Wednesday, 29 June 2022

All infections cured

ultrasound cures all cancers & infections

Cancer, like viral and bacterial infections need to use their infected cells A non native inflated structure, to induce cell replication.

Medicine has known since 1950s, that ultrasound scans, 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound, cause cancer cells, and also all viral and bacterial infections structures to give out X rays.

There is no chemical source of X rays!  We are inducing nuclear fusion in the infected structures.

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray

That was ultrasound scans cause nuclear fusion any infected cells.  While they have no affect on the regular more flaccid structure of body cells.

2000 and I was working and nuclear fusion at Sheffield University.  And suggested the use of high power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth.  As it would xray the cancer cells internally!

The Moffitt cancer centre I applied e.g. 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound externally to cancer cells, and firmer all 200 types of human cancer boil had and ruptured.

And three medical professors published the work!  That OMore every registered Dr. On earth had to buy the ultrasound unit, verified and then use the new medical science.

Which may cancer drugs criminal and defective medicine from 2002.  And no registered Dr. Is allowed to research are applying defective medicine.

The drug company is are frantic - biochemistry is no defective cancer medicine!  Which can not be legally prescribed by any Dr. On earth.  No Dr. could even research it!

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E+X-ray

The cancer cells boil and rupture.  The your own immune system secrete and actions the specific human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type from the body and brain.

You're not into using a foreign biochemical compound!  So it is outside biochemical patent law.  We apply the benign HIUS and the body it makes the human antibody.  Which is specific to that cancer or virus.

As the Moffitt cancer centre noted it cures all viral and bacterial infections as well.  ½ minute of HIUS to each side of a person's chest, and all infections cured.

No antibiotic of menstruation required.  So there is no allergy response to a foreign antibiotic.  People are not allergic to their own antibodies!  And the Dr. doesn't have to prescribe any drugs.

He already owns a HIUS unit, which will clear all 200 types of cancer in 1 minute.  Making cancer drug prescription illegal any case defective and fatal medicine.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

So it is worth reiterating: only registered doctors could have research to medical biochemistry.  But all registered doctors are constrained from researching biochemical treatments to cancer and infections.

Or they are struck off and remove from medicine instantly!  Struck off doctors receive no wage of pension.  The doctors who talk early retirement 2018, were actually struck off for prescribing cancer drugs since 2002.

They are were legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, for every cancer patient intentionally medicated to death.  And we are talking about 200 million sit deaths around the world.

The cancer drugs are the most fatal an defective medicines ever.  The ultrasound idea uses a medically licensed home ultrasound massage unit.

E.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound will clear all 200 cancers, plus all viral and bacterial infections which ever exist.  The antibody produced is adaptive to the exact cancer or infection.

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage EB

Last one 6 sold

And as he stimulate the production of the natural antibody, no biochemical patent applies!

Fixing Archie Battersbee

Archie Battersbee: Life support for brain-damaged boy, 12 ... › story › archie-battersbee-life-sup...

13 Jun 2022 — Archie Battersbee has been at the centre of a legal dispute after he was seriously injured in an incident at his home in Southend, Essex, ...

I suffered 30% brain damage in a car accident 1988.  Locally it was a left hemisphere problems: so I had to learn to walk and talk again but ended up at Sheffield University on a PH D.

I discovered that physiotherapist have been using what the Americans term High Intensity UltraSound, to fix all organ damage for 40 years .

I moved to salford and got busy writing and singing on stage  I had obviously repaired my brain speech centres andA till 20 sessions of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of my head concentrating on the area immediately above my injury.

The device employed was a medically licensed ultrasound massage unit.  Licence for safe home unsupervised use.

For Archie, repeat the same idea at least one month after his injury and his own body will repair the damage.

Monday, 27 June 2022

Ukraine has home advantage


Bomb the Russians

And we live in the age of helicopters!  They came in during the Korean war.  And parliament has lent Ukraine helicopters.  And Rusia has found that the defenders can use surface to air missiles, to shoot their plains out of the air!

As I have mentioned before, the defenders can radio in the air assembly areas for the Russian troops.  So the helicopters can go and bomb them!

Dropping tanks first is on the tanks - though the Russian tanks seem to have vanished.  They are very very vulnerable!  Even to hand mounted anti tank weapons.

So the assembly areas are really not defended!  And the Ukrainians can go along and blow them up.  Before the Russians have time to mount a defence.  They can can be in flames!

And the armaments store decimated!  To invade a country, even Hitler realized you needed her supremacy.  Beauty has acted with the most military stupidity ever.

