Friday 5 July 2024

Hinkley point not insurable

From 1986, the year of Chernobyl, the annual operating insurance required for 100 MW nuclear power plant, was set at 40 billion!  They carried a criminally insufficient 50 million, the insurance cover applicable since the Windscale incident in 1978.

The missing insurance cover is now carried by the decommissioning consortia.  And since Fukushima in 2010 the nuclear insurance cost was set at 100 billion a year.

The insurance of Hinckley Point nine operating consent, faced as the plant ceased operation in 1990.

Hinkley Point A nuclear power station

Decommission date May 23, 2000

Owner(s) Central Electricity Generating Board (1965–1989) Nuclear Electric (1989–1996) Magnox Electric (1996–2005) Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (2005–present)

As King Charles has personally E mailed me, any new nuclear plant would require a royal commission.  Passing just 100 million!  Since hinkley point was shut down 34 years ago, the construction consortia wishing to restart the plant, would have to fund the role commission.  Which was decide 'hell No'!

The consortium will be liable for although missing insurance cover since 1986.  There being no globally available insurance for the required 100 billion.  So all for 155 existing nuclear power plants, operating criminally under insured!

Each needing a 100 billion of annual insurance.  The insurance cost cannot be carried in house.  As one nuclear incident would wipe out all the nuclear insurance cover is!

Sizewell B was billed as an illegal extension to Sizewell A.  This was simple have you sell planning laws!  It requires own royal commission, then annual insurance cover of 40 billion for 1986 until 2010.  When insurance cover rose to the impossible 100 billion!

Since the privatisation nuclear power under Tony Blair, he to nuclear plant has been liable for its own insurance cover: no longer depending on carbon insurance!  So from 1986 the required insurance became 40 billion a year.

Any nuclear facility without the insurance cover operating criminally.  So or four years of illegal operation of Hinckley Point, the required insurance cover of 160 billion.

And remember the insurance cover today he is 100 billion a year!  And when he hinkley point shut down 1990, its operating consent and insurance were were void!

It requires its own royal commission, casting 100 billion and take in three years.  The annual insurance costs will be 100 billion.  There being no commercial insurance above one billion, any new hinkley point planning consent automatically rejected.

The justification for nuclear power since 1986 has been it is carbon zero.  No he isn't!  Building a new nuclear plant is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions - it is all a a fossil fuel burn on limestone to freeze the cement required for its reinforced concrete.

Nuclear power very much carbon zero!  When include plant was shut down in last operating consent and insurance cover.  And remember if requires 160 billion are back insurance payments.

Just Wheeling in a new turbine is irrelevant.  Hinkley point would require its own royal commission, and then operating cover of 100 billion a year.  And the nuclear consortia would require to have a 116 billion of missing insurance cover.

And remember all for 455 nuclear power plants in the world require annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  A total insurance burden of 47 trillion!

To make an annual operating profit of only 18 billion.  Leaving the nuclear consortia 92 billion a year in debt!

And the oil price today has crashed to below $78.00 a barrel.  Nuclear power loses money at below $100 a barrel.  Hence is operating loss is 12 billion a year.

Enior hinkley plant would require its own royal commission and insurance.  Both there which precluded nuclear power!  Any consortia without them for 160 billion in missing insurance payments before the role commission delivered or a resounding'**** off'

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