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2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear cancer and viruses at one session.
Every registered Dr. On earth had to personally validate this new medical science. Purchasing an 8 W 3 MHZ unit from the Moffitt for $10,000. They have stumbled across biological molecular nuclear fusion.
There are pressurised from cell types like cancer plus viral and bacterial infections boil had and ruptured on external application of HIUS. I use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound unit, as he infective are costing 25 UK pounds or less.
Portable Home Ultrasound Massager Pain Therapy Skin Care 1mhz Ultrasound
So doctors had found out how to induce nuclear fusion in foreign cell types within the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
If we ultrasound cancer biopsies in the laboratory, the foreign cell types boil and rupture! Giving off X rays. And following microbubbles of helium and oxygen gases. There is no chemical source of helium!
And he will pick of all 200 types of human cancer in the body. Just 1 minute removing all cancers. As medically published 2002. Personally verified by every Dr. and higher up nurses.
The doctors have for from prescribing the no defective and fatal cancer drugs. Any cancer drug prescription striking off the Dr. and drug company. Totally remove from legal medicine for ever!
The doctors' medical practice then illegal and all criminal! There must return all fees to their unfortunate patients, as there remove them cells for ever from medicine.
Medical schools prohibited from teaching and examining medical students also all biology. That is 60% of a medical degree! There are also are barred from researching or writing books on cancer cell biology.
The ball publishers must recall all books sold on cancer biology. And removed the chapters on cancer cell biology using a razor blade. And all digital versions of the medical books must have the chapters and references are cancer cell biology removed.
The book authors must return all royalties. There a book writing ex for its means that they are struck off and totally removed from medicine. The medical books will suddenly be a lot thinner.
Medical degrees will be 60% shorter. All the medical degrees awarded since 2002, that I have told cell biology must be cancelled. The doctors then excluded from Medical Service for life.
They certainly cannot serve in any Health Systems around the world. They are not allowed to teach cell biology! Every cancer it cures by 1 minute of HIUS externally to where it hurts.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears the inflated cells of viral or bacterial infections. Just as it cured AIDs for my contact in New York 2012.
Since when AIDs has vanished. Medics injected haemophiliacs with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent. Giving them HIV. The patient then consigned to a lifetime on AIDs treatments. Which was fatal medicine within 10 years!
The usual 1 minute of HIUS to the chest would have cured all viral patients. The each patient death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds: as every registered Dr. Already had the validated HIUS unit - and the Moffitt Paper covered the clearance of viral infections using HIUS.
The involved drug company and nurses plus pharmacists all struck off their medical registers. The drug company is losing all other biochemical drug patents. There drugs were then outside legal medical prescription,
They cease to have a share price, and can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll. They are the most bankrupt corporations in economic history.
2013 I validated that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest cleared type two diabetes totally. The full minute cleared type one diabetes also.
Which is why all diabetes had vanished from world three weeks ago. That is not allowed to prescribe the expensive diabetic drugs since 2002. They must return or all diabetes drug charges, and as usual strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.
The assisting nurses and pharmacists, along with the manufacturing biochemical drug company also are struck a off. Bristol squires has already ceased trading! Owned by Astra Zeneca. Who was already structural all biochemical drug licences 2002, due to its manufacture and sell the now defective and fatal cancer drugs.
So no registered Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe cancer drugs since 2002. Also struck off! Returning or medical fees to their unfortunate patients, are more likely next of kin.
The assisting nurses barred from assisting the cancer dug delivery 2002: as are nurse is all validated the effectiveness of HIUS clearing all cancers. And their nightingale pledge to use absolute law. Like the doctors Hippocratic oath, above legal challenge. Acting on the day! No two year cycle of legal challenges permitted.
So no medical school allowed to teach cancer cell biology for 21 years. Every medic taught cancer drugs since 2002, struc off without legal challenge. There are books RE cold and shredded!
There royalty payments returned to the book publishers. Then standing criminal trial for first degree medical murder accessory. The jail time and fine is a matter for the lawyers.
Totally remove from legal medicine for ever. Since 2002 an estimated 200 million cancer patients medicated to death by cancer drugs.
A total legal fine of 2000 trillion. World economy is are only worth 138 trillion. The doctors receiving 25 years in high security prison, for every cancer patient death.
The applicable fire in jail time for the assisting nurses and pharmacists, a matter for lawyers! A 10 year jail sentence for each death was seen appropriate.
Doctors faint 20,000 UK pounds for every cancer drug prescription he illegal he wrote out. As they ceased to be registered doctors for ever!
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