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Free non nuclear carbon zero heat and power is here

clean and free heat and power

If you fire up a steam plasma, you smashed the matter into just heat light and X rays.  Totally carbon zero heat!

Uranium nuclear power is neither carbon zero and or free!  And he is horrendously under insured.  To either to use the power plant construction, they release the equivalent carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.

It is all that fossil fuel burn on limestone to produce concrete!  Making an active nuclear plant building programme, like MS fourth largest source of carbon emissions, in the desperation to free use a reason to exist after Chernobyl in 1986, are concentrating carbon dioxide.

To using to forget they were a massive and totally avoidable carbon source!, Shall power plants tend to be a type of bricks and mortar, and can cure one functioning even after a century!

You might replace the turbine, and maintain the boiler room.  Looking at her us to the plant intact.

In 2000
professor Z suggested by the turbulent flow of steam or high pressure water, that did nuclear fusion!  A totally carbon free Energy System!  Then uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of Chemical Engineering, and he lost interest in Sione great scientific insight.

I wrote my first paper on this subject 2001, an ex legal returned to Sheffield University, my PH D have been ended for something that happened when I was away in Bury!  That is bought A Roman judge will call an alliby.  I ws 150 miles away!

I continued working on the subject, and from the each lightening volts releases five tonnes of helium ions, from a 1.5 KM x2cm steam plasma.  Which converts into 1.2 megawatts/m.

Lightening is totally random!  Were also discovered a fluorescent light give off X rays.  As he gradually converted the sodium gas into heat and light: we were doing nuclear staff!

So a lightening bolt is very very interesting.  They've rates heat and light.  Plus X rays as every uses helium ions and neutrons.  The latter caught my interest!  A non nuclear source of X rays and neutrons.

B rain or snow storm is set up by heavy precipitation which is self already does molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray

So we have water droplets of snow or rain.  In the pressurise chaotic interaction.  Which converts some other water molecules into helium and oxygen positive ions, with free electrons heat and X rays.

Locally geographers have put on record that lightening produces heat, energetic particles and X rays.

X-Rays | Science Mission Directorate - NASA › ems › 11_xrays

EARTH'S AURORA IN X-RAYS. Solar storms on the Sun eject clouds of energetic particles toward Earth. These high-energy particles can be swept up by Earth's ...

Missing: Geography ‎| Must include: Geography

There is no chemical source of X rays.  And no source of radioactive decay!  So the star or is actually doing nuclear fusion from compounds of hydrogen.

B a hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons.

2 ⁱH⁺+e⁻→n⁰ so stalls are a non nuclear source of neutrons!

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the negative charge falls of electrons to the ground.  At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a 1.5km x2cm partial steam plasma - a lightening bolt.

And geography has put on record that each lightening strike produces a five terms of helium ions - of which there is no chemical source.  As the hydrogen ions collide and bond.

3 2H⁺+TU→He²⁺ so a lightning produces helium!  As it does molecular nuclear fusion.  But lightening is fire is at a very very random.

But you can fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder, and have a contained source of lightning.  After this at four atmospheres the plasma will self sustain once started.  Lightening five nobody eight atmospheres and collapses at three.

4 (H₂O+P+PL)contained→2E²+L+X-ray 2e²=2.4 megawatts of carbon neutral heat.

Renergen commissions South Africa's first commercial helium ... › ren-helium-idINL8N27D4J3

28 Oct 2019 — The project is planned to be operational from 2021, with a planned daily production of 645.3 tonnes of LNG and 350 kg of helium.

A steam plasma cylinder was found to produce 1 MW our carbon zero heat from a non pressurised 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  Utilising just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶g of regular water a year.  So or production of helium and yoused totally miniscule.  And he is burnt into heat light and X rays anyway.  Never leaving the plasma cylinder.

So totally carbon zero heat is here.  We use to drive the boiler room free steam turbine and get her steam at eight atmospheres pressure 800° C.  A generate a constant 1.2 MW of carbon zero electricity.

We convert into phase and voltage linked AC current.  We apply no boiler room!  An utilised and produce no radioactive substances.  So requires another hundred billion of annual insurance, every nuclear power plant on earth has needs since Fukushima in 2010.

That cost Japan 100 billion.  Prof Z after he kept abreast of my developments since 2001.  He hoped I would prove the global warming was true!  Though the world has been cooling since 1995.

Hence the shift in nuclear PR fiction to manmade climate change.  Predicts that the static trace of carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  Would have somehow affect other than warming!

