Saturday, 24 August 2024

What is vape spiking?


Get addicted

 How to protect yourself as cases quadruple

Experts say vape spiking is on the rise. (Getty Images) (Ivan Pantic via Getty Images)

Experts are warning about the danger of vape spiking, with devices found laced with substances other than nicotine, such as spice and THC.

Figures, from police forces in England and Wales, obtained by The i under freedom of information laws, found the number of recorded vape spiking incidents has quadrupled since 2022.

I always thought the tobacco people we using Vapes to get young people addicted to smoking when they were older.  It is are worse than that!

Somebody is impregnated the turbo care sensation devices, Vapes with hardened drugs so to spice: the synthetic heroin!  Here he and people in particular addicted to hard drugs.  And get them to pay for the privilege.

Teachers turn a blind eye as Younis is get engulfed in a mist caused by their Vapes.  The saying it is nicotine.

But one is six Vapes laced with hard drugs.  THC promoters cannabis use.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (also known as THC) is a medicinal compound utilized to manage and treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and stimulate appetite. Naturally occurring THC is the principal psychoactive compound and 1 of the 113 cannabinoids identified within the class of cannabinoid medications.12 Nov 2023

Bates were developed tell feeble give up smoking.  Not to promote drug use.  Parents on a massively concerned by a child's Vapes usage.  I think that they should be very concerned, as these devices are being utilised by their and drug community, to get the next generation of drug users addicted.

Make schools Vapes free zones.  And put an 18 year restriction on their sale!

Friday, 23 August 2024

Curing antibiotic tolerance

fix infections

And viruses require a foreign pressurise cell structure, to divide in a single cell fashion.  Using some viral RNA to get infected structure replication.

I found through practical experimentation that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cause the clearance of all viral cell types.  Using the science published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.

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1 minute of this High Intensity UltraSound, caused the boiling and rupturing of cancers.  Which induces a local immune system to make and action the active human antibody to clear that dangerous foreign cell type from the body.

With bacteria ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest causing the foreign inflated bacterial structure to boil and rupture.  The bacterial structures require the same foreign inflated cell structure, to induce the B cells of the immune system, to copy the bacterial genome and give it a minimal cell wall.

If we apply the ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest the bacterial structures within the lungs, they experienced cell content boiling and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Every registered Dr. On earth was required to validate the Moffitt Paper on cancer 2002: that 1 minute clears all cancers and also bacteria!  Through practical experiment I found that ½ minute of HIUS to her patient's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

I've published my work 2010.  At which stage every registered Dr. On earth had to validate and then use HIUS to cure all infections.  The prescription of fungal antibiotics potentially ineffective and fatal medicine.

Just 1 minute from the doctors' 8 W three MHZ unit, clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  I have found practically medicine 8 W one MHZ unit as effective, costing under five UK pounds.

The Moffitt wanted $10,000 for the 8 W three MHZ units - medical offered opportunism.  It does not matter the nature of the infection.

It can be a viral or bacterial.  The antibody produced by the immune system can be a human antiviral or antibiotic - we really do not care.  Even freeze immune anti cancer to clear all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute.

The overuse of antibiotics has led to an antibiotic intolerance and lack of medical effectiveness.  But there is no tolerance to ultrasound.  Which is a physical cure.

To which bacterial infections will never produce a tolerance.  I had a girlfriend to MS are hospitalised which he had an antibiotic tolerant infection.  Cleared using high dosages of antibiotics.

It would have been cleared so easily at home using an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit: there that science was 25 years away!  But now the family is caring get their doctors to utilising 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit they already have to cure all viral and bacterial infections.

The Moffitt Paper 2002 made the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments defective and potentially fatal medicine.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company without legal argument.

Each antibiotic death since 2002 warranting a standard legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The same fancy for every medicated cancer death!  Of which there has been estimated 200 million since 2002.

A total legal fine of 2000 trillion.  The human lawyers can take the court actions the highest courts in the world, and get a payout of 200 trillion.  For all their medical malpractice we have intentionally fatal results!

The involved doctors get 25 years of custodial jail time for every patient death.  So remember, all bacterial infections cured by the sun was published 2002.

Personally confirmed 2010 in my church health group.  Where it cleared 30 viral and bacterial infections.  A 100% cure rate! 

