clean and free heat and power |
If you fire up a steam plasma, you smashed the matter into just heat light and X rays. Totally carbon zero heat!
Uranium nuclear power is neither carbon zero and or free! And he is horrendously under insured. To either to use the power plant construction, they release the equivalent carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.
It is all that fossil fuel burn on limestone to produce concrete! Making an active nuclear plant building programme, like MS fourth largest source of carbon emissions, in the desperation to free use a reason to exist after Chernobyl in 1986, are concentrating carbon dioxide.
To using to forget they were a massive and totally avoidable carbon source!, Shall power plants tend to be a type of bricks and mortar, and can cure one functioning even after a century!
You might replace the turbine, and maintain the boiler room. Looking at her us to the plant intact.
In 2000
professor Z suggested by the turbulent flow of steam or high pressure water, that did nuclear fusion! A totally carbon free Energy System! Then uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of Chemical Engineering, and he lost interest in Sione great scientific insight.
I wrote my first paper on this subject 2001, an ex legal returned to Sheffield University, my PH D have been ended for something that happened when I was away in Bury! That is bought A Roman judge will call an alliby. I ws 150 miles away!
I continued working on the subject, and from the each lightening volts releases five tonnes of helium ions, from a 1.5 KM x2cm steam plasma. Which converts into 1.2 megawatts/m.
Lightening is totally random! Were also discovered a fluorescent light give off X rays. As he gradually converted the sodium gas into heat and light: we were doing nuclear staff!
So a lightening bolt is very very interesting. They've rates heat and light. Plus X rays as every uses helium ions and neutrons. The latter caught my interest! A non nuclear source of X rays and neutrons.
B rain or snow storm is set up by heavy precipitation which is self already does molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray
So we have water droplets of snow or rain. In the pressurise chaotic interaction. Which converts some other water molecules into helium and oxygen positive ions, with free electrons heat and X rays.
Locally geographers have put on record that lightening produces heat, energetic particles and X rays.
X-Rays | Science Mission Directorate - NASAhttps://science.nasa.gov › ems › 11_xrays
EARTH'S AURORA IN X-RAYS. Solar storms on the Sun eject clouds of energetic particles toward Earth. These high-energy particles can be swept up by Earth's ...
Missing: Geography | Must include: Geography
There is no chemical source of X rays. And no source of radioactive decay! So the star or is actually doing nuclear fusion from compounds of hydrogen.
B a hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons.
2 ⁱH⁺+e⁻→n⁰ so stalls are a non nuclear source of neutrons!
The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the negative charge falls of electrons to the ground. At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a 1.5km x2cm partial steam plasma - a lightening bolt.
And geography has put on record that each lightening strike produces a five terms of helium ions - of which there is no chemical source. As the hydrogen ions collide and bond.
3 2H⁺+TU→He²⁺ so a lightning produces helium! As it does molecular nuclear fusion. But lightening is fire is at a very very random.
But you can fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder, and have a contained source of lightning. After this at four atmospheres the plasma will self sustain once started. Lightening five nobody eight atmospheres and collapses at three.
4 (H₂O+P+PL)contained→2E²+L+X-ray 2e²=2.4 megawatts of carbon neutral heat.
Renergen commissions South Africa's first commercial helium ...https://www.reuters.com › ren-helium-idINL8N27D4J3
28 Oct 2019 — The project is planned to be operational from 2021, with a planned daily production of 645.3 tonnes of LNG and 350 kg of helium.
A steam plasma cylinder was found to produce 1 MW our carbon zero heat from a non pressurised 30x1.5cm steam plasma. Utilising just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶g of regular water a year. So or production of helium and yoused totally miniscule. And he is burnt into heat light and X rays anyway. Never leaving the plasma cylinder.
So totally carbon zero heat is here. We use to drive the boiler room free steam turbine and get her steam at eight atmospheres pressure 800° C. A generate a constant 1.2 MW of carbon zero electricity.
We convert into phase and voltage linked AC current. We apply no boiler room! An utilised and produce no radioactive substances. So requires another hundred billion of annual insurance, every nuclear power plant on earth has needs since Fukushima in 2010.
That cost Japan 100 billion. Prof Z after he kept abreast of my developments since 2001. He hoped I would prove the global warming was true! Though the world has been cooling since 1995.
Hence the shift in nuclear PR fiction to manmade climate change. Predicts that the static trace of carbon dioxide in the temperate air. Would have somehow affect other than warming!
Global photosynthesis on land and sea around the temperate earth, sucks in carbon dioxide down to the present limit of two parts per million. It's static level in this epoch! So the temperate carbon dioxide level has been two PPM, all through the industrial revolution!
In the Jurassic that lead was four PPM. A generally warm period - from the genesis of the global warming fiction. But the Jurassic had three natural ice ages. When temperate carbon dioxide spiked at eight PPM.
Carbon dioxide levels above the arctic ice In winter reached 16 PPM. Today it they are fixed at 4 PPM. Air temperature -50° C!
Above the European ice In the little ice age in the 18th century, we are back to four PPM carbon dioxide. By the snow melted in the summer! So carbon dioxide fell to two PPM.
So carbon dioxide rises naturally in the cold! It bottoms out of the limits set by photosynthesis in the warm periods. It neither has a warming or a cooling effect! Is levels track natural photosynthesis.
So every winter above the arctic ice, back to the Jurassic four PPM. With an air temperature -50° C. Are you been to think that global warming was sort of nuclear rubbish!
Yet nuclear power cells of the fourth largest source of carbon emissions - during an active power plant building programme.
But now the annual insurance cover required is 100 billion. Which is why EDF, the French nuclear construction group, is backing away from Sizewell C! As the French Group realized it could never get a valid operating licence without the impossible 100 billion of annual insurance,
Throughout its almost 25 years of operation, subtle be has never had legal insurance cover. The greatest threat to life in the UK ever! The most toxic and dangerous Energy System ever devised.
In contrast are plasma power plant would generate a constant 1.2 MW of carbon zero power. Without any radioactive substances involved all produced. Lacking or radioactive core it can never meltdown!
It produces just heat light and X rays. Even the helium is burnt away by the plasma. Tony said to tiny volume of regular water, into massive carbon zero heat and power. So requires no impossible insurance! There is no insurance available above one billion.
So every nuclear power plant in the world is running criminally under insured. And the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut it all down.
So a plasma power plant is almost free, clean and safe non nuclear carbon zero heat and power. Involving no fossil fuel burn. No oil or gas. And no coal!