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Diabetes cured no drugs |
But the drug companies don't want to accept it! It is the same idea that cures all cancers 2002. Making all biochemical treatments criminal medicine! But that was 80% of Dr. and drug company income, so they carry on prescribing the defective cancer drugs irregardless of medical law.
2013 I was walking around salford with an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device: A consumer version of the High Intensity UltraSound device a medically proven to clear all cancers in 1 minute.
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The cure was published by 3 medical professors are the world's leading Moffitt cancer centre, so there is no legal argument that the cure worked. Every registered Dr. and drug company had to purchase an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify the new medical science. Or they were both struck off the medical register.
Or other medical activity became criminal! Their patients are are entitled to return or all medical fees. Or more likely their next of kin.
My friend had type two diabetes. So I applied the ultrasound for ½ minute to the bottom right use chest over the pancreas. And the diabetes remitted instantly!
We freely published this work on the Internet! But still today and as home external another church friend about the cure. You can purchase the device over the Internet. But 2016 I validated that type one diabetes requires the full minute of HIUS - or only remitted in three days: as personally validated by an American contact.
So I had just been looking at the death from diabetic complications. They have fallen to zero! Prescribing insulin or metformin, causes death within a decade from diabetic complications.
Which implies so global doctors have adopted the life saving science. Which all came about to to the fault so professor Z for Sheffield University, that ultrasound NG water did nuclear fusion.
He ended my PH D as I wrote a paper on this! But in salford I do some research to find out the safe level of ultrasound for human use. So the Moffitt published a paper 2002 as a direct consequence!
So pill can purchase an 8 W 1 MHz device, I apply to each side the chest for ½ minute it will cure all viral and bacterial infections. Including Covid flu and the common cold. Covid is just the medical name for the regular influenza, that's Eccles the world every year causing human death.
Given a new number on the 1st of October. So Covid19 only existed from the 1st of October, 2019 for a year. Then the world is on Covid20. Indian Bahrain had outbreaks - irrespective of a Covid19 vaccination.
It would take six months to develop a vaccination, and two years of animal and human tests to licence. So the Covid19 virus was obsolete an unlicensed after six months.
It never even entered human drug trials! Always criminal medicine. And no registered Dr. Is allowed to apply obsolete an unlicensed medication. Or they and the drug company are both struck off!
One in 200 wall die from the illegal vaccination. Deliberate medical murder! Legal fine is 10,000,000 UK pounds. The prescribing Dr. Receives a 25 year jail term. As does the managing director of the drug company.
And every drug company validated HIUS clearing all viral and bacterial infections 2002. So totally aware that a Covid vaccination was never legal or required!
The drug company is were legally barred from the production of a Covid vaccination. They broke the standard medical law, for their own personal amusement and pleasure. As to the prescribing Dr..
An yet there are still articles about Covid19. Wheat is not existed anywhere in the universe since the 31st of September, 2020. So the medical papers are sheer medical fiction! With the murderous intent.
We're on the year of Covid21. That rolls over into Covid22 1 October, 2022. ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest is medically proven to clear all viral and also bacterial infections.
So since 2002 no registered Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe any infection medication. And all medical vaccinations were criminal medicine! Which is why the UK he we are suddenly seen all the doctors who retired 2018, retire again.
But retirement does not stop a criminal prosecution for first degree medical murder. 25 years for every vaccination patient who had died! Covid19 no longer existed so killed nobody.
The useless an expensive Covid 19 vaccination was without a shadow of a doubt the most murderous medicine in history. Striking off every involved Dr., plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists and even the drug company and hospital.
Now or to clear diabetes, pill can purchase an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet. I fimd that '8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage cheapest' into E bay there is an affective Internet search. Amazon or so two the devices.
I have written A28 1000 word book about the cure to cancer.
The same ever had also cures heart disease, MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and a every viral and bacterial infection which will ever exist.
The drug company is are getting increasingly frantic! As a remedy is clearing their own diabetes at home. Not a treatment leading to death! 81 minute total cure to a serious disease of age.
I would give my thanks to Sheffield University, but there Prix or is he told me they do not want any recognition for my ideas. Which are medically proved in America!
My mother had type two diabetes as did my stepfather. They ever find they cleared it due to a strict diet. That would have taken three months. I gave them one buzz of ultrasound each and they were cured.
I730 percent brain damage in a car accident. And helped cure cancer. An extended the idea to cure heart disease and diabetes plus dementia. I must have been very very clever!
And still far from the stupid. Applying HIUS 20 times for 1 minute over a brain injury from an accent or a stroke, fixes the brain injury.
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