Wednesday, 31 July 2024

stopping epidemics

Stop disease outbreaks

The three medical professors from the world's leading Moffitt cancer hospital chain, were awarded the 1915 noble prize in medicine, for publishing the use of high intensity ultrasound to totally clear the inflated cell structure, the common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

This is the gold standard for medical validation!  To which there is no argument.  As there 2002 paper on using HIUS to clear prostate cancer and viruses, the registered medics all bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit from the Moffitt.

And found that it would clear all 200 cancers in 1 minute!  Without any Dr. or drugs involvement.  Every registered Dr. acquired the HIUS unit and had to validate the new medical science: or they were been struck off the doctors' medical register, there prescriptions invalid there medical practice criminal for life.

Yeah suppose the registered doctors continued prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments until 2018.  Causing an estimated 200 million cancer patient had deaths until 2018.  A total legal fine of 2000 trillion.

I have personally validated even clear lung, breast and colon cancers.  Lung cancer V80 percent of the human cancers out there 2000.  Cured in 1 minute!  Using a five UK pound 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.

2010 I validated at unit will clear 30 friends of different viral and bacterial infections.  It does not matter the type.  All viral and bacterial infection share the same inflated cell structure with cancers.

Care of it years the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.  Causing human death of 3.5% of infected people, since 1934.  Crucially below the 5% required for medics to classify the infection as a pandemic.  It is just the seasonal flu!

So November 2019 I have personally validated ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side my chest totally cleared my seasonal flu: before I was away he was even called paramedics Covid19.

Covid is afforded a new version number every 1st of October, the last two digits of the upcoming winter.  Which he is the problem for vaccinations!  Which to why a vaccination to Covid all the common cold has been prohibited by the medics since 1934.

The vaccination even today it would take six months to produce.  Then entering a legally required two year drug licensing regime.  But be obsolete the counterproductive within six months.

So never licensed!  So no Covid vaccination could ever be licensed.  There no Dr. Is allowed to give unlicensed and counterproductive medicine.  The Covid vaccination my mother's experience, may the flu worse.  And with an increase of patient death rate.

Each vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, where the vaccination is obsolete and unlicensed.  The doctors struck off without legal argument.

We are within the year of Covid23, becoming Covid24 the 1st of October, 2024.  This is standard medical naming.  Agreed by international convention.

Metformin standard ½ minute of 8w ultrasound each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  The school nurse can Kiev the ultrasound within the school medical room, and stop the child taking the infection back enter in fact the family.

Chosen or the medics term infections vectors.  They carry infections out into the community causing epidemics.  Which can now be all abated at source!  There is no patient intolerance to ultrasound.

And he works for all viral and bacterial infections.  In the same whether it cleared all cancers 2002.

Any Dr. Prescribing biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, struck off.  Returning or wages back to 2002.  An drying no medical pension.  Totally excluded from legal medical practice.

Which is why Astra Zeneca cease production of the obsolete, unlicensed and counterproductive Covid19 vaccination two months ago.  The world that does not need a Covid vaccination.

They standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of a person's chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections as the patient feels them coming on.

Just as 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound totally cleared all cancers from the world 2002: making the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments since that date, superfluous, defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

A and a every registered Dr. On earth had to validate the effectiveness of 8 W ultrasound clearing all cancers and infections.  Or they were struck off remove from legal medicine for ever 2002. 

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Total cancer and Covid cure

Cancer and Covid fixed

The drug companies do not want to admit it.1 as cancers were at their big cash cow!  But in 2002 three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre in America, published the external application of High Intensity UltraSound, as a one session total cancer cure.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 or 3 MHz ultrasound applied externally to where it hurt, the total cure to all cancers.  Surely this year's something annoucing in prime minister's question time!

As it is such important years so every UK citizen deserves to be told.  The cure was published 2002.  And every registered Dr. On earth verify the paper with an 8 W three MHZ unit.  Costing $10,000 from the Moffitt!

I have verified the Moffitt work using an 8 W one MHZ unit, costing under five UK pounds today.

