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Water infections cured - no drugs |
These are caused by a viral infection of the prostate gland in man. And Norman C viral infection these on to prostate cancer. Hence the desperation of medicine not to cure water infections. As her vicar all that money from prostate cancer!
Or use to. 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre used 1 minute of what the cause of high intensity ultrasound, e.g. 8 W 1 or three MHZ ultrasound I applied to the base of a man's torso are angled down to hit the prostate gland. Location published on the Internet!
This cause biological molecular nuclear fusion. The Moffitt did not understand why, just at the inflated cancer cell type boil had and ruptured. As we actually setting off biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
In the laboratory surgically removed prostate cancer cells, to the usual boiling and rupturing trick. In the body application of 8 W ultrasound applied externally to the prostate gland. Cause primary cancer cells to fragment and rupture!
Next to the body is dangerous! The B cells of the immune system then secreted in actioned the active human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type totally from the body and brain.
Prostate cancer promoes and secondary is totally an utterly cured. As we have made the immune system to see the distinct prostate cancer cell type as dangerous and undesirable.
We do not apply he foreign drugs to the body. So there is no side effects. A 100 per cent cancer cure.
As it was medically published every registered Dr. On earth acquired an 8 W ultrasound unit, and verify the first total cancer cure. Go to medics confirmed that it works for all 200 types of human cancer.
This is 2024 and the drug company is are making a big play that no new cancer cell types have evolved. It really does not matter! All cancers require the same overinflated foreign cell structure, to induce cancer cell replication. The replicate using some viral RNA - to do single cell type cell replication.
2010 and so the lady Dr. Who have had precancerous cervical cells. I was being medicated by her GP, who was waiting for four cervical cancer. To which he can apply he the defective intentionally fatal chemo or radio therapies, invoking the cancer patient's death within two years.
I burn and the lady Y8 Watts one MHZ ultrasound unit, she disappeared into the ladies toilets and re-emerged looking a little breathless. The next week I saw her again, and a cervical cancer cells are totally cleared.
It transpired the even precancerous cancer cells boil had and ruptured. And Iowa cleared by the immune system without a problem.
½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of the chest will totally clear all viral and bacterial infections instantly. Doctors really do not like this!

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Each one had personally confirmed the total cancer cure 2002. Yet mysteriously somebody was prescribing the intentionally defective and fatal chemo or radio therapy is until 2018.
Chemo and radio therapy were totally prohibited when the cancer cure was confirmed 2002. That they were so a financially lucrative! Doctors have quite prepared to go on prescribing the defective medicines, in contravention of their Hippocratic oath, as medical practice without biochemical cancer treatments was economically unsustainable.
80% of medical income was derived from the 20 a century defective cancer treatments. 2002 the Wilson the had a 100 per cent effective total cancer cure. Making research into or application of alternative cancer treatments, defective an intentionally fatal medicine.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company. Then prohibited from all medical activity. The drug company is structural all biochemical drug patents it once possessed. The patents now illegal and old no value.
Cancers was suddenly cured. Though it talk until 2020 for doctors so part on rich and record I raid in the Daily Mail, that all cancers have ceased globally.
Doctors and drug company is desperately scratching around for other sources of income. They chose heart disease! But 2008 I have published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest to totally clear coronary heart disease. I did not know about secondary coronary heart disease.
2013 medics published a 30 patient double blind trial into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys clearing heart disease. Both coronary heart disease and the heart rhythm problems, so heavily promoted by the drug companies 2023.
Coronary heart disease vanished from the world as a result 2013. 2024 I use or same ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the vacuum the kidneys, to clear up a male friend of heart rhythm problems.
I published it freely on the Internet and or heart disease vanished. Heart rhythm problems lead to a compromise and more blood pressure. Which is actually decreased struck risk!
In any case totally cured using HIUS. So the drug company is concentrated on diabetes. But 2010 and I had validated firstly that an 8 W ultrasound unit applied to lower right of the chest over the pancreas, cleared type two diabetes.
First clearing it for my church health group friend. There my mother and stepfather. Who were under medical treatment by the Christie cancer hospital - who had gone on to other medicines as cancers vanish from the earth. All totally globally eradicated by 2020.
My American diabetic contacts reported the full minute of HIUS will clear even type one diabetes instantly. Otherwise he'd only remitted in three days. As immune system got busy clearing the snow dangerous cell type totally from the body.
2010 and also validated by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to arthritic joints will clear the arthritis. My mother has arthritis of the hip, the so the Dr. aones have persuaded her not to use my 8 W ultrasound unit.
By every registered Dr. From 2002 had the 8 W three MHZ unit, to clear all the diseases of age without drugs. And neither any surgery!
2010 I also validated by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead would totally clear MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. Conditions medicine does not even have treatments for.
But medics and drug company so decided to wait for a biochemical treatment, allying their patients to die needlessly of mental our problems. Just so medically illegal!
I also validated 2010 there ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. All infections require the same inflated cell nature, to get infected structure replication.
2024 and the leading medical prescription of fungal antibiotics. Though there are defective and potentially fatal medicine. By ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will totally clear all viral and bacterial infections.
Also are applying the ultrasound to any area the body that hurts. So as home to A bacterial or viral colony. Totally cleared using 8 W ultrasound.
And the viral cure was mentioned in the Moffitt Paper 2002. Certainly should have been no prescription of 90 viral medication. I wrote the idea up about AIDs 2008, and Brett in New York use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device he purchased over the Internet, to totally clear the viral infection.
The device took five days to arrive from China. No costing under five UK pounds. Making the prescription of fungal antibiotics defective and potentially fatal medicine. Any Dr. Knowingly or prescribing defective medicine, require the same day to strike themselves off.
