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Diabetes totally cured 10 years ago |
2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the pressurised viral altered the structure causing all cancers.
Since 2002 the medication and cancer has been criminal medicine. Killing the patient in two agonising expensive years. 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all 200 types of human cancer. As verified by every registered Dr. and drug company on earth 2002.
Drug companies are thus prohibited from manufacture and sale of cancer drugs from 2002. To continue the illegal medicine, was to structural all biochemical drug patents they owned. And totally removed from medicine for ever! So Astra Zeneca Air ceased to illegal drug company 2002.
I verify this science 2010 - clearing people of breast, lung and colon cancer. I use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device. A 100% cancer cure.
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½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections - which share the foreign inflated cell nature with all cancers.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
This biological molecular nuclear fusion, is a source of the X rays cancers emit in 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound scans. There is no chemical source of X rays! And no source of radioactive decay.
We are doing the nuclear fusion of hydrogen ions from water molecules.
Ultrasound scans of a diabetic patients pancreas, also gives off X rays. The chance virus so diabetes is the result of an inflated viral also cell type in the pancreas.
2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and the pancreas, and totally cleared type two diabetes. Type one remitted in three days. 2016 I validated the full minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage totally cleared type one diabetes instantly.
I freely published my work and then the Internet. And every registered Dr. On earth has promised by aware off, validated and then use best new medical science. So every registered Dr. On earth acquired an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify the total cancer and viral cure 2002. Is also works for all bacterial infections.
They were also are required to validate the diabetic cure 2013. Subsequent prescription of diabetes medication was criminal medical malpractice. Killing the diabetic in 10 years three diabetic complications.
HIUS produced a one session total diabetic cure. Each medicated diabetic death warrants a 10,000,000 UK pound fine. Striking off the party logical Dr. and drug company. The doctors had all validated the diabetic cure 2013.
This is 2023, and 1 month ago, medics were complain that diabetes had vanished from the world. There are people selling Libra 2 were doing illegal medicine. Signing a diabetic treatment when diabetes was already cured.
Trying to get doctors at a Diabetes - as every registered Dr. On earth was aware off, and have the HIUS unit to clear all diabetes from 2013. They had used the devices to validate the total cancer cure 2002. Since when no cancer drug prescription was legal medicine!
Each diabetic death once the usual 10,000,000 pound fine, and the Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison, for every diabetic delivery medicated to an needless death.
This work was started at Sheffield University 2000. Within the department of Engineering Materials. And the drug company is applied pressure on Sheffield, to try and stop my work.
We are now living in Diabetes' free world. And there medics are so annoyed! The four diabetics are ecstatic. Strangely enough the diabetes cure has not been reported in a newspaper around the world.
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