A home total cure!  Involving no Dr. or drugs.  In their drug company is and doctors lost 80% other income!  The having desperately scratching around for methods to raise money from extinct diseases.

There is no point in testing for cancers!  As 2002 every registered Dr. Was aware the one session total cancer cure.  Yet they still continue prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.

Warranting the agonising, expensive deaths of 47,000 UK citizens.  A total fine of 470 billion.  The most expensive medical malpractice in history!

Striking off every involved Dr., Nurse and pharmacist.  The doctors, strained by their Hippocratic oath.  Taken freely by high up nurses and drug companies.

The drug company is charges ceasing production of cancer biochemical treatments 2002.  As they were now defective medicine!  And the high up nurses legally charged with ensuring lower down nurses only applied HIUS as cancer medicine.  No cancer drug distribution was legal!

The three medical professors tried for eight years to get the medical world so listen.  Then took early retirement in discussed!  I took up the mantle.  I have RE interested in health issues due to my stepfather Don Clark, labour Mayor of Bolton.

Carried the interests throughout all my life!  And it took 18 years for he was a Bio their own 8 W one MHZ unit and cure their own cancers at home: or are applying the health centre 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.

For me by 2020 cancers had ceased forming around the world.  The 1 minute of external HIUS clearing all divide cancers without any medicines required.  So they are in a cancer free world!

And medicine has gone insolvent.  No industry has ever survived losing 80% of its core income.  ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Irrespective of strain of type!  Medical vaccinations are hellishly specific.  In the case of the common cold and Covid they are obsolete in counter productive only six months in 2A2 year legally required drug licensing scheme.

So the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed legal human medicine.  Any Dr. It giving a Covid vaccination doing criminal and potentially fatal medical malpractice.  Totally struck off!  All the assisting nurses and pharmacists.

HIUS will also clear all bacterial infections, fungal antibiotic tolerance irrelevant!

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Karmala can't win

Karmala on a losing ticket

Can Kamala Harris break the vice-presidents' curse?

Prospect Magazine › the-insider › can-...

4 days ago — Tarnished by the president's record, sitting VPs tend to lose presidential elections.

The vice-president usually has a reduced chance of election when the president has served his two terms.

When s/he takes over from a president on health grounds, there is a vanishing Lee little chance.  They are tarnished by all the president's miss deads.

Then we come to the 'I' problem.  Immigration!  Karmela is are vastly had by the republicans for no even visiting the border.  Here in the UK the children of immigrants themselves think in the UK is overpopulated.

I want to C no more immigration.  Some of the key to swing states in the U.S., Are amazingly consent of the immigration.  This could swing the US election.

And it is worth noting only George Bush Sr., But the trend are not elected vice presidents.  I think because Ronald Reagan made such a good job of things!  I will obviously have to log on to the he can lose their site and get more informed!

For Karmala the unforgivable sin for Bidon was he using the water time presidential authority, to undo the democratically passed measures of the senate and Congress.

Which was so undemocratic!  And well for ever tarnish Karmala Harris's attempts on getting the American presidency.

As all the supplies set Hillary Clinton did not get elected.  She had a massive public perception.  Karmala has none.  The leading in the public mind to the undemocratic actions of President Biden.  Which even Idi Amin would he have been ashamed at.

Regarded as one of the influential feminist author in the post-colonial era, Das wrote in her mother tongue Malayalam as well as in English. For her vernacular readers, she adopted the pen name Madhavi Kutty.1 Feb 2018

He ate his political rivals.  As Prospect puts it

There is another problem for sitting VPs. You literally personify the outgoing administration, and your opponent is obviously only going to go for the unpopular bits of your legacy in promising a “fresh start.” In Harris’s case there is one huge legacy albatross—unchecked immigration—which is open season for Trump. 

However, the margins of defeat were small in all three postwar cases of VP election losses (Nixon/JFK in 1960, Humphrey/Nixon in 1968 and Gore/Bush junior in 2000). In two of the three, the loser may even have won had the votes been fairly counted in Texas for Nixon and Florida for Gore. And George HW Bush’s extraordinary victory in 1988 shows the curse can be broken by an incumbent moderate able to reinvent themselves as a campaigning rottweiler. 