Thursday, 22 August 2024

medical double think

Cancer & disease cured @ home

2002 and the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear prostate cancer and viruses.  They utilised 8 W three MHZ ultrasound.

I found that 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cleared all the cancers and infections I tried it on.  Breast, lung and colon cancers: lung cancer making up 80% other cancers out there 2000.

Household Facial Beauty Instrument Face And Neck Massage Device Small And Portable Beauty Tool

(100K+ sold), by
QM Personal care (100K+ sold)


Every registered Dr. On earth had to get their hands an 8 W three MHZ unit, and verify the new medical science.  Luckily physiotherapist have been using such devices to clear scar tissue and limb damage for 40 years.

It transpired that the inflated cell nature common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections rupture had and boiled and of this HIUS.  Medics had demonstrated practically that this cleared all 200 types of cancer out there.  The so any cancer which will ever evolved!

So 2002 and cancers were all cured.  And a every registered Dr. On earth had to practically validated and then use the new medical science, or be struck off!

So the prescription of chemo or radio therapies became defective an intentionally fatal medicine within two years!  That is how long it took an medicated cancer patient to die in expensive or agony.

I firstly validated 2010 that ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, clear all 30 viral and bacterial infections I tried it on.  And I published my results freely on the Internet!

After 2002 no registered Dr. could anymore prescribe cancer drugs.  Or they and the drug company struck off and for ever expelled from legal medicine.

Health Services around the world have seen their big cash cow vanish.  They are reduced to testing former cancer or diabetic patients, for every turn of the condition.

All the people will have used HIUS, or they would have been medicated to death by their psychopathic former Dr..

I cleared my stepfather of type two diabetes 2015.  Using ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas.  Type one requires the full minute.  As all validated by my American diabetic contacts.

March 2023 medics part on written record, that all diabetes had vanished from the world.  The diabetes gone for good!  Which leaves diabetic departments without any patients or staff.

The MHS is intent on an annual check UPS are the former diabetics, to see if there diabetes has come back.  It never well!  The partners blood sugar testing is medical malpractice.

In the same Earni testing OAPs the cancer is medical double think.  Every registered Dr. Has personally validated the 2002 Moffitt Paper on using HIUS to totally clear all 200 types or cancer.

So medics are totally aware that there is no cancer anywhere in the world.  Repeat testing of healthy patients for a nonexistent disease is again medical mall conduct.  There medics totally aware that cancers are medical history.

The there thre the cells and in the Christie cancer hospital, you cell queues of people outside.  So as cancers cease to exist, they have looked for other sources of revenue.

Choosing or heart disease and diabetes.  ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clears all heart problems.  Including heart rhythm issues, as promoted by the drug companies 2023.

When they realized 2019 coronary heart disease was suddenly cured without them.  In the same way cancers totally cured 2002.

Though it talk until 2020 two teacher had psychopathic individuals are the doctors prescription first: there first prescription of cancer drugs after they validated the Moffitt Paper.  Sore the Dr. and drug company struck off.

And much 2023 doctors recorded all diabetes had vanished.  So no drug company any more allowed to manufacture cancer, heart disease, diabetic all dementia drugs.

2010 I validated that ½ minute of HIUS totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  All dementia totally cured.  And no registered Dr. Is any more allowed to research treatments for cured infections.

So no cancer drug research since 2002.  Any academic medic researching cancer drugs struck off: as academic medics are registered doctors.  Or were!

All infective disease cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to each side of a person's chest.  A2 I have total cure to all viral and bacterial infections.

So hospitals can no longer do cancer medicine.  Which made up 80% of Dr. and drug company income.  Totally cured 2002.  The heart disease cure was published by medics and 30 patient double blind trial 2013.

I validated an published the type two diabetic cure 2010 and I confirmed that type one diabetic cure 2016.  And I wish I had known about the dementia cure earlier.

I emailed Freddie Mercury to suggest he vent a Dr. To prescribe interleukin two and four.  As is produced up ultrasound inflated cell types the boil and rupture.  The by cells of the immune system secrete interleukin two and four.

But the ultrasound device is fantastically cheap or and as effective! 

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

AIDs now cured

The world a safer place

Medicine rebranded the African slim disease as AIDs in 1986.  When I was busy doing a master's degree in to engineering and metallurgy.  Doing non destructive testing using X rays and ultrasound.

