Friday 15 March 2024

Clear age spots

When people are young or even legal aged, the rate of their skin turnover is too high for age spots to persist.  They are caused by stumy dividing viral structure.  That makes inappropriate pigmentation compounds.

But cru

cially age spots themselves have a foreign inflated cell nature.  Which we also see in cancers, which are limit dividing viral altered cells.  They it must be inflated to divide in a single cell viral fashion.

Wrinkles are caused by human cells which are cesstated.  An act as an on body food store, to carry an individual through the next famine.  In the eight to the supermarket or corner shop, family is do not happen.

As though that we get back to my High Intensity UltraSound device, which clears overinflated cell types, and coincidentally the more dense cestated cells from the body.

For all viral also cell types, the body's own immune system then recognizes that foreign cell type as undesirable.  So if we clear age spot at the age spots will not form.

Today AOPn s accumulate age spots, which immune system sees but does not regard as dangerous.  Once the local application of HIUS causes the foreign cell type to boil and rupture, the danger signal years remembered.  And no new age spots wiil form.

For cestated cells there is no foreign genome!  So the immune system will clear the cell fragments, without any danger signal being created!  So we require constant use of HIUS every month to stop the formation wrinkles.

Whil age spots are undesirable, we have helped the body to remember that foreign cell type power is not desirable.

So we do not stmy air are faced every day with fats, and do not use wrinkle fillers.  Which are a multi 10 billion global business!

A8 Watts 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, can be purchased over the Internet for under five UK pounds.  And more clear wrinkles for three years!  Also clearing cancers, heart disease, diabetes, or dementia and the other diseases of age.  Which use defective HIUS.


£3.31 - 4.37/ Piece
  • 1Review
  • £4.37

Cancers were cures 2002: but the first so the drug industry is still make about cancer, he would never guess at all cancers have ceased void 2020: they should have ceased by 20002, but drug company is and doctors were deleted to the financial income from the defective cancer drugs.

Which needlessly kill the cancer patients in two agonising and expensive years.  Resulting me every cancer drug prescribing doctors since 2002, the struck off without legal appeal!

So OAPs can no clear wrinkles and age s[ots, without drugs or swearing their faces in fats.  Remember you are worth it.

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