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I began to get an easy with an ascent Moon landings, when some the video clips thousands of miles apart on the Moon, have the same background!
It as my medical contacts at the national institute of health, or the survival time Watts in open space! At side the earth's magnetic field and the ozone layer.
'two days' Dr. Matt singer replied. A world expert on cancer! The astronauts would have got cancers or heart problems and other health problems. No NASA astronaut had radiation poisoning!
A low shot was eight days, and the of a apparently walked around in naked sunlight! Such a fatal activity. The minnows no magnetic shield. It is like parading about in a low grade microwave oven.
It makes good TV, there would have killed the astronauts within 4 hours! There EVAs were always in the murderous direct sunlight! They photographed the clears service using a conventional silver halide camera.
As any nurse will tell you, irradiation source exposes photographic film in the dark. All of their shots taken would have developed totally black! And the cameras had no special radiation shielding.
The craft themselves neither had a radiation shielding. You would have needed a superconducting magnetic field, to protect you from all murderous solar radiation. And he would never go out in the light!
That technology he was 30 years away from development! NASA is talking about a new Moon mission. Only possible with new radiation equipment!
Nasser stop return need to go to the Moon , when the last NASA mission through through the strongest radiation some other 20 a century . And nobody died!
Apollo 17 (December 7–19, 1972) was the final mission of NASA's Apollo program, the most recent time humans have set foot on the Moon or traveled beyond low Earth orbit.
Since then all space missions have been within the earth's magnetic field. And even then it does not give optimal radiation protection! So new the emission would require loads of new radiation shielding.
And the embarrassing Revelations that all the nuts are fed rats were shot in area 51! NASA has been the biggest hopes in history.
Could we travel safely to the Moon and today? That would take most of the new science, and fatal or animal experiments! Before a human was let anywhere near the spaceship.
So now say is reduced to June the publicity for nuclear power and climate change. Apparently ignorant of high school biology! Which teaches that the a miniscule amount of carbon dioxide released by mankind (0.0004% every day) just results in additional plant growth.
The carbon dioxide convert into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes. Which to these inevitably to more animal life on earth!
To really increase life on earth we use high school physics. We apply a one metre of vacuum to Ses or river water. And it boils into fuel water vapour! Which is 1000 times easier to transport and liquid water.
We irrigate the dessert and distribute then at soil maps impregnated with grass seed. They buy dredging up estuaries, and washing the salt out in the river water as the exit into the sea.
With the runch an unjustified invasion of the Ukraine, the world is headed into major week shortage! Rasher still a 600,000 tonnes of grain from the Ukraine.
We can easily convert all season at desert back into lash arable areas. Using the water produce five vacuum desalination! Driven using a little solar vacuum pump. Utilising all that free solar energy. If we were speaking charge of batteries, to carry on the fresh water production into the night.
Transforming what is now arid deserts into lash grassland, Australia in particular can irrigate is dry interior. And converted back into lash arable area. Saudi Arabia can go carbon neutral! All the extra plant growth.
Carbon zero power is actually very easy to produce! My American friend verified a 30x1.5cm steam plasma releases a constant 1 MW of heat. From 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.
Einstein formulated the relativistic conversion are mass into energy. E=mc². So maths x 10³⁰ = energy. That is 1 MMMMM → energy. So frighteningly tiny volume of water produces massive carbon zero heat.
His own Power System will produce a carbon zero heat as the power for 60 houses. Totally carbon dioxide free! Every 3 minutes around the world lightening demonstrates molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He+Ex100,000,000
The nuclear boys are for ever wittering on about carbon dioxide. But there was totally ignorant about biology is carbon cycle! More or he may he still is a carbon emissions.
In the two years so nuclear power plant construction, they release the carbon equivalent of a conventional power station for 25 years. After 25 years the plant is demolished!
So nuclear power causes a massive spike in local carbon dioxide. Equivalent to a country's forest fire for two years. Do not try this at home! So nuclear power is very much not carbon zero.
A steam plasma is free carbon zero heat and so electricity. I am waiting to hear about what new science fiction nuclear power will invent! For years nothing!
During which they are transported there were forced to and from work. Fed housed and closed down. All massive carbon sources! Nuclear power is so not carbon zero.
The garage scientist can set up the plasma power plant in the garden shed. And generate carbon zero heat and power for 60 houses. Getting an annual income from the national grid of three million UK pounds a year. Not even hard science!
We apply the glass cylinder from our local hardware store. Along with the paint stripper. Or just use a boiling pan! We borrow the electronics from old fluorescent light, and fire up the plasma. Which should then self sustains!
Producing all that lovely carbon zero heat and power. 1950s technology it says the world! No radioactive substances utilised all produced. Uranium nuclear power knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion, four power plant.
They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million. Being the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth. Before they do a Fukushima or Chernobyl.
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