctors smiling as this other vaccinating patients die.
Now that global diabetes had vanished three months ago, there is no valid reason to inject insulin. Which Wil cause the patient to lapse into hypoglycemia coma and die. Medics seemed to be taking a perverse pride income the patients with insulin.
That drug should be strictly controlled and not allowed for general use! Prescriptions have tanked over the last decade. As every person cure was a type one diabetes at home.
The light is insul in murderer was for a patient with diabetes₁ - I was the cured it at home using HIUS. And the medic had not even bothered to take a blood sugar reading! Then he so was nor he would have realise that and he is an injection will be fatal.
I repeat yet again: make insulin a controlled drug! My thanks the ideas of professor Z, who explain why applying ultrasound to pressurise cell type will cause that cell type to boil and rupture. Clearing the disease.
No correction, he tell me about molecular nuclear fusion. He did not apply it to medicine. That was my work in association with the national institute of health and Harvard. Cambridge showed no interest!
1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray A1 metre flask of water boils intense seconds, on application of to kilowatt 40 kHz ultrasound.
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