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the air isclean |
There is just a the drug company representative on TV, invoking the air quality affected asthma and diabetes. Diabetes no longer exist on the earth! So it can't affect a non existent disease.
Since the 19th century disease have planted trees, to scrub particles out of the air. Which is very important in the days of coal burning! Now it is almost irrelevant.
Engineers can affect small baffles at the top of skyscrapers. As tall buildings cause an up draft! So as the air passes the baffle, all the dust particles are scrubbed out, and four into the gutter system. To totally removed on the next rain fall.
None of which requires the Dr. involvement. Certainly no drugs! And we can improve the air quality of cities for very nearly free.
To clear asthma, we want to cause the inflated viral structure left behind on lungs after an infection. If we apply ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest we clear all viral and bacterial infections.
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Again with no drugs or Dr. Involvement! Doctors are getting desperate, for some sort of relevance! So we cure all infections. And stop the development of asthma, diabetes, dementia plus cancer and heart disease.
The latter two are basically vanished from the earth, along with diabetes. ½ minute of this high intensity ultrasound each side of a person's head, was personally demonstrated 2013 to clear dementia. MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia are all cured.
So the average Joe in the street, can now buy an ultrasound massage device and clear all dementia. Again without Dr. or drugs involvement!
2003 ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest was used to clear the SARs viral outbreak. Caused by Covid3. So all Covid flu strains are cured 20 years ago.
Medicine prohibits a vaccination to already cured condition. No registered Dr. Is allowed to work in a Covid vaccination. As it will be obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.
So no research into the Covid19 vaccination was legally permitted! Any researching Dr. and the drug company struck off. Never licensed human medicine.
No Dr. Is allowed to give a Covid vaccination. Any previous Dr. It giving the Covid 19 vaccination, smiled happily as one in 200 other patients died needlessly. They are automatically struck off!
The idea premeditated medical murder. For no possible medical gain. As January 2021, will automatically within the year of Covid20. Indifferent to a Covid19 vaccination - even if he's had never be licensed.
Shown he is now experiencing the seasonal flu for 2022 - caused by Covid22. Which surely come Covid23 1st of October, 2023.
Totally cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. No Covid vaccinations ever legal medicine. The Covid 19 vaccination striking off every involved Dr. and drug company.
Suppose the registered doctors vaccinated 3.5 billion people, and smiley sort 17 million of them died needlessly. The most psychopathic or murderous medicine in history.
Medicine has never pretended he can produce a vaccination to Covid20 or later. He could no freeze a vaccination to Covid19. Eva Astra Zeneca promoting such murderous medicine.
As is have lost 90% of its income, as cancers were all cured. The medical world RE focused on dementia - all totally cured 2013. The cure familiar to every registered Dr. On earth - or they were struck off. And stripped of wages for last pension.
The doctors had been trying to RE focused on diabetes since 2010. But in 2013 the cure was published freely on the Internet: ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest clears type two diabetes totally. I use idea to cure the diabetes for my mother and stepfather.
So one diabetes requires the full minute. This diabetes had vanished from the earth's two months ago! Year drug company representatives are still talking as if diabetes an active disease. All totally cured.
As is dementia. And ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Without Dr. or drugs involvement!
To clear lung cancer are all asthma, Wuhan the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest. Lung cancer made up 80% of active cancers in the 20 a century. And it was totally cured by the Moffitt Medical Paper 2002.
Which every registered Dr. Had to personally validate. And then use HIUS to clear all cancers. The or prescription of cancer drugs after the Moffitt Paper became criminal and fatal medical malpractice.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company. A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every cancer patient medicated to death in last 21 years. Hence the Dr. numbers shrank two months ago to below the question in 2018.
At which stage the Health Service is ceased to function! Hence the drug company is promoted the Covid vaccination: even those illegal must remove prohibited medicine according to the doctors Hippocratic oath.
Stripping the vaccinating doctors or medical registration and Health Insurance. Making continued medical practice doubly criminal.
Now all Covid strains cured in 1 minute. No Covid vaccination legal.
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