Sunday 24 March 2024

Clearing motor neurone disease

I had a girlfriend with multiple sclerosis.  And there no with the who is had a motor neurone disease.  But it looks like a similar condition!

Cause is ever by my viral rumps, left behind in the central nervous system after a four viral infection.  Having a foreign pressurise cell structure, to induce infected cell replication.

It looks like one application of the ultrasound from an 8 W 3 MHz device, is a high intensity device that will clear the condition: ½ minute to each side of the head.

The medically proven science the clears Alzheimer's!  As personally verified 2013.  Been no registered Dr. Could ever anymore research biochemical treatments for ND.

And every registered Dr. Already owns an 8 W 3 MHz device, as published by the Moffitt cancer centre as the device it clears all cancers.  It now says that will clear all mental health problems!


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The total cancer cure was medically published 2002, since when no registered Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe the defective and fatal cancer drugs, like chemo and the drug C using radio therapy.

No registered Drmd she'll be totally cleared. Allowed to research biochemical treatments for cured diseases

.  And it looks rather like MD is a cured disease.

And every registered Dr. On earth required to use the unit which cures cancers, to also see if he will clear mental health problems.  So MD totally cured!

I are not financially dependent on the drug companies.  So every to suggest that total cure a all cancers should also cure all mental health problems.

The year since 2002 the doctors been allowed to prescribe chemotherapy.  Nurses and drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  So are required to validate that High Intensity UltraSound cleared all 200 types of human cancer 2002.

So 2023 and King Charles declared he had cancer of the prostate!  So was given potentially fatal prostate surgery, with no cancer cells found!  As the Moffitt Paper 2002 covered the clearance of prostate cancer using HIUS.

So they serve the King up, and he claims he did not have prostate cancer!  The leading male specific cancer 2000.  They declared that he had five a cancer.

Which I have personally cleared in my church health group 2010 and a using the standard 1 minute of HIUS externally to where it hurt!  Go up the total cure to all 200 types of human body cancer.

And 2020 and doctors reported there all cancers have stopped forming!  And the standard 1 minute of HIUS cleared all 200 types or cancer.  Thermoe signing cancer drugs including chemotherapy to the trash 1,000,000,000 of defective medicine,

All drug company is are voluntary signatures of the doctors Hippocratic oath, so 2002 were required to alter clears all stocks of chemotherapy.

There forever defective and criminal medicine!  They could never be so manufacture us all by any registered drug company.  Yet 2024 medics have announced that France is carried of Wales has cancer.

Four years after the doctors plasma medical record that all cancers had ceased!  Process Kate can not have developed a nonexistent disease.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all viral infections.

Which stops the development of cancers, diabetes and dementia.  All existing dementia patients can be cured using ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head.  Which drug company is hate with a vengeance!

They scream 'biochemistry is the best cancer medicine' they chose been singularly on true since 2002.  When the Moffitt Paper towels doctors had to cure all 200 types of human cancer.

Which also instructed doctors had to clear all mental health problems.  Cause like cancers by an inflated viral rump structure left behind by a viral infection: the brain being an immune depressed area!  Allying the formation of viral rumps.

½ minute of HIUS clearing all viral rumps.  But in clears brain cancer and dementia.  All totally cured by the physical application of HIUS, that ½ minute each side of the head.

2010 I use this method to clear MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  Diseases incurable with biochemical treatments!

Medicine prohibits the application of treatments to cured diseases.  And though I did not do experiments on motor neurone disease, I would expect it to be cured by their tenure each cures MS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

The drug company or physically livid about the total cure of our Alzheimer's!  Which they had pencilled in, to replace all cancers as the economic income.

2010 I cured Alzheimer's.  Which required every registered Dr. On earth had to use a 8 W three MHZ unit, to verify the total mental health cure.

Which will cure motorneurone disease.  No biochemical research into that condition ethical.  As medicine prohibits research into alternative treatments for cured conditions.

My thanks go to doctors Z who suggested that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in water.  Preferentially in the pressurise viral rump conditions!

So or one session cure to motor neurone disease.  Which is published 2002!  Though medicine the I did not cover motorneurone disease and till 2020.  Certainly 2024 no person should be suffering from motor neurone disease.

Leg of their mental our problems, totally cured using HIUS.  I am waiting for the medical world to thank me for my scientific research.  I will not hold my breath!

As I would are 68 many decades your heart medicine, seeded my work was a valid and true. 

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