I was a slightly puzzled that the application of 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound to metal forgings cause cracks to emit X rays.  We're actually found physical molecular nuclear fusion.  In the equation below and SR is the stress raiser, like a crack.

1 H₂O+Fat+US+SR→He+O+E²+bubbles+X-ray so we got the formation of microbubbles of helium and oxygen gases.

When I left it all the santis to explain where the bubbles came from!  2000 I was back at Sheffield doing PH D work into nuclear fusion, and the Dr. Z.  And propose that the 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound with the ultrasound media, my factor in equation one, that did biological molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

It works as cancer is within the body must have a foreign pressurise cell structure, to induce infective structure replication.  Ultrasound scans heated up the cancer cells, and cause the emission of X rays.

2001 myself and the Dr. got interested.  So much so my PH D work was abruptly ended with no award.  When I continued my work when I was busy writing songs and singing in salford.

My ideas went by the national institute of health, to the Moffitt cancer centre chain and in 2002 3 medical professors there published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear prostate cancer at one session/

They utilised an 8 W 3 MHz device.  I bought an 8 W 1 MHz device, and validate and make you are on breast, lung and colon cancers: lung cancer being 80% other cancers out there in 2000.

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The cancer cells boil had and ruptured, causing minimal cell damage.  Enough to cause immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear that dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body and brain.

2002 registered doctors verified that external application of HIUS for 1 minute clears all cancers.  All 200 types!  The drug company is were livid.  Their main cash cow or had been cured!

And medicine prohibits treatments to already cured diseases.  So all cancer drugs became defective and criminal medical prescriptions 2002.  The Moffitt Paper the referenced viruses, so I wrote about ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections, including AIDs.

Non am I gay friends had AIDs.  So the document sets on the Internet for four years from 2008.  Presumably read by millions of registered doctors around the world.

All legally required by the Hippocratic oath, to try out my ideas.  And I was waiting to hear back from them.  They are back from Brett who was HIV⁺.

I have I seen to buy a an 8 W one MHZ unit.  Which the Moffitt recommended to clear cancers.  Which share the same foreign inflated viral structure as viral infections.

His union arrive from China in five days: I don't know he was more anxious!  He used it, ½ minute each side use chest, and the sex GP a appointment was fully discharged from all AIDs Medical Care.  As he was now HIV⁻.

We are both are published the wonderful in use on the Internet, and them in two weeks AIDs has vanished from the world.  But there was no or five million advertising campaign told the world AIDs was cures.

So for six years suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the defective, but fatal to the patient within a decade, AIDs treatments until 2018.

Each such defective Dr. Required to strike themselves off their first defective prescription 2012.  And cease medical practice for life!  And fortunately drug companies have packed out there National Medical regulators we've former doctors still pretending to practice legal medicine.

And lawyers are reluctant to get involved in medicine.  The National Medical regulators keep prescription records of all their doctors.  Any Dr. Who prescribed cancer or AIDs treatments from 2002 and 2012, the struck off without legal argument.

Losing Dr. Medical registration and Health Insurance.  There medical practice doubly criminal!  They must return or all medical fees charged to their patients since they were struck off.  And get no medical pension!

But 2012 and the most heinous viral infection in human history, AIDs was cured in 1 minute using 8 W ultrasound.  The now professor Z if uses so I was the guy he who published the 100% cure to AIDs.  Ironically enough I use a extension to his idea and the on ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion.

A process that skills with liquid pressure.  Hence 8 W ultrasound clears cancer and viral infected cells like AIDs, while only immediate bystander cells to the exploding cancer cells, are damaged.

A leading to a 100 per cent cancer and viral cure.  I do not follow that I was not medically trained, though my medical friends did tell me useful stuff!  So I thought about the cure to cancers and AIDs, and

Totally clearing the horrendous diseases that use to kill 1/3rd of the developed world.  Also clearing the worst viral infection in human history.  For 0.0004 cents per patient.

Medics were OK there engineers starving staff.  After all they give up to join replacements.  The massively expensive medical intervention into the aged.

They were not impressed by the almost free cure to AIDs which vanished from the world 2012.  You're wonderful at Sheffield University would have violated the award in the a PH D, as I tell them about the personally validated AIDs cure 2015.  But they were embarrassed.

The greatest piece of unsupported thinking, curing the previously incurable viral infection the drug industry is had raised five billion to research.  I cured AIDs, and a costly two PCs and 45 UK pounds.