      I have never had problems with the Indians I worked with,  Karma born in California, daughter os an immigrant.

       Karmal's mother was born in India.  7 December 1938, Chennai, India

Karmela could end the war


End war suffering today

She can speed up the joining of the Ukraine into NATO.  And send American assets to help nature win the Russian war of naked self interest.

I am a sure when Donald Trump because U.S. President in November, that is what he will do.  Saving so many innocent Ukrainian lives.

Russia not winning

Russia never winning

How Russia’s summer offensive is failing – and what that means for Ukraine

Russia has an favour one that or two on aids in the world.  Ukraine is ranked at 22.  But he has the backing of the free world.  Including America, 1 minute or two on its wearer massive technical skills.

Russia believed it would overcome Ukraine in six months.

When did the Ukraine and Russia war start?

20 February 2014

So 10 years on, and Russia is going backwards!  And the Ukraine and is fighting with Russian weapons.  Augmented by more technologically advanced weapons from the free world.

Which is making Putin in Russia less popular than Starlin.  There the Russian president HIUS talent are on political dissent since his lack of popularity, at the start of his presidential term.

He used to be KGB, so he is good or stamping on descent.  His premiership is likely to end with a sniper's shot from the gun of a brother of former soldiers who was sacrificed in the Ukraine.  There no political or military gain.

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Eurostar problems

Walk,  It is quiker

Just the time for the Paris Olympics, Eurostar has hit problems!  It is canceled four trains across to Paris.  During what will no doubt have been the busiest time in its history!

One knows passengers was Kier Starmer who fall he was hoping the grammar just open up and swallow him!  An election night the of a 50% popularity rating.  U.S. or they down to 20%.

The most rapid crash the of a minister's popularity in UK history.  Problem legal as he is advocating the use of a biochemical cancer treatments, which suggests defective an intentionally fatal medicine 2002.  Subsequently made illegal!

1 minute of the answers owner an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit clearing all 200 types of human cancer without Dr. or drugs interaction.  As medically published by the Moffitt cancer centre hospitals 2002.

Since when no Dr. Could legally prescribed the no defective and fatal cancer treatments.  So prescribed cancer treatments in last 22 years, the struck off that evening at their own behest!

Every registered Dr. Required to personally validate and then use HIUS to where the cancer hurts to clear all 200 cancers.

For cancer was Eurostar trains!  This could bankrupt Eurostar.  No doubt the UK prime minister hopped on a jet plane to travel to Paris.

There ever a has always said, don't do what I do, you can afford it!  Just do what I say.  So the biggest decline in popularity in UK political history.

Which suggests in a month, keir starmer will have a negative popularity rating.

Eurostar disruption continues amid rail vandalism ahead of Olympics

Friday, 26 July 2024

Kier's popularity nosedives

No thanks!

People are realizing that Kier Starmer is advocating year so the biochemical cancer drugs, which he had he is medically illegal and totally fatal in two years, 2002.



Disliked by




Thursday, 25 July 2024

Karmala Harris 0 out of 10

        She is hostage to Jewish money.  As vice presidents she was very vocal in calling for 8 hours the ceasefire.  Though Bidon did not agree with her!  As with she realizes Jewish money funds the democratic party, she will moderate her Gaza rhetoric.

I the what is happening Gaza is terrible.  Though I think the attack on Israel was far worse!  The Palestinians should never have been under any illusion, that attacking Israel would result in a Palestinian deaths. 

Kier Starmer should be removed as PM

Cure camcers etc at home

The government should collapse.  On taking up medical practice every medical student pledges to utilising only the best established medicine without financial favour.

Then 2002 the world renown Moffitt hospital chain in America, published a single application of High Intensity UltraSound to clear prostate cancer and viruses.

I just enough today it by the British film institute, to attain October fill pitching session, for a book on ultrasound clearing cancers,

Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers

Every registered Dr. Acquired an 8 W three MHZ unit, and confirm that HIUS in actual fact he clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  1 minute externally clearing all human cancers.

