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RIP AIDs 2012 |
My PH D supervisor professor Z, I knew I was interested in cancer and AIDs 2000. Where 70 studying nuclear fusion at the department of Engineering Materials Sheffield University.
We established that ultrasound cause fantastically over rapid boiling of liquid water. As we did physical molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray so or one metre flask of regular water, would boil in 30 seconds, on application of 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound. This necessitated the sudden and unexplained ending of my PH D work. Before my accountant could even play for my course of study. My finances and managed by a lawyer accountant, following a car accident.
In salford I got busy writing songs and sing on stage. Which considering I lost my voice in a car accident 1988, was quite remarkable!
I sent the idea to the NI H, who forwarded to my ideas to the Moffitt cancer centre. I postulated that higher power ultrasound would restrict cancer growth. Aso was aware that ultrasound scans are the pressurise cancer cells give off X rays. Cancers like viruses half to have a pressurise cell structure, to induce infected cell replication.
2002 on the published 100 patient double blind trial into High Intensity UltraSound totally clearing all cancers and viruses at one session. All 200 types of cancer! Plus a every viral and bacterial infections ever exist.
2008 I wrote the idea ever ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side of HIV patients chest, totally clearing the week AIDs virus: that does not look dangerous cell body.
When we apply HIUS to the chest the inflated viral cells now or boil and rupture. As they do biological molecular nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So get the formation of my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen gases, and emission of massive heat and X rays. There is no chemical source of helium in nature!
I had gay acquaintances, he was busy singing with. But non had AIDs. And he was until 2012 when a guy in from New York who was HIV⁺ red my paper over the Internet. And got in touch.
Am I seem to have an 8 W one MHZ unit. In the paper I had used 150 W 40 kHz. But the beauty people now use the higher frequency lower power unit.
The next week was interesting. He was the device - five day delivery window. I do not know which of us was more excited. The device arrived and he used it. He then saw his family GP, who discharged him all AIDs Medical Care. Medics are not allowed to medicate the well.
And the AIDs treatments are horrendously expensive, and kill the patient within a decade. But now he was HIV⁻. And he told all his friends. Suddenly all the people with AIDs with in New York got better.
The idea spread around the world, and AIDs vanished. The medics were still prescribing AIDs treatments as a preventative measure. To stop people contracting the virus.
It was only when in 2018 I contacted the New England Medical journal, to tell them about the AIDs total cure, the prescription of the no defective and useless AIDs treatments ceased.
Sheffield University he never acknowledged my important medical work. Totally curing the most pernicious viral infection in history. As the department of engine materials did not understand!
Medics and are still there 1 minute of HIUS cure a all cancer and viruses. I had not invented new science. They were informed the world that all viruses are no cured her.
In 2018 the prescription of AIDs treatment stopped: causing the drug industry an annual drug market of $680 million. Medics lawyers arguing there was a noble prize waiting for whoever cured AIDs.
I can assure you I have never heard from a Nobel Committee. And never will. It means that every Dr. who prescribed AIDs treatments after 2012, was required to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register. And cease medical practice.
It would be nice to Sheffield has acknowledged my work. As the applicants slim disease, was renamed AIDs in a massive publicity campaign in 1986. In my degree!
The drug companies had RE as five billion to research biochemical treatments for AIDs. But then I cured it out right. And medicine prohibits research or application of the disease treatment, than the disease is fully cured.
Aso treatments will inevitably kill the patient horribly. Acquisitions! So AIDs 1986-2012. And then it was dead! And all those prescribing doctors who continued with the AIDs treatments after 2012 until 2018, so struck off! All medical practice then criminal and an insured.
Professor Z has never congratulated me on the greatest idea ever.
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