Global photosynthesis on land and sea around the temperate earth, sucks in carbon dioxide down to the present limit of two parts per million.  It's static level in this epoch!  So the temperate carbon dioxide level has been two PPM, all through the industrial revolution!

In the Jurassic that lead was four PPM.  A generally warm period - from the genesis of the global warming fiction.  But the Jurassic had three natural ice ages.  When temperate carbon dioxide spiked at eight PPM.

Carbon dioxide levels above the arctic ice In winter reached 16 PPM.  Today it they are fixed at 4 PPM.  Air temperature -50° C!

Above the European ice In the little ice age in the 18th century, we are back to four PPM carbon dioxide.  By the snow melted in the summer!  So carbon dioxide fell to two PPM.

So carbon dioxide rises naturally in the cold!  It bottoms out of the limits set by photosynthesis in the warm periods.  It neither has a warming or a cooling effect!  Is levels track natural photosynthesis.

So every winter above the arctic ice, back to the Jurassic four PPM.  With an air temperature -50° C.  Are you been to think that global warming was sort of nuclear rubbish!

Yet nuclear power cells of the fourth largest source of carbon emissions - during an active power plant building programme.

But now the annual insurance cover required is 100 billion.  Which is why EDF, the French nuclear construction group, is backing away from Sizewell C!  As the French Group realized it could never get a valid operating licence without the impossible 100 billion of annual insurance,

Throughout its almost 25 years of operation, subtle be has never had legal insurance cover.  The greatest threat to life in the UK ever!  The most toxic and dangerous Energy System ever devised.

In contrast are plasma power plant would generate a constant 1.2 MW of carbon zero power.  Without any radioactive substances involved all produced.  Lacking or radioactive core it can never meltdown!

It produces just heat light and X rays.  Even the helium is burnt away by the plasma.  Tony said to tiny volume of regular water, into massive carbon zero heat and power.  So requires no impossible insurance!  There is no insurance available above one billion.

So every nuclear power plant in the world is running criminally under insured.  And the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut it all down.

So a plasma power plant is almost free, clean and safe non nuclear carbon zero heat and power.  Involving no fossil fuel burn.  No oil or gas.  And no coal!

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Ending global polio

fresh water cures polio and cholera

Is just a matter of improving your hygene!  Washing our hands after you've use the toilet, stalls are transmission are polio.  Which is why it is endemic in Asia.

Their family or vaccinations have eradicated the disease in Europe and America.  A shown has loads of sunshine and can drive a little solar pumps.  Which during the day apply over one metre of vacuum to water.  That is just 1 W/l of water.

The sea or river water boils, losing or contaminants.  And he is 1000 times easier to pump as water vapour and liquid water.  So we convey it to a high reservoir.  Using a three son light during the day he to provide the power for us.

  So he can ensure and feeble wash their hands after the toilet.  And end polio.  In the developed world the water companies have loads of excess pumping power!

So at night can supply three vacuum to snorkels in the sea or river.  And transport the water vapour to a high reservoir.  Making rain fall incidental.

We King get at them is free fresh water all throughout the year.

Water company is should adopt plasma power.  Which is carbon zero heat and electricity.  I calculated that a 50 x 1cm at four atmospheres should release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  My American friend confirmed the science - without the pressure.

He found that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Driving a commercially sourced steam turbine this Prix uses 500 kW of carbon zero power.

A quick Internet search has revealed that the road to water, and he requires 200 kW of electrical power.  So one steam plasma should do it!  Four steam plasma is will power the largest water companies.

So throughout the day he they get zero carbon free electricity.  Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  And they have access to limitless water.

So the French owners of British water, canned dip a snorkel into the seas.  And get them as fresh water for France and England.  Totally carbon zero!

This is a source of technology that water aids should use.  To clean up water supplies all around the world!  Use a little solar panel to suck out pure fresh water from the dirtiest river water.

No remote well drilling and one power lines required!  We just clean up the water.  They have access to the academics it can be university.  Who can set up a vacuum water desalination plant in the lunch hour!

It is high school physics after all!  And if we have a plasma power plant, we have access to a carbon zero electricity.  To supply the cleaner fuel water to a village in Africa and give them access to free carbon zero electricity.

1 H₂O-P→ limitless fresh water

Key and the world access to clean fresh water, is very important for human health!  And the plasma power plant provides free heat and electricity.  By burning a very small volume of regular water.

cure of Polio

kill polioand & malaria

Polio is a viral disease which may affect the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and paralysis. The polio virus enters the body through the mouth, usually from hands contaminated with the stool of an infected person. Polio is more common in infants and young children and occurs under conditions of poor hygiene.

