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Kier employs medical murders |
He has no choice! As he signed a document serve legal correctness to start the crown prosecution service. And he is not allowed to be the employer of the illegal individuals.
And in 2002 the world leading Moffitt cancer centre, publicity use of a single session of high intensity ultrasound as a one session total cure to cancers and viruses.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 or 3 MHZ ultrasound totally clears all inflated foreign cell searches in the body. Such foreign cell types like cancers and viruses, thus have a foreign inflated cell structure to induce cell replication.
Body cells bud off DNA he monitored stem cells. That viruses and cancers are locked out from. Bacterial infections also have an inflated cell structure, to induce copying other genome by the over helpful B cells of the immune system.
½ minute of our 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest, causes the clearance of all due like viral and bacterial infections: as personally confirmed 2010 the 30 different viral and bacterial infections.
Making the prescription of fungal antibiotics defective and potentially fatal medicine. Striking off the involved prescribing Dr. and drug company. Also the assisting nurses.
So since that time of Tony Blair;s premiership, every registered Dr. On earth had to acquire an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify the Moffitt Paper on curing cancers.
Making the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments defective an intentionally fatal medicine: killing the cancer patient within two years usually!
So since 2002 all the UK premiers to the four so the GMC to strike off every cancer treatment prescribing Dr.. Also are forcing the rcn to strike off all assisting cancer nurses. The organizations carry the individuals Health Insurance.
So since 2002 no doctors were allowed to prescribe biochemical cancer treatments. Or were required the same day to strike themselves off and leave medicine for life, gusty new medical practice was her biggest medical illegal in UK history.
And I have personally ensured that Kier Starmer, the crown prosecution service and the European Court of human rights are fully aware of this massive and illegal medical malpractice.
Just one prescription of cancer medication, and the doctors struck off and toes remove from medicine for life. Stripped of medical wages and subsequent medical pension.
Higher up nurses take the full Hippocratic oath, so or forced to validate our new medical science. So were required 2002 to have eyes lower down nurses no longer to assist the biochemical cancer treatment delivery.
The only legal cancer medicine was HIUS. A 1 minute total cure to all 200 cancers out there. Both viral and bacterial infections share the foreign inflated cell nature, to induce infective structure replication.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Which I used November 2019 to clear my seasonal flu - before the medics had decided to use a medical name of Covid19.
It works for all subsequent versions of the care of it flu virus. It today he we're on Covid23. Ancer although medical professors from the Moffitt told me, obsolete vaccinations have a counter productive effect on the new infection strain.
So the defective Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months into a legally required two year drug testing regime. It was medically inert on later versions of Covid.
Killing one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals - medically accepted death rate for even licensed vaccinations. And the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed an legal human medicine.
Any Dr. Prescribing unlicensed medication struck off and expelled from medicine for ever. 10 million UK pounds for each vaccination death. 345 billion Covid19 vaccinations given from January 2021: already within the year of Covid20.
So not one life saved. But the vaccinations resulted in the predictable deaths of 17 million healthy individuals around the world! A total legal fine of 170 billion.
Each involved Dr. and nurse struck off without legal argument.
With the NHS the ultimate boss is he UK prime minister - no Kier Starmer. For earlier to force the resignation and finding, plus dispensation of 25 years are jail time for every vaccination murder, of every involved Dr. and assisting nurse.
He showed on this day one of his premiership! He has not yet done it. The European courts and the CPS caring get his removal as UK prime minister. They have the legal gravitas.
And the European courts can enforced a new UK general election. Where the removal of every labour minister. The finds and jail time for the UK ministers is a matter for the lawyers!
As he is the fines and jail time for the nurses. The Miners will be in the millions! Which nurses can obviously not pay.
The following year the UK prime minister will be quite exceptional. Though she will be in high security prison with a multi life jail term. The most criminal UK prime minister in history!
Robert Walpole is the only person to have served as prime minister for more than two decades. Liz Truss is the shortest-serving prime minister, resigning after seven weeks. The previous shortest time served was George Canning, who served for less than four months before dying in office.
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