½ minute each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Making subsequent prescription of cancer or infection medication defective and deliberately murderous medical malpractice.

Kier Starmer who as his night or had for the prayers for by the crown prosecution service.  So he is very heavily constrained by the law!

Lawyers do not usually get involves theyough doctors and the law.  As they are trusted to self regulate!  Which means they should have been no biochemical cancer treatment prescriptions since 2002.

Each prescribing Dr., Plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists, or manufacturing drug company all struck off without legal appeal.  The doctors getting a 25 year jail term in high security prison for each unethical prescription.

And the European courts have become aware that globally doctors are in violation of the Hippocratic oath.  Only to apply best medicine without legal favour.  The one session total cancer cure a is 1 minute of external HIUS.  Which technically sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion in the pressurise foreign cell types like cancers.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray so also the X rays from 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound scans.

At e.g.  8 W 1 MHz all 200 types of human cancer boil and rupture.  And are cleared by the patient's own immune system without any foreign and drug application!

So every registered Dr. On earth personally validated this medicine 2002.  And was subsequently prohibited from the prescription of or now defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.

Or from 2002 the murderous doctors struck off and removed totally from legal medicine.  The losing Dr. Registration and Health Insurance.  Making continued medical practice doubly criminal.

Theyough so the return or all medical fees charged to their patients since they validated in ignored the total cancer cure 2002.  Parts most heinous individuals who ever lived!

A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every resulting cancer patient death.  This is going to make quite a film!

Are becoming UK PM, the GMC he gave Kier Starmer D Turner 100% drug free cancer cure.  'why are we won't be bothering me that will we - no drugs or Dr. Involvement declared KIER.

Since 2002 UK Energy as doctors have intentionally medicated of or 47,000 UK citizens to an needless expensive cancer death!  Or cancer patient should living cleared in 1 minute using HIUS.

But the European courts oversee the air fares war European PM's.  And other powers to remove any illegal prime minister.  And force a new general election.

The UK PM is subservient to the European Court of human rights, set up by Winston Churchill the Andes, makes after World War II.  The drug company is have been pressing UK government for 20 years to leave the European Court of human rights.

As they were well aware they are acting totally illegally!  And the human rights lawyers could spend their murderous reign.

It may he so keir starmer potential the shortest living UK prime minister in history.  And deftly the most murderous!  Cancers died out 2020.  Existing cancers are cured by the standard 1 minute of e.g.  8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.

So we are living in a cancer free world!  And Medical Systems around the world are in Deep debt!  Looking continuously for national governments for more and more handouts.

High us also clears heart disease, cancer and dementia.  The rest or medicine loses money!  Kier Starmer has presided over the murderous NHS going bankrupt.  Having his premiership yanked from under his murderous feat.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

U.S. votes for ...

Democratic ...

Bidon exits stage left!  Looking a very old and sick man.  ½ minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound from a Physio therapy device in his health centre, each side use chest will clear all Covid flu strains.  Covid is just the medical name for the seasonal flu.

And every global medic is compelled to use ultrasound to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Prescribing fungal antibiotics is defective and potentially fatal medical malpractice.  Let's get Joe fixed, in 1 minute!  Without any drugs or Dr. Involvement.

Karmela Harris hair us to build up a head of the voters, to that in the November presidential election.

Against the ex president Donald trump.  The U.S. has struggled for decades with racism.  Family acting president Obama.  He is America ready for another black president, and this time a woman.  With

May be if she had had a two year run up.  But with Biden's pontificating, she was denied this.  Incidentally we're on Covid23.  All Kevin strains are cleared by the standard ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the chest.

Causing the inflated viral cell types in the chest, to boil and rupture.  Totally clearing all Covid strains.  Just as it cleared my contacts AIDs in New York 2012.  He was HIV⁺.

Then after the ultrasound he was HIV⁻ - totally discharged by his GP.  Without any eight medication.  Karmela has done well in carrying democratic funding across from Biden.

Though all democrats must be feeling pretty stupid, for backing allying dark presidential candidate for so long.