My suggestion of HIUS to the chest should work.  It would appear that the virus only transmits in conditions are poor hygiene.  Which is why for earlier and been endemic in Asia for half a century, an ever transmitted to the developed world.  Who used the Polio vaccination.

Which lasts for 40 years.  Both earlier has never transfer back to Europe or the U.S..  As we wash our hands after using the toilet!

It would appear them the best method for ultrasound application, is 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the person is fine when lying down.

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage EB

Last one 6 sold

I was vaccinated as the schoolchild, using the polio vaccine on a sugar cube.  So that vaccine is totally effective and out of patent!  Other drug patents first 25 years.

By medical science moves on!  And 20 years ago the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound, to clear all cancers and viruses.

1 minute of external ultrasound to a cancerous organ, clears all 200 cancers out there.  The 3 medical professors at the Moffitt retired 2010 - in discussed the other medics would not use her life saving new medical science.

And not arise but the drug company is have tried to invent another reason to give a global vaccination.  I am surprised that they chose Polio - with a vaccine is out of patent.

And can be produced in Asia at under 70p a dose.  The simplest and cheapest option is to applying HIUS to the spelling of infected people.  And obviously improved sanitation levels!

That is why power there has never cross back to Europe or the U.S..  It does not transmits through the air, but physical contact.  The lungs are are very vulnerable area for any virus or bacterial infection.

The drug companies are a big fuss about Covid flu: the medical name for the regular human influenza.  The vaccination to wages automatically obsolete only 1/4 way through drug licensing.

Any Dr. It giving just one Covid vaccination, remove the same day from the doctors' medical register.  They loose Health Insurance and legal cover.  And are then illegal doctors.

Vaccinations kill one person in 200!  So 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations given from January 2021 (when we were already in the year of Covid20), so predictable 17 million people died.  So Boselli to be protected against a virus and was extinct!

The vaccination and as criminal as it gets.  Killing 17 million healthy an innocent individuals around the world.  Next the drug industry is focused on monkeypox.

A non fatal viral condition.  Which evolved to V dangerous to monkey's!  It causes a mild flu in humans.  Who then get a 40 years' protection from the fox viral line.  Locally small pox no longer exists!

And I believe the black death had died out you 1,000,000 remote provinces in China.  It will also have been cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  No drug even legal!

The even if they still say case in remote provinces in the U.S..  Totally cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the chest.

In 2002 HIUS cured all 200 types of human cancer.  Removing 80% of drug company and Dr. Income.  ½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clears coronary heart disease,

Hence the drug companies are trying to focus on other heart problems!  Already cured by ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest.

The stomach ulcers respond to wide spectrum antibiotics: as they are caused by pressurised bacterial structure on the stomach wall.  Also cured by ½ minute of HIUS externally to the top left to the chest over the stomach.

So all viral and bacterial conditions cured by HIUS.  All the drug companies, next I dread to think!  It were evolved the patient dying horribly.

But he was not involve any infective disease.  Struck cell prevented by that hearts disease cure.  Which stops the inappropriate raised blood pressure!

Both strokes and traumatic head injuries like mine, are cured by our to 20 sessions of HIUS externally for 1 minute to the injury: or that is what I used a myself anyway!

The shrinkage of particularly the frontal loads of rain can be created by applying HIUS to the forehead.  Which also clears wrinkles!  And the franc age of the active brain area we seem age.

Physiotherapist use external HIUS to an injured limb, to fix limb damage.  Which a published or for nearly 50 years ago!

Fungal and algal infections, plus parasites are cleared by external application of HIUS - to the chest is a most easy to access the area.  So it will clear malaria.  The infection which is killed 1/3 of the people who have ever lived.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Covid was cured

all viruses cured by cancer cure
No vaccination even legal!  It is a science fact that vaccinations kill one person in 200.  So you are prohibited from vaccinating for already cured disease.

For worse still Covid19 has ceased to exist and the medical definition, by the time drug company is started paying doctors to vaccinate people against Covid19!  October 1, 2020 and we were on Covid20.

The regular influenza for 2020.  Medicine had declared in 1934, but no Covid could ever be vaccinated four!  That was the year of Covid34.  Every year the Covid number increases on October 1.

In 2034 we'll have to be on Covid034!  To a void, fusion.  So the Covid19 vaccination was only six months into a two year drug licensing program, then spurious and unlicensed medicine!  Never licensed.

Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20.  India cured 77,000 cases of Covid20 using the medically published High Intensity UltraSound: the published cure to all cancers plus viruses and bacterial

All foreign cell types require a pressurise nature to induce cell replication.  Body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells.  They never replicate!  But all foreign cells divide in a single cell fashion.

If we apply e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for 1 minute to any cancer, the cancer cells boil and rupture!  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody, to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the ultrasound turns regular water into helium and oxygen gas.  With emission of massive heat and X rays.  Incredibly enough we are doing nuclear fusion.  From the compound of hydrogen at body temperature and very moderate pressure.

And this will clear every cancer that ever exist!  As all future cancer strains or require a non native pressurise cell structure to induce cell replication.

The Moffitt Paper 2002 also referred to clearance of viral cell types.  They are also are boil in response to HIUS.

So ½ minute of ultrasound to each side the chest, will clear all infective cell types.  Chinese medics used it from December 2019, to clear Corona virus in Wuhan Province China.  The virus never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Not even in other Chinese Provinces!  Certainly never in Europe or the U.S..

There was apparently a Bio chemically enhanced form of Covid18.  Allying the escape of a Bio chemically altered pathogen is criminal!  And killed five million Chinese people.

An issue by simple to trace of biochemist who August rated the release!  They it out of 10,000,000 UK pounds for each of the five million people killed.  That is 50 trillion!

I use it to clear my own Covid19 November 2019: only one month after its superseded Covid18.  I had a 2 hour nap.  With an got up health but bored.  And no so I got or Dr. or go any drugs!  It was just the regular flu.

And now we're on the year of Covid21, until October 1 of all be on Covid 22.  Amateur the first 2022.

That will automatically be cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  There medical science it even cleared AIDs for a personal contact in New York.  The most pernicious viral infection in history cured in 1 minute!  Using a medically licensed beauty device.

And this will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  The world was again in board of Covid, so medical or tried to move on to monkeypox.  Which use a non fatal viral infection.  Like cowpox.  Which use to 40 years of protection from other strains of the fox virus.

Cowpox eradicated smallpox from the world.  Smallpox was a fatal viral condition!  Nobody is died from monkeypox.  When the drug companies realised in horror that is a non fatal virus, they shut the hell up.

They will be back with a bacterial epidemic!  But bacterial infections like viral infections, share the non native inflated cell structure.  So ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all bacterial infections as well.

The world has got bored of Covid!  Ever has concluded issues as fatal as the regular flu.  Which kills 3.5% of infected people.  Since 1934!  But since the Moffitt Paper 2002 when he and ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all Covid strains.

The Covid vaccination was always fatal and unlicensed medication!  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Which is really tragic.  As you can buy a HIUS for under five UK pounds and it will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Without any patient death!  A vaccination kills one person in 200.  If the infection is extinct the vaccination is illegal!  The doctors struck off without legal argument.  10 million UK pounds for every death.

20,000 UK pounds to surviving vaccination victims.  So Covid19 has not existed since September 31, 2020.

The drug companies are still pushing as a major killer!  By medical definition it does not exist anymore.  Medicine dictates that we have a new Covid version every 1st of October.

And the vaccination would take 2 1/2 years to produce an licence.  Totally useless against Covid flu and the common cold.

The common cold is also cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Which makes the inflated cells boil and rupture.

The patient's own immune system to secrete and actions the specific active antibody, to clear that infected cell type from the body.  It cures all viral and bacterial infections.

As well as all cancers!  So the cancer cure was published 20 years ago.  Making cancer drug prescription criminal medicine.

Striking off the prescribing Dr. without legal argument!  This and criminal trial for mass four counts of first degree medical homicide.

So are health give is turned murderers for money and amusement!  If your GP care that just one Covid vaccination, they will require that day to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.

They lost Health Insurance.  And were the most criminal medics ever!

diabetes has been cured

Diabetes cured no drugs

But the drug companies don't want to accept it!  It is the same idea that cures all cancers 2002.  Making all biochemical treatments criminal medicine!  But that was 80% of Dr. and drug company income, so they carry on prescribing the defective cancer drugs irregardless of medical law.

2013 I was walking around salford with an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device: A consumer version of the High Intensity UltraSound device a medically proven to clear all cancers in 1 minute.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

£1.86 - 2.2/ Piece

The cure was published by 3 medical professors are the world's leading Moffitt cancer centre, so there is no legal argument that the cure worked.  Every registered Dr. and drug company had to purchase an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify the new medical science.  Or they were both struck off the medical register.

Or other medical activity became criminal!  Their patients are are entitled to return or all medical fees.  Or more likely their next of kin.