Medicine has never paid me any money and Sheffield never give me any credit.  The lives I have saved!  Enjoy.  Incidentally it is my 16th birthday tomorrow.  So this is all cost me 22 years of my life!  No charge.

Diabetes does not exist any more

Diabetes all done March 2023

Doctors part on rich and record March 2023, that all diabetes had vanished from the world.  Or although type one in two diabetes!  Surgically induced diabetes still arises.

½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas clears type two diabetes instantly.  This is a commercially sourced High Intensity UltraSound as used by the Moffitt cancer centre to clear cancers 2002.

Household Facial Beauty Instrument Face And Neck Massage Device Small And Portable Beauty Tool

(100K+ sold), by
QM Personal care (100K+ sold)


Drug company is have a real problem that HIUS clears all the diseases of age - caused by pressurised foreign cell types.  Clearing cancers, heart disease, diabetes, or dementia and other diseases of age.

2010 I firstly validated at my church health group, there ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the bottom right of the chest clear type two diabetes.  I cleared it for my mother and stepfather!

Who are still can't believe that my medically licensed home beauty device had any effect.  Is has eradicated cancers from the world.  1 minute applied to where it hurts, medically proven to clear all cancers 2002.

Detaching medics from prescribing the no defective chemo or radio therapies, proved to be very very difficult.  Even there every medic has pledged to verify and then use best new medical science.

So 2002 and the only legal cancer medicine was HIUS.  Each cancer patient death on to treatment for cancer by their Dr., Once a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term for each defective an intentionally fatal prescription of chemo or radio therapy.

Surely the saddest and most fatal medical malpractice in history!  An estimated 200 million people intentionally medicated to death as the defective medicine for cancer.

Every GP has prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, guilty are defective and criminal medical malpractice.  Struck off at their own hand the day there first prescribed cancer drugs after they had to verify the Moffitt Paper 2002.

There subsequent medical practice illegal and an insured.  They must return or medical fees to their unfortunate patients or more likely next of kin.  Ceasing to pretend to discharge legal medicine.

2020 and doctors part on written record they cancers have stopped forming around the world: still focused on prescribing the defective and fatal drug based cancer treatments.

2024 and the UK he was finally cancer free, 80% of the economic income there the doctors and drug company is banished.  Doctors who have prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off and removed from medical wages and future medical pension.

The doctors who talk early retirement, must repay all pension and payments made to them, and get no medical pension.  Receiving a 25 year jail term for each medicated cancer death the induced deliberately on there patients.

Keir Starmer has increased NHS buget to 290 billion.  Not quite sure why!  A to is under the economic activity use to be cancers.

For last 22 years totally curable by 1 minute of HIUS.  Soapy bubble their own 8 W one MHZ unit no costing under five UK pounds, and clear their own cancers.

So all the highly paid staff within the NHS do the cancer, useless!  And they have no useful skill set in any other medical discipline.  Keir Starmer  Is required to ensure the General Medical council class act them retrospectively 2002.

So the labour prime minister all being responsible for the greatest way off in NHS staff over.  He then faced legal fines and jail sentences.  The most criminal or murderous medics in UK Medical history.

My PH D supervisor at Sheffield University 2000, so that I was not doing enough work.  And so ended my PH D studies.  They continued with my work on cancer an ultrasound, and ended up saving the lives of 1/3 developed world.

47,000 cancer patients within the UK.  Now all totally fit and well.  And cancer three.  Medics will not give up on diabetes.

Type one diabetes does require the fall minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest to clear instantly.  ½ minute causes it to remit only in three days.  They a disease that use kill 5% of medical patients around the world, cured due to my PH D work at Sheffield.

The national institute of health, the Moffitt cancer hospital chain contributed towards my idea on the cure of cancers.  Nobody helped with my work on diabetes.  I have lost four non blood relatives to the condition.

My local health centre E mailed me yesterday the about losing weight to stop Prix diabetes.  Type two diabetes totally cleared 2010 and the idea was freely published on the Internet.

Which had to be read, firstly validate and then use by every registered Dr. On earth: or they were automatically struck off and totally removed from legal medicine.  Type two diabetes as extinct as type one diabetes.

Not existing around the earth since March 2023.  Yet every day and TV the UK medics are on about type two diabetes.  Which is not existed for over a year!  They are meant to keep up their medical developments by the day.