I have nothing against Joe Biden.  Just like the rest of us he's getting older one day at a time.  Or dying!  That use the choice.  I nearly died in a car accident 1988.  I never tried to stand as U.S. President though.  I await developments!

       Don't mention the border.

Cancers have ceased

RIP Cancers 2002

2002 am Moffitt cancer centre applied a single session of High Intensity UltraSound externally, and cured cancers!  Other medics recoiled in horror!  That was a major income is ever gone!

1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound causing the inflated cell structure common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.  Medics all bought an 8 W three MHZ unit - no more effective a lot more expensive.

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Iontophoresis Beauty Instrument Ultrasound Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Hot Beauty Instrumen

½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest was found to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Which tend to spread through the chest!  Very occasionally transferring physically.

The standard 1 minute of HIUS to an infected organ will clear all infections.

Curing all infections stops the diseases of age.  The formation of cancers, heart disease, diabetes or dementia.  Application of ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, I discovered 2010 will clear type two diabetes instantly.

Type one requires the full minute.  ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys clearing all heart disease.  Including all heart rhythm problems!

Basically every income source for the NHS totally cleared her.  1 minute externally to any cancer will cure it!  That Watts sir is to percent of Dr., Drug company or hospital income.

Or researching an 8 W ultrasound unit will clear all diseases.  40% of the economic activity of the planet wiped out!

In the UK Sir Kier Starmer just one the UK general election landslide, passing to increase NHS funding, to sell our health pharmacist or they were in 2000.

But now all the medicine which makes a profit has been cured.  Place the ideas of Dr Z at Sheffield University 2000, has as previously not to be named!  As he had not realized that he was such a genius.  Or rather his uncle A professor at Columbia who published the work on cold fusion.

I apply ultrasound to the foreign inflated cell types, does biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray the ultimate carbon zero Energy System.

My friend firm that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  As the plasma turns regular water molecules into helium and oxygen ions, with free electrons massive heat and even X rays.

Burning oil and gas only releases 45 kW/m of burner.  As he releases life enhancing carbon dioxide, taken in a might have eyes by plants within 5 minutes.  No possible climate effect!

Temperate carbon dioxide has been fixed at just two parts per million for the last 11.2 thousand years.  They static trace gas affects nothing!  Certainly not the weather - the most dynamic changing Energy System on earth.

Sheffield has found that 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound will boil a one metre flask of water in turn sections.  Physical molecular nuclear fusion!  Total solution to manmade global warming and later the meaningless manmade climate change.

Science education was so not allow manmade global warming to V cured 2001 and my Fisher was abruptly and inexplicably ended 2001.  Four years before nuclear change is PR fiction to be manmade climate change,

As the whirl climate had been cooling naturally since 1995.  A predictable 28 year periods of warming and cooling produce five predictable solar emission cycles.

So we are back into natural climatic warming.  But all the its pseudo climate santis have gone on to other more factual work.

2002 and every registered Dr. On earth verified the Moffitt cancer cure using 1 minute to the ultrasound from an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.  So for 18 years the registered doctors were prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.

Which were so a financially lucrative, they kill the cancer patient in two agonising expensive years.  So every Dr. Prescribing cancer treatments since 2002 struck off without legal argument.

And in the UK he Kier Starmer must make it so.  Helped and assisted by Wes Standing.  Oversee knowledge or by the European Court of human rights - who are now are fully aware they cancer biochemical treatments are defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

Every doctors prescribe cancer treatments since 2002 struck off without legal argument.  Losing medical wages and future pension!  The same penalty for a high up nurses and drug companies - the latter is structural all biochemical drug patents they once possessed.

Their share price set to zero and they are the most bankrupt corporations in economic history.  No longer a water borrow from the banks to make wages every month.  Not since 2002.

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Biden exits


Be nice, the guy is old and not well

His recent TV peformances made it seem almost inevitable!  But siyting U.S. President was reelected and even to listen to use financial backers.  So now Donald Trump will face off against Kamala Harris most likely!