My friend had type two diabetes.  So I applied the ultrasound for ½ minute to the bottom right use chest over the pancreas.  And the diabetes remitted instantly!

We freely published this work on the Internet!  But still today and as home external another church friend about the cure.  You can purchase the device over the Internet.  But 2016 I validated that type one diabetes requires the full minute of HIUS - or only remitted in three days: as personally validated by an American contact.

So I had just been looking at the death from diabetic complications.  They have fallen to zero!  Prescribing insulin or metformin, causes death within a decade from diabetic complications.

Which implies so global doctors have adopted the life saving science.  Which all came about to to the fault so professor Z for Sheffield University, that ultrasound NG water did nuclear fusion.

He ended my PH D as I wrote a paper on this!  But in salford I do some research to find out the safe level of ultrasound for human use.  So the Moffitt published a paper 2002 as a direct consequence!

So pill can purchase an 8 W 1 MHz device, I apply to each side the chest for ½ minute it will cure all viral and bacterial infections.  Including Covid flu and the common cold.  Covid is just the medical name for the regular influenza, that's Eccles the world every year causing human death.

Given a new number on the 1st of October.  So Covid19 only existed from the 1st of October, 2019 for a year.  Then the world is on Covid20.  Indian Bahrain had outbreaks - irrespective of a Covid19 vaccination.

It would take six months to develop a vaccination, and two years of animal and human tests to licence.  So the Covid19 virus was obsolete an unlicensed after six months.

It never even entered human drug trials!  Always criminal medicine.  And no registered Dr. Is allowed to apply obsolete an unlicensed medication.  Or they and the drug company are both struck off!

One in 200 wall die from the illegal vaccination.  Deliberate medical murder!  Legal fine is 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The prescribing Dr. Receives a 25 year jail term.  As does the managing director of the drug company.

And every drug company validated HIUS clearing all viral and bacterial infections 2002.  So totally aware that a Covid vaccination was never legal or required!

The drug company is were legally barred from the production of a Covid vaccination.  They broke the standard medical law, for their own personal amusement and pleasure.  As to the prescribing Dr..

An yet there are still articles about Covid19.  Wheat is not existed anywhere in the universe since the 31st of September, 2020.  So the medical papers are sheer medical fiction!  With the murderous intent.

We're on the year of Covid21.  That rolls over into Covid22 1 October, 2022.  ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest is medically proven to clear all viral and also bacterial infections.

So since 2002 no registered Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe any infection medication.  And all medical vaccinations were criminal medicine!  Which is why the UK he we are suddenly seen all the doctors who retired 2018, retire again.

But retirement does not stop a criminal prosecution for first degree medical murder.  25 years for every vaccination patient who had died!  Covid19 no longer existed so killed nobody.

The useless an expensive Covid 19 vaccination was without a shadow of a doubt the most murderous medicine in history.  Striking off every involved Dr., plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists and even the drug company and hospital.

Now or to clear diabetes, pill can purchase an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet.  I fimd that '8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage cheapest' into E bay there is an affective Internet search.  Amazon or so two the devices.

I have written A28 1000 word book about the cure to cancer.

The same ever had also cures heart disease, MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and a every viral and bacterial infection which will ever exist.

The drug company is are getting increasingly frantic!  As a remedy is clearing their own diabetes at home.  Not a treatment leading to death!  81 minute total cure to a serious disease of age.

I would give my thanks to Sheffield University, but there Prix or is he told me they do not want any recognition for my ideas.  Which are medically proved in America!

My mother had type two diabetes as did my stepfather.  They ever find they cleared it due to a strict diet.  That would have taken three months.  I gave them one buzz of ultrasound each and they were cured.

I730 percent brain damage in a car accident.  And helped cure cancer.  An extended the idea to cure heart disease and diabetes plus dementia.  I must have been very very clever!

And still far from the stupid.  Applying HIUS 20 times for 1 minute over a brain injury from an accent or a stroke, fixes the brain injury.

No diabetic related deaths

RIP Diabetes

As having a look at the death from diabetic complications yesterday - as you do.  In 2013 I a pointed out to correct type two diabetes, required ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

£1.86 - 2.2/ Piece
  • 1Review
  • £2.19

This is the High Intensity UltraSound the Moffitt cancer centre published as a one session total cure to all cancers 2002.  1 minute of HIUS clears all 200 types of cancer.  So since 2002 there was a physical cure to all cancers.

But cancer is said to exist solely to fund biochemical research into cancer: which is no prohibited research!  Medicine does not allow research into alternative treatments or cures.

