Friday 3 June 2022

death of the Russian president

Putin RIP?

Putin is a dead man walking!  But not really talking.  The Internet is a lighting up with reports that the Russian president is not long of this world.

‘Death sentence’: Putin will die this year, says former Russian politician

Nick Whigham

Nick Whigham·News Editor

23 March 2022·4-min read

In this article:

Vladimir Putin President of Russia

Ilya Ponomarev Russian politician

Nikolai Patrushev Secretary of the Security Council of Russia from 2008

Russian president Vladimir Putin is the unassailable global villain in the eyes of the West – but are his days numbered?

One dissenting Russian politician believes Putin could be a dead man walking.

Ilya Ponomarev, a Russian politician with the Green Alliance up until 2016 who is now living in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, made the extraordinary prediction during an interview with ABC radio on Wednesday morning.

"I think Putin will die this year," he said.

Putin is acting like a man in last the days of terminal cancer: which he is!  And the whole the Russian State is suffering because there is illogical decision to invade the Ukraine.

And sanctions are hosting the average Russian!  Who are watching in horror as a young children are killed.  Fighting an unjust and illogical war in the neighbouring brother has state.

It is like Wigan invading Bolton to neighbouring towns in lancashire.  Who have so much in common.  Oh really should be sticking together!  Putin is desperately trying to reiterate the USSR by force.  The group of states which disintegrated - as communism fell.  Both still made its socialist in nature!

The emission idea grid will cause massive human suffering.  And or there will be left, is the battles guards wasteland!  As the resentment against Russia and even Putin.

And Ukraine is not giving up!  Not until the mass Ukrainian instead!  Which seems to your bladder mere patent has the mind.  And will inherit A war ravaged wasteland.

But it is unlikely that Putin will live that long.

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