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Colds cured @ home |
2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear prostate cancer and viruses.
The every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit and confirmed the 1 minute of this an 8 W ultrasound applied externally will clear all 200 cancers out there. Causing the cancer cells to boil and rupture!
The cancer cells, like viral and bacterial infections have a foreign inflated cell nature. Though easily enough applying HIUS so for biological molecular nuclear fusion, at body temperature and pressure!
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray they are cancer biopsies in the laboratory, the road to cell contents had micro bubbles of helium and free radical oxygen, and the rupturing cells give off X rays!
So no 18 billion dollar engineering plant! You sell 8 W ultrasound massage device costing below five UK pounds, did nuclear fusion in the body! This is important to know.
So 2002 every registered Dr. On earth confirmed that ultrasound NG cancers with high intensity ultrasound destroyed the cancer cells!
It cures all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute. Instantly making the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments illegal medical malpractice!
1988 and nurses in the UK signed the American nightingale pledge: promising to be aware off and utilised best medicine. High up nurses take the doctors Hippocratic oath.
So had to validate the effectiveness of HIUS at first hand. And inform lower down nurses that the only legal cancer medicine was HIUS.
All nurses since 2002 assisting the cancer drug treatments, I was doing defective and illegal medicine! Strike in themselves off the nursing register. The royal college of nursing has the legal imperative to remove or cancer treatment nurses since 2002, or have the legal nursing register.
Key are starmer wishes to increase NHS funding. He was first inshore every defective nurse and Dr. or struck off, and removes for ever from legal medicine.
2012 my contact in New York was HIV⁺. He bought his own 8 W one MHZ unit over the Internet from China, and applied it for ½ minute each side use chest. And totally cleared his AIDs. We shared our work freely with the Internet and AIDs vanished in two weeks.
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2019 I used the same idea to clear my seasonal flu - one month after Covid became Covid19. The care of it number is last two digits of that year's winter! Any obsolete vaccination is counter productive.
So far only 2024 Astra Zeneca stopped making and selling the obsolete, counter productive, and a unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
Medics have found some experience that an obsolete vaccination it worsened the patient experience from the new infection strain. My mother experienced the worst flu of my life twice.
I told her not to have another Covid19 vaccination, but what mother ever listens to her son about anything. 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given, were already within the year of Covid20. So not one life saved!
Medics accept that vaccinations will intentionally kill one in 200 of those vaccinated. Here 17 million people were murdered by hypodermic! Being given a useless an unlicensed but counter productive vaccination.
The total legal fine and eye watering 170 billion. 10 million for every vaccination death! The vaccinating Dr. Struck off, this idea 25 year jail term for each vaccination death. And for ever remove from legal medicine!
To cure the common cold, we so deftly do not need a vaccination! ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.
Just as it cleared AIDs from the universe 2012: illegally medics were still prescribing the pointless but lethal AIDs treatments until 2018. Again the doctors struck off and imprisoned!
So in the UK it we came clear the common cold! Using ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest as home. All utilising the doctors' 8 W three MHZ unit in any health centre in the world.
Which will stop the development of cancers, diabetes and dementia: but doctors complain that all diabetes had vanished from the earth March 2023. The biggest health boon ever to humanity!
Making subsequent prescription of insane or metformin criminal medical malpractice. The choir possibly fatal results!
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