So the biggest charity in the world there is acting illegally!  The charity commission shows stop the illegal activities.  They do not find anything other than biochemical cancer research.  So they serve no purpose!

MacMillan nursing is funded to offer support for biochemical treatments for cancers.  Which are now a illegal medicine!  Everyone he using 1 minute of HIIJS, and is totally better.  Require no support!

The global diabetics charity is also exist to fund biochemical research into this disease of age.  But 2013 I confirmed at my local church, that ½ minute of HIUS to the lower right of the chest cleared type two diabetes.

Type one remitted in three days.  2016 I confirmed it cleared instantly with 1 minute of HIUS.

So we are talking about total clearance of diabetes!  An on there patients die of diabetic complications.  Which are caused by relying on metformin and Insulin.

Though for your so that and 1930s.  But was Friday recently by Bristol squires.  As a cure to diabetes side the circulating the world, they sold off the drug patent.  And cease to exist!

The drug industry is horrified that insulin prescriptions have crashed.  Just like the biochemical treatments for cancer and heart disease did, as those disease are cured using HIUS.

Heart disease requires ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the vacuum the kidneys.  No Dr. or drug involvement required!  The suitable devices can be purchased for under five UK pounds.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  The Moffitt Paper 20 years ago or referred plus the cure of cancer plus viruses!

So one session total cure to all Covid flu strains.

Insurance companies are still on about Covid19 which ceased to exist by medical definition 1st of October, 2020.  With NI the year of Covid20.  Totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of high us to each side of her patient's chest.

Covid19 vanished!  It does not exist anymore.  Hasn't done since into September 2020.  So insurance is being sold in the improvise free Covid19 cover.  Said ensures travellers again to an nonexistent virus!

They also talk about Corona virus.  Which was declared medically extinct February 2020 - totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  So Corona also it does not exist!

Really insurance firms should get them medicine correct!  That is a very least people would ask for insurance.  To factually accurate!

So the diabetic complications death rate has fallen to 0.  Presumably as medics are using the 8 W 3 MHZ unit, in Health Centres to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  As required by the Hippocratic oath.

Vaccinations intentionally kill one patient in 200.  And are barred for extinct infections!  So Covid19 no longer existed before the Covid19 vaccination programme started.

So every vaccinating Dr. or drug company struck off without legal argument.  They deliberately killed one person in 200 for absolutely no medical gain!  The most serious psychopathic mass murderers in history.

So I sat in my house at salford quays, with five different computers.  And which air had to clear cancers, heart disease and diabetes.  I also found that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead clears all dementia. 

So doctors and drug company is are stop wittering on about dementia!  As all dementia is cleared.  MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia are all cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head.

So no academic medic is any more allowed to biochemical research for the diseases of age!  As are all cured.  And no Dr. Is allowed to prescribe diabetes medication or install an incident pump, as HIUS totally clears all diabetes in 1 minute or less.

Doctors prescribing use in a metformin since 2013, the struck off.  It does is prescribing cancer drugs since 2002 also struck off.  All subsequent medicine medical malpractice.

They must return or money is to their unfortunate patients on next of kin.  Are still pretending to do medical practice!  They have lost medical registration and Health Insurance.

I have lost four non blood relatives to diabetes.  Ironically enough when I was working in ultrasound!  My old boss retired and died of pancreatic cancer.

During his working life is exposure to ultrasound clears all cancer cells from the body, so no cancer formed.

This work was the result of my PH D studies at Sheffield University 2000.  Which got ended abruptly!  To release me to medical Ph.D. at Cambridge.  Cambridge never offered!

But 2001 I have fought or the use of high intensity ultrasound to restrict cancer growth.  It turned out to be a one session total cure.  No PH D ever awarded!

20,000,000 people he used to die from cancers.  So means I have saved 4,000,000,000 people around the earth.  No Ph.D.!

diabetes all cured

diabetes all gone

It transpires that diabetes is caused by a viral fragment - the idea are professor fossil from Michigan State.  They retire due to the mental health problems.

1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound was found to clear all cancers plus from bacterial infections 2002l subsequent prescription of infection and cancer medication, including vaccinations are all defective and criminal medicine!

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage EB

Last one 6 sold

Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  And he is so every biochemical drug company is are voluntary signature to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

And 2013 and I was walking around with a suitably specified ultrasound massage device, and my church friend had type two diabetes.  I applied ½ minute of this hius to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, Annie's diabetes is totally cured.

We freely
published our work on the Internet.  So every registered Dr. On earth had to validate and then use them any new medical science.  So just one prescription of insane or metformin since struck off the Dr., And the involved drug company.

