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Cancer & Covid deaths avidable |
When he was chairman of the crown prosecution service he was given a folder of damning irrefutable evidence on Jimmys Savils mortal sessions of child abuse.
But Jimmy wore his charitable work, as a legal invisibility shield. And despite the evidence the crown prosecution service did not prosecute him.
He then left the crown prosecution service, and became leader of the Labour Party, then the drug industry bought him the UK general election.
Expecting him to get the registered NHS doctors prescribing the now defective and intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.
But 2002 3 medical professors at the world's leading Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear prostate cancer and viruses at one session. Myself for and the then Dr Z house or sea at Sheffield University 2001, that the ultrasounding of water cause what was later termed molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
In response to 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound, the pressurise cancer cells emit X rays as they do a little biological molecular nuclear fusion. So nuclear fusion in the body and only moderate pressure is.
And all foreign cell types require the pressurise cell nature, to induce viral type cell replication. Bacterial infections also require an inflated cell structure, to induce cell replication by the over helpful B cells of the immune system.
Through practical experiment 2010, I found that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Clearing the common cold and Covid!
Care of it just being the medical name for the regular seasonal flu that tracks winter around the glow every year. Only no 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound, clears all infections are.
2012 my contact in New York use the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound, each side the chest to clear his AIDs. He was HIV⁺. Now like all viral and bacterial infections cured by 1 minute of HIUS to a patient's chest.
And every nursing office in the world has the 8 W three MHZ unit, used to confirm the 100% cancer cure 2002. Any Dr. not confirming that HIUS cleared all 200 types of human cancer I applied externally, struck off. Expelled from legal medicine that afternoon.
All their prescriptions then invalid and he illegal. And doctors resulted after 2002 to 5 mortal all cancer deaths to the global population.
With an inevitable negative results! As each and every registered Dr. Has have personally confirmed the total human cancer cure. Doctors are not allowed to charge for spurious negative tests!
So all the cancer test money since 2002 went back to the patient! The drug company is desperately testing for a new cancer type which is not cured by HIUS.
But cancer require an overinflated foreign cell nature to induce infected cell replication. So all boil on application of 1 minute of external HIUS.
2013 medics published a 30 patient double blind trial, showing a 100% cure rate of coronary heart disease: caused by an inflated bacterial structure around the coronary arteries. Raising blood pressure and interfere with heart repair systems.
So there disease vanished within two weeks! The cancer cure had removed 80% of Dr. and drug company income. Curing heart disease road and 15%. Any Dr. Prescribing heart medication after 2013 struck off without legal argument.
They are for ever why the cancer doctors, from legal medical practice around the world. Within the UK he Kier Starmer has the legal imperative to strike off any cancer or heart drug prescribing Dr. since HIUS was medically published as a total cure to cancer and heart disease.
And here Kier Starmer is a special individual. His work as chair of the crown prosecution service, involved in in signing documents promising legal fortitude for life. So as UK prime minister, any Dr. Not validating the 2002 medical document on HIUS clearing all cancers struck off for life.
There prescriptions illegal and invalid. Their medical practice criminal and not insured. High up nurses also take the doctors Hippocratic oath, and thus to all biochemical drug companies.
Required to personally validate HIUS curing all 200 types of human cancer 2002. The nurse years then informed lower down nurses, that HIUS was the best and only legal cancer medicine.
Their Nightingale pledge for by adding them from distributing biochemical cancer treatments. Presumably there Florence pledge also prohibits the distribution of defective an intentionally fatal medicine.
But existing had doctors and nurses are us for one the Hippocratic oath: American doctors ex for them intere with a weekend Lasagne pledge. And so they realise is insufficient for legal medical practice.
And rush back to their medical schools to swear the full Hippocratic oath. The a assisting nurses are took the full nightingale pledge. Again the weekend nursing pledge insufficient for legal nursing practice.
In the NHS there are 40,000 practicing GPs. Each and every one having taken the full Hippocratic oath. So say Kier Starmer has the legal imperative to strike off every registered Dr. and nurse within the UK Health Service, as has prescribed or distributed the no defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.
Intentionally killing the cancer patients in two agonising and expensive years. The medically validated HIUS clearing all cancers totally in 1 minute. Without any Dr. or drugs involvement!
People can buy their own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet, and be ready to clear all viral and bacterial infections - as patient's feel the infection coming on.
Used at night, they will be fit and well for work or school the next day. And it will adapt to the viral or bacterial strain. So clearing all Covid flu.
Whereas since 1934 medicine has prohibited research or application of the care of it vaccination. Automatically obsolete only six months into a two year drug licensing regime. Then having a counter productive effect on the next year's flu strain.
So the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed legal human medicine. Given out from January 2021, the world was already within the year of the genetically distinct Covid20. Where the obsolete vaccination would actually have increased the severity of the flu infection.
Increasing the patient death rate from the usual 3.5% death rate. Below pandemic levels! 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound to the chest, clearing all viral infections.
No registered Dr. Allowed to Kiev a common cold all Covid vaccination - without strike in themselves off the doctors' medical register that afternoon. There prescriptions then invalid. No longer eligible from medical wage of future pension. And certainly not doctors anymore!
The nurses CheaShe meeting the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments, watched smilingly as her patient's died predictably within two agonising expensive years.
That sort of murderous behaviour totally inconsistent with nursing! So again struck off and remove from medical wages and future pension. Every NHS nurse who distributed biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, the struck off without legal question.
And the UK prime minister, Kier Starmer is forced to work the UK General Medical council within the UK, to ensure that all the defective doctors and nurses in public and private medical practice, the struck off and totally remove from legal medicine.
Not entitled to a medical wage of pension. There prescriptions invalid and illegal. They can no longer even prescribe Aspin!
So every nursing office has the validated 8 W three MHZ unit, so can clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute of ultrasound or application.
Though these nurse is required to remove the defective biochemical cancer treatments from the daily drug rounds in NHS or private hospitals.
So he is fus take in charge as UK prime minister should have seen this starts the removal process of every defective Dr. and nurse. And a legal medicine for life. Supervised by the European Court of human rights. Who have legal supremacy to the National Medical regulator like the GMC.
Since 2002 the application of the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments, has intentionally killed 47,000 UK residents. All medicated to effectively to death by their psychopathic doctors, and murderous nurses.
A total legal fine of 470 billion! Money paid to the next of kin. And obviously the involved doctors and nurses struck off and totally remove from legal medicine for life. The doctors facing 25 years of custodial jail sentence in high security prison, for each deliver medicated biochemical cancer death.
The most prolific, deliberate medical mass murderers in history! And the UK prime minister he should have acted day one, together were defective UK medics struck off, and prosecuted where appropriate.
And each family receiving a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, for each deliberate biochemical medical murder. Kier Starmer will go down in the history books as he UK prime minister who stood back and smiled, those doctors and nurses continued as the biggest and most prolific medical murderers ever.
No wonder his popularity is crashing! He should be getting the GMC to strike off there defective medics July 4th.
Keir Starmer's net favourability drops nine points from mid- ...
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So the greatest a drop in UK PM popularity ever. As he UK has realized his first big contribution to UK Life, after fell to prosecute Jimmy Savile. Despite damning evidence.
Then like all UK prime minister since 2002, when Tony Blair was UK prime minister, he has failed to act to stop the biggest deliberate medical mass murderer in history. Causing 47,000 UK cancer patient deaths since 2002.
That legal fine of 470 billion. Striking off every involved Dr., nurse, drug company and hospital department. Without doubt the most criminal UK prime minister in history.
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