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AIDs cured 2012 |
In 2012 as in contact with America are and who was HIV⁺. I and my he steam to apply the High Intensity UltraSound which has eradicated cancers from the world from 2002.
I have found that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device, I applied externally to where it hurts cleared all 200 types of cancer out there: I firstly validated the cure of lung, breast and colon cancer. I am a researching engineer! Not a Dr..
The Christie cancer hospital confirmed my breast cancer cure. Canceling the breasts surgery after they gave my lady friend an ultrasound scan. The 100% effective cancer test!
2002 there were no biochemical cancer tests. After the total cure of all cancers was published that year, no registered Dr. Was permitted to research alternative treatments or terrace for this already cured family the diseases.
Any Dr. Researching a biochemical cancer test struck off without legal challenge!
It 2001 Dr. Z, from Sheffield University. And myself agreed that the application of ultrasound to water cause nuclear fusion. A process named physical molecular nuclear fusion by the late Professor Bernard Argent.
Pressure was applied for a nuclear power, and PH D suddenly ended for no explanation! So end of writing songs and sing on stage in salford. As you do!
I got interested in the medical documents documenting the X ray emission from cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. There being no biochemical source of X rays!
After two any coffees in my local restaurant chain, I thrashed out the equation.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray physical molecular nuclear fusion.
Doctors went on to document the formation of my crew bubbles ultrasound scans. Which were actually helium and free radical oxygen. Sheffield who have confirmed this work, as a have a world wide reputation for gas analysis.
So I have bought an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet's. (at C and and 50 W 40 kHz - which are dated to 5 and then 8 Watts 1 MHz)
½ minute each side the chest cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections. The Moffitt Paper covered the clearance of viral infections. I wrote out the AIDs idea 2018.
And I heard from a Sunday was HIV⁺ only in 2012. He bought and used his own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.
Is arrived in five days! An eight totally clears his AIDs in 1 minute. His GP discharged him from all HIV medicine, the next appointment. As required by the Hippocratic oath.
Doctors are required to read and validate best new medical science. Then adopting it! They found that AIDs was totally cured 2012. I was then globally prohibited from the prescription of HIV treatments.
Mysteriously murderous doctors around the world was still an ethically and illegally prescribing AIDs treatments until 2018. When I think intervention from the New England medical journal stopped it.
So thanks to the confirmation from the no professor Z, I sent my ideas on clearing cancer across to the national institute of health 2001. Professor fossil from Michigan State college, had tell whether all cancers and foreign cell structures have a non native inflated cell structure, to induce all viral type cell replication.
Already knew that cancers had a non native inflated cell structure. So it made perfect sense that HIUS cleared all cancers. Which the Moffitt cancer centre practically a medically confirmed 2002.
Since when no Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe the now defective cancer treatments. Which induce the predictable death are cancer patients usually within two years.
1 minute of external HIUS be practically confirmed to clear all cancers. Doctors not confirming the new infective medical science, struck off! So no individual around the world could prescribe cancer drugs from 2002.
Each medicated cancer death warranting a legal fine there are 10,000,000 UK pounds. And the Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison; as the most prolific and dangerous mass murdering bastards in history.
I.e. mould my ideas on curing AIDs to the into a 2008. And my American friend confirmed the total AIDs cure 2002. And there disease vanished from the world!
Doctors to continue prescribing AIDs treatments since that year automatically struck off. Having to return or all medical fees to their unfortunate patients or more likely next of kin.
So I cured the most pernicious viral infection in history. Which Sheffield University he never gave me a PH D! Drug company is had raised five billion in donations to research the cure of AIDs. Though in drug companies, spent on researching or better AIDs treatment.
As the existing treatments were fatal to patients within a decade. Was there disease cure was published, the treatments became defective and prohibited medicine.
Sheffield has never chosen to admit that the extension of my PH D work for 2000, cured cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and AIDs.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally cleared Corona virus from Wuhan Province China. Apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. So no direct relationship with her next year's Covid19.
Covid being the medical name for the regular seasonal flu that tracks winter around the globe. So this year we're on Covid23. The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and counter productive only six months in two A2 year legally required drug testing programme.
Given so 3.5 billion global Covid patients, it intentionally killed 17 million of them. Every medical student is taught that a vaccination to the common cold all Covid flu is not possible!
The vaccination always obsolete in counter productive so never licensed. Any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination struck off the same day! At their own hand. And for ever totally excluded from legal medical practice. Losing medical registration and Health Insurance.
The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. As it cured AIDs, cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, all strains of care of it flu and the common cold, plus other viral infections like measles.
The infection type of no consequence! All viral and bacterial infections share the same foreign inflated cell structure, to induce infective structure replication.
So so total cure of cancers 2002, the drug companies have done everything a cord to restrict knowledge of this cure. It was only 2020 the doctors put on record that all diabetes had ceased.
Diabetes cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas for type two diabetes. Type one requires the full minute! Extinct from the world by February 2023.
Which explains the sun had panic and the drug company is to test everywhere he is blood sugar level! As they are insistent that diabetes is out there just hiding! Just totally cured,
½ minute each side ahead clears all mental health problems. So the total cure to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, MS, depression and ADHD, was published freely on the Internet by 2013.
Practically confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth! Yet doctors continued prescribing the defective and criminal biochemical measures. Cancers all extinct void 2002, or should have been!
Heart disease vanished 2013. Heart rhythm problems are cured by the ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest. Simples.
So at 2024 and all viral and bacterial infections cured by ½ minute of HIUS to each side of a person's chest. Drug treatments defective and illegal! Any Dr. Prescribing infection medication since 2002, so struck off! There being no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.
So due to my time at Sheffield University 2000-, I devised the idea of using high power ultrasound to clear foreign cell structures like cancers and infections. 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre confirmed the 100% total cancer cure.
It will clear all strains of Covid and the common cold. We're on Covid23 and till the 1st of October, 2024. When the Covid23 vaccination will be only six months through drug testing.
Then totally medically ineffective and even counterproductive. A Covid vaccination most fatal and ineffective medicine in history.
Already Covid24 cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest. And this is only March 1! Seven months before Covid24 even exists.
And the world owes a big debt of gratitude to Sheffield University. Who found the cure to cancer, AIDs and the rest. The HIUS device within the department of engine materials, offering a one session 1 minute total cure to all infections.
No registered Dr. allowed to prescribe cancer or infection medication since 2002. So each prescription of AIDs treatments struck off the Dr. and hospital/health centre.
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