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CO" tracks the weather |
Showing us what life was like in previous ions. The Jurassic had twice the level of carbon dioxide in a warm period. Today and the carbon dioxide levels is limited by the efficiency of photosynthesis - the life support system on earth land.
Leaving just two Parts Per Million carbon dioxide today in the temperate air. Above the arctic ice In winter, photosynthesis shuts down in the cold months. As snow covers the land, and sea ice covers the seas.
So we have four PPM in the winter arctic air. And the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic dark ice sheet.
Every day in daylight hours, photosynthesis happens around the temperate earth. Down to the lower right of PPM.
Above the arid deserts of the earth again there is no active photosynthesis, or very little! Week in use a vacuum pump to provide loans and minutes of fresh water. Using sell our pumps to produce a carbon zero electricity.
During the day and we pump up sea or river water by one metre and it boils off into fuel water vapour. Losing all salts and contaminants. Leaving just pure water vapour.
Which is 1000 times easier to transport and liquid water. So we pump it two or high holding reservoir. And as we vent the pressure the water vapour condenses into water drops, which coalesce and four as it water drops into the reservoir.
We need to distribute then at soil mats impregnated with grass seed. Where the grass will grow like crazy! And every year we distribute animal droppings over the new soil.
And the grass will feed who fertilise the grass with their droppings, we also plant trees in little soil boils. Which stabilize the new ground. And every autumn their fall also are fertilise is the ground. My grandfather used to take bin bags, and collect the leaves from local Parks.
For all back home, and scattered over he is garden in the winter, the erotic down and fertilise the soil for the fourth coming spring. His garden was amazing!
The mineral record teaches is that the warm Jurassic periods had four PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air. As photosynthesis was less efficient at metabolising carbon dioxide.
Despite this there was 85% more active life on earth. But predictable solar emission cycles cause three natural ice ages. The short term solar emission changes cures 28 year periods of warming and cooling.
The Chernobyl incident in the Ukraine ½ minute period of natural global warming. Hence the genesis of the nuclear science fiction of manmade climate change. The climate nothing to do with man!
Certainly nothing to two with a static trace of carbon dioxide in the temperate air every spring and summer, fixed at two PPM. Man made global warming was also a fire biological idiot! Who are obviously did physics are not biology.
The weather turned back into natural warming phase 2023: and all the pseudo santis earning a good living from manmade climate change, having noticeable by their total absence since the weather started warming again.
Nothing to man! In the three Jurassic ice ages the men record teaches us there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air. Four times today is present trace limit! One of the ice ages lasted for 1000 years! The greatest glacier Asian in the mineral record.
Carbon dioxide tracks the wax and wane of photosynthesis. Which itself follows the warming and cooling of the natural weather. Remember every arctic winter four PPM carbon dioxide in the arctic air, -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap. Lowest natural temperatures on earth!
We have four times the present temperate two PPM carbon dioxide around the temperate earth in the afternoon. So carbon dioxide follows the weather! History it follows photosynthesis.
We can erect a network of little steam plasmas above the arctic circle. Fired up in the dark months. It supports photosynthesis 24/7! Making the north pole twice as productive as Texas.
And all the plant's will suck in the carbon dioxide, down from the present four PPM, to the temperate limit of just two PPM. Providing flu for our growing human population.
More plant growth being used to feed animals, who will breathe out the carbon dioxide to stimulate plant growth. As a fertilizer ground with their droppings!
Is to use high school biology! Carbon dioxide is limited globally by photosynthesis on land and in the seas.
We use a little vacuum pumps to suck pure water vapour out of the C or river water. To irrigate thin soil maps impregnated with grass seed. Turning a down is back into lash arable areas!
We separate the feels using trees other fields ages. Again sucking carbon dioxide to build plant biomass. Which he every autumn falls off the trees as yellow leaves, to fertilise the ground naturally.
Nature controls carbon dioxide! Minus additional carbon dioxide from burning life fossilised in prehistory, only creates an additional carbon dioxide rises in the air for 5 minutes.
Then during the day the plant's fix the carbon dioxide into carbohydrates - plant biomass. Leaving a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.
And remember in the Jurassic ice ages, above the poles there is 16 PPM carbon dioxide in the air. During nurse or medical usi Asians on mineral record! Before primates even evolved.
Carbon dioxide being released by natural forest fires! Set off by natural lightening strikes. Which create a massive growth spurt in surrounding plants! It did not warm the air.
That it is nuclear power summer's fiction to terrify the stupid. So of course you're never believed in for a minute did you!
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