The American drug industry is physically horrified that all diabetic patients have vanished.  They are advertising knew less intrusive diabetic treatments.  But no Dr. Is allowed to apply a treatment to a cured condition.

1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally clears type one diabetes.  So no registered Dr. Is any more allowed to prescribe the diabetes treatment.  They already her and B8 Watts 3 MHZ unit, which will clear diabetes in under 1 minute.  Just as it cured all 200 types of cancer out there.

Stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming!  And yanks away anyway.  I have lost four non blood relatives to diabetes.  Ironically enough working in metallurgical ultrasound at the time!

And stop the ultrasound by Dai Jones at Inco.  The retired, good of a virus contracted pancreatic cancer and died.  Just one session of ultrasound would cured the cancer!

So now all registered doctors own and have valided dated a HIUS unit.  ½ minute each side ahead will clear all dementia.  MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia are all cleared.  But all other serious mental health issues.  Just like professor Fossil contracted!

So medicine is now or face to all the diseases of age being cured.  He RE focused on Covid - the regular medical name for human influenza.

Like all infections cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  So no vaccination ever legal!

Vaccinations kill one person in 200.  Healthy an innocent individuals sacrifice for naked profit of drug company is and doctors.

The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete before being given.  So never medically licensed!  Never a legal human drug.  Which has a massive mental health problems!  The worst medicine in history.

So all diabetes cleared in the doctors' health centre earth, in 1 minute or under.  I cleared my mother's type two diabetes a decade ago.  She still can't accept that my ultrasound device did anything useful!

The drug industry is very aware that diabetic drugs are defective medicine.  And diabetic treatments are now or criminal and defective medicine. 

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

I cured diabetes

all diabetes fixed
I use an 8 W 1 MHz device, which American medics term a high intensity ultrasound unit, and they had found it will clear all cancers and viruses.

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage EB

Last one 6 sold

I found 1 minute will clear breast lung and colon cancer.  The means of action the cancers and viruses is common, all foreign cell types require an inflated cell nature to induce cell replication.

The application of HIUS causes the cell to experience biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+PL→He+O+E²+X-ray

The rupturing and foreign cell type induces a local immune system to secrete and action the active specific human antibody, to totally clear as exploding cell type throughout the body.

So cures all 200 types or cancer!  And every registered Dr. Had to validate this medicine 2002.  Alone was
required to use it!  All be struck off for life.

There were no longer allowed to prescribe biochemical treatments for cancers.  Or again they were struck off for life!  Every patient death being first degree medical murder.  Striking off the Dr., Hospital, pharmacists and nurse plus the drug company involved.

So at 2013 I was walking around with an ultrasound massage device of the right specification.  Medically licensed for safe home unsupervised use!

My friend had type two diabetes, so I gave him a yen second blast.  He got three days remission from his diabetes.  The he speaker I gave him ½ minute.  He was then diabetes free for life.

My American diabetic contacts tried HIUS on type one diabetes.  And found it only remitted after three days.  At this stage and published my work on the Internet to be freely read and validated by every registered Dr. On earth.

The prescription of insane or metformin became defective and criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  A company that made metformin Bristol Squires sold the drug patent.  And appeared to have stopped trading.

2016 I validated with a person who contract diabetes in America are, that 1 minute was required for type one diabetes.  Otherwise the a three day delay in there disease remitting was involved.

So the patient's stopped using insulin.  And there making drug industry is suddenly announced a pill treatments for type one diabetes: some the are always claimed was not possible!

Doctors are not allowed to medicate the well!  When the American for diabetics present with normal blood sugar levels, they can not be medicated for diabetes: which would probably be fatal anyway!

Today and my church friend has taken away the details of the ultrasound device.  Or has a friend with type one diabetes.  She looked very interested that all day he would take the full minute.  Just once.

If she searches on the Internet for '8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device cheapest' they can be bought for under five UK pounds.  I forgot to tell had to specify cheapest.

So that she will have a lot of diabetic contacts.  And the technique will work for them all!  The medics at salford royal hospital will be furious!  As all diabetic patients disappear.

To live longer and a more lives.  Not a 10 year compromised life, for the black death from diabetic complications.  So HIUS is the only legal and totally effective diabetes cure.

The prescription of diabetic medication is criminal medical malpractice.  And has been since 2013.

No prescription or cancer drugs has been malpractice since 2002.  And the drug industry is horrified that all the cancer patients have vanished!  'nothing to with us' they complain.  Water the interesting thing for the major health purveyors in the world to admit.