Thursday, 5 September 2024

Give us the subsidized winter fuel

 M pox so cured

Without drugs.  200023 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centrepublished the use of High Intensity UltraSound, as a one session total cure to all the inflated cell structures like cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz has been firstly confirmed to clear a breast, lung and colon cancers, lung cancer being 80% other cancers out there 2000.

It was also practically confirmed 2012 to clear AIDs in one session.  My contact in New York used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, it side use chest.  He have been receiving the defective AIDs treatments - which allowed to the inevitable death the ferret and within a decade.

Now he went on land his GP regular appointment, and was found to be HIV⁻.  His own immune system have fault of the most pernicious viral infection in history.  That he killed five million people.

The drug companies had or validated HIUS 2002.  The 1 minute total cure to all 200 types or cancer.  Also clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Yet 10 years later the drug company is are still promoting the defective and fatal AIDs treatments.

Right until my friends practical confirmation, better the total annihilation of AIDs around the planet within two weeks.  The drug company is stopped talking about AIDs.  Never acknowledging that it was cured.

And it will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  But 2010 I can found practically alert ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side of her patient's chest, totally clear all 30 viral and bacterial infections and riding on.

Other registered medics have the validated that it will clear all know viral and bacterial infections.  An yet psychopathic individuals were still happily prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal drug treatments to viral and bacterial infections.

It will quite happily cure all strains of TB.  1 minute each side of a cow's chest half the clearing all bovine TB.  In the same are will clear all began animal viral and bacterial infections.  Adjusting the treatment time according to animal body mass.

Most exciting of all it will clear antibiotic bacterial infections.  It will cure all strains of TB - antibiotic tolerance immaterial.  Just your regular bacterial infection.

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB is spread through the air when someone with an active TB infection in their lungs coughs, sneezes, or spits. The TB bacteria can stay in the air for several hours and are more likely to spread in indoor areas or places with poor air circulation. 

  So a 100% TB cure without drugs.  The but no registered Dr. Has been allowed to research drug treatments to cancers and viruses since the Moffitt Paper 2002.  And or bacterial research unethical and illegal since my frequent papers since 2010.

And there is no pathogen or bacterial tolerance of ultrasound.  The foreign cell type requires an overinflated nature to induce cell replication and course disease.  And that turns out to V the fatal distinguishing factor of cancers and infections.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So all viral and bacterial infections burn away.  Which will stop the formation of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

Cancer is cured by 1 minute of external HIUS.  Curing all 200 types of human cancer 2002.  They will cure any viral type that evolves!  But curing all viral infections in 1 minute silence the door on cancer formation.

The 112 new cancer cases in the U.S. this year, all cleared by the standard 1 minute of HIUS they externally.  No registered Dr. Allowed to prescribe or research cancer drugs since 2002.  As medicine prohibits research into alternative treatments for already cured diseases.

And a every nursing office in the world has the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.  Curing all cancers and infections in 1 minute.

Even drug resistant TB.  Cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Which will clear all strains of the fox viral family.

Obviously curing M Pox in 1 minute: though the disease from Tennessee remits in 2 to 4 weeks without treatment.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

The NHS needs to shut down and wanted more space.  80% of NHS Resources was linked to cancers 2000.  Totally cured 2002.  Freeing up that space and no longer require a most supremacy over paid doctors and nurses.

As biochemistry was totally replaced 2002.  Medicine has pledged to adopt best new medical science the day it is published.  Yet it talk until 2020 for doctors to for the all cancers have stopped forming around the world.

No hostel or resources should have been directed at cancers ever since.  2024 and drug company is are paying suppose the registered doctors, to do impossible cancer tests.

In the UK he there have been no cancers since 2024 started.  So the MHS is duty bound to return 150 billion annually to the UK treasury.

Keir Starmer gave the NHS another 10 billion a year, as he UK he UK prime minister, even though the NHS no longer need to any cancer, diabetes, heart disease and dementia medicine.

Much 2023 and diabetes had vanished from the earth: ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest was practically proved to clear type two diabetes 2010.  The full minute clearing type one diabetes instantly.

So no registered Dr. or drug company was allowed to apply he the defective an intentionally fatal drug based diabetes treatments since one day after my paper was published on the Internet 2010.