I am watching from the UK.  So I get no vote!   Biden to old to be the US president today,

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Covid cured

All viruses cured 2002

And the medics hate it!  Cancer was a great incurable disease other 20th century, but then 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre in America published the single application of High Intensity UltraSound, as a total one session cure to cancer and viruses.

It cause the inflated cell structure common to cancer and viruses, to boil and rupture.  The drug company were horrified!  They cancer biochemical treatments the resulting in the predictable death the the cancer patient within two years.  Suddenly 2002 all cancers were totally cured!

Since when the drug industry has been fighting a rearguard action, trying to continue use of its defective biochemical treatments.

The Moffitt used 8 W 3 MHz to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray we are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion, he had turning regular water molecules into helium and oxygen gases, the massive heat and even X rays!  There being no source of helium and X rays, except the nuclear fusion of hydrogen ions.

I was intrigued 2008, when the Moffitt Paper mentioned the cure of viruses, so I wrote up the idea of using HIUS to cure AIDs.  Non am I gay acquaintances had HIV thankfully, so the document sat on the Internet.

It was picked up and red by Brett in America are 2012.  He was medicated HIV⁺.  He was his own 8 W one MHZ unit - A massively cheaper will form the other medics HIUS.

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The device arrived - the body weight was agonising!  Here body for ½ minute each side use chest, as I had directed him.

The inflated viral cells boil had and ruptured.  And as his next GP a appointment he was discharged as suddenly HIV⁻.  I had used the published medical science the cure cancer, and use it to cure viruses.

He would obviously cure also are the common cold and the regular flu.  Which are not good viruses, the 00 genome two per so medical vaccinations to keep up with.

So any vaccination to care of it flu is obsolete only six months into a two year legally required drug testing regime.  So obsolete and never licensed!

When they started giving out the Covid19 vaccination from to generate 2021, though automatically he within the year of Covid20.  Care of it years the medical name for the regular seasonal flu that tracks winter around the globe.  Be afforded a new number every 1st of October.

So the Covid19 vaccinations given to 3.5 billion people.  He gained absolutely no medical benefit!  Is there no affect on that year's Covid20.

Worse still, any licensed vaccination has a medically accepted death rate of one person killed for every 200 vaccinated.  Hence the disease leads to more fatal than that, although vaccination just illegal.

And remember the Covid19 vaccination only given within the year the genetically distinct Covid20.  Which is why medics protest that Covid is incurable!  No it isn't.

In response to the same cure as the standard cancer cure.  ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest clears the inflated viral infected cells, that is symptomatic of a viral infection like Covid.

The strain number immaterial.  All viruses are forced to divide in a single cell fashion, requiring infected cells to be over inflated compared to the more flaccid body cells.

I cured my own regular flu November 2019, before the medics had adopted the medical of Covid19.  So ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side of my chest was the standard viral and bacterial cure.

And bacterial infected cells also share the same foreign inflated cell structure.  2012 and HIUS cured HIV in 1 minute.  The most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection in human history.

The most curing my own Covid so 1 minute, and the involved no Dr. or drugs.

This year we're on Covid23 - and Astra Zeneca Air has finally withdrawn the obsolete in counter productive Covid19 with vaccination.  Given to 3.5 billion people January 2021 it intentionally killed 17 million of them.  The largest deliberate medical murder in history.  Saving not one life!

But now we have later versions of Covid, pill can utilised an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, ½ minute each side of the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

It will obviously also clear the common cold!  All viral and bacterial infections!  Covid is not even a very good virus.

Pill can cure rate at night, and be fit and well for work or school in the morning: the cure can take up to 2 hours.  All the almost instantaneous!  An 80 hours applies for the first ultrasound cure.

Which is why the pandemic died away!  The flu kills 3.5% of infected people, below the 5% to be classified as a pandemic.  Just the regular flu.

HIUS cures all 200 types of cancer.  So people are going to hospital with an infection, should have been given A buzz of ultrasound from their 8 W three MHZ unit, in the nursing office in every health centre on earth.

This there the Dr. intent on prescribing the defective and potentially fatal biochemistry.  Leading on to the demand of cancers.  Diabetes and dementia.

