Sunday 29 September 2024

No 'climate change'

Climate change=mental breakdown

There is no natural climate change - otherwise known as weather.  But after the Chernobyl incident in 1986 nuclear power publicised the idea of man made climate change.  Being linked to carbon dioxide.

Actually a discredited idea from the 1970s.  Which totally ignored the role of photosynthesis.  Which converts additional come dioxide into the carbohydrates of life within 5 minutes.  Over the temperate land and sea.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir+rO₂→(Cₙ(H₂O)ₙ+E)+rHe+O₃+E²+Lb+X-ray)

You can take a wander through Grenfell's in the daytime, with a Geiger counter.  And confirm the conversion of the infrared light into a faint blue light and X rays.  As far as fill the carbohydrates of life.  A biochemical process that takes in energy.  So all life on earth is supported by nuclear fusion on earth.

Which receives a every day and so there is just two parts per million, carbon dioxide left in the afternoon air.

Above the arctic ice In winter photosynthesis shuts down on the land covered in snow, and cease care of by sea ice.

Carbon dioxide levels in the air double to four PPM.  Where we experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.

Around the temperate world every morning the extra carbon dioxide from and turns chemically engine's, is converted into plant biomass.  The carbohydrates of life!  Extra plant life, these inevitably to extra animal life.

The fossil fuels used to be active biology for cheekily in the Jurassic.  Burning there is fuels, and so back into modern life within 5 minutes.  The in just a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

In the stratosphere where our weather is made, there is just 2.5x10⁻6/m³ carbon dioxide left in the air.  10th 1000 times less than the temperate two PPM.

Man carriers carbon dioxide is metabolised by plants within 5 minutes, and never reaches the stratosphere.  As it is are heavy gas which hugs the ground,

The carbon dioxide in the stratosphere was ejected five explosive volcanic eruptions in prehistory.  Totally outside mankind's controls!

Around the temperate earth we have a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Any rational scientist realise is a static trace gas affects nothing.  The weather is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.

So was cooling from 1995 until 2023.  A factor the climate people have not acknowledged!  As it totally demolishes their whole new careers five fiction of manmade climate change.

Carbon dioxide years the gas of life.  The climate is controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.  That over half wherever or 20 years.

During the 18th century Europe experience the little ice age.  Carbon dioxide levels double to four PPM - the Jurassic level.  As be experienced temperatures down to -20° C across Europe.

The little ice age was very intermittent!  In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less evolved, hence the four PPM carbon dioxide left in the temperate air.  There was 85% action biological life on earth.  Sucking in all the carbon dioxide they could get down to the Jurassic all four PPM.

There were three natural ice ages.  Cause five predictable solar emission variations.  They have a shorter period of 28 years, and long-term free as to why 100,000 years and a million years.

One the Jurassic ice ages was 1000 years in duration.  The long this glacier Asian on record.  The men record teaches is there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  The Jurassic polar carbon dioxide minute.

The Jurassic there was usually a warm period in prehistory.  We have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Carbon dioxide doubles in cold periods.  It reacts to the wax and wane of photosynthesis.

Before photosynthesis evolved its biochemical for cancer left 10 PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  And before the cretaceous we had an ice age!  That 10 times the carbon dioxide of the present age.

And we are still technically in an ice age, as there he is a Southf poloar ice cap.  In the one periods interglacial, there is no cell polar ice we think!  Certainly there are land masses below the South Pole.  Incredibly four land masses.

Where the mineral record displays the wax and wane of photosynthesis, for called into the warm periods.  Totally naturally!

Through a prehistory carbon dioxide reacts to the wax and wane of photosynthesis.  With a four year time lag!  It never makes the weather.  That is the province solely of cellar emissions.

So photosynthesis tracks natural climate.  The carbon dioxide tracks photosynthesis.  Since 1995 all the planets in the inner solar system have been cooling.

Including Mars, with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  Very much not a warming gas!  Average Martian Air temperature -170° F, last time I got to measure it.

All the santis of it Bernard academic papers on manmade global warming, for 1996 until 1995, paid phones to nuclear power!  Mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions while building power plants.

1995 it transformed into manmade climate change.  Which really means global cooling.  But every TV presenter invoking 'climate change'get a payout from nuclear power.

The quasi eight santis gobbling up the nuclear cash and to talk biological rubbish, she was so obviously not be ITV screens.  The academics should never have been anywhere near education!

They are paid nuclear stooges.  Paid phones to most toxic industry that is ever existed.  Including embarrassingly enough Sir David Attenborough.  Who are the world is fascinating by.

And I gobble up his natural world programmes, poems parts of nuclear fiction to the back Benazir my brain.  Sir David is promoting nuclear fiction.  Was a terrible world we live in.

My only consolation is have it every scientist on the planet is also are gobbling up the nuclear cash to talk rubbish, Sir David does not pretend to be a scientist.  He is an excellent TV presenter.

1 comment:

Jonathan Thomason M.Eng said...

CO2 static 11.2 thousand years