Or like the cancer doctors 2002, the struck off and toes remove from all legal medical practice the first day they knowingly applied defective medicine.  That diabetes in Asia or metformin prescription defective and fatal medicine from 2010.

The struck off doctors removed from all legal medicine.  They cannot be reallocated to other hospital departments.  As there prescriptions are illegal and invalid.  There medical training spurious and fatal.

All heart disease was medically cured 2013.  ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys.  Totally eliminated coronary heart disease from the world that year.  But 2023 he totally clearing all hearts rhythm problems without drugs.

Heart medication became defective and prohibited medicine from 2013.  The doctors and drug company is struck off 2013 without legal appeal.

All viral and bacterial infections would cured 2010 years in mind standard ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to each side the chest.

Monkey pox was first identified 1934.  Killing monkey's and bcausing off as centre skin lesions in people for 2 to 4 weeks.  Before remitted spontaneously.

The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest will clear all pox viral infections.  The only known Harvey used cox pox to vaccinate the world against smallpox.

Monkey fox will be the same 40 year protection against all pox viral members.  Only since 2002 we realise that ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Just as 1 minute externally clears all cancers so ever existed.

Any new cancer types cannot form, as medicine is using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's chest, to totally clear all viral and bacterial infections.  A drug less infection cure.

Validated by every biochemical drug company on earth: there are prohibited from manufacture and sale of drug based infection treatments.

So every Dr. In co an M pox patient, can reach for the 8 W three MHZ unit, which totally cleared all cancers, ½ minute each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

Farmers can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit for under five UK pounds today and clear all infections in the UK and the person feels infection coming on.

The next day going to school or work infection free.  So not spreading the infection to other individuals.  The total infection cure.  Not involving any Dr. or drugs.

Care of fox so not a pandemic.  Which would require a five per cent of infected people to die.  And book spontaneously remits into to four weeks.  Nobody dies!  Though monkey's will be at risk.

If we apply 1/4 minute of HIUS each side the chest of infected monkey's, will chemo or stimean diseases.

The simian (monkey-hosted) immunodeficiency viruses are a species of retrovirus in the Primate group of genus Lentivirus along with the human viruses HIV-1 and HIV-2 that cause AIDS, and a few other viruses that infect other primate

1/4 rown minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all Simeon infectious viruses.  SIV totally cured.  So the HIV cure for it is all so the animal diseases.

It seems that HIV/AIDs evolved from SIV.  Acquiring the genetic information to make three healing chemokins - he and system signals.

Which free use a compromise and ultimately fatal human immune system: my thanks to the to medical Ph.D. since from Cambridge, on honeymoon in tenerife, who taught immunology at me 2008.

So all cancers cured.  And today he the energy is required to return or 150 billion a year to the UK treasury.  Keir Starmer making a big fuss about nothing at all for that one billion a year in winter fuel payments.

Preferring to C of the UK residents that use between e.g. flu down heating their houses.  Dying horribly in either case!  Was tossing 10 billion into the NHS budgets the year, to employee nurses.

All cancers, heart disease, and diabetes cured.  2010 I confirmed that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side ahead totally cleared people of MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  Since 2010 and no registered Dr. Allowed to research drug treatments to V is no cured conditions.

The usual ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side of the head.  Totally clearing our Alzheimer's.  To which there were never be a drug based biochemical treatment.  As Alzheimer's totally cured 2010

Since when no registered Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe mental health medication, without being struck off without legal appeal.  They must return or all medical fees charged to their patients since 2010 and they ceased to V registered doctors.

With an additional 10 million for every medicated cancer death since.  When there prescriptions illegal and invalid from 2010.

So M pox remits spontaneously.  And most did not kill in excess of five per cent of infected people.  By medical definition never a pandemic.  Using the HIUS device to validate the total cancer cure from 2002, totally cured in 1 minute.

All cancers totally curable from 2002.  Yes cancer only stopped forming 2020.  All the doctors prescribing the intentionally defective and fatal biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, the struck off and totally removed from all legal medicine.

No global biochemical drug company allowed to make and sell the defective biochemical cancer treatments since 2002.  All struck off the biochemical drug company register.

Or there patents then void and worthless.  They could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.  The most bankrupt corporations in earth history.

1 comment:

Jonathan Thomason M.Eng said...

9th Oct got winter fuel cash