Friday, 28 June 2024

Biden the dementing president

Jo Biden is 71 - nurse!

U.S. TV screened the presidential debate between trump and via an hour sunlight.  This morning democratic politicians, were drinking strong coffee and taking heroin! (joke)

Biden were showing all the signs of add dementia.  Which makes trial supporters are ecstatic!  Biden is 71, and will be 76 so the end of the next presidential term.  When he by setting in east and fit in the White House, the world two and from bills by his nurses in a bath chair.

U.S. for six always allows is standing for president to seek reelection for a second term.  The Biden has serious medical issues the makings continued presidency are the largest democracy in the world a really bad idea!

The democrats are pressurise invalid and to step aside!  This in vaccinate UK politics.  Where Nigel Farage from a standing start now has a 17 per cent popularity!  As he UK public really wanted Brexit.

The UK level party was seek reelection to the EU.  Which would take 20 years!  And or be certain of popular measure with the UK public.  They were perceive health issues as her big vote winner.

Primarily promising to increase funding for the NHS.  There are certain 40 have been tossing an additional 10 billion a year each year recently.

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published use of 1 minute of high intensity ultrasound externally to any cancer to cure it!

1 minute of the ultrasound from an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound device applied to where it hurts, was medically confirmed to clear all 200 types of human cancer.  Prescribing the defective cancer treatments year's unethical and illegal medicine.

Prescribing doctors have taken early retirement!  Though they cease to have eligibility brown medical wages since their first cancer drug prescription.  It also struck them of any future medical pension!

High level nurse is share out the doctors Hippocratic oath and as such had to validate HIUS and inform lower down nurses that the only legal cancer medicine was HIUS.  At which stage so no lower down nurse could assist or cancer drug delivery.

Or they are also struck off and stripped A medical wage and future pension entitlement!  Hence the drug company is made a large donation to the UK labour party.  In a desperate home to reestablish cancer treatments as a legal medicine.

For the she is still prescribe medication!  And since 2002 all registered doctors have been legally constrained from the prescription or cancer medication.  Each cancer patient so psychopathic Lee medicated to death, he carers a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.

The medicating doctors and nurses struck off without legal argument!

Hence the labour party is about to take the biggest electoral kicking in its history.  The popularity polls for hours on June 24.  This season of July 29!  As the players lower support was crashing!

Nigel Farage has re-entered UK politics.  He left after the UK population for the inverted for Brexit.  He now has a 17 per cent popularity rating!

But he also has a job offer from Donald Trump.  In a few days Biden will step side.  The seas you still awake for the democrats elect a new leader.

Joe Biden is vice president is Kamala Harris.  Of whom I know nothing!  And he he Asian us an emergency order to get 100 best race is a good pressing.  And she is likely to become U.S. President!  When Joe Biden is recalled by God, to reorganise the cleaner air to in heaven.

If Donald does become U.S. President again, Nigel Ferage Israel likely to resign from UK politics.  And get a better paid job in the U.S.!  All the people who voted for Reform will feel like such idiots.

Though surely feeble from the labour party have at an angle fully covered.  Sir Kier Starmer must remind people of cancers were totally cured in America 2002.  Using HIUS.  Making cancer treatments illegal medicine!

The European Court of human rights surely have been worse if Kier Starmer that is illegal promotion of the criminal and defective cancer treatments.  The was as chance would happen it, I have four friends in the European Courts.

Politicians promoting illegal medicine immediately disqualify them cells from the UK election process.  Keir Starmer out of control of the labour party.