And 2002 every registered Dr. On earth had to verify that HIUS cured all cancers and viruses.  Without any biochemical drug prescription required!  1 minute clearing all cancers, ½ minute clearing all infections are applied ½ minute each side the chest.

We should be living in a celebrated time in earth history!  But the medics have or politicians and the rest the world entrance!  So medics prescribed knowingly defective medicine, an we swallow it.

And dying as a dire results!  As country to the doctors Hippocratic oath as a it gets.  And Kier Starmer will still not for CHS hospitals to use the Dr. validated HIUS unit to clear all cancers and infections.

To prescribe biochemical treatments for cancers and infections is such medical malpractice.  Surely the European Court of human rights will step in and force Kier's immediate resignation.

For the have I any immediate general election from which a Labour party will be excluded, since 2002 and every Dr. On earth confirmed that HIUS cures all cancers, the pathogenic doctors biochemical cancer prescriptions in the UK alone and have resulted in the 47,000 UK he cancer deaths.

A legal fine of 470 billion against a doctor's private Health Insurance.  The Dr. plus the involved nurses and pharmacists, plus the manufacturing biochemical drug company is excluded for ever from legal medicine.

Surely the most murderous time in NHS history!  So easy to CURE.  No need for obsolete vaccine.

Friday, 19 July 2024

Kier make the NHS legal

Our lives hang on good legal doctors

2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, into High Intensity UltraSound clearing prostate cancer and viruses.

So every registered Dr. On earth acquired an 8 W three MHZ unit.  I have personally validated an 8 W one MHZ unit is as infective and 2000 times cheaper!

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Price shown before tax丨Extra 2% off with coins
£2.08 off over £21.77

Iontophoresis Beauty Instrument Ultrasound Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Hot Beauty Instrumen

The ultrasound causes inflated cell structure common to cancer and viruses, to boil and so coals the foreign cell type to rupture, it clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Antibiotic tolerance irrelevant!  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  As the body secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear that dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body.

Doctors validated 2002 that 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound cause the total clearance of all 200 types or cancer without drug prescription or Dr. Intervention.

Pill can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit, then clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Which is stopped cancer dead in its tracks 2020!  But of course since 2002 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound totally clear foreign inflated cell types like cancers.

So since 2002 no Dr. Has been ethically and legally allowed to prescribe biochemical cancer treatments: defective an intentionally fatal medicine!

For some strange reason doctors within the NHS there for the gig on prescribing the defective cancer treatments, and get loads of money before they died!

But each and every one was required to strike themselves are the first day they prescribed cancer treatments after the Moffitt Paper 2002.

Keir this he had his nighthood for his work at the crown prosecution service.  Which means he is signed pledges of financial and legal right doing.

The doctors Hippocratic oath is open and shut law.  To which there is no legal challenge.  For earlier to validate the Moffitt Paper 2002 the struck off the Dr., Toes remove them from legal medical practice for life.

Just one prescription of the defective cancer treatments since the Moffitt Paper, also struck off the Dr..

Here when the election on promising to increase NHS funding.  Before he could contemplate doing that he must ensure every defective Dr. Is struck off.  With 10,000,000 UK pound fine for every medicated cancer death since 2002.

The Dr. receiving 25 year jail term in high security prison for each intentional cancer patient murder.  So there to see you striking off their defective doctors and assisting nurses!  After all you're meant to be legal!

They get is a big stick and the European Court of human rights.  They never legal powers to dismiss keir starmer is UK prime minister.  And force a new general election.

If you cell is seen to be acting legally!  For earlier to strike off with the defective doctors is are illegal and murderous.

Keir Starmer must resign

Kier employs medical murders

He has no choice!  As he signed a document serve legal correctness to start the crown prosecution service.  And he is not allowed to be the employer of the illegal individuals.

And in 2002 the world leading Moffitt cancer centre, publicity use of a single session of high intensity ultrasound as a one session total cure to cancers and viruses.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 or 3 MHZ ultrasound totally clears all inflated foreign cell searches in the body.  Such foreign cell types like cancers and viruses, thus have a foreign inflated cell structure to induce cell replication.