Talking about type two diabetes should have stopped 1st of April, 2023.  All type one and two diabetes having ceased.  Cured physically.  No Dr. or drugs involved.

Surely the most important medical development which Sheffield University can claim to have helped develop.  Instead Sheffield is deeply embarrassed that I help cure the cancer, and dad cure type one or two diabetes.  It should be on all the university pamphlets.

When I was in Sheffield I was doing work on diabetes.  Never expected to come to anything.  Leading into the direct total cure.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Drug laced Vapes

Don't get addicted

The drug community has vanished onto Vapes as a nice way to get people addicted to class A drugs.  The police have found that one is six Vapes has Spice in it.

This is A laboratory form of heroin!  So people think they are getting a buzz from nicotine, are really getting addicted to a very serious drug. 

Putting spice in Vapes is just criminal!  These units sold to break a person's addiction to cigarettes is get them addicted to a far more serious drug.

Monday, 19 August 2024

UK hates Keir?

UK's most hated

Keir Starmer's popularity takes a dip just six weeks after the election

The British public is a little less keen on Sir Keir Starmer and his Labour cabinet after six weeks of them being in power, a new poll has found.

Since the election on July 4, the prime minister’s net approval has dipped from plus seven to zero, with the same percentage (38%) of people having a favourable and unfavourable view of him.

But Keir is not remotely bothered.  He is made in a lifetime habit, not to listen to the public!  He is there to tell them what to think.  This air required they should listen to their worries.

This is carried him six totally through the recent riots.  He just gets the police to throw all processes in jail.  Problem sorted!  Only the British public don't really agree.

Saturday, 17 August 2024

cost of UK factor 8 blood scandal → Dr.s

It is a matter of simple law.  The cost does not fall on the publicly owned NHS.  But rather on their private Medical Insurance are the involved doctors.

Personally on the doctors' whose negligent screening of blood products, alleged contaminated factor eight to enter the UK medical arena.

Then on to the doctors who prescribed the negligently screened blood products: there there lawyers will probably argue the cost falls on the makers of the contaminated blood products.  The factor 8 blood clotting enzyme.

Which should have been screened out.  Bypassing the enzyme through a very fine filter.  Which would have blocked all viral and bacterial cells.

2000 Dr Z gave me the idea from his uncle in Columbia University, that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.

1 H₂O+US→He+O+E which professor Argent named as molecular nuclear fusion.  To be clearer than my initial name of molecular fusion.  We are talking about the fusing of hydrogen ions to form helium.

My PH she was inexplicably ended without award.  But as the then Dr. Z has suggested I kept of my interest in nuclear fusion, are busy writing songs and sing on theatre stages.

The end of my PH D work high, sided with me sing on stage at the Lowry theatre salford for a week.  The 'Ring of Stones' production.

I sent the idea of using 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound to restrict growth rates of the pressurise viral altered cells that we know as cancers.  It went by the national institute of health, to the Moffitt cancer centre.

Who utilised 8 W 3 MHZ to clear initially prostate cancer.  Every registered Dr. On earth bought us and $1000 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, and had external application to where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers out there.

Household Facial Beauty Instrument Face And Neck Massage Device Small And Portable Beauty Tool

(100K+ sold), by
QM Personal care (100K+ sold)


Since their paper 2002 the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments and another cancer drugs, has been defective an intentionally fatal medicine, but doctors and drug company is were addicted to the finance is generated by cancer drugs.

Even though just one prescription for cancer drugs after the Moffitt Paper, the struck off the Dr. and drug company.  All the doctors prescriptions then invalid and illegal.  There medical practice criminal and uninsured.

The drug companies stripped of all other biochemical drug patents they once owned.  There first day of manufacture and sale of the now defective cancer drugs.

The doctors'Hippocratic oath is a most stringent professional oath on the planet.  Taken by drug companies and higher up nurses.  Who must validate and apply best new medical science.

So 2002 and the nurses informed lower down nurses, no longer to assist with the defective an intentionally fatal cancer drugs.  Or nurses had to apply 1 minute of the 8 W ultrasound unit in the nursing office, externally to clear all cancers.

No Dr. or drugs involved!  Basically a three nurse administered cancer cure.  Feeble can buy their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet, and in 1 minute clear all divide cancers.

