Thursday 4 July 2024

Cancer Research can't

2002 the Moffitt cancer centre in America, published a single application of high intensity ultrasound to clear the foreign inflated cell types common to all cancers and viruses.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of a person's chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any Dr. or drugs interaction!  I used it November 2019, to clear my seasonal flu one month after Covid18 have been renamed as Covid19.

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An automatic rename process every year on the 1st of October!  The Covid number is last two digits of that year's winter.  Thus Covid19 only enter the world's 1 October, 2019.
Cured in 1 minute using my trusty 8 W ultrasound unit.  I freely published my total cure a on the Internet.  And a every registered Dr. Already owned an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, used to validate the 100 per cent cancer cure!  As published 2002.
Every registered Dr. On earth had to verify the new medicine and then use it within five days!  They bought their 8 W three MHZ unit.  And verify the total cancer cure!
Making cancer treatments defective and fatal medical malpractice, killing the cancer patient within two years!
No registered Dr. any more allowed to research are apply cancer treatments after the Moffitt Paper 2002.  By cancer research only employed registered doctors to do biochemical cancer research.
But after the Moffitt Paper alternative research into treatments for Lesag a cured condition, was hellishly illegal!  Striking off so every researching Dr. - who is then totally ejected from legal medicine for ever.

There medical practice was totally dependent on cancer drugs.  Which generated 80% of medical practice income.  But 2002 became illegal medical malpractice.
Registered doctors not even allowed to research biochemistry and cancer.  There first day of cancer research into biochemical treatments, there last day as a registered legal Dr..
The cancer research is still blazing appealing for charitable donations, to fund the illegal biochemical cancer research and nobody on earth can do!  And has not been a water since 2002.
It was incredibly difficult to get registered doctors to stop prescribing the illegal and deliberately fatal biochemical cancer treatments.  It took until 2020, and presumably in part from the New England Medical journal, for cancers to vanish from the earth!
At this juncture a biochemical cancer research was not even possible!  There were no cancers on earth anymore.  Cancer Research depends on people donating money who was a relative who had cancer previously.
The adverts are more than 24 years old.  Talking about people developing cancer every 2 minutes!  Maybe early 2002.  The since 2020 no body demands cancer!
As people are applied the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, the clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.
Medicine has dust we built up Alzheimer's as the new incurable condition as all cancers totally cured 2020.  2010 I published my work at my church health group, there ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side ahead totally cleared developed Alzheimer's.
Far from being a scary incurable disease, in response to the application of 8 W ultrasound - which clears all cancers.  Which for a century water the scary incurable disease.  Then 2002 totally an utterly cured.
No registered Dr. Could ever research already cured diseases.  A member medicine prohibits research into a treatment for a cured condition.
So every Dr. Working for the cancer research struck off without legal argument!  The TV adverts chest misleading and totally force.
Cancer Research itself serves no purpose as all 200 cancers were totally and utterly cured 2002.  And the cure verified by every registered Dr. and higher nurse on earth.  All drug company is signed the doctors Hippocratic oath, so had to verify that HIUS cured all cancers and mental health problems.
Then globally prohibited from manufacture and sale of cancer on mental health medicine.  ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage totally cleared type two diabetes.
The fall minute clearing type one diabetes totally by March 2023.  At which stage the earth was diabetes free.  Which does not start the diabetic charities are still trying to raise donations!
Even there there is no diabetes on earth anywhere.  Diabetes UK totally pointless and spurious!

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