Body cells bud off DNA he monitored stem cells.  That viruses and cancers are locked out from.  Bacterial infections also have an inflated cell structure, to induce copying other genome by the over helpful B cells of the immune system.

½ minute of our 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest, causes the clearance of all due like viral and bacterial infections: as personally confirmed 2010 the 30 different viral and bacterial infections.

Making the prescription of fungal antibiotics defective and potentially fatal medicine.  Striking off the involved prescribing Dr. and drug company.  Also the assisting nurses.

So since that time of Tony Blair;s premiership, every registered Dr. On earth had to acquire an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify the Moffitt Paper on curing cancers.

Making the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments defective an intentionally fatal medicine: killing the cancer patient within two years usually!

So since 2002 all the UK premiers to the four so the GMC to strike off every cancer treatment prescribing Dr..  Also are forcing the rcn to strike off all assisting cancer nurses.  The organizations carry the individuals Health Insurance.

So since 2002 no doctors were allowed to prescribe biochemical cancer treatments.  Or were required the same day to strike themselves off and leave medicine for life, gusty new medical practice was her biggest medical illegal in UK history.

And I have personally ensured that Kier Starmer, the crown prosecution service and the European Court of human rights are fully aware of this massive and illegal medical malpractice.

Just one prescription of cancer medication, and the doctors struck off and toes remove from medicine for life.  Stripped of medical wages and subsequent medical pension.

Higher up nurses take the full Hippocratic oath, so or forced to validate our new medical science.  So were required 2002 to have eyes lower down nurses no longer to assist the biochemical cancer treatment delivery.

The only legal cancer medicine was HIUS.  A 1 minute total cure to all 200 cancers out there.  Both viral and bacterial infections share the foreign inflated cell nature, to induce infective structure replication.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Which I used November 2019 to clear my seasonal flu - before the medics had decided to use a medical name of Covid19.

It works for all subsequent versions of the care of it flu virus.  It today he we're on Covid23.  Ancer although medical professors from the Moffitt told me, obsolete vaccinations have a counter productive effect on the new infection strain.

So the defective Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months into a legally required two year drug testing regime.  It was medically inert on later versions of Covid.

Killing one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals - medically accepted death rate for even licensed vaccinations.  And the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed an legal human medicine.

Any Dr. Prescribing unlicensed medication struck off and expelled from medicine for ever.  10 million UK pounds for each vaccination death.  345 billion Covid19 vaccinations given from January 2021: already within the year of Covid20.

So not one life saved.  But the vaccinations resulted in the predictable deaths of 17 million healthy individuals around the world!  A total legal fine of 170 billion.

Each involved Dr. and nurse struck off without legal argument.

With the NHS the ultimate boss is he UK prime minister - no Kier Starmer.  For earlier to force the resignation and finding, plus dispensation of 25 years are jail time for every vaccination murder, of every involved Dr. and assisting nurse.

He showed on this day one of his premiership!  He has not yet done it.  The European courts and the CPS caring get his removal as UK prime minister.  They have the legal gravitas.

And the European courts can enforced a new UK general election.  Where the removal of every labour minister.  The finds and jail time for the UK ministers is a matter for the lawyers!

As he is the fines and jail time for the nurses.  The Miners will be in the millions!  Which nurses can obviously not pay.

The following year the UK prime minister will be quite exceptional.  Though she will be in high security prison with a multi life jail term.  The most criminal UK prime minister in history!

Robert Walpole is the only person to have served as prime minister for more than two decades. Liz Truss is the shortest-serving prime minister, resigning after seven weeks. The previous shortest time served was George Canning, who served for less than four months before dying in office.

IT outage


19 July 2024

The banks got us addicted to the cashless society.  Then every month our contactless cards heat a problem.  I always carry two different cards and cash.

Today it is the security people who if she had A defective, fusion update.  Leaving people around the world with no access to money.

How did this happen?  I used to work from banks IT department, and are always very careful about software updates.  So they can be rolled back if defective.

And somebody owes people lots of financial compensation.