½ minute of this HIUS each side of the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  As presume is also clears parasitic infections.  Curing infections stops the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, or dementia and other diseases of age.

I drove over to Sheffield 2015, and presented the now a professor Z we are void total cure of HIV.  ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest.  Practically confirmed by my contact in New York.

There are professor got a double first at Columbia University!  New York who has never thanked me for my cure of HIV 2012: that saw HIV eradicated from the earth within two weeks.

Which did not stop suppose the registered doctors still prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal a decade, AIDs treatments until 2018.  Six years after HIV he had vanish from the planet.

And doctors are not allowed to medicate the well patient's against a nonexistent diseases.  Or they are automatically struck off!  I mean touch with the New York Times, following my three trips to New York.

Presumably they had noticed that HIVI had vanished from the world 2012.  There medical prescriptions an research into non existent virus, had halted 2018: after intervention from the New England medical journal, or Nature Immunology.  I have no way of knowing which was more effective!

But around the world there will still be medically registered academic medics, desperately trying to research biochemistry and AIDs.  No there disease vanished 22 years ago.

Any variant of HIV totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.  Validated to clear cancers 2002.

This seriously doctors carried on prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal cancer drugs until 2020.  When cancers had vanished from the earth!

The NHS expense 80% of its income on the now non existing cancers.  So must return or 120 billion to the UK prime minister.  2002 the labour PM was Tony Blair.  The NHS but it was 65 billion.

2013 1/2 minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys was medically proved to clear all heart diseases.  Including coronary heart disease.  Totally cure on for Xi years.

Hospital heart departments are all shut down!  As C had to specialist cancer hospitals and wards.

2010 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, clear type two diabetes instantly.  My American diabetic friends reported a three day delay we had type one remitting, or instantly clearing with 1 minute of HIUS.

Cancers, heart disease and diabetes made a 100 per cent of the profits of Health Systems around the world.  All totally cured without drugs or Dr. Involvement.

Astra Zeneca Air has tried to retrench on a vaccination medicine the 1950s.  Which tragically kills one in 200 people vaccinated.  Hence the MMR scandal!  Though the vaccination tended to more lethal than the measles, mumps and rubella he was designed to prevent.

Today the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Which share the foreign inflated cell structure with all cancers.  So the cancer cure also cures all infections.

Just as AstraZeneca referred to invest 65 million, into a vaccination production facility in the UK.  But vaccinations are defective medicine!  With an intentional death rate of 0.5%.

HIUS cures all do that infections with no patient death involved!  A1 minute cure to all infective disease.  Required no hyper expensive specialist production facility.

Vaccination medicine years defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  Prohibited by a human rights legislation, and the human rights lawyers have legal supremacy to the National Medical regulators.

Certainly Astra Zeneca will not get government assistance develop and he illegal defective medical facility in the UK.  Hence AstraZeneca are away trying to think of new drug based medicine that is legal and useful.  There isn't any!

The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest would even clear the common cold.  Which is totally outside legal vaccination medicine.  As a vaccination by that for all strains of Covid is obsolete and never licensed.

So any misguided GP who gave just one Covid19 the vaccination guilty of applying unlicensed an defective medicines.  They and the drug company is struck off without legal appeal.  Also striking off the assisting nurses and pharmacists.

All totally remove from legal medicine for ever without legal appeal.  I studied health and safety during my master's degree in the 1980s.  Which I wrongly thought was that useless as a war taught to me by Sheffield University.

The call for more which governs the medical industry turn out to V very useful.  No biochemical drug application legal since 2002.  As the cancer and viral cure was published by the Moffitt.

Which in 2012 I used to clear my New York contact, to cure AIDs.  Which surely must make a fascinating and very sale of or article for the New York Times.  Though obviously it is now or 12 years on!

And the medics still desperately looking for AIDs₂.  Automatically cleared by the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to each side of a person's chest.  Choir possibly the most important, and totally unacknowledged idea developed from the concepts taught to me at Sheffield University.

Who are deeply embarrassed that I was right!  AIDs the disease it killed five million people, and so Boselli the biggest problem out there, cured 2012.  Using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit they can be purchased a day he for under five UK pounds.

A one session total cure!  Come on New York Times.  Divide from the ideas on nuclear fusion given to me by Dr Z, who got a double first at Columbia, New York.