Every individual who has had any medicated cancer or infection death, once a fine of 10 million UK pounds. The prescribing doctors each receive a 25 year jail term in high security prison.
Which should concentrate the mind of any Dr. Allowed to prescribe cancer or infection medication. They have the 8 W three MHZ unit, cure all infections and cancers in 1 minute without side effects.
The assisting nurses also struck a off from all medical activity. Along with the biochemical drug company and the pharmacist. Removed from medicine for the rest are history.
These ideas developed from the danger ideas of Dr. Matt singer from the NI H, who published the danger idea related to cancers 1998, added to by the ideas of Dr Z of ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion, led to the development of the total cancer and or infection cures.
Doctors reported there are globally cancers have stopped forming 2020. At which stage they were required to use a personally validated HIUS units to clear all devolved cancers.
Instead an estimated 200 million cancer patients died an agonising, expensive an needless death by 2020. Then globally cancers have ceased forming. And the drug companies went into an orgy, of employing registered doctors to test the global population repeatedly for surviving cancers.
Each and every registered Dr. Having confirmed the total cancer cure using HIUS 2002. Cell and globally prohibited by the Hippocratic oath from testing for the non existing cancers.
Heart disease was such a serious and obvious problem, it had vanished almost instantly as to the medical double blind trial 2013. ½ minute of HIUS been found to clear all heart problems.
Yet 2023 he the drug company is promoted heart rhythm problems. As the new heart problem causing strokes. Heart rhythm problems decrease the blood pressure and so decreased struck risks.
Coronary heart disease uses it inappropriately increase the blood pressure and the strict heart repair systems. Hearts rhythmia is not a comparable disease.
March 2023 doctors fought on rich and record all diabetes has ceased globally. Since and the drug companies have announced their intention to do the power for better diabetic treatments. That did not result in the diabetic patient death within the decade.
That diabetes no longer exist around the earth. Even fake diabetes is cleared by 1 minute of external HIUS over the position of the pancreas. Look it up on the Internet!
There is are constrained by their own version of the Hippocratic oath, to validate and use best new medical practice. Hence I have in publishing about the cure rapid diabetes since 2010.
But no nurse has followed E mailing me! Pigs are farm animals. This to free use human food. There is are constrained to cure all fit diabetes using HIUS.
All the doctors who continued prescribing biochemical cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off according to the Hippocratic oath, without legal challenge. Totally remove from all legal medicine for ever.
The flu season is upon us. But due to the Moffitt cancer centre paper 2002, and my confirmation work 2010, we now know that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
The type or strain of infection immaterial. I cured my own Covid19 November 2019. One month after its superseded Covid18. A new flu strain declared every 1st of October. They are number the last two digits of that year's upcoming winter,
So now we're on Covid24. Totally clear by the standard viral cure of ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of the chest. No Dr. or drugs involved.
And medicine prohibits any registered Dr. Working on alternative treatments for cured infections. Medical academics are registered doctors. And no Dr. Any more allowed to research biochemistry and the common flu.
I am very impressed that he will also clear all strains of the common cold, which like the regular flu is outside medical vaccination. As any vaccine would take six months to develop, so be obsolete only six months into a two year legally required drug testing regime.
So the Covid19 vaccination was never legal licensed human medicine. Any Dr. Who gave just one Covid vaccination, the struck off as usual! Remove from legal medicine for life.
A one in 200 healthy people killed by the ineffective and counterproductive vaccination. A legal fine of 10 million UK pounds applies for every vaccination killing. Just like every cancer patient intentionally in callously medicated to death.
Using the defective an intentionally fatal cancer treatments. Such psychopathic individuals totally remove from legal medicine on their first defective vaccination or cancer treatment.
The resulting patient death warranting 25 years in high security jail. In addition to the 10 million UK pound fine.
So cancers, heart disease, diabetes and infections all cured. As were all dementia or - personally cured 2010. And every registered Dr. On earth had to firstly validate let's HIUS cured all cancers and the rest.
Then totally prohibited from the application of chemo or radio therapy is for cancer. Or any drug regime for heart disease, diabetes and infections.
People can buy their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, and cure all winter infections for 2024. Without any Dr. or drugs involvement.
Quite what medicine doctors full do I do not know. As the rest or medicine loses money. The task Dr. MatZinger set me when I met her in Nottingham 2001, was to find a way to make cancer light dangerous to the body.
Dr. Z and I figured out 2001 that the external application of ultrasound would do exactly that. I first use 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound. Which I used to clear a breast, lung and colon cancers.
But why do was sent to the Moffitt, and they've revoed 8 W three MHZ. Charging $10,000 for the ultrasound unit. I found that a five UK pound 8 W one MHZ unit was as effective.
And 2020 for curing all viral and bacterial infections for the global population. No Dr. or drugs involved. Curing cancers has led to the global population increase in by six billion.
But obviously doctors and drug company is have never conceded cancers were cured. Vanishing from the world totally by 2020.
So when your GP threatens to prescribe fungal antibiotics, to manmade first use the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, bought to validate the total cancer cure.
Water all cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to the lower tour sir angled down to the prostate gland. Though in my personal experience I found that the viral infection tended to spread very rapidly, requiring more ultrasound applications around the base of a man's torso.
Physically use for ½ minute applications around the base of the torso, concentrating on areas where you feel warming. Until the infection and eir resulting incontinence is totally cured.
Meanwhile your GP will be offering you with the prescription of fungal antibiotics. Which is a viral and above are defective medicine. Warranting the striking off of every prescribing Dr. around the world.